MILITARY AVIATION REVIEW JANUARY 2014 ISSUE No. 314 EDITORIAL TEAM COORDINATING EDITOR - BRIAN PICKERING WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL”[email protected]” BRITISH REVIEW - MICK BOULANGER 27 Tudor Road, Heath Town, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV10 0LT TEL NO. 0770 1070537 EMail "[email protected]" FOREIGN FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (see Co-ordinating Editor above for address details) US FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (COORDINATING) (see above for address details) STATESIDE: MORAY PICKERING 19 RADFORD MEADOW, CASTLE DONINGTON, DERBY DE74 2NZ E Mail “[email protected]” EUROPE: BRIAN PICKERING OUTSIDE USA: BRIAN PICKERING See address details above OUT OF SERVICE - ANDY MARDEN 6 CAISTOR DRIVE, BRACEBRIDGE HEATH, LINCOLN LN4 2TA E-MAIL "[email protected]" MEMBERSHIP/DISTRIBUTION - BRIAN PICKERING MAP, WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL.”[email protected]” ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (Jan-Dec 2014) UK £40 EUROPE £55 ELSEWHERE £60 @MAR £20 (EMail/Internet Only) MAR PDF £20 (EMail/Internet Only) Cheques payable to “MAP” - ALL CARDS ACCEPTED - Subscribe via “www.mar.co.uk” ABBREVIATIONS USED * OVERSHOOT f/n FIRST NOTED l/n LAST NOTED n/n NOT NOTED u/m UNMARKED w/o WRITTEN OFF wfu WITHDRAWN FROM USE n/s NIGHTSTOPPED INFORMATION MAY BE REPRODUCED FROM “MAR” WITH DUE CREDIT EDITORIAL Welcome to a New Year of MAR - let us hope this one will be a better one for the aviation enthusiast! So far we have a full year of US Military Air Shows to look forward to, providing the US political parties refrain from bringing the US Government to a halt as they did in 2013. From the UK’s perspective, 2014 will see the loss of one major military airshow with the demise of the Leuchars show (the good old Battle of Britain display as it used to be) and no sign of any other RAF airfield taking up the challenge to replace it. This issue of MAR sees the annual UK Review by Mick Boulanger with the 2013 Index being held over until the February magazine - however, a PDF version can be downloaded now from the MAR web site for those who have access. All members who take the paper version of MAR are also entitled to receive the PDF version free - all you need is internet access. If you are not currently getting this free option then please contact me at [email protected] and advise me of your email address to use and we will arrange for you to get the PDF version. The PDF version is identical to the paper version of MAR but it does have an additional photo section and you get it at least a week earlier than the posted paper magazine. In addition, we also publish @MAR every month at a cost of £20 per year. This PDF is only available via the internet and covers both modern and historical topics from all over the world and is also profusely illustrated with B&W and Colour photos. If you would like to receive a free copy of @MAR (and the monthly AMARG listing that comes with it) please email me at [email protected] and I will forward one. COVER PHOTOGRAPH: Qatari AF Westland Commando 3 QA30 overflying Doha on December 18th during the National Day Flypast )Simon Grigor) Closing date for the February issue is 08.02.14 Brian Pickering 12.01.14 2 BRITISH REVIEW As another year starts, and more changes are coming to light with the assets of the RAF. The stunning Tristar transport aircraft will be withdrawn and scrapped during 2014. It is thought that the first Tristar to depart 216 Sqn Brize Norton should be ZD952 on either 22nd or 26th January to Kemble for parting out. Another one will go mid February, and then one a week will depart until they have all gone and 216 Squadron passes into the history books as it is being disbanded on 31st March 2014. Another part of history will go during March 2014 when Church Fenton finally closes. Having first opened in 1937 the base has been home to various units including the first “Eagle Squadron” of American volunteers during WWII. It was home to the infamous Jet Provost for seventeen years with 7 FTS. Finally it was home to the Yorkshire UAS Tutors which transferred to Linton-on-Ouse on 19.12.2013. Even the Royal Navy has not escaped the changes. On 20.12.2013 848 Naval Air Squadron Yeovilton has disbanded, the Naval Air Squadron will reform during 2015 to take on the remaining Sea King HC.4’s until their out of service date........Mick Boulanger (Military movements is history, now and for our future) BELFAST CITY AIRPORT- Military visitor noted during November: - 21st 258 Learjet 45 IAC “IRL258V” BIGGIN HILL - Military visitors noted during October: - 04 XZ653 Lynx AH.7 9 Regt “AAC907” 31 014 C-295M Polish AF 13 ELT “PLF034” 10 024 C-295M Polish AF 13 ELT “PLF034” BIRMINGHAM AIRPORT - Military visitor noted during December: - 17th ZD950 Tristar KC.1 216 Sqn “RRR3998/9” BLACKPOOL AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during October: - 05 XZ594 Sea King HAR.3 202 Sqn E Flt “SRG128” 23 ZB679 Gazelle AH.1 665 Sqn “AAC569” dep 25th 08 ZB679 Gazelle AH.1 665 Sqn “AAC543” ZG996 Defender AL.1 651 Sqn “AAC581” ZK458/D King Air 200GT 45(R) Sqn “CWL84”* 24 ZH003 Defender AL.2 651 Sqn “AAC528” ZK022/M Hawk T.2 4(R) Sqn “VYT72”* 25 ZB679 Gazelle AH.1 665 Sqn “AAC569” ZK012/C Hawk T.2 4(R) Sqn “VYT74” 29 XX156/156 Hawk T.1A 208(R) Sqn “VYT25”* 14 ZK035/Z Hawk T.2 4(R) Sqn “VYT94”* 30 ZJ184 Apache AH.1 3 Regt “Stalker” XX202/CF Hawk T.1A 100 Sqn “Pirate04”* ZJ225 Apache AH.1 3 Regt “Stalker” 17 XX218/218 Hawk T.1A 208(R) Sqn “VYT55”* 31 XZ320 Gazelle AH.1 665 Sqn “AAC553” ZH001 Defender AL.1 651 Sqn “AAC070”* BOURNEMOUTH HURN AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during December: - (With thanks to BAEG) 03 ZA297/W Sea King HC.4 848NAS “Avenger965”* “FMY8040/42” n/s ZH871/871 Hercules C.4 24/30/47 Sqn “Zorro Form” 11 XW216 Puma HC.2 QinetiQ “Gauntlet26”* ZH879/879 Hercules C.4 24/30/47 Sqn “Zorro Form” 12 N-233 NH90-NFH KLu 860 Sqn “NN836”* XZ723/641 Lynx HMA.8SRU 702NAS “Skua371”* 13 ZH879/879 Hercules C.4 24/30/47 Sqn “RRR133” 05 ZJ118/B Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn* 17 ZH898 Chinook HC.3 Odiham Wg “SHF547” 10 ZH879/879 Hercules C.4 24/30/47 Sqn “RRR125” ZJ785 AS.365N3 658 Sqn “1RM10” ZA293/A Sea King HC.4 848NAS “Avenger933”* 19 ZA713 Chinook HC.4 Odiham Wg “SHF572” 99/ABO TMB.700A ALAT “EAAT” BRISTOL LULSGATE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT- Militaryvisitor noted during October: - 09th ZR322 A-109E 32(TR) Sqn “RRR1243” and during November: - 23rd ZE396 BAe 125 CC.3 32(TR) Sqn “NOH26”* RAF BRIZE NORTON – Additional Military visitors noted during November and then December: - November December 10 ZR322 A-109E 32(TR) Sqn 03 ZE396 BAe 125 CC.3 32(TR) Sqn “NOH34 14 ZJ124/H Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn /RRR1127” (until 05.12) 21 ZZ503 Avenger T.1 750NAS 05 165829 C-40A VR-58 “CNV4241” n/s 25 KAF325 L100-30 Kuwait AF 41 Sqn 06 ZE700 BAe146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “KRF01R 26 ZF338/338 Tucano T.1 1 FTS /RRR1019” ZF287/287 Tucano T.1 1 FTS 09 B-583 C-130J-30 RDAF Esk 721 “DAF4701” ZF289/289 Tucano T.1 1 FTS ZE700 BAe146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “RRR1895” ZJ252/52 Squirrel HT.2 670 Sqn XX158/158 Hawk T.1A 208(R) Sqn 28 ZH902 Chinook HC.3 Odiham Wing 10 ZE395 BAe 125 CC.3 32(TR) Sqn 29 ZJ221 Apache AH.1 3 Regt ZJ785 AS.365N3 658 Sqn ZJ226 Apache AH.1 4 Regt 12 ZE378 Lynx AH.7 657 Sqn G-988 C-130H KLu 336 Sqn XZ651 Lynx AH.7 657 Sqn 3 13 ZJ235/I Griffin HT.1 60(R) Sqn 17 ZJ195 Apache AH.1 4 Regt ZG916 Lynx AH.9A 9 Regt 18 ZA705/AN Chinook HC.2 Odiham Wing 14 ZG846 Islander AL.1 651 Sqn “AAC582” 20 ZE700 BAe146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “KRF10 16 R159/61-ZY Transall FrAF ET00.0061 “CTM2020” /RRR1623” n/s ZZ503 Avenger T.1 750NAS 23 ZE700 BAe146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “RRR1623” 17 ZJ193 Apache AH.1 3 Regt 30 ZA670/AA Chinook HC.4 Odiham Wing Residents notes 24/30/47 Sqn Hercules C.4/C.5 ZH871/871 has arrived back from Marshall Aerospace on 26.11 to 24/30/47 Sqn (departed on 31.05.2013) ZH879/879 has departed from 24/30/47 Sqn on 24.12 to Marshall Aerospace, Cambridge for servicing ZH884/884 has departed from 24/30/47 Sqn on 20.11 to Marshall Aerospace, Cambridge for servicing CAMBRIDGE AIRPORT - Small correction has been received for October’s departures; the Danish Air Force C-130J-30 that departed on 17.10 was B-583 not B-538, (see B-538’s departure date below) Military visitors noted during November & December - November 05 2233/FY AS332M FrAF EH 03067 “CTM3330” 08 CM-01 Falcon 20E BD 15 Wg “BAF623” 11-5731 MC-130J 67 SOS 352 SOG “Strix62”* 102004 Tp-102C Flygvapnet TSFE “SVF631” 20 T.18-3/46-42 Falcon 900B EdA 45 Grupo 22 ZD574/DB Chinook HC.4 Odiham Wg 22 T.18-5/46-44 Falcon 900B EdA 45 Grupo “AME4563” 27 CE-03 ERJ-135LR BD 15 Wing 23 G-988 C-130H KLu 336 Sqn “NAF78” December Marshall Aerospace Arrivals during November: - CH-03 arrived for servicing on 08.11 from BAD 15 Wing as “BAF635” B-537 arrived for servicing on 15.11 from KDF Esk 721 Aalborg ZH884/884 arrived for servicing on 20.11 from 24/30/47 Sqn Brize Norton Marshall Aerospace Departures during November: - B-538 departed on 22.11 to RDAF Esk 721 Aalborg (arrived 23.08.2013) 5629 departed on 22.11 to RNorAF 335 Skv, Gardermoen (arrived 12.08.2013) ZH871/871 departed on 26.11 to 24/30/47 Sqn (arrived 31.05.2013) CH-03 departed on 27.11 to BD 15 Wing (arrived 08.11) Marshall Aerospace Arrivals during December: - 5607 arrived for servicing on 02.12 from ZH879/879 arrived for servicing on 24.12 from 24/30/47 Sqn CARDIFF AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during December: - 01 ZH544 Sea King HAR.3A 22 Sqn A Flt “SRG169”* 14 ZJ785 AS.365N3 658 Sqn “1WT18”* 03 ZH882/882 Hercules C.5 24/30/47 Sqn “RRR207/8”* 18 ZK451/K King Air 200 45(R) Sqn “CWL68”*
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