IN THIS ISSUE... TOWNS IN KIELCE & RADOM GUBERNIAS by Warren Blatt 3 telce Map 6 KONSKIE: • From Pinkas HaKehillot translated byJudyMontel 7 • Landsmanshaft Cemeteries byAIYuhasz 1 2 • 1929 Business Directory 1 4 BRINGING IT ALL BACK HOME: THE JOURNEY TO ZAWICHOST Qpecial interest Group by Margie Newman 1 8 OZARÔW CEMETERY RESTORATION - Par t II by Dr. Norman L Weinberg 2 4 cjournaf EXTRACT DATA IN THIS ISSUE 2 7 • KONSKI E MARRIAGES 1860-188 4 by Dolores Lee Ring 2 8 6, <^u • ILZ A BIRTHS 1866-187 7 2002 by David Price 4 6 GLOSSARY, PRONUNCIATIO N GUID E ... 64 of ^Jewish geneafog^ ...but first a word from your editor 2 erly, covering the Gu&crniflS °J ancf of tfte ^ngcfom of<poiand as defined 6 ^ tFic Boundaries as tlte^ existed 1867-1917 Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 6, Number 1 Winter 2002 ... but first a word from our editor Welcome to the first issue of our sixth year of publication. I hope that you will find the contents interesting, and useful i n 3pedaf interest Group learning about the world of our ancestors. This issue begins with a revised list and map of the towns in Ajournai Kielce and Radom gubernias. Thi s list and map appeared i n our ISSN No. 1092-800 6 very first issue (Winter 1997) , but since that time we have learned quite a few things about our region. Thus , we are reprinting this Published quarterly, material with revisions. in January, April, July and October, by the KIELCE-RADOM The subject of several pieces in this issue is the town of Special Interest Group (SIG) Koriskie ("Kinsk", i n Yiddish): articles, transcripts and extracts. We begin with a translation of the Koriskie article from the first c/o Mark Froimowitz volume of Yad Vashem's Hebrew-language Pinkas HaKehillol 90 Eastbourne Road Polen, the "Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities" of Poland. Newton Centre, MA 02459-1206 We again thank Yad Vashem for granting permission to translate email: [email protected] and publish these excerpts. W e also have lists of burials in two New York area landsmanshaft cemeteries for Koriskie, and a Annual subscription rates (U.S. funds): transcription of the 192 9 Polish Business Directory entries fo r U.S.A.: $26.00 Koriskie. Canada: $30.00 Elsewhere: $37.00 Koriskie is also included in the extracts of Jewish vital records Subscriptions and changes of address from LD S microfilms i n this issue. Koriski e is a "new" town fo r should be sent to the above. us, for which we have not previously published extracts. W e Postmaster: Send changes to the above. present the marriage records of 1860-1884, extracted fro m th e Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Polish and Russian by Dolores Lee Ring. Als o in this issue are Rates is Pending at Boston, MA. extracts of Jewish births in Hza, 1866-1877, extracted by David Price. The KIELCE-RADOM SI G is a non-profit, informa l world-wid e Other articles in the issue include the conclusion of the story body of individuals interested in Jewish of the Ozarôw cemetery restoration, which describes the recent genealogical research from Kielc e and re-dedication ceremony; and the travelogue of a visit to Zawichost, Radom, two gubernias in the Kingdom a town i n Sandomierz district i n the southeast corner of our region. of Poland as defined by the boundaries as they existed from 1867-1917 . And don't forget JRI's "Polish State Archives" project - Jewish Records Indexing-Poland's project to obtain indexes of ADVISORY GROUP: non-microfilmed Jewis h vital records of the late 19t h century. Warren Blatt, Editor There are now Archive Coordinators for several of the archives Mark Froimowitz, Coordinato r holding the Jewish vital records for towns i n Kielce and Radom gubernias. Se e the report on the Piriczôw Archives on page 38 of VISIT OUR WE B PAGE the last issue. Th e Piriczôw archive holds the Jewish vital record s www.jewishgen.org/krsig for Busko-Zdrqj, Chmielnik, Dzialoszyce, Nowy Korczyn, Pacanôw, Piriczôw, Stopnica, Szydlôw, and Wislica. Th e indexin g All matters relating to research and of these records is now underway in Poland, but none of the data editorial articles should be directed to: will be posted on the JRI website until the requisite funds ar e raised. I encourage all of our members with an interest i n these Warren Blatt, Editor towns to contribute to this project. Pleas e participate i n this 8 Bishops Forest Drive important endeavor. Waltham,MA 02452-880 1 e-mail: [email protected] g — Warren Blatt ©2002, all material this issue Winter 2002 . Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 6, Number. 1 3 x> - - -^ Towns in Kielce and Radom Gubernias by Warren Blatt The table on the following tw o pages lists all major Jewish communities i n Kielce and Radom gubernias. • Tow n - Name of the town, i n the current Polish spelling. • Distric t - Name o f th e district (Polis h powiat) tha t th e tow n wa s in , durin g th e 1867-191 7 period. Source: Atlas geograficzny illustrowany Krolestwa Polskiego, edite d b y J . M . Bazewic z (Warszawa : [1907]). • 189 7 Pop. - Jewis h populatio n i n 1897 , accordin g t o th e Russia n All-Empir e Census , a s cited in EBpeûcKM dHUHKJionem [Evreiskaia Entsiklopediia = Jewish Encyclopedia] (St . Petersburg: Brokhaus - Efron, 1906-1913) . Article s on "Kielce Gubernia" (Vol. IX, cols. 949-951) and "Radom Gubernia" (Vol. XIII, cols. 268-271), and articles for each of the \Apowiats (districts ) contain population statistics for all towns with a total population of 500 or more. • 189 7 %Je w - Percentag e o f th e town' s populatio n tha t wa s Jewis h i n 1897 , calculate d fro m th e population figures i n Evreiskaia Entsiklopediia. • 193 1 Pop. - Jewis h population in 1931 , according to the second national census of Poland of 1931 . These figures are taken from Black Book of Localities Whose Jewish Population was Exterminated by the Nazis (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1965); which in turn are taken from Drugipowszechny spis ludnosâ z dnia 9 grudnia 1931 r. (Warszawa : Glown y Urzqd Statystyczny, 1934-1938) . • Lat./Long . - Th e town's latitude and longitude. Position s are taken from the JewishGen ShtetlSeeker <http://www.jewishgen.org/ShtetlSeeker> ; which is based upon the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (BGN) database: Gazetteer of Poland. 2nd edition (Washington: Defens e Mappin g Agency, 1988) . • PH L microfilm s - Year s fo r whic h Jewis h vita l record s (births , marriage s an d deaths ) have been microfilmed b y th e Genealogica l Societ y o f Uta h (th e microfilmin g ar m o f th e LD S Famil y Histor y Library). Source : Family History Library Catalog, <http://www.familysearch.org> , an d correction s based on personal knowledge. Se e the FHLC for detail s and microfilm orderin g numbers. The notation "RC " indicates that there are civil transcripts of Roman Catholic vital records listed in the FHL C fo r th e perio d o f 1810-1825 . I t i s durin g thi s perio d tha t th e Roma n Catholi c civi l transcripts include d Jewish registrations. Separat e records were kept by eac h religious communit y beginning i n 1826. Provinces: The FHLC uses Poland's 1945-1975 provincial borders. Mos t of the old Kielce and Radom gubernias (1867-1917 ) are covered by the 1945-197 5 province of Kielce. However , th e borders do not overlap exactly, an d some areas are covered by neighboring provinces: Krakôw province i n the southwest (parts of old Olkusz and Miechôw districts); Katowice province (part of old Olkusz district); and Lublin province i n the northeast (part o f old Kozienice district). There wer e thousands o f othe r smalle r village s i n the Kielce-Radom region , whic h are no t liste d here. Their vital records are included amongst those of a neighboring larger town. T o determine the location of a village, you can consult the JewishGen ShtetlSeeker at <http://www.jewishgen.org/ShtetlSeeker> . Kielce-Radom SIG Journal Volum e 6, Number 1 Winter 2002 Towns in Kielce and Radom Gubernias: 1897 1897 1931 Town District Pop. %Jew Pop. Lat./Long. FHL microfilm s Yizkor Book Bialaczow Opoczno 189 15% 166 51°18720° 18' RC Bialobrzegi Radom 1,534 66% 2,200 51°39720°571 1862-1877, RC YB Bodzentyn Kielce 1,472 44% 934 50°'57720°58' 1869-1884, RC Bogoria Sandomierz 575 48% 456 50°'40721° 16' 1826-1884, RC Brzesko Nowe Miechôw 213 17% 457 50°08720°23' RC Busko-Zdrôj Stopnica 895 41% 1,464 50°'28720°43' Chçciny Kielce 4,361 71% 2,825 50e'48720°'27' 1826-1884, RC Chmielnik Stopnica 5,671 82% 5,908 50e'38720°45' 1876-1884 Ciepielôw Ilza 442 46% 339 51e'15721°34' 1826-1877 ônielôw Opatôw 587 30% 664 50e'53721°31' in Opatôw see Ostrowiec Daleszyce Kielce 270 14% 306 50e'49720°48' 1826-1870, RC Drzewica Opoczno 855 63% 1,013 51e'27720°'29' RC; i n Opoczno Dzialoszyce Piriczôw 3,526 77% 5,618 50e'22720°21' 1826-1865, RC YB Gielniôw Opoczno 176 21% 3,500 51e'24720°29' RC; i n Opoczno Glowaczôw Kozienice 1,109 62% 1,411 51e'38721° 19' RC Gniewoszôw Kozienice 523 49% 3,500 51e'28721e'48' 1826-1877 YB Gowarczôw Koriskie 681 45% 508 51e'17720e'26' 1826-1859, RC Granica Kozienice 1,213 78% - 51e'28721e'49' 1826-1877 Ilza Ilza 2,069 49% 1,545 51e'10721e'15' 1850-1877, RC Iwaniska Opatôw 1,996 83% 1,518 50''44721e'17' Janowiec [nad Wisla] Kozienice 185 60% 261 51''20721e'53' 1817-1878, RC Jedlinsk Radom 622 46% 762 51''31721e'07' RC; i n Radom Jçdrzejôw Jçdrzejôw 2,050 43% 4,585 50''38720e'18' 1875-1884, RC YB Kazanôw Ilza 816 61% 336 51''17721e'28' 1828-1877, RC Kazimierza Wielka Piriczôw 293 50''16720e'29' RC Kielce Kielce 6,399 28% 15,530 50"'52720''37' 1868-1884, RC YB(2) Klimontôw Sandomierz 2,443 72% 2,652 50"'40721''27' 1826-1887, RC Klwôw Opoczno 467 43% 297 51''32720''38' 1851-1877, RC Koriskie Koriskie 4,453 55% 5,037 51''12720''25' 1826-1884.
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