Proceedings of the 6Th International Workshop on Plan 9

Proceedings of the 6Th International Workshop on Plan 9

Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Plan 9 October 20— 21, 2011 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain Dennis Ritchie, in memoriam. Without his brilliant work, none of this would have been possible. He is still an inspiration to all of us. Organization Program Committee Francisco Ballesteros, Lsub, URJC Sape Mullender, Bell Labs (PC chair) Gorka Guardiola, Lsub, URJC Francisco Ballasteros, Lsub, URJC Sergio de Mingo, Lsub, URJC Brantley Coile, Coraid Inc. Erik Quanstrom, Charles Forsyth, Vita Nuova, Ltd. Enrique Soriano, Lsub, URJC Jeff Napper, Bell Labs Participants Francisco J. Ballesteros [email protected] Federico G. Benavento [email protected] Axel Belinfante [email protected] Nicolas Bercher [email protected] Ernesto A. Celis de la Fuente [email protected] Brantley Coile [email protected] David du Colombier [email protected] Andrés Domínguez [email protected] Vincent Douzal [email protected] Bruce Ellis [email protected] Brett Estrade [email protected] Noah Evans [email protected] Charles Forsyth [email protected] Jesús Galán López [email protected] Nick Gawronski [email protected] Gorka Guardiola [email protected] Pedro Hernandez Jr. [email protected] Latchesar Ionkov [email protected] Lucas [email protected] Stephen Jones [email protected] Eric Jul [email protected] Matt Lawless [email protected] Cinap Lenrek [email protected] Christoph Lohmann [email protected] Mathieu Lonjaret [email protected] Hugo Marcelo Rivera [email protected] Richard Miller [email protected] Sergio de Mingo Gil [email protected] Christian Mongeau chr+[email protected] Sape Mullender [email protected] Jeff Napper [email protected] Erik Quanstrom [email protected] Jan Sacha [email protected] Nima Sahranshin Samani [email protected] Henning Schild [email protected] James Schneider [email protected] Brendon Schumacker [email protected] Frédéric Da Silva [email protected] Steve Simon [email protected] Enrique Soriano [email protected] Ataliba Teixeira [email protected] Roy Williams [email protected] Jeff Woodall [email protected] Foreword This book contains the proceedings for the Sixth International Workshop on Plan 9, IWP9. It was held on the 20th and 21st of October of 2011 at ETSIT, Rey Juan Carlos University. We, the organizing committee are proud of hosting this workshop again. Back in 2005 when we hosted the first one, we did not imagine it would continue for so long, getting to be the meeting point for the Plan 9 and Inferno communities. The workshop includes a tutorial by Sape Mullender on the important topic of performance evaluation. There is also a panel discussing news from new systems and ports, new sprouts coming out of Plan 9 an Inferno: nix, osprey and new ports of inferno. A lot of work has been going recently into these new systems and furthering the reach of the Plan 9 approach. This workshop was organized by the Systems Lab, a group in the Systems and Communications Group (GSYC, URJC), and Erik Quanstrom. It would have not been possible without the financial and logistical support1 from Rey Juan Carlos University and the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, which we would like to thank as well. We would like to thank Sape Mullender, Brantley Coile, Charles Forsyth, and Jeff Napper for being in the Program Committee. We also thank the original writers of Plan 9 and Inferno for their insight and the great job they did designing and programming this wonderful system and the community of people around the world who keep contributing to it. Proceeding updates and an online version of this book are available at the website The Organizing Committee: Francisco J. Ballesteros Gorka Guardiola Sergio de Mingo Erik Quanstrom Enrique Soriano This workshop is supported in part by Spanish CAM grant S2009/TIC-1692 Table of Contents From natural hazards to the outer space and to Plan 9 ..................................... 1 Vincent Douzal, Nicolas Bercher, and David du Colombier Gostor: Storage beyond POSIX ........................................................................... 11 Latchesar Ionkov Revisiting User-Level Networking........................................................................ 17 Jan Sacha, Jeff Napper, Henning Schild, and Sape Mullender Acid your ARM ................................................................................................... 25 Gorka Guardiola Múzquiz FTP-like Streams for the 9P File Protocol ........................................................... 35 John Floren To Stream Or Not To Stream ............................................................................ 45 Jeffrey Sickel Appendix: Work in Progress ............................................................................. 59 A Bluetooth Protocol Stack for Plan 9 …………………………………………………... 61 Richard Miller A Plan 9 C Toolchain for the Altera Nios2 Processor …………………………………. 63 Richard Miller IX: A File Protocol for NIX …………………………………………………………………... 65 Francisco J. Ballesteros Dfs – A WebDav filesystem client ………………………………………………………… 71 Steve Simon Wsys(4): hosted window system ………………………………………………………….. 75 Jesús Galán López Tutorials, Panels, and Workshops • Tutorial: Measuring Performance. Sape Mullender. • Panel: News from new systems: osprey, inferno-ports, and nix. Sape Mullender, Charles Forsyth, Francisco Ballesteros • Workshop: Hellaphone. John Floren • Workshop: Jtag. Gorka Guardiola From natural hazards to outer space and to Plan 9 Vincent Douzal, Cemagref, UMR Tétis, Montpellier [email protected] Nicolas Bercher [email protected] David du Colombier [email protected] build date: 2011−10−13 22:30 ABSTRACT )" E"B%H'=JE%" IOIJA' B%H I?D%/=H/O M%H1 %" "=JKH=/ D=3=H@I ?=//I B%H JDA @AIEC" %B = ?%'FKJAH IOIJA' B%H JH="I'EIIE%" %B E"B%H'=JE%" %LAH LAHO /%"C FAHE%@I8 ="@ B%H JH=?A=>E/EJO: )" =>IJH=?J ="=/OIEI ID%MI JD=J JDAIA HAGKEHA< 'A"JI =HA @K=/ J% JDA BK"@='A"J=/ GKAIJE%" %B =IIEIJE"C JDA ?%C"EJELA =?JEL< EJO %B = KIAH KIE"C ANJAH"=/ 'A'%HEAI8 MDE?D HA=?DAI = LAHO CA"AH=/ I?%FA: 6DA I%/KJE%"I ID%K/@ >A E'F/A'A"JA@ =J JDA %FAH=JE"C IOIJA' /ALA/8 '=E"/O JDA BE/A IOIJA'8 ="@ 2/="@'ߣI BE/A IOIJA'I ="@ %JDAH FH%FAHJEAI '=1A EJ JDA I%K"@AIJ >=IA B%H%KHM%H1: 9A FHAIA"J %KHH%=@D'=FB%H@ALA/%F'A"J: 1. 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