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Presidental candidates Committee consisting of the some quarters he felt Miss be exerted over hep If she is Doug Ofeller and Jo Ann and. director of on-canwus pub­ Woodward's sex was unjustly elected she stated emphatical­ Vice Presidential campaigners licity, • the director of Clubs being held against her. ly, "No." Joel Aaranson and Bob Axel and Organizations, a member He pointed out the tact that "I feel the real value of a stepped Jn to the kitchen In of the Sundial and the director Miss Judy Hughes was the past group such as AIS is that it Speech Drama 121 and quite of inforiAatlon and printing. student body president of has stimulated interest in stu­ a bite of fire In the run-off as­ He said he also favored an Fresno State College and was dent govemmlent . .This sembly last Tuesday. 'open bimonthly forum at which selected to head the aesocia- gronp is so varied in Interest — ApprozlntBtely 100^ "Btudente time students could question tion of student bodjr^iresi- and background ^ihat we felt provided plenty of fire and their representatives about dents of California. It w«uld offer a range of opin­ fireworks In the extended three their actions and activities. Jo Ann Doug Miss Woipdward, when she ions on every Issue you would hour session ot speeches and Bob Axel outlined his pro­ took the podium, put fortli her not normally get we a click questions and answers. gram which "he said would in­ • He said that he did not feel plan for a survey to be conduct­ of friends," she said. that one representative at In their brief opening speech' clude' initiating action to have ed by a group of trained psy. Doug Ofeller in the same the Lbrary open on weekends large could know what 7,SOO chologlsts to determine stu­ es, whicta were set up In al-. student wanted. vain was asked about bis phabetiCal order, tlie candid­ and an Improvement of the soc­ dent needs and interests. "Greek" affiliations. To which ial activities tor students "There is a definite need ates outUned some of the maJ- to increase our athletic pro­ Miss Woodward, who polled he replied "If yon are asking through the actions of a "more me if I am a "Greek" the efficient" Advisory Board. gram . And I favor subsid­ 501 votes, said that this should ization of athletes to compens­ be used as a guide in all bud­ answer is yes, and I am also "I feel that athletics versus getary and legislative action by a Delt. I do not feel their is culture is a dead Issue" he ate them for their time," he VOTE! said.' the student body president and any conflict in the two as far continued. as serving the student body students are reminded that A new feature of his pro­ the Executive Board. today is the last day tb cast Doilg Ofeller, who polled 645 goes." votes in last week's election, gram he said would be to work In her view, she said, "The their vote in the special run­ for the re-establishment of pre- finances do not meet the needs At stake in the election is off election. Polls are open spoke on his proposal to re. vamp the representative at registration at Valley State. of the student body." the presidency and vice presi­ from 0 a.in. to 2 p.m. In front dency of Valley State and the large program and put It on He also said that it was up This survey would find the of tlie lilbrary, Cafeteria and responsibility for the allocai an academic division basis. In to the Student Body President level of class, number of units, Bull Ring.' Voting has been tion of an estimated budget of this way divisional enroUipent to work with other groups to sev, marital status and divi­ heavy Wednesday and Thurs­ $130,000. day, according to Dick Nolan, would determine representa- , get <i type of student's lobby in sion, she said. director of elections. ton of the Executive Board, lie Sacramento. In a rough and tumble ques­ Voting will close today at said. I Rodger White newly elected tion and answer period several 2 p.m. VALLEY FUNDS FOUL-UP STATE SUNDIAL Is They In/ Or Volume 6. No. 49 NORTHRIDGE. CALIFORNIA + Friday. May 4. 1962 Is They Ain't? Zoo Bench at Stake Elephants? By BARBARA .4L.PERS Ident, suggested that these Sundial Staff Writer students ml^ht have though An Infraction of the elec­ that in as much as no ex­ "No," Says tion code may prevent seven penses were incurred, no fi­ students from assuming stu­ nancial statement was neces­ dent government posts, it was sary. Don Bethe reported at'^ the Executive Robert Lawrence, associate Board meeting Tuesday. dean of activities and housing, The good old days may be According to the code, all said that "at least one" candi­ gone, but they shouldn't be candidates must file a state­ date who did not purchase any forgotten. ment of campaign expenses by campaign material turned in At least, that's the senti­ 2 p.,m. of the last day of bal­ a statement to that effect. ment expressed by Orange loting, said Director of Elec­ Ross Figgins, graduate class County State College in an tions Dick Nolan. president, said that the elec­ elephant race invitation ex­ Seven candidates did not tion code should be nf^re ex­ tended to Valley State, turn in statements of expendi­ plicit on this matter. Don Bethe, A. S. president, tures and'their status has sub­ It was decided that a board announced at the Executive sequently "been placed in sub-committee be formed. Board meeting Tuesday that doubt." This group will conduct in­ this college has been Invited, The doubtful 'positions, all dividual hearings to determiine along with 35 other colleges representatives at large, are if a "legitimate misunderstand, and universities from all over Nancy Bauer, Tony Brown, ing" of the code was the basis the' world, to submit an entry Jeanie Kohl, Nick Singer, for not turning in reports, in in an elephant race to be Frank Tierney, Song Leader, these cases. sponsored by Orange County Jackie Br^ck; Junior Class "This is seems to be the State College. ' president Rodger White; AWS fair way to do it," commented In these times of rapid President, Karen Keene. Nolan. transportation and instantane­ It was brought up that sev­ In other action, accomplish­ ous communication, the Invita­ eral of the disqualified candi­ ments of the Valley State dele- tion said, we would do well to • t: .. dates did not spend any money gatlon-tothe Model United Na­ ; ' • "r" remember and honor that old on election campaign material. tions held at San Diego were .' / standby, the elephant. Misunderstanding? reported. - 'tl'J^ It is for this purpose that Pat Donnelly, A. S. vice pres. (Continued on Page 2) zoo STORY — "Is this what grown men fight for? A the race was originated, the bench?" Lonnie Purr as Jerry forces'the "Zoo Story" to letter continued. it tragic end as he harasses Peter, Walt Saric. "Zoo Story" "I don't think we'll be send­ '•':'•' is .one of three plays opening here at 8 tonight with a ing an elephant to the contest," • \ •• '' said Bethe. ) matinee performance tomorrow at 2' p.m. There is no r admission charge. The plays will be presented in the Studio Theater. — (Story on Page 4) POSITIONS - *' . •if •'•'• ••• • • • • -•*•_ AVAILABLE ..f • » AppllcationN art- now avail Clarinetist Featured •• able '{o|- Sophomore Class Coun-' Valley State's Concert Band Buffalo Philharmonic, at Oiai cil appointive offices. For the will present its spring concert Festival, for the Hollywood 'Oii.'ea school year. tonight at 8:30 p.m. in the Symphony, and the Inglewood They are available today In Campus Theater. Symphony. A-5. General Admission is $1. The band, under the direc­ Deadline for applying Is next Student admission is 60 cents. tion of Clarence Wiggins, as­ Friday. .\ box wlll be provided The" soloist for ihe evening sistant professor ot music,- will for the returned uppllratlons. wlll be Edmund Chassnvan, a also p'erform Guilmant's "Chor­ INraltlons to be filled Include music major, who will per­ al March and Fugue," Hoist's vice-president, secretary.treas- form, von Weber's "Second "Second Suite in E Flat," urer, publications chalmuui Concerto for Clarinet."' Brickson's "Choral and Fug- and Hoc-ial activities chairman, Chassman, a gradu'&te of the ato," and Persichetti's Adagio •llso five Ntu<}i'nt advisory Directs 'FinianV Rehearsals Julliard School of Music, has and Vivace from his "Sym­ lM>ard poNitionH are open. played first clarinet for the phony for Band." Story on paffe 4 i^jn'J!tii.L'H'-3»tu .»3k.ust - : •• ' -.i- .^'iSMiiaJit^ •..5,;v^---,''ai3! •-o.'i--."-^rj^STi5^iASC^J .^^r-^^W^B«3K'?W»l»M^>W^|^^^•»^^ .liMlnRiJ^-ait'WlV* *l.*l*'**>.^««f if«BJf(*»w > Page 2 VALLEY STATE SUNDIAL May 4.
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