Official Dihectory, 1882. Oom

Official Dihectory, 1882. Oom

91 OFFICIAL DIHECTORY, 1882. OOM L 1>mry Mu1enge,., C. W. Thompson Tobago, F.dward Laborde, esq. administrator & colonial sec J/rRtfl!l""· 2nd Class, A. Stilt>R & W. Harding Trinidad, Sir Sanford !<'reeling, K.C.M.G. governor & comman­ J[ umgen, 3rd, J. H. Jlartin, John Seymour & .Alfred der in chief; John Scott Bushe, esq. c. M. G. colonial secretary Thompson Turks <f Caicos Islands, Rbt. Baxter Llewelyn, esq. chief cam Victoria, The Most lion. the 1\'Iarquit~ of Normanby, G.C.M.G. J,lst or Governors, Lieutenant-Governors and governor & commander in chief; :Sir Bryau 0' l.oghlen, bart_ Colonial Secretaries attached to the British prime minister Colonies ~nd Dependencielti. Virgin Islands, Capt. John Kemy~s Gcorge Thomas Spcncer­ Churchill, president ..4Niig!IIJ, IIU 'Leeward Islands' West Africa Settlements, ArthurF.libank Havelock, esq. C.M.G­ Baliamm, Charles Camcron L"cs, esq. governor & governor & commander in chief; Thomas Risely Griffith. wmmllnder in ehicf; Edwd. Barnett Andcrson Taylor, esq. esq. colonial secretary & treasurer fur Sierra Leone tolunial secretary Western Australia, Sir W1lliam. Cleaver l<'rancis Robinson, Wm. Robinson, eqq. c. M. G. governor; Hon. Bnrbados d·c. G.c.M.G. governor & commander in chief; 1\Iajor the Lord Waiter .F. Hely-II utchinson, colonial secretary Giffurd, v.c. colonial secretary &rr~&uda., Lieut.-Gen. Sir Robt. Michael Laffan, R.E., K.C.M.G. governor & commander in chief; Randal Eden Webster, Windward Island, see 'Barbadoil ' e8q. oolonial secretary Briii:.h Colllmbia, Clement F. Cornwall, esq. Iieut. governor Crown Ag-ents for the Colonies, and Colonial • JJrili&h Gtoona, Cornelius Hcnderick~en Kortright, esq. c. M G. Ag-ents In London. governor & commander in chief; Wm. A lex. George Young, C.Jl G. lieutPnant governor & government secretary CROWN AGENTS' DEPARTMENT. Brilish Honduras, l<'redk. Palgrave Barlcc, esq., Iieut. William Chas. Sargeaunt, esq. C.M.G., Capt. M. F. Ommanney. ~vernor; Henry Fowler, esq. colonial eecretary R.E. & Ernest Edward Blake, esq. Downing tlt SW, Crowu Caruula, Rt. Hon. the )larquis of Lorne, K.T., G.C.M.G., P.C. Agents for the Colonies &c. for governor-ueneral of the Dominion of Canada; Sir J. A. Antigua Grenada St. Helena llacdouald, prime minister; lion. Sir Alex. Tilloch Galt, Bahamas Griqualand West St. Kitts G.C.M.G. high commissioner Barbados Heligoland St. Lucia Capt o} rlood Hope cf British Kajfraria, Sir llcrcules Georg-e Bermuda Hong I\.ong St. Vincent Robert Robinson, G.C.M.G. ~uvernor & commander in chief; British Guiana Jamaica Seychelles Island~ T. Scanlen, esq. prime minister & colonial secretary Briti~h Honduras Labuan Sierra Leone Ceglofl, Sir James Robert Longden, K.C.ll.G. governor & British Kaffraria Lagos Straits Settlements eommander in chief; John Douglas, esq. C.ll.G. lieut.-gov. Cape of Good Hope Leeward Islands Tasmania & oolonial secretary Ceylon Malta Transvaal Cyprus, Uajor-General Sir Robert Biddulph, R.A., K.C.M.G., Falkland Islands lUauritius Trinidad c. B. high commissioner & commander in chief Fiji Natal Turks Island Dominica, C. M. I<~ldridge, esq. president Gambia NewfoundlanQ Vaneouv~··s Island Fai.Jcland Islands. Thomas Kerr, esq. g-overnor & commander Gibraltar New Zealand Western Australia ln chief; J. W. Collins, esq. colonial secretary Gold Coast (finance) Fi;i, IMumah cfc. Georgc William Des Vreux, esq. C.M.G. Office: Downing street. governor & commander in chief ; John B. 'l'hurston, esq. Chief Clerk, G. W. Brown c. K.o. col. sec Accountant, ,J. W. Leonard Gambia, Surgcon-~Iajor V. S. Gouldsbury, M.D., C.M.G. ad­ Registrar, J. Chadwick ministrator of the government Clerks, R. Russell, \V. \Vin!{, Martin Kirby, R. W. Sinclatr, Y. Gibrallar, Gen. Lord Napier (oDiagdala),G.c.n., G. C. B. I. govrnr. Hardingham, \Y. H. Weir, L_ Adams, A. B. \Vhaten, R_ & commander in chief; Maj.-Gen.l{obU5tuart Baynes,col.sec Dale, ·r. Dunn, T. Parsons, R. Sanderson, K G. Anderson, GoldCoa.~t Colony, Surgeon-:\lajor Sir Samuel Rowt>, K.C.M.G. ·J. .l!'ry, S. Stephens, G. Hodgson, J. Chadwick, jun. E. G. governor & commander in chief; \Villiam Brandford Antrobus, H. E. E. 1Valton, H_ Martin & A. St. Gcorge Griffith, c~q. c.M.G Iieut. -governor & administrator of the Sargeaunt government of Lagos; Captain Alfred }iolonPy, colonial sec Lady Clerks, Misses J. 'Voodd, M. E. Boddy, H. J. G. Cather, Grenada, Col. Robert Wm. Harley, c.n., C.M.G. lieutenant J. Haye~. Mrl!l. Griffith, :\'I issei!! A. Burrowes & E. Richardson governor; Capt. Irwin Charles i\Ialing, colonial secretary Engineering Clerk, T. R. ~Iarsh, :H.A Heligoland, I.t.-Col. J. 'f. N. O'Brien, C.M.G. governor & Draughtsman &- E~timator, \V. ll. Lancaster commander in chief Office Keeper, E. N ewman Hong Kouy, Sir J. Pope Hennessy, K.C.M.G. governor & com­ OUice MP-Ssengers, G. Newman, E. Hawkins, C. W. Newman & m&IIder in chief; \\'m. Hy. :llarsh, esq. C.M.G., colonial sec C. Moorhead Jamaica, Sir Anthony ::Husgrave, K.C.M.G. captain general & g-overnor in chief; .l<~dward Newton, esq. c.M.G. lieutenant PROFESSION AI, BRANCH. governor & colonial sec Consulting Engineers, Sir John Hawkshaw,c.E. Charles Hut ton Labuan, P. Leys, esq. (tUJting), governor & commander in chief Gregory, c.M.G., c. E. & Gcorge Berklcy, c. E. for Railways;. & consul-g-eneral of Borneo Sir John Coode, C.E. for Harbour Works & W. H. Prcece, Lagos rjc. William Braudford Griffith, esq. C.M.G. adminiRtrator c.E. for Telegraphs of the government, Iieut. governor of the Gold Coast Colony Inspecting Engineers, Henry Wakefiel<i, c.E. W. H. Stan~er. Luward Islands, Sir John H. Glover, G.C.M.G. governor & c.E. (General Works), W. P. :\Iarshall, c.E. (Locomotive oommandcr in chief; E. D. Baynes, esq. c.M.G. colonial sec Engines & Railway Carriag-ea), J. H. Greener, c.E. ('.rde­ Malacca, Charles J. Irving, esq. resident r.ouncillor graph Materials), G. D. Kittoe, C.E (.\larine Engines) MaUa, General Sir Arthur Borton, G. C. M. G., K.C.B. g-overnor & Consulti11g Naval Architect, J. A. Welch eommander ln chief; Sir Victor L. Houlton.G.C.lli.G. chief sec En.qravers Q( Revenue cf Postage Stamps, Thos. De la Rue & Co Manilo/HJ, J. E. Cauchon, esq. lieutenant governor Inspectors, B. Bartlett (Revenue & Postage Stamps), John Mauritius, Sir G. F. Bowen. G.C.M.G. governor & commander Gordon (Railway Stores), W. Corby & J. Squire (Clothing & in chief; l<'redck. Napier Broome, esq. c.M.G. Iieut. governor Dry Goods), H. P_ Purcell (Leather Goods) Jlontserrat, :N eale Porter, e~q. pret>iden t Banker.~. Bank of England & London & W eotminstcr Natal, W. J. Sendall, esq. lieutenant governor Broke1 s, ~Ie~srs. .M ullens, .Marsh all & Co. & · llessrs. J. & ll'nm, C. S. Salmon, esq. president A. Serimgeour lftw BroruntJick, 1{. D. Wilmot, esq. lieutenant g-overnor Shipping Agents, Messrs. J. & A. B. Freeland ~·ewfoundland, Lieu t.-Col. Sir Henry l<'itzhardi nge Berkeley Birmingham Agents, ~Iessrs. V. & R. Blakemore lJaxse, K.C.M.o.governor& commander in chief; Hon. W. V. Wlliteway, prime minister COLONIAL AGENTS. !t'tw South Wales cJ· Norfolk Island, Rt. Hon. J.ord Augustus New South Wale.~. Saul Samuel, esq. c. M. G. agent-general; Wm. l<'redk. Spencer Loftu~. G.C.B. governor & commander S. Yardley, secretary; 5 \Vestminster chambers SW in chief; Sir AlfredStephcn, K.c.M.G., c.n. lieutenant gover­ Victoria, The Agent Generalship is vacant. l\Iajor-General nor; Hon. Sir Henry Parkes, K.c.M.G. premi~r & colonial sec Charles Pasl•·y, R.E., c.n. chairman of the Board of Advice Ntw Zealand, Hon. Sir Arthur Hamilton Gordon, G.C.M.G. of the Agent-General; J. Cashel Hoey, esq. C.:\I.G. ~ecretary governor & commander in chief; & high commissioner for to the agent general; office, 8 Victoriachmbrs. Victoria st SW the Western Pacific; llon. John Hall, prime minister New Zealand, t-iir Francis !Jillon Bell, K.C.M.G. ageut-general, North West Territories, David Laird,esq. lieutenant-governor i Westmm~ter chamber~ SW .'\·ova Scotia, Adams Geo. Archibald, e8q. C.M.G. Iieut. governor South Aust1·alia, Sir Arthur Blyth, K.C.M.G. agent-general; Ontario, John Beverlcy Robin~on, esq. lieutenant governor S. Deering, esq. assistant agent-general & secret.try, !:i Vic­ l'I!:JILJT g, .Major-Gen. Archtbald Edward H. An son, R.A., c.ll.G. toria chambers, Victoria street SW heut. governor Queensland, Thomas Archer, e~q. ag-ent-g-enPral; C.IS. Dicken, Prma .ftdward Island, T. H. Haviland, e~q. Iieut. g-overnor esq. secretary; 1 We~tminRter chambers SW Qutbec, The Hon. Thl'Odore Robita1lle, lieutenant governor 1Vestern Australia. 1\'Icssrs. l<'elg ate & Co. emigration agents, 1,1Uee11Bland, Sir Artl!ur E. Kcnnedy, G.C.!'Il. G., c. n. governor 27 Clement's lane E C & eommandcr in chief; premier; Sir A. ll. TruJmania, The Emigrant & Colonists' Aid Corporation Plllmer, II..C.ll.G. colonial secretary Limited, 25 Que.en Anne'~ gate, \Yestminstcr SW Sl Chri8tapher, Alexander Wilson Moir, esq. c.ll.G. presiuent Cape of Good Hope, \'{. C. Burnet, esq. emigratwu agent, 10 I:M. Jleler~a, Hudson Halph Janisch, esq. C.M.G. governor & Blomfidd str.,et E C wmmander in chief Natal, Waiter Peace, esq. errdgration 11gent, 21 Fins bury cir E G St.Lul"ia, Roger Tuckfield Goldoworthy, esq. C.ll.G. adminis­ Canada,Sir Alexander ·.r. Gait, G.c.:u.G. High Commissioner trator & coloBial secretary for the Dominion of Canaua; JosPph G. Colmcr, secretary, SI_ • 1JICe'rlt, Augustus l<'nlk.Gore, esq., c.:u.G., lieut.-governor ll Victoria chambers, Victoria street SW South, .M .

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