/ 814 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. J ANUARY 18, SENATE. of the country; which were referred to the Committee on Agri­ culture and Forestry. M o NDAY, J anuary 18, 190./j.. He also presented petitions of the Woman's Home Missionary Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EnwARD EVERETT HALE. Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Cincinnati, Ohio; Mr. H. D. 1\Io ... rnY, a Senator from the State of Mississippi, ap­ of the congregation of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Mor­ -peared in his seat to-day. ristown; of sundry citizens of Poland; of the congregation of the The Secretary proceeded to read the J on.rnal of the proceedings First Congregational Church of Jamestown; of sundry citizens of of Friday last, when, on request of Mr. LoDGE, and by unanimous Brooklyn; of the congregation of theNorth Pl·esbyterian Church, consent, the further reading was dispensed with. of Binghampton; of the congregation of the First Swedish Bap­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal will stand ap­ tist Church of Jamestown, and of the Woman's Missionary Soci­ proved. ety of Avon, all in the State of New York, praying for an inves­ RENTAL OF BUILDINGS. tigation of the charges made and filed against Ron. REED S:MOOT, The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ a Senator from the State of Utah; which were referred to the Com­ munication from the Secretary of-Commerce and Labor, trans­ mittee on Privileges and Elections. mitting, in response to a resolution of the 17th ultimo, a state­ Mr. QUARLES presented a petition of the Board of Directors ment showing the quarters and buildings rented by the Depart­ of the Merchants and Manufacturers' Association of Milwaukee, ment of Commerce and Labor in the District of Columbia and Wis., praying for the enactment of legislation providing for the the various States and Territories; which, with the accompany­ reorganization of the consular se1·vice; which was referred to the ing paper, was referred to the Committee on Public Buildings Committee on Foreign Relations. and Grounds, and ordered to be printed. He also presented a petition of the board of directors of the Merchants and Manufacturers' Association of Milwaukee, Wis., FINDINGS BY THE COURT OF CLAIMS. praying for the enactment of legislation to establish the post- The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a commu- check sygl-uem of currency; which was referred to the Committee nication from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, trans- on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. mitting a certified copy of the findings of fact filed by the court He also presented a petition of the congregation of the Metho­ in the cause of the Norfolk Seamen's Friend Societyv. The United dist Epibcopal Church of Sparta, Wis., praying for the enactment States; which, with the accompanying paper, was refened to the· of leg~lation to regulate the interstate transportation of intoxi­ Committee on Claims, and ordered to be printed.. eating liquors; which was 1·eferred to the Committee on the Ju- :E(e also laid before the Senate a communication from the :/..Ssist- diciary. ant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a certified ~opy of He also presented a petition of the Woman's Missionary Society the findings of fact ffied by the oourt in the cause of Geprge L. of the First PI·esbyterian Church of Racine, Wis., and a petition Watkins, Junius F . Watkins, Bettie Hamilton, Lottie B. Kidd, of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Fil'st Presbyterian and Louise J. Jonesv. The United States; which, with the accom- Church of La Crosse, Wis., praying for an investigation of the panying paper, was referred to the Committee on Claims, and charges made and filed against Hon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from ordered to be printed. the State of Utah; which were referred to the Committee on - MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. Privileges and Elections. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. c. R. 1\ir. FOSTER of Washington presented the petition of Richard :McKE}4£-."EY its enrolling clerk, announced that the House had J. Beall, of Washington, D. C., praying that his claim for dam­ pas ed the bill (S. 465) to amend an act entitled "An act to permit ages sustained by reason of the condemnation and taking by the · c · · -+~ • t United States of certain land owned by him in the District of Co- the Pintsch Co mpressmg ompany to 1ay pipes m cei li(ljm s reets lumbia be referred to the Court of Claims for adjudication; which in the city of Washington,.': approved May 19, 1896· was referred to the Committee on Claims. PETITIONS AND MID.IORIALS. He also (for Mr. M'KENY) presented a petition of sundry citi- The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a petition of the con- zens of Mission, Wash., praying for the enactment of legislation gr·egation of the First Co:rtgregational Church of Harvey, ill., pray- to regulate the interstate transportation of intoxicating liquorst ing. for the enactment of legislation to regulate the interstate which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. transportation of intoxicating liquors; which was referred to the Mr. CLAPP presented petitions of Mitche1l Post, No. 63; of M. L. Committee on the Judiciary. Deveraux Post, No. 43; of La Guiaga Post, No. 97: of John W . Mr. LODGE presented a petition of the congregation of the Cochrane Post, No.164; of Booth Post, No. 130; of Gen&al Sum­ Methodist Episcopal Church of New Bedford, Mass., and a peti- ner Post, No. 64; of L . P . Plummer Post, No. 50; of B. K. Davis tion of sundry citizens of Haverhill, Mass., p::raying for an investi- Post, No. 137; of George H. Thomas Post; of Hecker Post, No. gation of the charges made and filed against Ron. REED SMOOT, 48; of General Hayen Post, No. 177; of L. H. Tenny Post, No. a Senator from the State of Utah; which were referred to the 103; of Stoddard Post, No. 84, all of the Department of Minne­ Committee on Privileges and Elections. sota, Grand Army of the Republic, of Minnesota, and of the He also presented a petition of the Boston Chamber of Com- German-AmQ::.'ican Veteran Association of St. Paul, Minn., pray­ merce, of Boston, Mass., praying for the enactment of legislation ing for the enactment of a sen-ice-pension law; which were re­ which will admit coal free into the United States coming from fened to the Committee on Pensions. countries where no duty is levied on coal of the United States; 1\fr. GAMBLE presented the petition of C. P. Creamer and 12 which was referred to the Committee on Finance. other citizens of Academy, S.Dak., praying for the enactment of Mr. PLATT of New York presented petitions of Abel Smith- legislation to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors in all Gov­ First Long Island Post, No. 435, of Brooklyn; of Chismore Post, ernment buildinO's and Soldiers' Homes; which was refened to No. 110, of ilion; of B. C. Butler Post, No. 316, of Warren County; the Committee on the Judiciary. of Sawyer Post, No. 333, of Whitesville; of Post No. 449, of York; He also presented a memorial of the Retail Implement Dealers' of Cary W. Mines Post, No. 624, of Georgetown, all of the De- Association of Alexandria, S. Dak., remonstrating against the partment of New York, GrandArmy of the Republic, and of sun- passage of the so-called parcels-post bill; which was refen-ed to dry citizens of Georgetown, all in the State of New York, pray- the Committee on the Judbiary. ing for the enactment of a service-pension law; which were re- Heal o presented a petition of McKenzie Post, No. 34, Depart- ferred to the Committee on Pensions. ment of South Dakota Grand Army of the Republic, of Cham- He also presented a petition of the Produce Exchange of New berlain, S. Dak. praying for the enactment of a service-pension York City, praying that an appropriation be made for the deepen- law· which was refeiTed to the Committee on Pensions. ing oi the Harlem (Bronx) Kills to 18 feet from the lower end of He also presented petitions of the Woman's Christian Temper­ Harlem River to Long Island Sound; which was referred to the ance Union of Highland Park. of the congregation of the Friends' Committee on Commerce. Church of Mount Vernon, of the Woman's Club of Lead, all in the He also presented a memorial of the Lake Seamen s Union of State of South Dakota, and of the Woman's Home 1\fis ionary Buffalo, N. Y. remonstrating against the enactment of legisla- Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Cincinnati, Ohio, tion to amend the laws relating to American seamen. for the pro- praying for an investigation of the charges made and filed against tection of such seamen, and to promote commerce; which was re- Bon. REED SMOOT, a Senator from the State of Utah; which were ferred to the Committee on Commerce. referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. He also pre ented a petition of the Congress Club, of Kings Mr. CULLOM presented petitions of Robert T. Harvey Post, County, N.Y., praying for the ratification of the Panama Canal No. 606 of Heyworth; of E. N. Kirk Post, No. 656, of Peru; of treaty; which wa-s referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. St. J o eph Post, No. 220, ·of St. Joseph; of E. L. Gooding Post, He also pre ented petitions of the board of supervisors of Jef- No.
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