选 手 们 ,北 马 想 对 你 说 Important Tips 亲爱的选手们,也许你是一名初登马拉松赛场的新星,也许你已经是一名身经百战的老将,在比赛前,请花5 分钟的时 间了解以下温馨提示,让我们健康、开心、顺利的享受这场期盼已久的赛事! Dear all, maybe you are a new star in the marathon race, maybe you are already a veteran of many competitions. Please take 5 minutes to understand the following warm tips before the race. 1. 评估自己的身体状态 Assess your physical condition (1)马拉松是一项高负荷、大强度、长距离且存在高风险的运动,对参赛选手身体状况有较高的要求。参赛选手应身体健康, 有长期参加跑步锻炼或训练的基础。请参赛选手根据自己的身体状况和训练水平决定是否参赛。 Marathon is an athletic sport with high risk and great intensity over long distances. It is also has high physical demands on participants. Those who wish to participate in Marathon race shall be in healthy condition, have experience in running and have completed training. (2)比赛日前,凡患有感冒或其他疾病、伤病未愈或身体不适、赛前过度饮酒或休息不足的选手,请准确评估自己的身体状态, 不要勉强参赛。 Before the race, any participants suffering from cold or other diseases, unhealed injuries or physical discomfort, excessive drinking or insufficient rest before the race, please accurately assess your physical condition, do not force yourself into the race (3)比赛过程中,当出现头晕、腹痛、浑身无力、双腿酸痛等身体不适后,请立即停止比赛,并向赛道旁的工作人员及志愿者 寻求帮助。请知道,顽强拼搏、坚持到底固然是良好的品质,但敢于正视自己、退出比赛,更是有勇气的体现。 During the race,in case of dizziness, abdominal pain, weakness or pain in the legs, please stop the race immediately and ask for help from the staffs and volunteers. (4)比赛日当天早晨北京气温较低,请参赛选手身着足够保暖的衣服前往起点,组委会将从 5:30 开始提供存衣服务。终点 区域设置有更衣室,请选手们完赛后立即换上干衣物,避免感冒。 It is cold in Beijing on the morning of the race day. Please wear warm clothes to the start. The organizing committee will provide bag storage service from 5:30.a.m.There would be a changing room in the finishing area. Please keep dry and warm after the race to avoid catching a cold. (5)赛前一天的你一定是兴奋的,但请将这份激动留到比赛中,白天不要过多消耗体力,晚上早些休息睡个好觉。起床后请 在赛前 2 小时吃一顿清淡且好消化的早餐,出门前再检查一遍要带的所有物品。 Don't burn out too much energy before the race. Rest early and get a good sleep. After getting up, please have a digestible breakfast 2 hours before the race and check all the items before going to the start area. 1 2. 号码布及芯片计时使用说明 Bib Number & Timing Chip Instructions (1)请选手在赛前如实填写完整号码布背面信息,紧急联系人一栏请尽量填写身在北京并在比赛当天可以联系 到的亲友信息。 Please write the true information at the back of your bib number. (2)计时芯片使用注意事项。 Timing chip instructions. ①计时芯片已粘贴在号码布背面,请将粘贴芯片的号码布必须佩戴在胸 比赛物品清单 Check List 前。未按照要求正确佩戴号码布,可能没有芯片计时成绩。 The timing chip is pasted on the back of the bib number. Please wear the bib number on the chest. Those who do not wear the bib 划个 这些物品你准备好了吗 ? number correctly may lose the race results. 号码布 Bib Number ②比赛过程中,不要用衣物、背包等物品或者手臂等身体其他部位遮挡 参赛服 Sports Shirt 粘贴了芯片的号码布,否则可能没有芯片计时成绩。 During the race, do not shade the bib number by clothes, 跑鞋 Running Shoes backpacks or other parts of the body, otherwise may lost the race 运动帽 Running hat results. ③比赛过程中参赛选手必须踏上组委会设置的计时毯,否则没有芯片计 运动眼镜 Sunglasses 时成绩。 运动手表 Watch During the race, the participants must step on the chip timing 运动腰包 / 臂包 carpets of the race course, otherwise may lost the race results. ④不要折叠芯片,不要取下芯片上的保护泡沫,否则没有芯片计时成绩。 Running Waist / Arm Pack Do not fold the chip or remove the protective foam from the chip, 能量胶 Power Gel otherwise may lost race results. 盐丸 Salt Pill 零钱 Cash 防晒霜 Sunscreen 凡士林 Vaseline 交通卡 Traffic Card 干衣服 Dry Clothes 号码布背面及芯片示意图 The Back of Bib Number &Timing Chip 2 比赛起点 Race Start Step1 抵达起点 Arriving At Starting Area 起点位置 : 天安门广场 Start Location : Tian’anmen Square 起跑时间:11月 3 日上午 7:30 rd Start Time:7:30 3 Nov.2019 1. 乘地铁 2 号线,前门站下车出C 口 ( 预计步行 20 分钟至天安门广场入场安检口 ) Subway line 2 at QIANMEN station Exit C (About 20 minutes to the Participants’ Entrance of Tian’anmen Square) 2. 乘地铁 2 号线,和平门站下车出B2 口 ( 预计步行 20 分钟至天安门广场入场安检口 ) Subway line 2 at HEPINGMEN Station Exit B2 (About 20 minutes to the Participants’ Entrance of Tian’anmen Square) 3. 乘地铁 1 号线,天安门西站下车出B 口 ( 预计步行 25 分钟至天安门广场入场安检口且需经过广场社会安检 ) Subway line 1 at TIAN’ANMEN WEST station Exit B (About 25 minutes to the Participants’ Entrance of Tian’anmen Square) Step2 号码布查验及入场安检 Bib Number Check & Security Check 起点入场时间 : 11 月 3 日 5:30-7:30 rd Tian’anmen Square Entry will be Open at 5:30-7:30 3 Nov.2019 1. 号码布查验 Bib Number Check (1)选手在天安门广场入场时,需正确佩戴并出示2019 华夏幸福北京马拉松赛号码布,如未正确出示,现场工作人员及赛 事安保有权没收非赛事号码布并拒绝选手入场参赛。 All participants must obviously and properly wear the 2019 CFLD Beijing Marathon bib number on the chest without any folding and covering, otherwise will be rejected to entry, even will be disqualified by security staffs. 2. 入场安检 Security Check (1) 起点入场安检共设置 90 个安检通道,其中85 个存包通道,5个无存包通道。选手需正确佩戴2019 华夏幸福北京马拉 松赛事号码布并接受开包安检,请选手听从现场工作人员指挥,有序安检。 There are 90 security accesses, 85 for bag storage, 5 for no bag storage. All participants are required to wear the bib number of 2019 CFLD Beijing Marathon correctly and open bags for security check orderly. (2) 选手需严格遵守北京市治安法律法规及赛事组织的相关规定,禁止携带刀具、枪支、易燃易爆等违禁危险物品、液体、 旗杆旗帜、广告横幅、自拍杆等进入广场,三轮车、手推车、自行车等交通工具禁止进入广场。 All participants must obey the laws and regulations of public security and race regulations. Any liquid, flagpole, advertising flags and banners, selfie stick, knives, guns, flammable and explosive and other dangerous goods 3 are prohibited into the Tian’anmen Square. Handcarts, bikes, trolleys and other transports are prohibited. (3) 禁止带宠物进入广场。 Pets are not allowed in the square. Step3 存衣 Bag Storage 存衣开放时间 :11 月 3 日 5:30-7:15 rd Bag Storage Time: 5:30-7:15 3 Nov.2019 1. 请选手将 2019 华夏幸福北京马拉松赛事小号码布粘贴在盛衣袋指定位置,号码朝外。 Participants need to stick the small 2019 CFLD Beijing Marathon bib number outside of race bag. 2. 存衣将于赛前 15 分钟截止,请选手注意,安排好时间。 Bag storage on race day will be opened until 15 minutes before the race start. Please plan your time accordingly. 3. 请选手不要将贵重物品存放在包内(如手机、有效证件、大额现金、各种钥匙、信用卡、电子产品等),如发生损坏或遗失, 后果由选手本人承担。 Please do not put valuables in your storage bag (such as mobile phone, identification document, cash, keys, credit card, iPad, etc.). In case of damage or loss, participants shall bear all the consequences arising. 2019 华夏幸福北京马拉松 CFLD Beijing Marathon 请将小号码布贴于此方格内 Please stick your smaller bib number into the square. 正面 Front 背面 Back Step4 比赛检录 Race Roll Call 检录时间 :11 月 3 日 5:30-7:30 rd Roll Call Time: 5:30-7:30 3 Nov.2019 1. 所有选手需将 2019 华夏幸福北京马拉松赛事号码布正确佩戴在胸前,按号码布首字母对应区域分区检录。如未正 确佩戴号码布或未按要求在对应区域检录,裁判有权拒绝选手入场。 All participants must obviously and properly wear 2019 CFLD Beijing Marathon race bib number on your chest and roll call correspondingly with capitale letter of bib. Otherwise, participants will be rejected for roll call. 5 分区检录站位 Roll Call Zone 起点分区 对应成绩 对应号段 Zone Result Bib Number 我要上奥运直通选手及 2018 北马九星跑者 T Public Elite Participants T0001-T9999 全 程 3 :3 0 以 内 A Marathon run in 3:30 A0001-A9999 全 程 3 :3 0 - 4 :0 0 B Marathon run between 3:30 and 4:00 B0001-B9999 C 全 程 4 :0 0 - 4 :3 0 Marathon run between 4:00 and 4:30 C0001-C9999 D 全 程 4 :3 0 - 5 :0 0 Marathon run between 4:30 and 5:00 D0001-D9999 E 全 程 5 :0 0 - 6 :0 0 Marathon run between 5:00 and 6:00 E0001-E9999 F 全程 6 :00以外以及半程选手 Marathon run more than 6:00 and Half Marathon run F0001-F9999 起点热身、如厕及环境保护 Warm Up Toilets and Environment Protection 1. 选手可在各自检录集结区域内进行热身,热身操活动时间为 6:50-7:15。 Warm up exercises start from 6:50 to 7:15. 2. 建议选手在出发前进行合理排空,广场内非卫生间区域严禁随地便溺,如有违反,组委会现场没收 选手的号码布并取消其参赛资格。起跑前,请选手配合各集结区内的环保志愿者,将果皮纸屑、水杯水 瓶及其他垃圾丢弃到指定地点,以避免身后的选手跑进时绊倒。 All participants are advised to use the toilets in queue before the race. Any uncivil behaviors are extremely prohibited in Tian’anmen Square and you will be disqualified immediately. Environmental volunteers will collect the litter at each roll call zones. 5 5 7 比赛沿途 During The Race 比赛计时及关门 Race Timing and Cut-off Time 1. 本次比赛采用感应计时办法,感应计时芯片将在选手通过起点线开始计时。在起点、每5 公里点、21.0975 公里点、折返 点和终点设有计时地毯,选手在跑进过程中,均必须通过所有的计时地毯。在关门时间内完成比赛但缺少任何一个计时点 的成绩,将不予排名。 Timing chip start working when the participants cross the start line. Timing carpets are placed at the start line, every 5KM point, 21.0975KM, turning point and the finish line. Participants shall run through each timing carpet during the race. Those who finish within the cut-off time but without complete record from all timing points will be disqualified for final ranking. 2. 比赛关门时间及收容站信息(北京时间) 3. 饮料 / 饮水站、饮水/ 用水站、能量补给站 Cut-off Time &Broom Wagon Stations Beverage&Water Station, Water&Sponge Station and Refreshments Station 关门时间表 Cut-off Time 公里点 关门时间 公里点 饮料 / 饮水站 饮水 / 用水站 能量补给站 KM Point Time KM Point Beverage&Water Water&Sponge Refreshments 5KM 8:25 10KM 9:00 Station Station Station √ 15KM 9:40 5KM 20KM 10:20 √ 7.5KM 25KM 11:00 √ 30KM 11:45 10KM √ 35KM 12:35 12.5KM 40KM 13:25 √ 15KM 终点 Finish 13:45 √ √ 17.5KM √ 20KM 收容站设置 Broom Wagon Stations √ √ 22.5KM 公里点 结束时间 √ √ KM Point Close Time 25KM √ √ 3.8KM 8:25 27.5KM 9.7KM 9:00 √ 30KM 14KM 9:40 √ √ 16.4KM 9:55 32.5KM √ √ 22KM 10:45 35KM 29KM 11:40 √ √ 37.5KM 33KM 12:20 √ 37.3KM 12:55 40KM 7 7 沿途注意事项 Race Notice 卫生间 赛道 2 公里至 5 公里,每隔1 公里设置移动卫生间 ;7.5 公里至 40 公里,每间隔 2.5 公里设置 Temporary Toilets 移动卫生间,卫生间设置在每个饮水或饮料站的远端。 Portable toilets are placed on the side of the course every 1KM from 2KM to 5KM and every 2.5KM from 7.5KM to 40KM. 环境保护 沿途所有饮水饮料站点均设有垃圾回收箱,请选手自觉将废弃的水杯、海绵、水瓶等垃圾丢入 Environmental Notice 垃圾箱中。 Garbage bins are placed at each water or beverage stations. All participants should drop your litter into the bins. 医疗救护 1. 组委会在起点及终点设立固定医疗站,赛事沿途自5 公里起,每隔 2.5 公里设置固定医疗站。 Medical Station 现场医务人员有权根据选手身体状况中止选手继续比赛并收取其号码布 ; 如参赛选手不听从 医护人员建议,坚持参赛产生的一切后果及责任由参赛选手本人承担。 Medical aid stations are set at the start area and the finish area. Along the course, medical aid stations are located at every 2.5KM from 5KM. On-site medical staff reserve the right to remove a participant from the race out of the best interest of the participant’s health and welfare.
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