GENERAL INDEX VOLS. I-X, THIRD SERIES. SOTE.-The names of minerals are inserted only uuder the word XINERAL. The references to articles on Botany,Grology and Zoology, are grouped under these words, but at the same time are iu general inserted in their places elsewhere. A Adger, J B, analysis of talc, iv, 419. Abbe, C., method of least squares, i, 41 1. Adhesion, apparent. viii, 13'1. systems of telegraphy, ii, Africa, diamonds from, i, 69, 306 R. -1 dgesstz, A,, application of photography table for the computation of relative to natural history, noticed, iii, 156. altitudes, iii, 31. Revision of the Echini, noticed, v, eclipse of sun in 1869, iii. 264. 158, vii, I 61, viii, 72. auroras in Labrador, vi. 151. History of Balanoglorsus and Tor- Nebulre of Herschel's Cat., ix, 42. naria, noticed, v, 234, Abel and Brown, rapidity of detonation notice of papers on embryology by vii. 57. Kowalevsky, viii, 470. dbich, H., urork on hail in the Caucas. Hreckel's Gastrwa theory, viii, 472. sus, noticed, iv. 79. Embryology of Ctenophore, noticed, geologische Beobachtungen auf Rei. viii, 471. sen im Kaukasus, noticed, x, 390. exploration in South America, ix, 74. Abney, photographic irradiation, x, 296. Anderson School, ix, 408, x, 485. Academy, National, meeting, Nov., 1872. inctinct (1) in hermit crabs, x. 290. v, 78. Agassiz. E. C. and A,, Seaside Studies April, 1873, v, 483: 1874, vii, in Natural History, noticed, ii, 132. 603, 1875, ix. 483. Agnsszz, L.,tishaest in the Sargasso Xat. Sci.. New York. ix, 484. Sea, iii, 154, Phil.. Proceedings, noticed, iv. 157. glacial action in Fuegia and Pata- Acetic acid, electrolysis of the substituted gonia, iv, 135. derivatives of, Jfoore, iii. 177. Coal of Lota, iv, 143. Acetylene, Blochmann, viii, 59. Structure of Animal life, noticed, condensation of, by silent electric vii, 444. discharge, viii. 61. hiemorial, vii, 444. Achiardi, Antonio d', Xneralogia della Agassiz and Pourtales, Results of Hass- Toscana, noticed, vi, 67. ler Expedition, noticed, viii, 72. conversion of argillaceous rock to Air damper, for balances, x, 471. serpentine, noticed, ix, 403. Aitken, J., glacial motion, v. 305. Acid, action of weaker on salts of Alabama, &ol. Rep., noticed, ix, 400. stronger, x, 51. Albumen, from fibrin, x. 149. nitrous and hyponitric. ii, 362. Alcohol, absolute, preparation of, iii, para-sulphobenzoic, Remsen, ii, 55 214. Acids, estimating nitric, chloric and iodic an aldehyd, iv, 132. vi. 378. Alcohol, ethylic, method of estimating, Acoustics. Xatiayer, iii, 267, viii, 81, 170 Lea. iii, 365. 241. 362. new amyl, vii, 510. Adcock, R. J., objections to the views oi table of dilution of, viii. 101. Xoon, vi. 460. ' Alcohols, new synthesis of, vii, 511. summation of series, iv, 505. Alexander, T M., newly discovered cra- equilibrium of fluid mass, iv, 506. ter of Maui, vii, 525. 510 INDEX, VOLS. I-x. L21 Abxander, W. D..earthquake on Hawai Apples, gases from, ix, 306. ian Is., i, 386. 469. Appleton's Cyclopedia, ix, 329, x, 319. Alizarin. v, 160, 229, vii, 225. Aquarium at Saples, iii, 397. Alleghany coal-field, Andrews. x, 283. Arbutin, x, 295. Allen. J. A,, metamorphic products fron Archreology and Ethnology, Peabody burning of coal-beds, noticed, viii, 141 Museum of, Report, noticed, viii, 158. Allen, 0. D., pseudomorphs of Brewster Arctic Expedition, British, ix, 237. viii, 371, 381. Hall's, ii, 72. analysis of serpentine, viii, 375. explorations. Petermann, iii, 51. Allman, ~ra~tolites,iv, 112. Arizona, exploration in, iii, 232. Allman, G. J., Monograph of the Gym Anglesite from, Brush, v. 421. noblastic Hydroids, noticed, v, 145. Arkansas, Agirite, from, S~nith,x, 60. Ally1 compounds. vii. 54, viii. 6% ix, 306 uovacnlite from, viii, 520. Alps, origin of. Suess, x, 446. Armsby. H. P., on decay of nitrogenous Altitudes, see Heights. organic substances, viii, 337. Aluminum, new property of, ix, 467. Aromatic acids, synthesis of. vi, 143. Amagat, specific heat of gases, vii, 227 Aronhiem, ally1 alcohol, ix, 306. Amazon, head waters of, Squier, i, 150 Arsenic, estimation of, as pyroarseniate Amazonian drift. Hartt, i, 294. of magnesia, Wood, vi, 368. American Association, see Association. localization of in tissues, x, 471. Naturalist, i, 76, ii, 229, x. 488 Artzberger, air damper for balances, x, Amides and nitrides, modes of forming 461. v, 132. kskenasp, E., method of observing rate Ammonia, a contaminant of sulphuric of growth in plants, noticed, vi, 231, acid, Storer, x, 438. 4sp;l.raginic acid from pancreatic diges- Ammomum amalgams, Wetherill, i, 369 tion, ix, 141. compounds, iii, 215, vii, 417, ix 4sphaltic coal, from Huron shale, x, 303. 462, x, 292. ispirator, jet, Richards, riii. 412. A~mry,H., horizontal pendulum, x, 21. kssociation, American, Detroit meeting, Amy1 alcoliol, viii, 383, IX, 304. x, 313. Analysis, processes in. i, 329, 41 6. Le Conte's address, x, 241. of silicates, Smith, i, 269. Duboque meeting, iv, 327. Storer's Cyclopedia of, noticed, i, 75 Gray's address, iv. 28.'. Analytical notes, Sadtbr, vii, 180. Hartford meeting, v~ii,235. Anatomical preparations, preservation of Lovering's address, viii, 297. Willzams, x, 155. Indianapolis meeting, ii: 154, 229, Anderson, H. J,observations on transi~ 307. of Venus at Beechworth Vic, x, 484 Hunt's address, ii, 205. Arderson School of Nat. Hist., ix, 408 Portland meeting, vi, 159. 317. '9, 485. notice of meeting, i, 478, iii. 398, Andrews. E., Koch and tho Missour: iv, 159, vii, 604, x, 76, 239. Mastodon, x. 32. British, notice of meeting, i, 478, ii, Andrrws. E. B., Lower Carboniferour 229, iii, 398, iv, 332. limestone in Ohio, i, 91. Sir TV. Thompson's address, ii, 269. Geological Report on Ohio, vi, 63. French, notice of meeting, viii. 160. parallelism of coal-seams, viii, 56. issociatious, Foreign Scientific, x, 315. comparison between sides of Alle. Lsteroids, mass of, Kirkwood, i, 71. ghany coal-field, x, 283. new, i, 174, ii, 201, 303: 380, 471, iii, new coal plants, x, 462. 36i, 392, 480, x, 49. Aniline manufacture, new base obtained positions of. i, 474, x, 158. in, x, 296. \stronomical data, photagraphy applied Anilin, conversion into toluidin, v. 134. to determination of, Hall, ii, 25, 154. Anomalodonta of S. A. Miller, x, 235. engravings, noticed, iv, 243. v, 319. Anthracene, synthesis of, v. 298, vii. 610. proof of resisting medium, Ha,ll. ii, Anthraquinone, and phthalic acid, ix. 404. 140 observations, Edinburgh. iv, 156. ~nthro~olo~icalInst. of N. T.,Journal, Washington, 1867, i, 71: 1869. noticed, iii, 160. appendix to, iii, 70. Anthropology, prehistoric, Congress of, Society. medal, ix, 407. ii. 228. istrouomische Nachrichten, v, 321. Antimony, vii, 183. Tafeln und Formeln, noticed, iii, 71. blue, viii, 132. ~stronomy,Kiddle's, noticed, i, 233. c31 INDEX, VoLs. I-x. 511 Atmosphere, acoustic transparency, vii Balance, new platform, v, 136. 513. Ballardi, L.,on Tertiary mollusks,noticed, carbonic gas in, vii, 139. viii, 394. solar, LangZey, x, 489. Balloon catastrophe. ix, 481. Atomic weights, arithmetical relations Bultzer, A,, eruption of tridymitic ashes, between, x, 379. x, 30:;. of nickel and cobalt, Lee, ii, 44. Bartier, hydrocarbm fluorene, vii, 224. AtCzuood. M. gold and silver alloy, ix, 229. fluorene and fluorene alcohol, x. 21 7. Audition, dlayer, viii, 81, 248. Barcena, M., Mineral Resourcesand Geol- Aurine, iii, 140. ogy of Queretaro, noticed, vii, 517. Auriferous gravel deposits, ~hase,vii,379. on livingstonite,,noticed, viii, 145. Aurora australis, iv, 243, 326, vi, 77, vii, Barker, G. I?, chemical abstracts. i, 129, 77, 164, ix. 158. 296, 375, iii, 139, 370, 465, iv, 61, 310, of Oct. 1870, connected with mag- v, 63. 296, 277, vi, 52, 140, 377, 450, netic declination, Xayer, i, 77. vii, 51, 139, 224.414, 506, 587, viii, 59, belt of, i, 73, 126. 132, 309, 382. ix, 138, 211, 303, 391, of Feb. 4, 1872, iii, 273, 391, iv, 156, 461, x, 51, 148, 215, 292, 375, 471. 158. Chemistry of, noticed, i, 76, 136. spectrum of, i, 215, 372, ii, 465, iv, spectrum of aurora, ii, 465, v, 81. 487, v, 81, 320. vertical lantern-galvanometer,x,207. in Vermont, Wing, viii. 157. Barnard, I? A. P., addrws on metric Auroras, in Labrador, 1776-84, vi, 151. system, noticed, iii, 482. recent in U. S.. i, 309, iii, 389. Barometric gradient and velocity of wind, relation of, to gravitating currents, Fewel. viii, 343. ii, 311. Barracks and Hospitals, etc., Report solar spots and magnetic declination, noticed, ii, 72. Loomis, v, 245. Barrande, J., notice of works of, and on Austen. P. II, method of producing nitro- origin of Paleozoic epecies, iv, 1 yo, 504. phenetol, x, 104. BarthClemy, dialysis of gases, vi, 455. Austin, C. I?, collection of mosses from vibrations of liquid surfaces, vii, 589. N. America, i, 307. Bary, A. de', Keimungsgeschichte der Musci Appalachiani, not., iv, 76. Charen, noticed, x, 311. Hepatica, noticed, vii, 153. Baryta, rii, 181. Austria, chart showing distribution of Basarow, fluoxyboric acid, viii, 309. mineral fuel in, i, 221. Batchelder, J. M., tide guage for cold Azodiamines, coloring matters of aro- climates, ii, fi7. matic, v, 379. Battery,&eterminingresistance of,Eodges, B r, 375. Baeyer, phenol-colors, iv, 62. new thermo-, iii, 465. Bahamas, physical geography and mol- Baudrimont, decomposition of potassium lusca, viii, 231. chlorate, iii, 370. Geology, etc., of, Nelson, iv, 318. Baumstark, new constituent of urine, vi, Bailbn, H., Historie des Plantes, noticed, 456. ii, 461, iii, 207, v, 145. Beach on the Isleof Portland, Eng., x,390. origin and character of officinal Beeker, G. P., notes on a new feature in rhubarb, v, 141. the Comstock Lode," x, 459. Baird, S. I?, Ornithology of Cal., noticed, Becqtierel, obituary, i, 392, 479.
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