Des Moines Area Community College Open SPACE @ DMACC Banner News Student Work 4-2-2003 Banner News Adam Sisson Holly Losh Kristen Sampson Laura Griffin Pam Snow See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Sisson, Adam; Losh, Holly; Sampson, Kristen; Griffin, Laura; Snow, Pam; Valdez, Patrick; McCane, Teresa; Reeves, Leah; Longman, Darin; Hutt, Josh; Carstens, Ben; Chinoda, Danai; Barrett, Chris; and Makovsky, Ryan, "Banner News" (2003). Banner News. 270. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Work at Open SPACE @ DMACC. It has been accepted for inclusion in Banner News by an authorized administrator of Open SPACE @ DMACC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Adam Sisson, Holly Losh, Kristen Sampson, Laura Griffin,a P m Snow, Patrick Valdez, Teresa McCane, Leah Reeves, Darin Longman, Josh Hutt, Ben Carstens, Danai Chinoda, Chris Barrett, and Ryan Makovsky This book is available at Open SPACE @ DMACC: ,4pnl 2, 2003 "Voicc 01' tllc 13oonc Canipus" Volull~c2, Issuc I2 Inside the Banner I Boone gets high-speed computers By Adam Sisson access their Batlrrei Striff disks and bring the Students returning from springbreak needed infor- on .Monday \$.ere treated to updated matlon to computers in the nled~acenter lab and their personal brand ne\\ machines in many class- dr~ves. rooms. " If a shi- The n e\v PCs give the lab a much dent needs sleeker. more professional appearance. something on The most noticeable cosmetic differ- their 'A' ence in the new computers is the flat dri\.e, they screen monitors. The flat screen s help should con- to reduce the glare produced by the tact Karen, Don't forget to turn your older, conventional screens. Donna, or clocks ahead Saturday An update in performance is a defi- Marilyn in nite plus to the new computers. The the library," night--Daylight Savings machines in room 215 sport 2.4 Gig Said Marilyn Time begins Sunday, Pentium Processors, and the media lab Prim, who April 6 boasts 733 megahertz powering each works in the machine. media center /'11o/o hi 1~1~111151% ~(111 As many students have already S t u d e n t Heather Murray (front) and Marisa Kooima work on sollle of noticed, the computers in the lab lack onlnlonq of '31T-?\CC'snew conlputers in Room 2 15. "A" drives, or rather. lack floppy dr~vc the lieu Page 2 slots for 3.5 inch disks. This may pres- machines seem to be ~lnanimous \+lilc11 Iirr~ebeen on canlpus to1 3e~e1~1l Interim classes offered ent a problem for students who bring Andrew Freed, DMACC student, says he qeals non Ron ErliLson. colllputer sl:cc~al~stIlcrc on the Boone Campus work from home on disks. Students likes the flat screens, but dislikes the lack of siiould know that only the computers in floppy dri\es Other students habe corn- at the Boone cdmpus s~ld CI~I~CL\J>j the media lab lack floppy dr~ves,all merited favorably on the incleased speed of have been good 1nacIilnc.s. dnd \be Il,~be Page 4 other machines in the building ha\,e the PC's let to have p~oblems~lth Compaqs, but them. There is even a computer set Ihese ne~niachlnes are nianufdctuled by tlnic \\11! tell " Fish tales aside ill the llbrar-y \\.hich stndents can Cornpaq ~n\tt.'~iiot the CJJ!C\\J> m~ih~ne\ Page 5 I resigns xi prcsiclcllt Play opens Apr~l11 E d I)XI,ZCC ~~nused\,acatlon, 17.5 tiays. CLII-ICI~~;~ctingprckiJcnt ik hill) I i~!L!i!kh,~. Page 6 Some residents liavc. sho~11 a I~c~;I!I\ :: \elllor \~cc-prei:idc~~tot'acadi.~nic :itl,~il\ rsactlon to England receivliig such hcilc- :I11 interin1 pi-csidcnt \\ 111 i~ci.Ilo\ct;. i lic I) \I.ZC'C' I3 osrd o f U [rectors m et i'its. Dr. \\'ayne Kousc. D.\l;\CC' Boarti of Iioiise s;l~ci. on \\'ednesd;l>. \l,~rch 20 to accept the i>~recrorsniember from I3oonc. bald lit I he job \\ill be ad\ertisi.J ii)r \oiili.c)[;i. I Evanescence 1 permanentl!. Dr. Rouse said. "Olicn Frankenenixon I resignation of ID\I;\C'C pres~tient Dr. ~ecel\etlse\e~al letter5 and emalls asking I)d\lil \~hykngland \bould st111 be con1pensatt:d times the interiln president is c11osc1: ,I\ England If kngland had not ~esignecithe rchool the eventual presiJcnt." I tits pt.oci.~\CCIII Page 8 The~e are \\ ould ha\ e had to pal hlni 11nt11th~q nut- rake an) \+liere ti-om si?: montl~\LO a !C~I- se\ era1 claus- te~n as I esol\ ed "It could take an) \\ here Some still aondel- if the board d~iiail! - Protesting the protesters es to the resig- from one to three months," sald Dr thing Lvrong during their hiring process of nation and Rouse England. When asked iftliey will change release agree- England \iill lose any annuity heneftts. anythlng in the process for the next candl- Page 10 ment between totaling a~ound$50,000, and an\ h~us~ng. date. P~~gelsaid. "I don't kno\+ if \+e did I Ian Young to head to DMACC and car, and expense payments for :lie month anything wrong: \ze'll look at e\rr! step 1 Auburn or S. Florida England. of Aplil and see ~f\ve'llrepeat that step." One stlpu- The school and staff have been released On U'ednesday. March 12. Dr. England lation states by England from any future legal p~oceed- was arrested at his home for conspirac! to I ~II.O\~,III~b),JOIIO~/I(III 1'1.~i11 1 Page 11 that England tngs Joe Pugel, boald chdlrnian sa~d, nianuthcture and del~\lerniargi1ana. pos- shall receive hls contracted conipensation "It'll be good to get something l~keth~s session of drug paraphernalia. and failure / Skatepark popular in and health insurance through April 23 beh~ndus " to provide a drug tax stamp. At this time Ames 2003. The anlount of the compensation One o f t he next things the b oald \\ 111 England will be putting in a plea of tiot will be about $28,000. He also gets his dlscuss 1s appo~ntl~iga new pres~dent The guilty. Page THE BANNER April 2, 2003 2 CAMPUS NEWS DMACC Boone Campus Banner April 2, 2003 DMACC accommodates students with Volume 2, Issue 11 Editor in chief: Ben Carstens disabilities when students report them [email protected] Kristen Sampson “Here we have students with accom- whole process is confidential. Banner staff modations for a broken arm to a student Smith went through the process, which Boone Banner staff who’s almost blind and deaf, so they vary has made school much easier. Anyone Barrett, Chris Struggling in school could be a sign of from short to long term,” said Shelby suspecting a LD should get tested, so they [email protected] a learning disability not stupidity. Hildreth, academic advisor in charge of can get help because disabilities never go Chinoda, Danai Accommodations are available for stu- accommodations. away.. They are directly related to prob- [email protected] dents who may have learning or physical It is important to see a professional if lems in employment, life situations, and Griffin, Laura disabilities. one suspects they may have an LD, so it education. [email protected] Susan Smith, Boone campus student, may be documented and better managed. Hutt, Josh is taking advantage of her accommoda- Hildreth said, “It’s your responsibility [email protected] tions. Smith said, “Learning disabilities to provide documentation in order to get Common Signs of Longman, Darin aren’t something to be ashamed of, but accommodations.” smooth.macdaddy@hotmail. something to be managed.” The accommodation process takes Learning Disabilities in com Smith found out just a few years ago about one week. First, the students must Losh, Holly about her learning disability (LD), but has request the application for accommoda- Students and Adults [email protected] struggled with it her whole life. tion, which they can get from their advi- *Continues to spell incorrectly or Makovsky, Ryan “When I was in elementary, I was sor. Hildreth is in charge of accommoda- frequently spells the same word [email protected] always inattentive and told that I was tions on the Boone campus, but the actual differently in a single piece of Maass, Robbie bright and intelligent, but wasn’t doing process takes place in Ankeny. writing [email protected] my best.” Next, they have to complete the appli- * Avoids reading and writing McCane, Teresa She continues to struggle with concen- cation with information such as the nature [email protected] tration and writing even years later. “I of the disability, what it prevents them * Trouble summarizing Reeves, Leah walked into the ninth grade where I was from doing, and how they could be accom- * Trouble with open-ended ques- [email protected] just lost and couldn’t focus, so I dropped modated. tions on tests Sampson, Kristen out,” Smith said. For example, someone having trouble * Weak memory skills [email protected] Smith ended up getting her GED when concentrating while taking tests could * Difficulty adjusting to new Sisson, Adam she was 20, and some years later started be accommodated by taking tests in the [email protected] at DMACC. Academic Achievement Center. settings Snow, Pam It was in her psychology class with Lastly, he or she must have a written * Works slowly [email protected] Jane Martino that Smith realized she may professional evaluation which specifies * Poor grasp of abstract concepts Valdez, Patrick have an LD.
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