Document généré le 3 oct. 2021 05:13 Acadiensis Recent Publications Relating to the History of the Atlantic Region Patricia L. Belier Volume 29, numéro 2, spring 2000 URI : https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/acad29_2bib01 Aller au sommaire du numéro Éditeur(s) The Department of History at the University of New Brunswick ISSN 0044-5851 (imprimé) 1712-7432 (numérique) Découvrir la revue Citer ce document Belier, P. L. (2000). Recent Publications Relating to the History of the Atlantic Region. Acadiensis, 29(2), 218–263. All rights reserved © Department of History at the University of New Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d’auteur. L’utilisation des Brunswick, 2000 services d’Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d’utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. https://apropos.erudit.org/fr/usagers/politique-dutilisation/ Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l’Université de Montréal, l’Université Laval et l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. https://www.erudit.org/fr/ BIBLIOGRAPHY/BIBLIOGRAPHIE Recent Publications Relating to the History of the Atlantic Region Editor: Patricia L. Belier, Contributors: Joan Ritcey, New Brunswick. Newfoundland and Labrador. John MacLeod, Nova Scotia. Sharon Clark, Prince Edward Island. ATLANTIC PROVINCES “[Atlantic women poets].” Pottersfield Portfolio 18, 3 (Spring 1998): 1-68. — special issue. L’Acadie. [CD Rom] . Halifax: Maritime Trading Co., 1999. — see www.portageinc.com Adams, Trevor J. “Grow up!: Atlantic Canada can have four tiny voices, or one loud one. It’s up to us.” Atlantic Progress 6 (May 1999): 128. — re Atlantic Union. Antoft, Kell. Grassroots democracy: local government in the Maritimes . Halifax: Henson College, Dalhousie University, 1998. 171 p. ill. Arsenault, Donat. Des trésors acadiens = Acadian treasures . n.p.: n.p., [1997?] 248 p. Atlantic Canada advantage: a comparison of business costs in Atlantic Canada, Europe and the United States / sponsored by Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. Atlantic ed. [Ottawa]: Prospectus, Inc, 1997. 39, 36 p. graphs, map. Atlantic Canada after confederation: The Acadiensis reader, volume two . Edited by Phillip A. Buckner, Gail G. Campbell and David Frank. 3rd ed., rev. Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1999. 460 p. Atlantic Canada in the global community . Edited by James Crewe [et al.]. St. John’s: Breakwater; Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall Ginn, 1998. 298 p. ill. maps. Atlantic Canada’s pride guide: your gay, lesbian & bisexual directory . Portion of Pride guide. Halifax: Pride Guide, 1999. 80 p. ill. Babineau, René. Les exilés et la Louisiane acadienne . [N.-B.]: René Babineau, 1997. 86 p. Baird, David. Northern lights: lighthouses of Canada. Toronto: Lynx Images, 1999. Bibliography/Bibliographie 219 — Nfld. pp. 34-63; N.S., pp. 64-99; P.E.I., pp. 100-115; N.B., pp. 116-131. Barton, Bruce. “Too distant voices: the publishing of dramatic texts in the Maritimes. (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island, Canada).” Canadian Theatre Review 98 (Spring 1999): 4-8. Basque, Maurice, Nicole Barrieau and Stéphanie Côté. L’Acadie de l’Atlantique . Moncton; Québec: Société nationale de l’Acadie - Centre d’études acadiennes et Centre international de recherche et de documentation de la francophonie, 1999. 152 p. Beaman, Lori G. “The paths between resistance and collaboration: evangelical women in Atlantic Canada.” Atlantis 22, 1 (Fall-Winter 1997): 9-18. Bernard, Florian. André Bernard (circa 1620-circa 1670) et ses descendants: suivi d’un dictionnaire biographique et généalogique des familles Bernard de souche acadienne . Magog, Qué.: Editions héritage acadien, 1996. [250?] p. _________. Charles de Menou de Charnisay, sieur d’Aulnay (1596-1650), gouverneur de l’Acadie . Magog, Qué.: Editions héritage acadien, [199?] 67 p. _________. Charles de Saint-Etienne de la Tour (1593-1666), gouverneur de l’Acadie . Magog, Qué.: Editions héritage acadien, [199?] 66 p. Bertness, Mark D. The ecology of Atlantic shorelines. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associates, 1999. 417 p. Bodo, Peter. The Atlantic salmon handbook: a compact guide to all aspects of fly fishing for the king of game fish . 1st ed. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. 196 p. ill. Boudreau, Gérald C. “‘L’ignorance est un vice’: une démarche de scolarisation en Acadie.” La Société canadienne d’histoire de l’église catholique. Etudes d’histoire religieuse 59 (1993): 125-141. Brasseaux, Carl A. The founding of new Acadia: the beginnings of Acadian life in Louisiana, 1765-1803 . Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1987; 1996 229 p. ill.; maps. Brun, Régis. L’Acadie - sur l’empremier et aujourd’hui. Sous la direction de Ronald Labelle = Acadia - past and present. Edited by Ronald Labelle. Trans. by Sally Ross. Moncton: Centre d’études acadiennes; Université de Moncton, 1999. 114 p. Campbell, Jennifer. “Shafted.” Atlantic Progress 6 (June 1999): 34-41. — re Canadian perception of Atlantic region. Chute, Janet E. “Aboriginals: Algonquians/Eastern Woodlands.” In Encyclopedia of Canada’s peoples . Edited by Paul Robert Magocsi. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, for the Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1999. pp. 14-30. Colpitts, George. “Conservation, science, and Canada’s fur farming industry, 1913- 220 Acadiensis 1945.” Histoire Sociale = Social History XXX, 59 (May 1997): 77-107. Compiled genealogical materials of the Maritime provinces [and index]: 1650- 1995 . Edited by New England Genealogy Interest Group. Orange County California Genealogical Society. Huntington Beach, Calif.: Orange County California Genealogical Society, n.d. 1 reel mic. Cox, Stephen. The Titanic story: hard choices, dangerous decisions. Chicago: Open Court, 1999. 152 p. Cruise, David, and Allison Griffiths. Journey into the heart of Canada: working the land. Toronto: Viking, 1999. Curtis, Wayne. Frommer’s Nova Scotia, New Brunswick & Prince Edward Island: with Newfoundland and Labrador . 2nd ed. (Frommer’s Complete Travel Guides). [N.Y.]: Macmillan Travel, 1998. 229 p. maps. Dallaire, Patrice. Regard sur l’Acadie et ses rapports avec le Québec. Essai . Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 1999. [221] p. tableaux. Denton, Frank T., Christine H. Feaver and Byron G. Spencer. Population change in Atlantic Canada: looking at the past, thinking about the future . Halifax: Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, 1997. 48 p. Drodge, Susan. “Representations of Maritime culture and histories: a review essay.” Journal of Canadian Studies 34, 2 (Summer 1999): 215-224. Eaton, John P. Titanic: a journey through time . 1st American ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 1999. 248 p. Fishing places, fishing people: traditions and issues in Canadian small-scale fisheries. Edited by Dianne Newell and Rosemary E. Ommer. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. 374 p. Fong, Trudy. Maritime provinces . 2nd ed. (Off the beaten path). Old Saybrook, Conn.: Globe Pequot Press, 1999. 197 p. ill. Foster, John Wilson. “Recent media treatments of the Titanic tragedy.” Material History Review 48 (Fall 1998): 182-191. Freedman, Joe. Charter schools in Atlantic Canada: an idea whose time has come . [Halifax]: Atlantic Institute for Market Studies / AIMS, 1997. 44 p. Le Gallant, David. “The Acadian flag: a flag for a unique people.” Flagscan 14, 2 (Summer 1999): 6-11. _________. Généalogie des principales familles acadiennes de Mont-Carmel. Tignish, Î.-P.-É.: D. Le Gallant, 1998. unp. Gaudet, André. Que signifient les noms indiens de ces villes et villages des provinces maritimes . [Tracadie-Sheila]: [Les Editions la Grande Marée], 1995. 82 p. Gorham, Deborah. “From Bonavista to Vancouver Island: Canadian women’s Bibliography/Bibliographie 221 history as regional history in the 1990s.” Acadiensis XXVIII, 2 (Spring 1999): 119-125. Griffiths, Naomi. “Acadians.” In Encyclopedia of Canada’s peoples . Edited by Paul Robert Magocsi. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, for the Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1999. pp. 114-136. Grzetic, Brenda. Women in technical work in Atlantic Canada: a community research project funded by the Women’s Program, Status of Women Canada . St. John’s: WITT Newfoundland and Labrador, 1998. 54 p. Hatt, Jennifer. “Aquaculture: Something fishy going on here.” Atlantic Business 9, 5 (1998): 22-26. — overview of Atlantic Provinces’ projects. Haycock, Ronald, and Serge Bernier. Teaching military history: Clio and Mars in Canada = L’enseignement de l’histoire militaire: Clio [et] Mars au Canada . Athabasca, Alta.: Athabaska University, 1995. 152 p. ill. — refers to programmes at UNB, pp. 82-90; Acadia, pp. 59-63. Higgins, Andrew, and Jesse Spaulding III. World War II adventures of Canada’s Bluenose: the Americans . Newport Beach, Calif.: West Indies Trading Co., 1998. 192 p. ill. maps. Holt, David. “The top 101 companies of Atlantic Canada.” Atlantic Progress 6 (Sept.-Oct. 1999): 57-62. Home for Christmas: stories from the Maritimes and Newfoundland. Edited by Sabine Campbell. Fredericton: Goose Lane, 1999. 236 p . Index to pre-1900 English-language Canadian cultural and literary magazines. Computer disk. Compiled by Thomas B. Vincent. Ottawa: Optim Corporation, 1994. — includes more than one dozen periodicals relating to the Maritimes. Labelle, Ronald. “Etat actuel de la recherche en ethnologie acadienne.” In Ethnologies francophones de l’Amérique et d’ailleurs . Edited by Anne- Marie Desdouits and Laurier Turgeon. Québec: Les Presses de
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