___ H_app-y-Easter! Your Community Newspaper Grosse Pointe News Vol. 55, No. 13 42 pages Gro!>~e Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 SO~ March 31, 1994 :: Teachers ratify 93-94 contract ------ ------;- Detroit man By Kathleen Ryan Staff Wnter Grosse Pomte teachers and lIbrarIans ratlfied a new con- guilty in killing tract with the board of educa- tIOn m a vote held at Grosse Pomte North High School on March 23 of News artist The one.year contract, which calls for a 275 percent salary By John MinniS Coe said, "Why you ," and mcrease, now goes to the board Editor stepped toward BaldWIn, who of education for final approval The defendant In the Sept 9 fired a bullet mto Robert Cae's The board IS expected to vote fatal earl:, lllU!'nlllg shootmg of neck on the contract at its Monday, a Grosse Pomte News employee Robert Cae was dead on ar. AprIl 11 meetmg. on a DetrOit street was found rival at St John Hospital Meanwhile, talks contmue b'llilty last week of first.degree Thomas Cae fled on fool between the Grosse Pomte murder down an alley and ran onto AdmInistrators Association A DetrOIt Recorder's Court nearby porche~, bangmg on (GPAA), which represents prIn- JUry delIberated for four days doors yellmg for help Durmg cipals and some central office before findmg RIchard Darnell the trIal, It was learned that administrators, and the board Baldwm guilty of the murder Thomas Coo may have un of educatIOn The 25 members charge, which carnes amanda knowmgly sought help from of the GPAA also have been tory sentence of lIfe m prison the very house at which hIS working WIthout an agreement Without parole The 19-year-old brother's killer, Baldwm, had smce September. DetrOit reSIdent was also found been staYIng Photo by Tern Hooper guIlty of assault and usmg a It was also learned durmg firearm m the commIssion of a the tnal that the gun Baldwm felony used belonged to the neIghbor Grosse Pomte News typeset. hood for anyone who wanted to ter/artlst Robert M. Coo, 47, use it Friday, Aprill was killed about 2 a m at AI. A tipster, who recognized The offices of all five ter and LOZIer, one block west Baldwm from a pohce compos. Grosse Pomte city govern- of Mack and about two blocks Ite sketch usmg phySIcal de- ments will be closed for Good from Grosse Pomte Park WIth tails prOVIded by Thomas Cae, Friday County and state of- Coe at the tIme was hiS gave police BaldWIn's name. He fices WIll remain open as brother, Thomas, who escaped was later arrested hIdmg m a well as post offices unharmed He testified m the home on nearby Maryland m tnal DetrOIt He maIntamed hIS m. Saturday, April 2 "It went on a lot longer than nocence throughout the tnal Georgian East, located at I thought It would," Said The defense attorney, DaVId 21401 Mack m the Woods, Thomas Coo, who used vacatIOn Redstone of St Clair Shores, will hold an egg hunt and a tIme and personal days to at tned to show that Baldwm had ~ -;r; visit from the Easter bunny tend the tnal "1 now know been Improperly Identlfled He beginmng at 1p m Call 778- what It feels hke when defense pomted out that Thomas Coo's 0600 for mformatlOn attorney::, make you feel lIke debcnptlUll of the gl1Ihlldn dHl Sunday, April 3 you're on trial" not mclude a llght mustache, Churches across Grosse Robert and Thomas Coe were whlch BaldWin wears Also, Pointe WIll celebrate Easter. In DetrOIt at the time to aId Thomas Coe described the sus Grosse Pointers should con. another brother, Charles, pect as wearmg a floppy hat tact theIr local churches for whose car keys had been taken Several neighborhood reSidents informatIon on specIal ser- during a muggmg earher In testlfied BaldWin had never the evening near the spot worn a hat III all the years ViceS. Easter color where the shootmg occurred they'd known hIm Monday, April 4 When the three brothers were The case was also Jeopanhzed Spring and Easter mean colorful The Woods CIty Council unable to hot-Wire the car to by a key wItness who had pre. flowers. many of which can be meeting WIll be held at get It home, Thomas and Rob. viously under oath IdentIfied found at Grosse Pointe Florist. Woods city hall at 7:30 pm. ert Coo went to a pay phone Baldwm as the gunman But Above. sales manager Christina outSIde a party store on Alter when she took the stand before Thursday, April 7 Collman is nearly lost in blooms as at LozIer to call a wrecker DetrOit Recorder's Judge The first of several Power she shows off what are available While Robert and Thomas Wendy M Baxter, she recanted Squadron courses wIll be for Easter. At left. the Easler bunny Coe were awaltmg the tow her ear her statements, saymg held at the Tompkms Center has been holding court at Eastland. truck, they were approached by It was too dark for her to see m Wmdmill Pomte Park be- and in her lap is Ashley Lacroix of Baldwm, who had walked out anythmg. She lIves across the St. Clair Shores. gmnmg at 7:30 p.m For m- from behmd the store He street and one house down from formatIOn, call 343-2178. By the way. the Grosse Pointe pulled a handgun and de the party story were the shoot. News will be experimenting with manded the Coes' money and cotor photographs over the next few wallets At that pomt, Robert See MURDER, page 2A months. Let us know what you INSIDE think! Opinion 6A Autos 1OA DON'T FORGET ••• Obituanes 14A Plead poverty in the Pointes? Seniors 15A On Sunday, April 3, Schools 17A Sure, if it cuts the asseSSlllent Events 19A Daylight Saving TIme begins. By Chip Chapman Features 1B Staff Wnter Be sure to spring forward and Entertainment 7B Can someone hve in a $300,000 home, claIm poverty BySEV* By percentage* move your clock up one hour. Sports 1 C when theIr property tax assess. Classifzed ads 5C ment arrIves m the mail and Park $44,800 30% get away WIth It? The answer, surpnsmgly, IS yes, if the board of reviewal City $81,170 29% lows It WE'RE In 1993, Grosse POInte CONCERNED Farms had 16 such cases The Farms $51,435 50% SEV (state equahzed valuation) ABOUT of these reSIdences ranged from $63,580 to $102,870, meanmg Shores $114,900 54% Home: G.P Farms YESTERDAY'S the homes' values were be. Age: 40 tween $127,160 to $205,740 NEWS. Woods $43,400 63% Family: Married, two News con appear one The Farms has wntten children day and be gone rhe guldelmes for filmg a hardshIp .SEV and percentages are Dot necessarily for the same property reductIOn. To qualifY, a resl' Occupation: InterIOl nexr ClurThe paper deSIgner; owner of news IS prinTed on can dent must have an annual m. fixed Incomes CIVICorgamzatIOns, ete There Kennedy & Co and should live on come under $20,000 a year If a In the March 1994 Issue of was no Olgamzed statelcounty lasr year more Than reSident meets thIS qualIfica The MichIgan Assessor, Madl welfare SY'item as there IS to Claim to fame: Chosen to one rhlrd of all U S tion, the SEV IS cut m half son HeIghts assessor Teny day redecorate ManOOgian newspnnr was recycled "It's a board of reVIew deci Haran deSCribed a poverty ex "Smce there are many sys ManSIOn slon done on a case-by-case ba emptIOn case In hI'; City terns In place today such as And lha! number s Quote: "The ManOOgian growing every day "Ie;" <;aId Farms CIty manager "The 1893 General ReVISIOn ADC, (;enelal A"sIstance, Un RIChard Solak "Generally they of the Propelty ExemptIOn sec emplor ment CompensatIOn, So ManSIOn IS a house, not I'\ecycling ~ a museum Ihope to ISlhe one .. ~ are cut about 50 percent, but tlOn was qUIte vague as regards clal SeWllty, Home<rtead Prop It'S not an automatic situa. quahficatlOn standa! d<;,exemp erty Tax Rebate'>, etc, \\ e felt make It a shmmg way we con .... example of the new all give some P.lOad _ tlOn " tlOn hmlt,> or method'> of calcu that the property exemptIon lhlng bacl\ Then P.ecycle This exemptIOn, whIch I'> latIOn ThIs IS becau'ie welfare DetrOIt .. good for only one year, IS used rellef was a local matter admm. See story, page 4A D.J. Kennedy ~ almost exclUSively by tho'le on Istered largely by chmche'" S('(' POVF.RTY, pagf' 2A G .r":;<r ~"-Sf>~;~<{~~~v:.~:~~~~:" t;ll:. '! .' ~~ ~ ~.. • • • • • ~. - ...-......... 1 MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION f, I SERVICES • SYSTEMS • CONSULTATION March 31, 1994 2A l~ews Grosse Pointe News uted to the commumty over the WIth true cash values of more Poverty;.; .....::..;.....cow'se of time" than $100,000," SaId Woods as. Although there aJ e no set ;,e~sor Bill Knapp "We feel From page lA rules Iegardmg how much to that WIth the homestead tax Park residents protest assessments should be used to temporarIly cut the assessment, most credIt, people should pay at By Jim Stlckford Lulls sald that "people often state and use a complIcated for. help people who are undel gOlllg Shores homes were leduced 50 least 3 5 percent of their m. Staff Writer thmk they should be granted a mula that determmes property hard financial times With all percent, With one home's a" come to\\ard property taxes." Like mght follows day, pro reductIOn because they haven't values by averaging out the tests follow the release of the these county and state agencies sessment lowered 54 percent Knapp said that most of the done mamtenance on theIr sales prices of homes In the city m place.
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