r ~"~ Weather Distribution., Cloudy, chance of rain today BED BANK and tonight. High, 65-70. Low Today tonight, 60s. Some cloudiness ) Independent Daily f tomorrow; high, 70s. "See [^ MOMMY THROUGH MWAY-EST. Wt I 16,150 weather and tides page 2. Issued Dally, Monday through Friday, entered as Second Class Matter 7c PER COPY 35c PER WEEK VOL.' 83, NO. 55 at the Post OIHce al Red Bank, N. J., under the Act ol March 3. 1879. RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1960 BY CARRIER PAGE ONE BOY HURT—Alvin Watts, 12, of 107 William St., Greet Khrush New Shrewsbury, is aided by borough first aidmen, below. Bicycle he was rid- ing was in collision with Arrest 3d Suspect With Catcalls car driven by Charles Witte, 17, of 714 Grova St., Point Pleasant, Satur- day on Newman Springs In New YorkRd. He is in Riverview NEW YORK (AP)—Boos and catcalls, rain and Hospital in fair condition. In Bank Robbery stormy skies greeted Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush- At right, Trooper John J. chev as he arrived in New York City today to attend G e r b i c k of Shrewsbury the historic United Nations General Assembly session. State Police examines hole At the quarantine station off Staten Island, the in windshield were boy's Bar Use Jenkins Soviet leader's ship Bal,tika head struck it. picked up a medical officer and the chief of the mari- Five Killed Of 59 Nabbed time inspection service. Khrushchev was seen On State's Homes smiling on a top deck as the InN.Mex. vessel steamed toward her New York berth. The docking was Highways All Ruled expected at 9 a. m., EDT. NEWARK (AP) - Highway ac- CENTERVILLE—A third The ship was accompanied by cidents claimed the lives of five Uninhabitable man wanted by the Federal a flotilla of Coast Guard cut- people in New Jersey over the Bureau of Investigation and ters and tugs bearing newsmen week-end. and photographers. Police and The victims: After Storm local police for the $32,336 Coast Guard helicopters circled Pleasantville — Mrs. Charles B holdup of the Holmdel the 7,500-ton Baltika as she head' Andrews, 22, and her daughter MIDDLETOWN - Richard W. Branch of the Merchants ed up the bay to her berth on Linda, 10 months, were killed Sun- Seuffert, township business ad- Trust Bank "Co. here last the East River. day when the car her husband ministrator, said yesterday that A boat load of longshoremen was driving collided with another 59 homes in the East Keansburg- Monday, was arrested Sat- gave the Baltika a seagoing on the Garden State Parkway, Port Monmouth area have been urday in Clovis, N. Mex. Bronx cheer, but all vessels were Her husband and son, Charles B termed uninhabitable as a result prevented from getting closer Andrews, 3d., 2'/$, were injured of last Monday's hurricane. The FBI said that James Wilbur Jenkins, 23, of 330 Poole than 500 feet to the Baltika. critically. Also taken to Atlantic Newton A. Mallett, assistant Ave., Long Branch, was ar- At the leaky pier where the City Hospital was the other driv- building inspector, and Joseph er, Paul Stephen, 54, of Rochester rested by an FBI agent and Clo- ship was to dock, the red car- P. Quail, sanitary inspector, have vis police. pet which had been rolled out N.Y. been checking each damaged for the visiting Russian chief al- Mount Holly — Samuel Carey, home in the disaster area. Jenkins was arraigned before a U. S. Commissioner and order- ready was soggy as rain fel 23, of 6824 Paschall Ave., Phila- Of the 59 houses listed as un- delphia, was fatally injured Sun- CONDEMNED —Mrs. Frank Petersen, 7 East Port Mon- ed held in $50,000 bail pending through holes in the roof. it to live in, many were com- Many of the dignitaries there day when his motorcycle failed to mouth Rd., East Keansburg, stands with son, Prans, be- federal Grand Jury action. make a turn in the Red Lion pletely destroyed while others re- He has ben charged with armed to greet Khrushchev were forced quire extensive repairs. fore their home which has been condemned by Middle- to raise umbrellas even though traffic circle about eight mile robbery and is in Curry County they were under cover. south of here. Carey died at Bur- 77 Die in Plane The Township, with the aid of town Township municipal officials. Cracked chimney Jail in default of bail. lington County Hospital abou state equipment, has begun the Police said he had $10,000 of Khrushchev came in a day af- and destruction of 12-inch cement block foundation are- ter screaming, chanting mobs three hours after the accident massive job of cleaning up the the stolen money in his posses- greeted the first of a procession Irvington — Anthony Cicchon- area. attributed by Petersens to explosion of heater during sion. of controversial foreign leaders etti, 71, of 54 41st St., was killed Crash on Guam Mr. Seuffert has estimated In Hotel Hurrican Donna last week. to arrive for the UN General Saturday night when he was AGANA, Guam (AP) —At least foot hill called Mt. Barrigada. damage at $500,000. According to Capt. Lloyd Niece Assembly session, which starts struck by a car on Springfield 77 persons, most of them Amer- Cause of the crash was not im- of the Clovis police department, tomorrow. Ave. at Elmwood Ter. The driv- ican military personnel and their mediately determined. Civi Jenkins was arrested in a sixth- floor hotel room. Capt. Niece He was accompanied by Janos er of the car, Allen Schlein, 21, wives and children homeward Aeronautics Bureau inspectors $46,200 for Tract said he offered no resistance. Kadar, first secretary of the Hun-of 55 South 20th St., told police bound, died today in the thun- were en route to investigate. he was westbound on Springfield dering explosion and crash of a Jenkins told police he spent garian Communist Party; First Theories Vary Secretary Gheorghe Gheorghiu- Ave. when Cicchonetti stepped World Airways transport plane on about $5,000 to pay off debts and from the curb. a jungle-matted hill of this wes- There, were conflicting theories Raritan to Buy Dump Site buy airplane transportation, new DeJ of Rumania, First Secretary Todor Zhivkov of Bulgaria and Atlantic City — Joseph J. Rieu tern Pacific island. on what occurred. Some military clothes, new luggage and other other Communist leaders. Jr., 21, of 2620 Murtland Ter., Seventeen persons were alive sources said an explosion blew RARITAN TOWNSHIP — An Township Committee Friday. a section of the tract might be things. Lined Up Cars died Sunday of injuries suffeied when rescuers got to the twisted apart one of the four engines emergency appropriation of $46,- The land will be held for future used for recreational purposes. 1 Friday night, the FBI and As- in a head-on auto crash Saturday just before the crash. Others 20" to purchase the 38-acre Frank bury Park police, acting on a tip, Hundreds of police and secur- shell of the plane but one of them use as a landfill garbage dump. will be purchased with surplus night on Rt. 40 just west of the said the explosion came on the Maines tract was approved by the arrested Edward Stone, Jr., 30, ity officials watched as Russian died a few hours later. The possibility was indicated that funds. Atlantic City limits. Rieu's ca The DC6B, on a contract flight impact. Bits of the plane were of 90 Harrison Ave., Red Bank, officials lined up cars at the pier collided with one driven by Mor- found 100. yards away from Located in the southeast corner in a bar. \n take the Khrushchev party to for the U. S. Military Air Trans- of the township, the property lies ris Milarsky, 52, of 361 Daly St.. main wreckage. He is charged with armed rob- the Soviet port Service, crashed three min- between South Laurel Ave. and UN delegation on Philadelphia. Milarsky was taken bery, plus assault with intent to Park Ave. utes after takeoff from a refuel- Military and civilian rescue un Start Grade School Palmer Ave., and borders Holm to Atlantic City Hospital in seri- kill and auto theft. ing stop. its sped close to the scene in del Township. It is adjacent to Pier 73, at East 25th St., one ous condition. jeeps, fire trucks and ambu Brother Held of the city's most dilapidated The wings were Tipped off the Hidden Hills East and bounds Four other persons involved lances, then slashed their wa_ A third man, Colic Jenkins, was under heavy guard all night giant body of the plane as it Building Next Month Waakaack Creek. the accident were examined a! plowed a 100-yard path through up the dense hillside greenery Jr., 19, younger brother of On East River Dr. more than the hospital and released. with machetes and bolo knives. Two Appraisals James Jenkins, turned himself in- 150 anti-Communist pickets dense growth on the side of a 640- RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Con- ing partition between two of the They found the 16 who lived to police during the weekend and marched and jeered. Their ranks The purchase price was based through it, some of them lying struction of a new J4-room ele- larger rooms, as a "substitute" has been charged with receiving grew by the minutes. for an auditorium. on $1,200 per acre, with an ad near or under the wreckage, oth mentary school on the 7.5-acre ditionai $600 for legal, appraisa $3,000 in stolen money.
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