- i THE.WEATHE^ Forecast by U. S. Weather Bureau, NET PRESS BUN \ Hartford. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION tate Library—Comp. for the Month of May, 1»80 Mostiiy fair tonight and Thnrsday; 5 , 5 1 8 not much change In temperature iben of fbe Audit Burean of Clxcnlatlona PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1930. FOURTE^ PAGES (Oassified Advertising on Page 92) VOL. XUV., NO. 227. SBttTE PLANS Few Abandoned Farms GERMAN B0M)S SOUTHERN GROSS LOST IN FOG TO RUSH VOTE Found In Connecticut EXPLAINED BY MELL® TODAY LANDS IN NEWFOUI^LAND Hartford, June 25-(AP) -^on-^inciden^y a na- ON SEA PACT tional decrease* in farm population, necticut has proportionately fewer recently abandoned farms than any there is much speculation as to what will become of the abondoned farms Federal Reserve Banks Can­ R o u n d ^; possible exceptionin the of Massachusetts, in New England and other sections CROSS THE ATLANTIC SAFELY President Ipores ' Commissioner of Agriculture S. Mc- of the country., Connecticut need not worry for there are practically no WILL COMPLETE TRIP ! Lean Buckingham said today. not Buy Them But Nation­ Farms are changing hands and are abandoned farms in this state, the Robin to Wait Until After being used for specific purposes commissioner says. While it is ex­ other than agriculture but few have pected that the Connecticut farm al Banks May Do as They Election— To Call a Spe­ ceased to return revenue to the population may show a slight de­ TO N. Y. TOMORROW town in which they are located and crease in the present census, indi­ consequently cannot be classed as cations are that the gross income Please, He Says. from agriculture will be equal if not cial Session. abandoned farms. witli census still incoinplete out greater than it was ten years ago. Washington, June 25.— (AP) — After New York, Fliers Plan to Hop to San Franciscos Washington, Jimc 25.— (AP.) Secretary Mellon today told toe Senate advocates of the London House committee t>n banking and Which Will Complete Round World Trip for Plane; treaty determined today to begin FIND LOST PLANE PRICES OF SHARES currency that he believed it against consideration of it without waiting public policy to adopt the House Flight Tomorrow Starts at Daybreak; Perfect Weath­ for the special session which Presi­ resolution designed to prohibit Fed­ dent Hoover intends to call. | BUT NO AVIATOR DROP STILL LOWER eral Reserve, National and State This developed after word had i banks from investing in German er Oyer Atlantic Until Newfoundland is R e a c h e d; raced from the White House to, reparation bonds or other certifi­ the Capitol that the President | cates issued pursuant to toe new Heavy Fog Shrouds Ship and Aviators Fly Blindly for would ignore the signed petition of | Wide and Uncertain Fluctua­ plan to setUe Germany’s war debts. 23 Senators for deferment of the Missing Since Jan. 10 In The secretary said that under the special session until after the N o-, present laws. Federal Reserve banks An Hour Until Shortage of Gas Forces Them to Seek vember elections. i tions Feature the Stock have no authority to purchase such Watson Approves j Worst Snow Storm in His­ securities and that toe resolution in Senator Watson, the Republican j so far as they are concerned was Landing— Radio Stations and Plane from Airport Fi­ leader, announced he would ap­ tory of Utah. Market Opening. meaningless. National banks, he prove a motion to begin debate on said, are limited to purchasing the treaty as soon as the Senate securities that are "marketable” nally Gnide Tired Crew to the Ground. disposes of the pending business— New York, June 25. — (AP) — under rules issued by toe comptrol­ Los Angeles, June 25— (AP) — ❖ the deficiency appropriation bill and Discovery of a wrecked airplane last Share prices were again driven into ler of toe currency. the motor bus regulation measure. night in toe mountain wilds of new low groimd for toe year or Sound Judgment Harbor Grace, N. F., June 25.— SOUTHERN CROSS LOG He wants to take up the treaty Western Utah, was expected today longer on the New York Stock Ex­ "I believe both Congress and toe (AP.) — The airplane Southern while the Senate is preparing for by Western Air Express officials to change today, after wide and un­ comptroUer of toe currency showed Cross landed here early today after By Associated Press. final settlement of the vexing World certain fluctuations during the sound judgme^i^Bod wisdom in clear away toe mystery surroimd- spanning the Atlantic ocean from Monday: War veterans legislation. ing toe disappearance January 10 of early hours of trading. dealing with s^P^Wgfislation,” Mr. IrelEmd and toe fliers immediately 10:27 p. m.—Left Port Mar- Need Special Session Maurice Graham, air mail pilot. The Market opened lower, rose Mellon said. "They recognize that nock, Irish Free State for New Ready to start at once, the to- Officials of toe company said they substantially during the morning, a while National banka are instru­ made plana for flying to New York. dianan made clear, however, that were certain toe wrecked plane was long list of shares showing gains mentalities of toe Federal govern­ York, then to San Francisco. 12 m.—Passed over Galway, he expects final disposition of the of 36 to 37 a share, only to suc­ the one in which Graham started on ment, they are operated by private Such a flight would virtually com­ Irish Free State. naval pact will need to go over im- his last trip with mail from Los cumb to renewed selling during the capital and by their officers and plete an around the world flight ’Tuesday: til the special session. President Angeles to Salt Lake City. ^ early afternoon. The morning gain directors elected by their stock­ 6:55 a. m.—Reported location Hoover was‘ said at the White When the plane was discovered was entirely cancelled, and impor­ holders. The government does not for toe Southern Cross which pre­ Cant. Charles Klngsford-Smlto (inset) flew the Sou^iera Cross viously had been flown from San by wireless nearly 1,000 miles House to have received assurances near Cedar a ty , Utah, by two tant shares generally declined $1 undertake to manage toe banks, and from Irish coast. from a "large majority” of the (above) safely across toe Atlantic and landed in N ew foundl^i With Francisco to Australia and Eng­ youthful shepherds. Ward Norten- to $5 or more below yesterday’s the wisdom of placing upon them John 8:40 a. m.—Picked up liner Senate that the special session son and Elbum Orton, James Car- final levels. the responsibility for their invest­ him were J. P. Saul (left in group) and M. E. Van Dyk. (right). land. , , , Stannage, the wireless operator is not shown in toe photograph. The plane 'will leave at daybreak Colendam; fljdng fog. should be called. son, Graham’s flying buddy, rushed • U. S. Steel, after selling up more ments, with proper safeguards, can­ 10:00 a. m.—Raaoed position Instead of deferring the special to toe secene from Ely, Nev. He than $2 to $154.62, dropped below tomorrow for New York. not be questioned. ’There is, in my The fliers experienced almost to S. S. Ingoma 990 miles from meeting untfi November 17, as the later reported to Western Air of­ $152, recording a new low for 1930, opinion, no more reason for Con­ Cape Race, Newfoundland. petition suggested, he will call the ficials that an unopened parachute and getting close to the November perfect weather imtil they ap­ gress t ( f say that a National bank proached the Newfoundland coast 3:15 p. m.—Reported position Senate together the day after Con­ stenciled "Maurice Graham” had bottom of $150. American To­ should not purchase a reparation 654 miles off Cape Race. gress adjourns. been found beside the plane. Carson bacco B lost $4 in the early trading, when the trip almost came to an ^Ambassadors Dawes and Mprrow, bond than to say that it should not OCEAN FLIER’ S FIANCEE unfortunate end as fog enshrouded . 4:15 p. m.—^Radioed Norwe­ said he found in the cockpit a jacket regained its loss and sold up nearly purchase a specific railroad or in­ gian steamer expected to reach both delegates to London, conferred worn by Graham on, his last flight. $6, and again sold off shortly. the plane. For more than an hour dustrial bond. To do so would place toe aviators flew blindly during the Cape Race about 11 p. m. with President Hoover and Secre­ Mall Not Damaged Rails were again the favorite our government directly in toe 5:00 p. m.—^Radioed position tary Stimson today. The situaUon Both Carson and the shepherds targets of bear selling. Union Pa­ night and but for radio stations banks’ management. It is imsound IS VERY HAPPY TODAY providing them with directions they just off Grand Banks, “Every­ as regards the treaty is being fol­ discovering toe plane reported that cific, Norfolk and Western, Cana­ body O. K.” Eind unnecessary. ^ g h t have been lost lowed closely. it was not badly damaged. The mail dian Pacific, Delaware and Hudson, Not Consistent 9:09 p. m.—^Reported position Another White House caller was compartment, they said, was un­ and Northern Pacific dropped $3 to Crew Well “To go further and tell a state The fliers, Captain'Charles Kingfs- aliout 250 miles from Cape Race Senator Borah, who heads toe for­ broken and Ibcked.
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