German Action Plan for the conservation and restoration of the European Sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) IMPRINT IMPRINT Published by: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) Division N II 1 – Protection and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity, Coastal Nature Protection Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 · 53175 Bonn · Germany Email: [email protected] · Website: www.bmu.de/english Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) Konstantinstraße 110 · 53179 Bonn · Germany Tel: 0228 8491-0 · Fax: 0228 8491-99 99 Email: [email protected] · Website: www.bfn.de Text and Editing: Geßner, J., Tautenhahn, M., von Nordheim, H., Borchers, T. Design: design_idee, büro_für_gestaltung, Erfurt Printing: BMU print office Photos: Cover: R. Groß/NLWKN P. 24 (right): ARGE Elbe P. 3: Katharina Nabel P. 25 (top): Michael Pütsch P. 4: Ute Grabowsky/photothek.net P. 25 (bottom): Wassergütestelle Elbe P. 6: M. Schoor 2010 P. 26: Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Nordsee-Treene, Mildstedt P. 10: C. Pusch/BfN P. 27: Ludowingischer/Wikipedia P. 12: ANONYMUS; Störbildarchiv S. Spratte P. 28: Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser, Darstellung UBA P. 13 (top: Paul Vecsei P. 29: IKSE P. 13 (bottom): Hans Winkler, Ludwig & Geßner 2004 P. 31 (top left): C. Pusch/BfN mit Gen. A. Ludwig/IZW, Berlin P. 31 (top right): B. Midgalska P. 15: C.M. Kamerichs P. 31 (center left): J. Geßner P. 16: Anne Gubig/Gesellschaft zur Rettung des Störs P. 31 (center right): J. Geßner P. 17: Modifiziert nach Bern Convention AP J. Geßner P. 31 (bottom left): J. Geßner P. 20: J. Geßner P. 31 (bottom right): J. Geßner P. 22 (left: Douglas Herdson/National Aquarium, P. 33: J. Geßner Plymouth, England P. 41: Vattenfall Europe AG P. 22 (right): Douglas Herdson/National Aquarium, P. 42: K.H. Jährling/LANUV Sachsen Anhalt Plymouth, England P. 44: Arnd Weber P. 23: CPNREM P. 46: M. L. Acolas/Genehmigung bei Gesellschaft zur Rettung P. 24 (left): ARGE Elbe des Störs e.V. Date: September 2010 First Print 1,000 copies 2 German Action Plan for the conservation and restoration of the European Sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) Figure 1: Large-scale nature conservation project Lenzener Elbtalauen – water meadow renaturation and flood protection through dyke relocation (section) Produced within the framework of the Research and Development Project “National Action Plan for the Conservation of the European Sturgeon” (FKZ 3508 86 0400) to implement the European Action Plan for the Conservation and Restoration of the European Sturgeon adopted under the Bern Convention on 27 November 2007 (Rosenthal et al. [eds.] 2009). Produced by: Gesellschaft zur Rettung des Störes Acipenser sturio L. e.V., Rostock On behalf of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) Funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) Citation: Geßner, J., Tautenhahn, M., von Nordheim, H., Borchers, T. 2010: Nationaler Aktionsplan zum Schutz und zur Erhaltung des europäischen Störs (Acipenser sturio). Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit und Bundesamt für Naturschutz (Hrsg.), Bonn. 84 pp. German Action Plan for the conservation and restoration of the European Sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) 3 FOREWORD DEAR READER, In 2010 – the International Year of Biodiversity – the European environment ministers have had to con- cede that the goal of halting further loss of biological diversity by 2010 cannot be achieved. At the same time, there is growing realisation that the conser- vation of biological diversity has the same dimension and significance for securing man’s foundations of which is still running with funding from the Federal life as climate protection. Environment Ministry (BMU). The project is not only supported by the Society for the Conservation of Sturgeons are living fossils that were found in large Sturgeon (GRS) and the Institute of Freshwater Ecol- numbers in the North and Baltic Sea tributaries into ogy and Inland Fisheries (IGB), but also by the Federal the late 19th century. The European sturgeon as a Research Ministry, and the Länder of Brandenburg self-sustaining species is now considered extinct in and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Germany and the rest of Europe, apart from a small relic population in France. River control measures Key elements of the project to reintroduce the Euro- and water pollution, the associated loss of habitats pean sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) include sound, inter- and decades of overfishing have led to a drastic nationally coordinated scientific support, a long-term decrease in populations, which also affects other focus, intensive incorporation of all stakeholders migratory and freshwater fish species. and users from an early stage, and cooperation with other European partners such as France. This is one Due to their long life span, late maturity and long reason sturgeon reintroduction was included in the migration routes, sturgeons require special protection German government’s National Strategy on Biological as they are particularly affected by the diverse chang- Diversity in 2007 as a beacon project. es and uses of their various habitats in rivers and the sea. For this reason the Federal Agency for Nature Based on the Action Plan for the Conservation of Conservation (BfN) launched a research and develop- the European Sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) adopted ment project in 1996 on the reintroduction of stur- by the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention geons in the German North and Baltic Sea tributaries, in November 2007, this National Action Plan for 4 German Action Plan for the conservation and restoration of the European Sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) the Conservation and Restoration of the European Implementing the Action Plan is a long-term task Sturgeon was elaborated with the support of the requiring close cooperation between all stakeholders. institutions involved and representatives of resource I hope that this Action Plan will contribute to advanc- users. The goal is to provide a binding framework for ing the reintroduction of the sturgeon and also to future work and a foundation for water body-specific improving the conditions for other water-dependent management plans. The Action Plan presented in organisms and habitats. the International Year of Biodiversity takes on a key role in conserving sturgeon populations in rivers and If we can achieve this, the reintroduction of the coastal waters. European sturgeon could become a success story in Germany’s efforts to protect and conserve biological With its many goals and measures, this German diversity. National Action Plan for the Conservation and Resto- ration of the European Sturgeon incorporates users and other stakeholders. Many of them were closely involved in drawing up the plan. Important part- ners include fishers and anglers, particularly due to unwanted sturgeon bycatch, and the water sector, which, in accordance with the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive, pursues the goal of improving the ecological status of our rivers. In addition to a detailed description of A. sturio, its requirements in terms of the diverse habitats as well as of the threats and risks and the legal frame- work for conservation measures are outlined. The main focus is, however, on the very wide-ranging Prof. Dr. Beate Jessel catalogue of measures with regard to rivers in west- President of the Federal Agency for Nature ern Germany. Conservation (BfN) German Action Plan for the conservation and restoration of the European Sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) 5 Figure 2: Redynamisation of a waterway through connection of a river branch at Vreugderijkerwaard, IJssel, Netherlands 6 German Action Plan for the conservation and restoration of the European Sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) Contents ExEcuTIvE SuMMARy 8 1 INTRoDucTIoN 11 2 DEScRIPTIoN oF THE SPEcIES 12 3 DistribuTIoN AND cuRRENT SITuatioN 17 4 Threats AND RISkS 21 4.1 Fisheries-related mortality 21 4.2 Morphological alterations of rivers and estuaries 24 4.3 Environmental pollution of rivers and estuaries 29 4.4 Introduction of allochthonous species 32 4.5 Impacts of climate change 33 5 Legal ASPEcts 34 5.1 International instruments 34 5.1.1 Bonn Convention 34 5.1.2 Washington Convention (CITES) 35 5.2 Regional instruments 35 5.2.1 Bern Convention 35 5.2.2 OSPAR Convention 36 5.3 European laws and regulations 37 5.4 National regulations 38 6 objEcTIves AND Measures 39 6.1 Goals and overall objectives 39 6.2 Activities and expected results 39 6.2.1 Component 1: In-situ conservation of Acipenser sturio 40 6.2.2 Component 2: Protection and restoration of essential sturgeon habitats 41 6.2.3 Component 3: Ex-situ conservation and re-introduction of Acipenser sturio 42 6.2.4 Component 4: International cooperation and coordination 44 7 ANALySIS oF gaps IN ScIENTIFIc AND pracTIcAL kNowLEDGE 45 8 REFERENces cITED 47 Annex I: List of the actions, measures, target groups, success indicators and milestones for a successful re-introduction of Acipenser sturio 52 Annex II: Particularly suitable habitats in Germany with potential significance for Acipenser sturio 75 Annex III: Regulations with indirect relevance to the protection of Acipenser sturio and its habitats 77 Annex Iv: List of Abbreviations 81 German Action Plan for the conservation and restoration of the European Sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) 7 Executive Summary The European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio L.1758) is an ˘ anthropogenic environmental pollution, e.g. from anadromous migratory fish, spending most of its life contaminants, eutrophication and increased
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