
Grades, test scores poor predictors of success in life, expert finds By Kathleen Ryan fulfilled people. based his lecture, "What Pre. Besides rson I Special Wnler IntellIgence 18 not considered dIcts How Well Our Children f th ~ rfi ad asse~ments out Just as happy and success. Grosse POinte's," he Sald Douglas Heath, Ph D. and a defining quality. WIll Turn Out As Adults" ~ he 3ve or gra uates, ful as your A student." "Schools have developed too professor emeritus from Haver. "But we keep tellmg our kids hiS research study "Fulrilli~; teeat con ~~d e~tenslve m. Among the qualitles that will pure an Idea of what It take!> to ford College in Pennsylvania, their grades are the most 1m. Lives," one of the' most thoro ~Iews k Wlt theu- famlhes lead to success m adults IS car be succe<;sful," Heath saId says that there are many fac. portant things in their hves," ough and comprehensIve long- ~nte w~r dC~hlle~gues, and has mg, mtegrIty and honesty, "They tend to vahdate aca- tors that define a successful he said "Quahties that are im- term psychological studies of e rmdne da Sl~ch quahttes sense of humor, an openness demlC Success whIle erodmg adult. portant to hving fulfilled lives adult men and women ever as gI'a eJ:::: f h scores are with others, tolerance and ac. motIvatIOn III less talented stu He cites integrtty, self-confi. are not taught III our schools" conducted ~r pr~ I I~s~ ow success- ceptance of those who are dlf. dents" dence, kmdness, tolerance of Sponsored by the Grosse Heath has studied a class u,,~eo~ e WI a~ adults ferent, and adaptablhty, Heath Heath also questIOned an a others, and a sense of humor as Pomte PrO CounCIl and the from Haverford College smce c~ ~rl~ ttr ~s Phredict said over-reliance on SAT scores In universal attributes of people Grosse Pomte FoundatIOn for they entered as freshmen the remar a y I e a out ow a "And these qualitIes aren't others consider to be successful, AcademIC Enrichment, Heath are now m theIr 50& ' Y perdso~ywill Cturn out," Heath even valued in highly competl sal our student WIll turn tlve academIC schools hke See GRADES, page 18A _ii#tt*9£¥,I, ..A, • h Your Community Newspaper Grosse Pointe News Vol.55, No. 17 48 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 50~ April 28, 1994 .-_lDltfy;;elif;~>:, , 11' _ ( QJ -=--":~ .... fV" lIt! r - -,.,.--_ ...~..---. ~-...._--_.- . > ' >4 WEEK AHEAD Jensen's Phillips buys Park lot, Saturday, April 30 ideas live in The Grosse Pointe Citizens for Recycling's fourth Build- Ford gardens plans to build condos ing Materials Exchange Day By JIm Stickford dIdn't know Smce the optIOn is at Salter Park near By Ellen Probert Bishop Gallagher High Staff Wnter belongs to PhIllips, he WIll Special Wnter In a move that could bnng School. Drop off materials have to develop the property. Spring in the Grosse Pointe condomimums to Grosse POInte between 8 and 9 a.m. and Phillips' archItect, John VI- area is always a delight but sel- Park, the city counCIl approved pick up material between 10 tale of Stucky & VItale of dom more so than after this the sale of the Lakepomte Olds Royal Oak, said that PhIllips a.m. and noon. year's rigorous wInter. property to developer Diamond presented to the council last Sunday, May 1 PhIllips for $385,000. year a plan for building 30 The Park purchased the Lak- condo units along Jefferson Grosse Pointe South's Safe epointe aids property, whIch K.'a~liak saId that PhIllIps Rides 5K run/walk will bene- had been unused for several owns three lots next to the fit the Jeff Halso Scholarship years, a few months ago. The Lakepomte Olds property. Fund. city paid $385,000 for the prop- "We presented the councIl a The run begins at 2 p.m. erty Shortly after completing plan last year," Vitale saId. and the walk at 2:15 p.m., the purchase, the Lakepointe "Now that Mr PhIllips has both at South High School. Olds building was tom down. purchased the Lakepomte prop- The registration fee is $5 By Ellen Probert City manager Dale KraJmak erty, we WIll be modIfYing that for students and $10 for non- said that It was always the m- basIC plan Our new plan calls students. For more informa- tention of the city to resell the for 44 condo umts along Phil- tion, call 884-7234, 885-8591 A wonderful place to enjoy property to a developer as soon bps' property on Jefferson or 886-8058. flowering trees, magnolias, daf. as poSSIble. At Monday's meet- These umts WIll have 1,400 • fodils and scillas, and the mg Park Mayor Palmer square feet of space and cost an The Junior League of De- springtime exuberance of small Heenan said that he had heard estImated $165,000 " troit's 1994 Designers' Show animals and birds, is the gar- from several parties mterested VItale saId the plan pre House opens. Tours will be den at the Edsel & Eleanor m purchasmg the property, but sented to the councli last year available all month. The Ford House. Designed nearly none were wlllmg to pay caned for closmg Beaconsfield, Webber House at 22 Webber 70 years ago by famed land- $385,000 unmed,ately and the councll gave lts prehm Place In GroBBe Pointe scape ardutect Jena Jensen, Tne counCIl s.greed to giVe l.nary approval. The council VI\\\ the garden has been restored to PhImps a 75-day optlOn to pur Shores has been ~~~ SciIlas form a blue carpet under tbe tr_s in the gar- now have tD approve the modI- its original beauty and is one of cha.."'9the property at $385,000. by designers, art1sts and dens of the Edsel & Eleanor Ford estate. fied plan. landscapers TIckets are $12 the very few intact Jensen gar- If for some reason Plullips does "We are planning w bUlld m at the door. Call 881-0040 dens remaining in this country. tectural historian specIalIzing embody the signature of Jens not purchase the property two phases," Bald VItale "We for informatIon. In celebration, the Ford in the English country house, Jensen's work Open meadows, WIthm that tIme, his optIOn ex. WIll bulld 18 umts m phase House will present a sympos- will speak on "Cotswold Man- secluded dells, long avenues pIres and the property will go one, and complete the proJect m Monday, May 2 ium on historic gardens for Its ors and Gardens" and their in- under arching trees, pools to re- on the market again. phase two We realIZe that ap- 1994 lecture senes. Three lec- fluence on the Ford House flect cloud shadows and supply Park city attorney Herold pearance WIll be very impor- The American Red Cross tures will offer insights into grounds. Pewabic Pottery will movement, the interplay of tex- Deason said that sale of the tant to the success of the pro- holds a blood drive at Our aspects of landscape architec- co-sponsor the lecture. Robert tures of grass, water and sto'1e; property would depend on what Ject, so we are planning a Lady Star of the Sea in ture, the historic gardens at Grass, associate professor of vistas and lawns and areas left kInd of development plan Phil- nchly elegant design " Grosse Pointe Woods from Ford House and the challenges landscape architecture at the to woodland and wildflowers, hps presented to the councIl. If Vitale said that the project 1:30 to 7:30 p.m. For more of historic garden restoration UniversIty of MIchigan, WIll are all typical of his designs. Phillips' plan did not meet should begIn In about 60 days, information, call Jill Cren. and preservation. present an overview of the "The art of Amencan garden- council approval, the sale could and he hopes to break ground shaw at 494-2796. On Saturday, May 14, a full- works of Jens Jensen and dis. mg," he said, "should rely on be cancelled, he said m 90. Diamond Phllbps maIn- • day symposium will include cuss their preservation, USIng the natural forms of American The council gave the option taIns homes In the Park and The Grosse Pointe school three lectures, morning refresh- Ford House grounds as an ex- plants." to purchase directly to PhIllIps, Hilton Head, S.C., said Vitale. board meets at 8 p.m. in the ments, a grounds tour, and en. ample For Jensen, the only real Deason Bald, instead of a corpo- He owns the C-olden Lion on Grosse Pointe South Wicking trance to Pewabic Pottery's an- Gordon Chappell, chrector of source of inspiration for garden- ratIon or partnershIp to prevent Moross and used to own LIttle Library. nual garden party sale (to be landscape and facilities semces mg was the native landscape Phillips from selling the com. Harry's III DetrOIt before Its held m the rose garden), all for for the Colomal WillIamsburg As he noted, "Its vegetatIon, pany to someone the council sale to smger Anita Baker. Wednesday, May 4 $25. Individual lectures are Foundation m Virgima, will Its wildlife, are due to the natu- The Eastside Republican $10. Box lunches may be pur- share Insights, pleasures and ral selectIOn for fitness for thou- Club meets at 8 p.m. at the chased and reservations are history of WIlliamsburg and Its sands of years It IS fittIng and Fireworks get reprieve Grosse Pointe War Memo- necessary. Call 884-4222. re-created Colomal gardens rial.
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