'..- - v.- ' g3Sr&p-'9,5"!';- "VJf SSScwf'jiwSflpaa osr ' "JPSpw - J& . --vk -- . felfcC i " kvM .CV ' , - : ,K ma: w W a .ya& V-- A. FFITIT TTA ;S iimo tatr J r3JLaiAAy - - x- , ri rj T-- V J- xxX iLrv? NOLULUREF '$. 'JJf; VOLUME ITX K0. 393. Hoxoiimir, t., mxftmmxsm, 19, not. J?XIOE CENTS ' h. thtjrsdat, JTE :f -- SIBK.MagJgflWggSgBKZ ii v,m -I- . iTvL.J -- . j-- . of i resident Was the Victim an Anarchist Plot 5eS2S2SS3SSSSSSSSS2SSS5SSSSSSSeSSSSS3S3SS2SSSSS2SZ Hope Re of ,- Cnspimcy -- Give for the - Doctors Great tA, s muy At uwuk v .juiw, irjuuuau ,rnric-rc..ww.w rur. ,,m. r..wr,w... uir.t. w ...,-- . , vuitm...... riiRNFW.., edsUewMmlfiisister, Mrs. II. UochsteiR. of 213 Joseph AAtM rTriTrn street. Here tbe visited a. little more by Czolgosz in a Confession than five week. The incident of it was a covery of the PrfesidentHis short visit to Niagara Falls and another BUFFALO, Sept S. President McKlnley today for the rt time to" New York on business. In the latter mentioned Jhis assallawt, and sW: "He must have seen crazy. I Made to Police. peity Mii Goldman entered temporarily Much. Improved. - Condition -- never saw the man until he aeereached me at the receetfen." Km,?.. a f into tbe employ of a arm. the name of which she would not divulge. Business "He is an anarchist," the President was told, and he replied: for them carried her to Pittsburg. She "Too bad, too bad. I trust, though, that he will lie treated with was in Cincinnati Labor day and that He to nfrht left for St. Louis. all fairness." IsSaid Have Implicated Emma Goldiiian I Raw the police there Sunday all Thorough Examination Made of His Blood to night," the prisoner said, with a sarcastic. ISSSSSSiSSSSZSZSSSSSSSiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSSSiSSSSZSSiSSSSSSSS fgid Other Agitators Declares That He . Nittie laugh, ""but tbey did not see me I Ascertain There Are Any Indications t ' ncard of tue arrest ot is&ass and bis If to published an in- was given, before -- ; family and other Chicago, Prior that time he sion the attendants Threw the Plans of the Conspiracy anarchists in flammatory paper at Portland. Otv called could aid him. he changed to a peeition of Blood Poisoning and determined to come bere and see if I the Firebrand. He also published a paper without pain. He was given nourishment Latest Bulletins - could not help them. Isaaks bad not short today eggs a- Sewer Buffalo. been in the country Ion? and was afraid for a time at San Francisco. Isaak in the form of beaten is. milk. Into in I is a Russian, and it is stated was a well-kno- The water, which had been given hereto- of a Very Encouraging Nature. ld, cot know whs t to do when in 3 nihilist in his own country. He fore cold, did not appear to agree with M le difficulties." ago. """What hare yon done to help them2 came to America several years and him. and since last night very hot water Captain asked. has been associated with socialists and an- has been taken into the stomach through In dungeon Schuetler archists. the month with splendid results. 10. Leon F. the fnlhlscitybjjfore ibe answered slow! v. 11-- sesriag news VUI.AUv Sept '"Well." she "I hsve on which waSarrested should grow (UFFALO, Sept The candh which has yet wffievfro Ozolgosz confessed to week Is over. "been looking for men on their bonds. The clew Isaak If he worse the change sick rcpm. xnlcncopic c&mt has the y too was found on assassin the shape probably will slow. tton of th President continued A Another point wfiicnTvaS settled to-da- providing the courts would allow us to the in be This is the opin- ilS to police that his" attempt" upon of circulars from thfr press of the Fire- ion of Dr. Mann. There will be no crisis.. wLMft to be favorable throughout the or tuo biooa uaa been made during furpish them. - the life of President McKlnley by the prosecutfng officials Is the brand. Acting on the theory that the pub- he w " j , .,, : . - the day by Dr. Wasdln, At the area ilcKlnleyneed not If arrives at convalescence. Dr. Parke ay, ana nouiing ottutna w was thjesult 0 a conspiracy, fact that President Not Ready to Show Herself. lishers of the paper had something to do expresses his opinion that it will be three shake the faith of the attend ias conference the result was sub- In which nwnVbesldes' himself had a be .In 'Buffal6urin5ithe&3mination "Why did you deny your identity? the with the atempt on the President's life, weeks before it will be safe to move him. mitted and found to be perfectly satis- com- was ordered by Buffalo police. is expected ing surgeons, and the physicians have part. So "faras cn be learned, Czol" of prisoners iUierJbeforethe captain pursued. the raid the It that Interior wounds will will re- factory. There had been bo abnormal mitting magistrate Grand Jury "Oh, as to was not quite ready heal first The sutures "the lacerated expressed the opinion that he gesz has refused to mention any or at that I An Arrest in New Mexico of cover. The danger from two sources Increase of white corpuscles, strafe as the trial. There arc enough witness- to show myself. My friends were still in tissues were made so soon after the bullet names except that of Emma Goldman, jail I DENVER. Sept 10. A special to the passed they are probably healing rap- was pronounced practically over to- would have existed had blood, poison- es aud medical testimony to establish and wanted to do something for 3L, says An- that hat papers are In existence which, if them. However, you've got me, but what News fronTSilver City, N. idly. With the exterior wound .it is a day. The holes in the stomach proper ing set in, and the doctors had the' they can be discovered, will lay bare the crime without the President, who tonio Maggio the alleged anarchist who slower process. bul- announcing officially - is there to it? They had me once in New caused by the perforation of the satisfaction of conspiracy, and will result would otherwise be the chief- com- York was arrested yesterday at Santa Rita on blood corroh- - the entire because I quoted Cardinal Manning, att- let are now considered healed by Dr. that the count of the by plainant, being present. who said, 'Necessity suspicion of being implicated in the in wholesale, arrests, followed knows no law, but empted-- of Mc- McBurney and his associates, and the prated the clinical evidence of the ab - what good did do assassination President prosecution. ... Released Men Shadowed.- that them?" text of surgeon sence of blood poisoning. The Presi- During the interview Walter" Nowak, Kinley, was placed in the Silver City Jail mnm iill eminent pointed to the fact In bJkJbonfesslonVGzolgos'z has told According to thV"T)bllce-o- f Buffalo, today to await instructions frbm Wash- the beef juice, fed to the patient dent was bathed and given tHMirlsh-- attempt to destroy who says that he Is the Buffalo man who that pras of his the written Stutz and Walter Nowalk have been identified Czolgosz, asked Miss Goldman ington. No reporters have been allowed TfiSlFEfiliirPIESIIEliT last night was readily digested aajjneot while all the doctors were vidBC of conspiracy. He said that released from custody, no evidence if she boarded with a family of the name to see the prisoner and the officers refuse nroof of this. ent. and afterward was placed la hte tine .did not permit him to burn the having been .adduced thatwasfctrpnS of Mendel while in Cleveland. to talk about the case. Sufficient time has also elapsed to new bed. p&lff Ii4;"had desired.' Czolgosz Goldman nega- KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Sept 10. An wore s enough to warrant, their, belng5(beJiL Miss answered in the investigation of the local record of Mag- BUFFALO, Sept 11. A bill designed warrant the doctors In asserting that The members of the Cabinet was to nfe'el President tive. She declared she stayed Yfce-Preside- Wfitrt he the It is true that Stutz has been releas- that had at gio, the Italian, who is said to have pre- to safeguard the President nt danger of Inflammation where the all below stairs while the consultation at the Temple of Music at the Pan-Americ- on Superin- the Hoilenden under an assumed name, Is was in progress, and remained nntll ed, but the authority of so dicted the death of the President and and the members of the Cabinet will be bullet lodged has disappeared. It Bxpoeition he had to be In that the reporters would not bother re- be- was prepared and tendent Bull it can be said that he her. who is under arrest in New Mexico, introduced in Congress, and the belief is believed that the ball has now after the bulletin Urn early. Before leaving his room can be arrested againafc a. moment's veals the fact that he was the leader of encysted In muscles of the Issued. They were so elated oTer the togeth- Misa Goldman's arrest was in answer tliat it will le enacted into law during, come the liBfoWslns Hotel, he gathered notice. He may be of more service to a request sent to the various police a considerable band of anarchists in Kan- back and unless it should prove trou- improvement In the President's con- all his papers, taking them from sas City two years ago. These men had the first few weeks of the sessiou.
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