> \ -m iD A T , .KCH I t t 1946 W«th«r Circ«latlMi at V. a. m rnm "A Armragi DaUf Mmtrhgfltgr i|gm!> FMr fhs U$mta ad ybknMp. MM FU r veraion of Ireland. Tha.wbtdi wera Mr. MDe*.Ztte^Nast Sunday. March 9,042 Hin Country •Oyh^Sift 8 Vtlockv ITo Sing Unusual selected, froth his writings^arid ari 10, *t PhlMdeli^ at the age of tin, S«aman'2>e, who •evciity-Mvm. Thia. pMtlcular^ MANCHESTER m.at tha Audit' reoantly dSawleted hla .Ixxit train* To Speak Before " 'Mr, MogartJen, a graduate of c« i ranged oy/'R. O. ErlebSch and aat to music by Chartea Burke in the hymn wna hla moat*popqlW one at iUiputTowii Ing at'm lnbndce, Md-. h»« re­ (,’ovn«;U^<Cnlverflity^ *'^'1 A lltlie ill OO S u iU lay and was written by film ni-.l9l2 AUTQ TODY M ahetwitet^A City of ViUage Charm \ turned thdr^. afteK^pending a nine (lost Aecoiiiitail form of an gneient Irish' melody. Fchesler UnlvetiBity a!^*w aa a -organ prelude and postiudg after he had read the .twloitteth M O U W t M day furlough at huShome. pioneer of the uae of Motion Pic- ^ \ havb been selected from ancient chapter of the Goepel iccordtag (ftlUHTEEN ^AGSB) PRICK IHREK O SN tB _ Legloii AuxtUary to St. John, recording th# aiiwar- ft ^ * \ N. MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY,, MARCH 16, 1946 , MMuct a aetback and Dutch tures in motion afudy. He The anthem to be aung-by the Irlah melodies by Mrs. D. M. Ben­ AAverthMf M Phiu IS) The COvenantv League ...of the, Allen H. Morenaen^,-"1iuthorlty autlwi-of "Common Sense Appl>d|, ' ^ the> North Methbdlat nett, the organist and choir di­ ance of Christ to Mgra: a t the f r ;.v $ o t o '/ VOL.tXVnNO. 141 for tha baneflt of Laurel tomb. UnUl hie rafimnOht four _ _ gtata, thU evening at the Covenant - C ongr^tlonal church on work aimpli^i'etuon.'' w ill ad- to Motion and iSme Study and of worahlD rector. '■ i" . FtiMdcr E 4 w n f i| m^a - V wlU meet tonaorrow gening at the papers puhllnhed . in numerous ! i^ r c h at the morning worahip years ago, Mr. Milan aervefi for V' Lnarican Legion home. They , will dre.ia the IJartford f^japter of .Na aeivf»*e.“'1^unday. la an unuaual During tha offertory, the hymn ^ im door prUe. playing prlaea home of Leonard Slater, 31 Middle Ac--, technical /magazfnee., and la a written by tha late hymn writer, forty-three years aa h ^ n editor \ . SMtoiHkli^ X;.. Arrested in CanadiBu Spy Case Turnpike. Ehist." The ahpject'for tJoni0,>*''O‘ ‘»H‘"' '.’f fnomher of^the edJtoHiil*ataff of one. being an arrangement of thP of the Rodehever, Hall-Mack Com- Rose Planning ■Md 'nefreahmenta. Mra. David counfairia on lhvo< atlofi of St. Patrick as he C. Austin Miles, entitled m The fiMwtaa and Mra. Ruadell Pitkin dibcUBSion will be "The^'ljiatory Through Time ami Motion Study Factory aVTd InduatriaJ Mafiagt- G a r ^ ." will be sung by the choir. psny. .. ■ ’A- -____ __-____ _____ ___ - Industrial Picture Iran entered upon his work for the con- • n ao-chhlrmcn. The maeUng of .and Meaning o f Lent." M___1__ k«o. Mthd» India Tueaday. .\1arcli''ai>/ at the Indian ‘ ment and Maintepance. To Take Seat Mm auxiliary Monday avanlng, will -— <■ \ T- ka pficcdnil by a pdt hMk aupper Miaa Florence Perkina of .18 A 1 \' •t WO. Membera of the*Americanr Cheatnut atreet and Miaa CHoria' Xjtgian Poet have been Invited to McKinney of 281 Center gtrcct left For ^bite Painted ,/ Next Monday the aupper and the meeting to thia morning aut6 for Wilaoh, -X ioUow. N. C.. where they will take plc- t'urat for a Maaaachuaetta atlidio. King PromiMs Mra. Klla L- Anderaon. former­ On their return they will leave for ;er Statement to Canadian ly at Brockton, Maaa., who la ihak- a similar tour in Maine. V.-. N, Ing bar home with her aon*ln-law Parliament Spy and dau^ter, Mr. and Mra. Da^d T-4 Elmer H. Wllkon, of 113 Bennett of Woodbi^dge street, has West Hartford Walk­ Cahe at S^sion Then Hiilhland atreet. la bn board the Charges Jap Tatumed fwm a three morttha SS Sea Coast due in San Francis- i out Puts Number on Ilfqscow Radio Accuses yialt with her daughter In Oilcago. CO tomorrew with tnoopa from th e: that r conti .' Ottewx, March 16— — ID^od Pacific area. , « ; Strike at 19,000 as emment ‘Defend*. Ward Ciwney Camp No. IS, Goods Being Rom, CommuBiat member of O r ­ Iran to Ask Council US.W.V., wlD^hold a card party ^Settlements Earlier nament Mcuae^ 'of working with ing ^Monopolist Posses­ The regular quarterly meeting Gather yonr complimenU while you \ at tha SUte Armory Monday eve­ of 1 the Manchester Rbd ani Gun.i In Week Return 24,- a Moipeow-dlrbcted daplonage ring, sion oL''British Con- ning at eight o’clock. Members of Taken ^Aumy iT i club will be held at the clubhouse ntay— and you may in any one of qkpeoted to return to his seat Re-Examine Trouble Mary Buthnell .Cheney Aukihary * 000 to ‘At Work’ List ccssionfi’^ y Refusing hava been Invited and. have-the in Coventry tomorrow evening. the Moum oP Commons Monday, privilege of Inviting friende. Dinner wHl be served by Osano i . our new spring , coals. Whatever Arti■hert Prime Mlnlater W. L. Mac- To Grant ^ssia at 6:30 and the business meeting By The Associate^ Press Pravda - Dispatch Soya ^nzie King has promised to give Decisive Test of Rus­ will open at eight o’clock. your desire—~long or short, helled or Parliament a fuller" " statement' on Russia Urged ilar Rights ih Noirdi- The Beethoven Glee' Club wilt The State Labor depart­ United States Rempv- sians Willingness . to meet at the South Methodist the spy case. ’ " huttoned you’ll fulfill it here. ' Soft, ment painted Connecticut’s ing Highly Vatudble Rose, who was released on $10,- em "Part of 'fepuhtry church Sunday evening at 6:30 to industrial picture in a bright­ f- Work Within UlSO Put Probfems prepare for the service to follow Club Hears Talk Property to America 000 ball In i Montreal yesterday / at T;30. An Important rehearsal \durable fabrics, divine styles, heav­ / er hue today despite a strike after being charged with conspliv Framework 'Looming London, March 1 6 .—( a win take place Monday evening at * By (^.oL Rotiner of 3,000 members’ of the acy and with violating the (dflclal The Moscow radio said eight o’clock at Emanuel Lutheran- enly colors. -Come in today." / Moscow, March Pravda, kecrets'act, told friends he planned Up to &>uncil United Electrical, Radio and to appear as usual In Parliament Washington, March 16.— that the Iranian govermnsnl church. in a dispatch frpm VladivosCbk, (/p)— A decisive test of Rus­ 1 / -Machine Workers .(CIO) em­ said today the United States wss when It reconvenes after a week­ was “defending the nionopo- At the second • of the - special The Manchester Exchange Clqh ployed by the Pratt & Whit­ removing highly valuable property end recess. sia’s' willingness to work Churchill Calls Upon list possession of British oil: Sunday evening Lentgn services met Wednesday at the Sheridan, i ney division of Niles-Bement- from Japan to the United States. Might Provoke Fight on Floor within UNO framework in concessions in Iran’’ by re -> It was. annoupced that the Fix- ; Rose’s return might provoke a Soviet Union to In­ Sunday at 7:45.at Center chifrch. Pond, Company In West Hartford. -A special Teas correspondent the future shaped up todey fusing to grant Russia, s in ^ Mrs. Emily Stephenson Yerbury change Club play "Pep Parade" i ■aid his aiory was based on re­ fight on the floor of the House, was postponed, due to conflicting 84,000 Retom to Work it was understo^ that he would Iran made known it will sure Continuance of lar concessions in the co u n ­ will sing “How Beautiful Are The X Thia walkout, exUed at 10 a. m. ports to'Jsp ^ ese newspapers and Peet Of Tehem” from the Messiah dates. I to the 'Tokyo edition of Stars and pot ^ barred physically from tak­ ask the Security (louncil to War - Born Sympathy try’s northern provinces. yesterday, put the number of Con­ ing ms seat, but that home mem- / by Handel, and the mlnlater, RCv. Col. John Rottner Juat dls-1 necticut Industrial workers on Stripes. reexamine lits trouble with The broadcast said the aaseriSoOr - CUfford O. Simpson will speak on charged from the Army aftir four The dispatch in the Communist l>er8 might move immediatehr to whs made by Alexeev, a Writer strike at 19,000, the Labor depart­ have his privileges suspended un­ Moscow. New York, March 16.—(iP)— the topic. "The 0iurch Bogina To years of service attended the m eet-! Belted or Boxy styles in Black, Green, ment said last night, reporting at party organ said the loot reported­ for the government newspaper Spread Over The World." Koda- ing. Col. Rottner la a charter | til he is proved Innocent or guilty WIU Sup^rt Iran’s .VppMl Winston Oiurchlll called, upon the IZvestia. ~ A Aqua, Checks, Blue, Gold, Putty, the aame time that setUementa ly seized by the Americans tnchid American officials, who chrome slides will be showm, member of the Exchange. His i ot the grave charges now pending. ttiem- Union last night t6 insure American Beauty.
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