THE SPINNERS SUNDAY ..F,Zcovenfolk, SHELACH Vwvaska I Yet the TINKERS BROMLEY STAR Workte7topknow Here

THE SPINNERS SUNDAY ..F,Zcovenfolk, SHELACH Vwvaska I Yet the TINKERS BROMLEY STAR Workte7topknow Here

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111tFOLKFORUMlipIN111 THURSDAY SATURDAYcont. SUNDAY cont. 7CRPROTIllrBARRYaop MONCTON ANN BEATTIECALYPSO CANIn. DAVY GRAHAM MONDAY BRIMSTONE,CambridgeILL ANTINIAMICNEWPORTnousRaussettam5111 are TRWRFC SOTS BAND MIKEJOHNCHAPMANMARTYN DAVEALI., TRAVISHANGINGSTEWART LAMPAGAIN THEweekendmaincompere folkIseventthe Cam- next STA..CIONCIERYOLACZIta_TOWN&O..3STREET rpN:It-.ESI.PrEssrCELLAR TOM DAVE:111,14CDATaalUDN'TrOlIn" & TONIARTHUR Sunday.onheldbridge Friday,at FolkCherryHeadlining FestivalSaturday Hinton thebeing Hallfes-and FORAIACQUIENIIIISCENTRE ARO & BRIDIE!! VANESSAHAMNER PANAMAARTS LAB LTD'S 1B0AT Fu'.nam LA,FIESTA.Rd Cnelscn Pentangle,Sweeney's(Menatival, andAmericanCyrilTomMen, Rush,Tawney,singersStefan the ROBMARI. CONE ALL YE LATE NIGHTSHOW Grossman,Roy Harper and 't-rronst-=TNAPPIILVORprsttrrrlf2;snutJILLkat t.tascuurtDARBYIrla!King'sRICAArms.PEANUTS.HARRMIIII.Mpsgate CLIFFAUNGIER LevelwillHedyDerckcompere West.RantersandBrimstone, LeonandwilltheHighreili tim.,TESEAR CROZIER,=RS.PEELERSlamMcfl':11rm01,KISTa.HELEN"1":.,,Z7:=,77.11,Nr"AT THE KENNEDY.PHEONI%, CateIIUISM1 numbersessionsears,there ofandthesesingerswillas willinbe justrun previousa dropyounglargi - PHIL,'They went right throughmyluggage.' FRIDAY THELECLUB, SPEELERS EWANcivt"presentsMacCOLLTHEce....'"'°"JOHNNYCLAN FOLK CLUE.SILVONarqul whenaboutRussrecentlyAmeri.f, hashefour beenarrivedwasyears, folkstartingBritain forAs TSIOM=M SR ENFIELD FOLK CLUB, TTc actorwellas and a singer,a Russis an over short The time war ago isn't LATE NIGHT SHOW U7'tsiT'', 7AVERN,5pm JON BETMEAD erlandwon a dramaforhis award part inin Satre'sSwite. AL STEWART TfitEtUlilarnt.IAQUIE & BRIDIE30 -26S Ole SHELACHFOLK CENTRE. MacDONALD PubClubNoThe Exit.of meetsCheshire. theHighlandsameeve, Friday nameLaddiein at Ash.Folk the for Phil Ochs i-"1T', !.i. A"'POKE'HAIME:-"g the Residents yet DORRIS HENDERSON Y"`'iletliTeV:tirrA°SINNERMEN& SARA NIGHTflusLEVEL RANTERS. - BuxtonIrishA new Rovers47,. clubandGeniieopens future nextandguests Suntthe topeopleWHEN Europe almost PHILor on OCHdidn't to theS let arrived Unitedhim in. in States,""EnglandThey asked he on told his me merecentdid afterwards, I wantvisit theto bebeforeimmigration sent leav-back THE SPINNERSbeImed PLUSSUNDAY JAZZE P.M. ..f,zCOVENFOLK,TUESDAYRamIt Ands homeStreet,dayMartin atof Hyde, thetheCarthy Cumbrian CheshireBush,and formerMarketDaveFolk. vwvaskaing" Firstforperformer homethey sawforwithout thethatpromotionaI of his new album,"Tope From California." REITTHE REEK TINKERSG17 DISLEY BROMLEYATAL LA STEWART STARAND GARTER MacDONALDSHELACH FOLK soworkte7toPknowthey here.wantedIwastold11'8714%; tothemknowno, I'dhave beensupportedalive thein NorththoseBY if agoitKARLonlywhile a DALLAScoupleona ofvisityearsto EASTTHEFIGHT.. CENTRAL,HANDAVE COCAS, KELLYBart:, London Read, HO ChelsraMR.FIESTA, FromPAT Canada 160ROSE Fulham"'" '""Rd DAVYCLIFFPRESENTS GRAHAMAUNGIER NEWS gageThenonwhy" vacationI Iand saidtheywas found carryingopenedI betweenwasa lustbook amy guitar. hereJobs.lug- by factbyVietnamdays,His anybody's the newsong album whichstandards, containsis is good Ma narrativeEngland,rieBut tradition. in content, balladthis is ina Phil'sfolk the Guth--stylenew 0 _ NIGHT. STIVITVGOLBEYC 1 SHIRLEYBLAND Che"They Guevara. wentrightThat through didIt. isunlikelyittragedy to get thethat air it- Franksongs7appa'sremind workme more for the of OLDTONY TIGER, CAPSTICKHEAD, LEE S.E.slaSChaltHAMFSTEAO Mute], Farm DARTFORD ,taliENTERPRISE,inZ!)30FraTtr." TROUBADOUR.TowerarldRe PTO.Rnatl,ConteSET. All TonyBy poemaround.notebooks,myluggage, I'dTheyJustreally evenreadingfinished readpokingmyona it.wouldplaysitTheto reach bedeservesmost the affectedpublic to allow whoby vationssameThoughMothers satirical arehe doesn't ofthe wit,same, Invention. hishave moti- andthe SATURDAY LYNMcCARTHY NEn GRAHAM AT LAWEDNESDAY FIESTA Wilson nedy..Thenthe death of theyRobert said theyKen- Inofarrangement, the otherssimplicityonand theof albummostthis concludessoOne are hisside subjects.withof"Thetherecord War STEVE.E`a°,1Tes.1ALEX"ANGLERS," BARER CAMPBELLLadbrnte-11,1GTON road.PatNAGS erua HEAD,'Dunins r;g'"Tor.Ruse 16:LATE T-If.".1,1,"Va'ZI,:11IT10.00.2.00 NIGHT am. -SHOWLondtt's`'' andHeartuarhrtek, the Of Remnants England Dave Turner, Folk Groupinthe a wouldn'thassle,man,"elelnotserto andandsingpromisesafterTeslethnen atall,a thatlongnotI hemakesthanOnismyone"JoinedHarbour."itopinion, track,more by thesuccessfulJoeIs guitarHill,"what themewithinIs Over,"thea oftrumpetStates, which"IAin't quotewasfadingMarching a ofsingle theout PIPERS FOLK RIIPANAMAJOHN TIMPANYLTD. andAT hisLESCLIVEDIZ...K. Cousins DISLEY phisPALMER many7 30.11 otherpm heldLeamingtonHeartconcertthe fourthat of tomorrowthe England Spa. Foxbirthday ar.d toTheFolkappecear concertof Vivian,lebrateClub,hallthe andanywhere,havethere," Nowwhothe knowsI'm he samegoingsaidwhether OK. totrouble Paris I'll ting,andElliott. voice for Thisthough of isHamblin'entirelyPhilwrote Jack fit- Philover,ing,Any really.will More."however,never The stopandwar Imarch-guess isn't MICHAEL CHAPMAN a.PresentingDAVEmembrr>RUG PLANE BAND BLUESCORDON WIZZT THEdams BRIDGE GILTRAPJONES5/ - HOUSE Trid'eg:thereTatilTs2:sstrihids=mayciltillaqstg=ywnbe othersto follow. enfantbecomeworrieddon'tTo bethinkterrible himusedperfectly much.theto ofbeing thefrank,prospectPhilcon- hastheI CAMBRIDGE FOLKU IraFESTIVALE b,u BoroughTHE Road, SUNFLOWER CLUBElephants-MOW Castle rhVf:r"rlgPsftZ,val=Torgtiri7all=fromIsrael,Augustplus fonWrythe24toend27 "killcratstemporaryscene, want andPhil" iftoa joinfewsongwriting bureau-inthe 4th CAMBRIDGE FOLK FESTIVAL BARfirst:g1nightL OALAYERSourrcn new addressnnotsrayLhoern2=^,Grimsby Morris MenSpinners,Jugoslavle,,1: party.they'reAnythingwelcome they didcampaign,toto himthe Sporting CherryhintonAllHalldaygrounds Buffet and26th, Bar 2711, 28th July ROGER..COLINnt,avna..-Arlt, SCOTT JosefBierman,v:g1,:gfetuptrat, Deganbardt Donovan are a. arnongFranzwon lastcouldn'twhatalbum, the becriticsmuch"Pleasures didworseto than hisof ODETTATickets fromOneTOM MILLERS, day RUSH 17/6. Sidney THEWeekend PENTANGLE Street, 30/Cambridge- CYRIL 'XOLr THEGROUND,n TINKERSBRUCE"'"%OVALgrVgid:i Inverness soredcitypear ofperformers Essen,by the fromWest September GermanPonap- peoplepleasedthe Harbour."You whonoknow, onebought thatexcept it.record I'vethe RECORD TAWNEY HEDY WEST THE NEW DEAL STRING (BASS) AND BONNY CAIRN- Mothers25 to 29. AlsoOf takingnvention, part, thethe andnever It's hadsoldsuchmore bednotice, BAND RAY and ARCHIE FISHER SWEENEY'S MEN ROGERDUFF.OLDBUCKSNorth,WATSONLaneC' . r WoottonFjUlar' areTaylorresidentGarsingersMlles mine.thanany otheralburcopiesof PACKIEBOB ROBERTS BURN STEFANMCs GROSSMANNOEL MURPHY ROY HARPERLEON Fli'ATERnROELIKTI=EllaBallTSURBITON, Assembly RoomS,CATERiVEr11 StanfordattheythewillStanford be presentingPreston FolkAugust DaveClub, oneoffendsfalseThisofmodestyrefusalthethefolkthingstoisPossiblyplaythat at DIVIDENDSWINS MOREFORPOOLSREADERS withROSSELSON the HIGHSUNDAY DEREKLEVEL GUITARBRIMSTONERANTERS SEMINAROPEN2 -DAY SESSIONS CEILIDH MOBILEI/4d. DISCOTHEQUESperword YeMachliPlaneAIn Stewart(4)August DM DIsleygdguestsComI)eat, RodtheAll political,songwritersment. Andheareupset thoughasdecidedlyestablish- a lotfewof THAN ANYOTHERPAPER CiiNULRAZ'"rs soundNEW SOUNDplus t Richmond.HangingLam Surrey, P. theon Vineyard, July claringsowhite backromantics inAmericaayearby de- or SPECIAL FOLK CONCERT ill d 11-1 4 Pu 01 andVerityare(August RonFrank Stephens.'STGeeslnCameMcConnell (19). All Residents Ye(ra12)and apoorsung lot ofthings,aroundthat,freedom whenInwerehissongsopinion, prettybeing' irsRESULTS, AUSTRALIAN- OR in theopenair lopCRIPTION.HIVE diSeS ALIY and ueEL dsururrr (AugustITedeTs (Fno7kleTtZ.811=217),futureJohnnyge,jmn,Silvo, ment.of"Atheir badnaturaltakenenviron-out ENGLISH, THAT COUNT THE SPINNERS Soon s, Inn Hul Pete redo Iagree withpropagandaisn'tbettersong SPORTING RECORD GETSTHEM! CONCERTBATTERSEAPAVILIONPARK wltnablrfn 1HEOUESSCOTHEOUES FoggyTomGragnel andd,::211Smileyrisj t, (SeptemberPng,theon7/ songisthanIs a badgoodIadon'tsonggoodone,agree and period.propaganda with.the other One INGSo,if RECORDyouwantevery to startTuesday, winning, 6d. getTo SPORT-besure 30July, at 8 Nab ill J:z-rPrlgrIesedIloatinngeS%uf 'Dixie'"1mean,is a inmy opinion, ofyourcopy,place a regularorderwithyour 5/- (no advancebooking)p.m. Sl=nr[1'v..16116''r gj.7dayl donMaker,ZCZA.70nreezrclineet.el.libs,s,e.cke2c11431Fleet FOIR,Trderi=Street,concerts,Lon- thepublic,''The Civilanthem BattlealthoughWar,Ilymnbetterof theand 'Dixie' ofsong southI thewould thanwasRe- in newsagent. On-.

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