SCOTTISH BIRDS i.J~ l~.;fJ / /~ /y'/ ! \ / ,,~ ~ ~~ -~ =~- .... / / THE JOURNAL OF THE SCOTTISH ORNITHOLOGISTS' CLUB Volume 8 No. 4 WINTER 1974 Price 7Sp SCOTTISH BIRD REPORT 1973 Zeiss 8x20B "Unbelievable!" said John Gooders, the ebrated author and ornithologist "with the new centre focusing, the 8 x 20B is an . amazing achievement. When it comes to originality, even the clever orientals cannot compete with West Gennan Zeiss:' The central focus adjustment is just right for linger tip operation. the binoculars are ideal for use with or without spectacles, and the whole design and finish are up to the . ' highest Carl Zeiss standards. of a cigarette packehthe,}' go into your vest-pocket- wbat awonderfuI"present - ""IC'I •• Full details from thesoleUKlmporters mm __ Carl Zeiss (Oberkochen) Limited D egenhardtHouse, 31-36 Foley Street, London Wl. 01-6368050 OBSERVE & CONSERVE BINOCULARS TELESCOPES SPECIAL DISCOUNT OFFER OF ¥~ 33 ~ % Retail pm. Our pnc< SWIFT AUDUBON Mk. 11 8.5 X 44 £64.80 £42.07 SWIFT SARATOGA Mk. 11 8 X 40 £47.20 £30.24 GRAND PRIX 8 X 40 Mk. I £35.64 £24.94 SWIFT NEWPORT Mk. 11 10 X 50 £48.60 £32.40 SWIFT SUPER TECNAR 8 X 40 £27.00 £17.92 ZEISS JENA JENOPTEM 8 X 30 £39.17 £24.90 CARl ZEISS 8 X 30 Dialyt £160.33 £106.89 CARl ZEISS 10 X 40B Dialyt £189.81 £126.54 lEITZ 8 X 40 Hard Case £135.52 lEITZ 10 X 40B Hard Case - £143.32 PERl9 x 35 £21.06 £16.85 HABICHT DIANA 10 x 40 W/A (best model on market under £122) £134.94 £97.06 B.Nickel Supra Telescope 15 x 60 x 60 £100.44 £69.95 Hertel & Reuss Televari 25 x 60 x 60 £95.04 £87.95 All complete with case. Fully guaranteed. Always 120 models in stock from £11.00 to £300.00 30p part P&P. AvaUable on 14 days approval-Remittance with order. The Heron 8 x 40 BCF. Retail approx. £27.50, our price £18.40. As recommended by Forestry Commission. Ask for our free brochure 'Your guide to Blnocularl Telescope Ownership' and price list. Send too for Price Lists for all Camplna', Climbing, Rambling Equipment from our as­ sociate company FIELD & TIU:lIt (equipment) Ltd., same top quality. same keen prices, A HA)"": ADDRES S . HERON OPTICAL COMPANY Ltd. (Dept. 58), 25 Kings Road, Brentwood, Essex. Tel. (STD) 0277 221259/219418 Pleas-;-de;;;at~ t;;'eImm-;;dlat;iy ::... ::... =.......... for which I enclose £ .......... ..!....... Please send me your Free Brochure described above plus Binocular/Telescope Price List. (Dele te a. appropriate) Name ................................................................ ... ................ Address .... ....... ..................................................................... ..................................... ..... .................................. .................... ....------------................................................................................... (SB) 12th SEASON OF SWANS BIG GAME & BIRDS SAFARIS VISITING THESE NATIONAL P.ARKS AND GAME RESERVES Nairobi, Lake Naivasha, Lake Nakuru, Samburu, Isiolo, Tsavo, Ambosell, Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro, Serengetl, Mara and Aberdare in Kenya and Tanzania. GUEST LECTURERS accompany each Safari and their expert and personal knowledge of East·Afrlca-its animals, birds, history, peoples and customs­ provides an unrivalled opportunity, not only to view the ever decreasing wildlife in Its natural habitat, but also to give an insight Into the problems of its preservation and the conservation of land needed by Africa's developing nations. A holtday that can open up new vistas of interest 1975 DEPARTURES July 17; Aug. 7, 28; Sept. 18; Oct. 9, 30; Dec. 18. 1976 DEPARTURES Jan. 15, 22, 29; Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26; Mar. 4. 21 days £515 1~ ft/Jl colour brochure avaUGbZ. SWANS SPECIALISED SAFARIS 237 (P20) Tottenham Court Road, London, W1 P OAL. Telephone 01-636 8070 C.A.A. Licence AT0L189B 1975 SPECIAL INTEREST TOURS by PEREGRINE .HOLIDAYS Directors: Raymond Hodgldns, MA. (Oxon) MT AI and Patrtcla Hodgklns, MTAI. All with guest lecturers and a tour manager. BIRDS OVER mE BOSPHORUS A Creative Holiday combining hi~ quality Bird-Watching, Sightseeing and many options including extended stay. By Scheduled Services of British Airways. Thurs. 18 Sept.-Thurs. 25 Sept. 8 days (7 nights) £159.00. Single supp. £3.50 per nt. The Holiday is based on the Park Hotel Istanbul which is First Class, has a definite well-established character of its own and an excellent reputation for comfort and cuisine. The views of the Bosphorus from the balcony of each room (all with private WC etc) are probably unsurpassed and we have used the Park for five previous tours with complete satisfaction. The Lowest Sehed~ed RetUrn Fare London Istanbul is £160.40. Accompanying the Tour . _ . John Gooders, B.Se., internationally famous ornithologist and writer Raymond Hodgkins, M.A. (Oxon), Managing Director of Town and Gown Travel and keen amateur ornithologist and conservationist. Ray Hodgldns and John Gooders have during the last four years success­ fully co-operated on tours to Crete, Eastern Turkey, India and Nepal and the Galapagos, and this imaginative short holiday is their latest creative effort. It is intend to offer the widest possible choice. The aficionados w.ho want to put themselves in the middle of the astound­ ing migrant stream that pours over the Bosphorus from North to South can sit every day on Kucuk Camlica Hill and chalk up a list as never before; the beginners can have all the help in the world from the two leaders and those who want to split the holiday between birdwatching and sightseeing (Blue Mosque, Saint Sophia, Cruise to Princes Islands etc) can do as much or as little of either as they wish. Southern India ... Jan. 14 ... 16 days ••• £485*. Bombay, Madras, Mahabalipuram, etc. Leaders to be announced. · India & Nepal ... Feb. 14 .. 16 days ... £495*. John Gooders and Raymond Hodgkins. India, Nepal & Kashmir ..• June 14 ••. 16 days.' .. £510*. With a visit to Arjan Singh's "Tiger Haven" for the 12 first applicants . J0l.m Gooders and Anthony Hudley. Tours of Greece, Crete and Southern Turkey in A£ril and May 1976: . Easter Analotian Bird and Flower Tour . June 4 . £345 still has a few places vacant. (*ProvisionlJ.l) PEREGRINE HOLIDAYS at TOWN AND GOWN TRAVEL, 41 SOUTH PARADE, SUMMERTOWN, OXFORD, OX27JP. Phone Oxford (0865) 55345 & 54517 1975 ORNITHOLO,GlCAL TOURS with COX & KIN.GS COX & KINGS have pleasure in announcing their programme of tours to the following centres: . CAMARGUE, CORFU, DANUBE DELTA, FINLAND, HOLLAND '& TEXEL, ICELAND, ·MAJORCA, MALTA, NEUSIEDL, ONTARrlO, SWITZERLAND, SW SPAIN, TUNISIA and TURKEY. All tours are accompanied by Specialist Leaders. Write for brochure to Mrs Jay Randerson, COX & KINGS LIMITED Vulcan House, 46 Marshall St., London, WIV 2PA. Telephone 0l-734-8291 . Founded 1758 A member of the Grindlays Bank Group 'KINDROGAN FIELD CENTRE lhe ..scottish !;ield Studies .tAssociation Kindrogan provides .accommodation, lecture rooms, laboratories and a library. ' Situated in Strathardle, 16 miles north of Blair~owrie . and 9 miles north-east of Pitiochry, it affords excellent opporturuties for all aspects of Field Studies in the Scottish Highlands. The standard weekly charge is £28.00. The programme for 1975 includes courses for adults ina varjety of subjects including:- Fungi Birds Mammals Mountain Flowers Natural HIstory Pbotograpby Field Botany PaintiD& . Moorland EcoloaY . Naturaf History of the Rocks and MInerals Highlands Conservation Ikyopbjtes Insects Geography Landscape Photography Natural History Illustration Geology & Scenery All applications, enquiries and req~ests for programmes s~ould ~e addressed to the Warden, Kindrogan Field Centre, Enochdhu, malrgowne, Perthshire, PHI07PG. s,eOTT ISH 8·1RDS 11IE JOURNAL OF 11IE SCOTIlSH ORNI11l0LOGISfS' a.UB 21 Regent Ternce, F.dJnbuJPa F.IIV 5BT (teL 011 - 551 8M2) CONTENTS OF VOLUME 8, NUMBER 4, WINTER 1974 Page Editorial 209, ScottillhfBirciGRepprt 1973.' B¥:R. H:_Dennis (plates ~ 17-20) 211 Review· Scarce Migrant Birds in Britain and Ireland. By J. T. R. Sharrock. Reviewed by_Roger A. Broad 280 Letters Gulls breeding inland in Stirlingshire (Andrew T. Macmillan) ...... ...... 281 Gulls and Arctic Terns breeding inland in Aberdeenshire, (R. L. Swann) ... 281 Re4lUest$ for Inf6rmatio 282 Scottish Ornithologists' Club 283 Editor D. J. Bates Business Editor Major A. D. Peirse-Duncombe Peter Slater A FIELD GUIDE TO AUSTRALIAN :. ~ :BIRDS : Volume 1 - Non·Passerlnes Volume· 2 - Passerlnes The most complete handy reference work on every species of Australian bird. Volume 1 on non'passerine birds, has already established Its reputation and is now available again as a re-issue; Volume 2, on passerines is entirely new. Between them they record every distinctive feature of size, range, habitat, voice and markings. Illustrated throughout with colour plates, line drawings and maps. Each volume £4.50 (distributed by Chatto & Windus) ' . Donald Wateson BIRDS OF MOOR AND ·· MOUNTAIN A beautiful book by the Past President of the Scottish Ornithologists' Club, as notable for its style as for its superb illustrations. 'A collector's piece; a1ine artist's description in paint and prose of the birds he has studied all over Scotland' . ~cotsman 24 colour, 14 monochrome plates £6.00 (distributed by Chatto & Windus) , ., David A. Bannerman Illustrated by GEORGE E. LODGE, In 12 .Volumes. THE BIRDS OF THE BRITISH ,ISLES The most comprehensive, and one of the most lavishly illustrated series ever devoted to British birds. 'The graphic and erudite writing of Dr David Bannerman is here seen illustrated by the superb paintings of George Lodge . .. It will have value not only for decades, but for centuries' .-Field £8.00 per volume or £60.00 per set of 12 volumes. (Distributed from 25 Perth Street, Edinburgh) SCOTTISH ACADEMIC PRESS ' SCOTTISH BIRDS 7'HE JO UR N AL OF THE SCOTTISH ORNITHOLOGISTS' CL UB Volume 8 No. 4 Winter 1974 Edited by D. J. Bates Editorial Scottish Birds. Readers of our previous editorial will be aware of the reasons for the late appearance of this 1973 Scottish Bird Report. As a short cut to bring Scottish Birds back on schedule, the spring and summer number will be combined for 1975 only, and it should appear in August.
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