INDEX Above Board Construction, 344 Award for Engineering Accomplishments, Clipper Mill, 10, 46, 47, C10 ABS Consulting, 209, 378 149 expansion, 15 Adams, Walter B., 34 Standard 55, 175 Bankey, Cynthia, 25 Acentech, 38, 213 American Society of Interior Designers, 92 Barber & Hoffman, 123 Act for the Preservation of American Antiquities. Anastos Engineering, 204 Barker Rinker Seacat & Partners, 375–378 See Antiquities Act Anderson, Paul, 15 Barn at Fallingwater, 85, 91, 261, 268–271, C29 adaptive thermal comfort, 175 Andrews, Monica, 15 Batshalom, Barbra, 102 Addington, Michelle, 172, 221 Andropogen Associates, 74, 213 BBI Construction, 267 Adeline Street Urban Salvage Project, 252, 323, Annapolis, MD, 35 BC Building Corporation, 385 348–351, C44 ANSI, 227 Beals and Thomas, 194 Advanced Micro Devices, 130 Antiquities Act, 55, 57, 58 BEES, 260 Advanced Radiant Technology, 348 Apalachicola River and Bay, 128 Bert Davis & Associates, 65 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 7, Apex Plumbing, 276 Betty Bird & Associates, 77 50, 260 APTI. See Association of Preservation bicycles Affordable Housing Development Corporation, Technology incentives and support, 22, 107 81 Aqua-Tex Scientifi c Consulting, 385 storage, 52 Ahwahnee Community Livability Award, 77 ARAMARK, 297 Bierbaum, Rosina, 195 AIA. See American Institute of Architects Architectural Energy Corporation, 235 BIM. See Building Information Modeling air leakage in buildings, 26–29 Architectural Lighting Design, 114, 381 biofi ltration, 133 air sealing. 26–2. See also draught proofi ng. Architectural Support Group, 317 biomimicry, 14, 21 Air Services Refrigeration, 106 Architecture 2030, 12, 176 biophilia, 54, 222, 224 Alabama, 128 Arizona bioretention, 133, 247 Alameda County Waste Management Authority, Phoenix, 16 bioswales, 22, 71, 132–134, 150–152, 155, 159, 264–267 Army Corps of Engineers, 128 311–313 Alberici Constructors, 244 Arup, 156, 194, 198, 254, 381 Birchenough, Dave, 25 Alberici corporate headquarters, 240–244, C41 Ashkin, Stephen, 294 Blackburn, Fred, 106 Alberici Redevelopment Corp. ASHRAE. See American Society of Heating, Blackstone Station Offi ce Renovation, 153–156 Alexander & Baldwin, 233 Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning blackwater, 143 Alliance for a Sustainable Colorado, 52, 107–110, Engineers Blewett, John T., 106 C6 Association of Preservation Technology, 20, 49, BLIP Design, 345–348 Alliance to Save Energy, 186 98, 362 Blohm Peterson Vollan Galloway & Associates, Alper-Audi, 244 Association for the Advancement of 385 Alter, Lloyd, 186 Sustainability in Higher Education, 90 blower-door testing, 26 Ambient energy, 110 Atelier Ten, 374 Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, 85, 91, 261, 271, C29 American Institute of Architects, 12, 43, 59, ATC Associates, 38, 213 BOMA. See Building Owners Management 84–85, 120 Atlanta. See Georgia Association Committee on the Environment, 43, 55, 56, Atlantic Engineering Services, 271 boomer buildings, 357, 361 59, 63, 71, 77, 91, 115, 149, 157, 268, 339, Athena EcoCalculator for Buildings, 95, 146, 260 Boston City Hall, 359–360 348, 378 Athena Environmental impact Estimator, 49, 260 Boston, Massachusetts. See Massachusetts Communities by Design, 89 Athena Impact Estimator for Buildings, 95, 260 Boston Red Sox, 13, 297, C45 Energy Conservation Task Force, 56,COPYRIGHTED 59 Athena Institute, 49, 95, 260–261 MATERIALBoulder Associates, 233–235 Environmental Resources Guide, 59 Austin AECom, 374 Boulder Engineering, 235 Historic Resources Committee, 55 Austin, Mary, 142 Brabeck-Lemathe, Peter, 128 Honolulu Offi ce, 231–234 Austin, Texas, 141 Brand, Stewart, 11, 18, 20 American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Australia, 45, 130, 138, 143, 187–188, 261 Brandston Partnership, 213 227 avoided impacts, 261–262 Braungart, Michael, 13, 252 American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and BREEAM, 91–93 Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), B-Corp, 81 Brent Morris Associates, 209 138, 175, 182, 291 Baker, Paul, 185 Brentwood Design, 336–339 ASHRAE Green Guide, 138 Balfour-Guthrie Building, 87, C5 Brewers Hill, 74–77 ASHRAE Green Tips, 138, 178 Baltimore, Maryland British Empty Home Agency, 8 387 114_169117_bindex.indd4_169117_bindex.indd 338787 112/20/20172/20/2017 55:12:42:12:42 PPMM 388 INDEX Bronx Zoo, 168, 199–204, 230 Cannon Design, 385 restaurant, 309 Brookhaven National Laboratory, 185 carbon retail, 21, 103, 236, 309, 339 Brookings Institution, 15, 16, 49, 50, 78, 169, 253 calculators, 49, 260–261 zoo, 199 Center on Metropolitan Policy, 15, 50, 334 embodied, 7–8, 130, 260–261 Catawba River, 128 Brooks, Angela, 339–340 footprint, 49 CCI Center, 63–65 Brower, David, 56 neutral, 12 CDH Energy Corp, 244 brownfi eld, 133 Capitol Hill House, 345–348, C11, C12 Cecil Baker & Associates, 74 Bruce Lindsey AIA, 272–276 Carbon Disclosure Project, 89 cellulose insulation. See insulation, cellulose Brundtland Report, 43 carbon dioxide Center for Building Performance and Bruner/Cott Architects and Planners, 153–156 emissions, 5, 6, 16, 49, 169, 176, Diagnostics, 225, 287 Bruss Construction, Inc. emissions comparison between old and new Center for the Built Environment, 120–121, 178 BuildCarbonNuetral.org, 49 buildings, 8 Center for Health and the Global Environment, Builders Exchange, 120 land use impact, 15 226 Building Automation Systems, 181 from transportation, 16, 169 Center for Neighborhood Technology, 48, 51, Building Commissioning Association, 290 Carnegie Mellon University, 18, 225, 287 66–70, 132, 180–181 Building Conservation Associates, 204 Carol R. Johnson Associates, 34 Cerami, 204 BuildingGreen, 6, 140, 257 Carson, Rachel, 55, 57 Ch2M Hill, 308 Building Design + Construction, 19, 61 Cascadia Region Green Building Council. See Champlain College, 145–149 Building and Social Housing Foundation, 49 Green Building Council Chandra Goldsmith Landscape building impacts Case, Scot, 257 Architect+UrbanLab, 374 quantifi ed, 5 case studies by state and province Charles M. Salter Associates, 114, 267, 381 building information modeling, 84 British Columbia, Canada, 336, 381 Chattahoochee River, 128 Building Owners Management Association California, 111, 264, 339, 348, 378 Chelsea, Massachusetts. See Massachusetts (BOMA), 93, 289 Colorado, 77, 107, 233, 375 chemicals, toxic, 252, 333, 361 buildings Georgia, 103, 305 chemistry, green, 252 quantity, new to old, 8, 19, 253 Hawaii, 231 Cheryl Barton, 114 Bunting Coady Architects, 385 Illinois, 66, 149, 352, 371 Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 15 Burdette Kohler and Murphy Engineers, 77 Maryland, 35, 74, 244, 314 Chew, M.Y.L., 91 Burt Hill, 222 Massachusetts, 30, 39, 153, 190, 210 Chicago Bungalows, 352–354, C2, Business Place Strategies, 18 Michigan, 157 Chicago Center for Green Technology, 149–152, Businesses for an Environmentally Sustainable Minnesota, 368 225 Tomorrow, 21 Missouri, 240 Chicago City Hall, 134–135 Byerly Hall, 189 New Hampshire, 25 Chicago, Illinois. See Illinois New York, 199 Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, C-1 C2C. See Cradle to Cradle North Dakota, 277 China, 253 Cairo, Egypt, 230 Ohio, 120, 160 Cho Benn Holback + Associates, 74–77 Caldwell, Heckles and Egan, 304 Oregon, 21, 115, 309 Choen, Don, 15 California, Pennsylvania, 63, 71, 272, 301, 318 Christman Company, 159 Berkeley, 348–351 Utah, 205 cisterns, 10, 21–24, 132, 150 Los Angeles, 93, 181 Vermont, 145 Citizens National Bank Building, 234 Oakland, 264–267, 288 Washington, 345 City Beautiful, 121 Orange County, 143 case studies by use Civil and Engineering Consultants, 271 San Francisco, 111–114, 227, 378–381 academic, 195, 277, 301, 305, 318, 371, 378 Clanton & Associates, 159 Santa Monica, 86, 236–239 art studios, 272, 378 Clark Engineering, 371 Venice, 59, 339–344 assembly, 25, 115, 199, 268, 301, 314 Clean Air-Cool Planet, 171 California College of the Arts (Carroll Weisel Hall), commercial, 63, 66, 71, 74, 103, 107, 111, 149, Clean Water Act, 56 295, 378–381 160, 190, 205, 210, 231, 233, 236, 240, cleaning California Preservation Foundation, 111 244, 309, 368, 381 green, 226, 294–295, 310, 370 Calvin Engineering Associates, 209 government, 120, 190, 210, 264 impacts, 218, 225–226 Cambridge City Hall Annex, 190–194, 228 housing, 157 reducing impact, 8 Canada, 49, 50, 93, 261, 294 institution, 35, 145, 153 Clearview Project Services Company, 65, 271, Canadian Building and Health Sciences Network, interpretive, 268 276, 320 225 laboratory, 71 Cliff Niaderer, 351 Canadian Housing and Mortgage Corporation, library, 305 climate change 185 mixed use, 39, 77 evidence of, 4 Candler Library, 58, 305–308, C37, C38 recreation, 375 questioning, 2–3 Cannibals with Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of religious, 30 reasons for, 5 21st Century Business, 45 residential, 314, 336, 339, 345, 348, 352 Clipper Mill, 10, 46, 47, 219 114_169117_bindex.indd4_169117_bindex.indd 338888 112/20/20172/20/2017 55:12:42:12:42 PPMM INDEX 389 Club of Rome, 56 Daniel, Mann, Johnson + Mendenahall, 248 economic benefi ts of historic preservation, coal, use of and impacts, 12, 169, 176 Das, Sutapa, 91 50–53, cob construction, 22–24, 255, David Nelson & Associates, 235 Economics of Historic Preservation: A Coldham & Hartman Architects, 29 David Perry Architects, 194 Community Leader’s Guide, 50 Collaborative for High-Performance Schools, 293 Davis Design Development Corp.,41 ecosystems, 130 Collaborative Lighting, 149 Davis Langdon, 17 Ecotrust, 53, 309–314 Collers Turley Martin Tucker, 244 Dawson Wissmach Architects, 104–106 E Cube, 110 Colorado David Family Environmental Action Center, 236 Edelman Solijaga Watson, 314 Boulder, 180, 233, 378–381 daylighting,
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