GoodYear Selling Card A3_Front GoodYear Selling Card A3 _Back H21cm x W14.85cm H21cm x W14.85cm RANGE: LUX MAIN FEATURE: COMES WITH GRIP BOOSTER TECHNOLOGY FOR SUPERIOR WET GRIP PERFORMANCE BENEFITS: SUPERIOR WET GRIP 㽟㴣☨㖤☼㽅☼⤂ㅢ The new Grip Booster compound used for the Eagle F1 㱝㱸㽅☼㱭⪇ⶖ⭒ᱤGrip Boosterᱥᱨ⏳㱫 Asymmetric 3, is made with adhesive resin to increase ⼗⡽凒⛪㗱㺎⏮⼛ᱨ㓳⒝㖫㵜⭩㜛 stickiness with the surface. This delivers better grip for ☨Ⱗ☼ギ⫕ᱨ㣐㵀⡧㖤☼㔋⛞㱸⼈⧝ braking and handling on wet and dry roads ☨㓳⒝⍙㦆 BRAKING PERFORMANCE 㺨⛑⍙㦆 With Active Braking Technology, the contact surface 㟬⥙㽴⛑ⶨ㺨ⶖ⭒ᱤActive Braking and grip increases when braking. This increased Technologyᱥᱨ㵜⭩㙪⭺㓳⒝㜛ギ㲓⿁ギ contact with the ground provides you with shorter ☨Ⱗ╋ギ⫕ᱨ㱸㨕☼㚭⛮⡧㖤⿁ギ☨ 㓳⒝Ⳳ braking distances on wet and dry roads ␃㽽㢺⛊㩂 HANDLING PERFORMANCE 㐩㨰☨☨㜛㝛ⰵ⤕㍿⪇⭒㗯 ᱤReinforced Constructionᱥ㖳㜛㺺㎡ New Reinforced Construction technology delivers a ⼋⪇ᱨ㱸㻜㲂⬺⪇㜛☨␃ⶨ㲓⥙㠘 stronger lightweight construction improving handling, 㩂ㅢᱨ㵜⭩㜛ㅓㄫ⛪ᱨ▕☡Ⱞㅢ⮋㜵 cornering performance, tread wear and fuel efficiency ☨㨕⥗ AVAILABLE SIZES: P Size Car Fitments AS 205/45 R17 88W XL Ford 800-SERIES, Ford Fiesta, Honda City, Hyundai Rio, Nissan Sylphy, Proton Gen 2, Proton Suprima S, PSA 208, S ENGE PSA DS3, Renault Clio (Also on Mazda MX-5, VW Golf, Mini Cooper S) 205/50 R17 93Y XL BMW 1-Series, BMW 3-Series, Subaru Impreza, Volvo C30, Volvo S40, Volvo V50, Honda Stream, Mazda 3, Mitsubishi Lancer 215/45 R17 91Y XL Audi A6, Subaru BRZ, Subaru Impreza, Volvo S40, Volvo S60, Honda Civic, Hyundai Cerato, Hyundai Elantra, Hyundai Veloster, Inokom Elantra, Mazda 3, Naza Forte, Nissan Sentra, Proton Preve, Proton Wira, Renault Clio, R Toyota 86, Toyota B-Hatch, Toyota B-Sedan, Toyota Corolla, Toyota CT 225/45 R17 94Y XL Audi A3, Subaru Impreza, Volvo C70, Volvo S/V40, Volvo S40, Volvo S60, Volvo S80, Volvo V40, Honda Civic, Honda Stream, Hyundai i30, Hyundai Optima, Hyundai Sonata, PSA 308, PSA 408, Volkswagen Golf, Volkswagen New Beetle, Volkswagen Scirocco, Volkswagen Tiguan 225/50 R17 94Y Audi A6, Volvo S80, Volvo V40, General Motors Orlando, Honda Accord, Honda Odyssey, Honda Stream, Hyundai Sonata, PSA 3008, Toyota GS, Volkswagen Sharan 225/55 R17 97Y Audi A6, Subaru Forester, Subaru XV, Hyundai Azera, Hyundai Genesis Coupe, Mazda 6, Toyota Alphard, Toyota RAV4 235/45 R17 97Y XL Audi A4, BMW 5-Series, Subaru Impreza, Volvo C70, Volvo S60, Volvo V60, Volvo V70, Mitsubishi Lancer, Volkswagen CC, Volkswagen Eos, Volkswagen Passat CC, Volkswagen Passat 235/55 R17 103Y XL Audi Q3, BMW X3, Ford Kuga, Hyundai Azera, Volkswagen Tiguan 245/40 R17 95Y XL BMW 3-Series 245/45 R17 95Y Audi A4, BMW 5-Series, Volvo S80 225/40 R18 92Y XL Ford Focus, Subaru Impreza, Volvo S40, Volvo S60, Honda Civic, Honda Stream, Mazda 3, Porsche 911, PSA 308, Volkswagen Golf 225/45 R18 95Y XL Honda Civic, Honda Stream, Hyundai Coupe, Hyundai Optima, Hyundai Sonata, Mazda 6, Mazda RX-8, Subaru Legacy, Volvo V50, PSA DS4 (Rof - BMW 3-Series, BMW 4-Series, BMW Z4) 235/40 R18 95Y XL VW Passat 235/45 R18 98Y XL Honda Accord, Porsche Boxster, Porsche Cayman, PSA 407, PSA 508, PSA DS5, Suzuki Kizashi 235/50 R18 101Y XL Audi Q3, Toyota Alphard 245/35 R18 92Y XL BMW, Mercedez Benz Inch Up STAY IN CONTROL 245/40 R18 97Y XL Audi A4, Audi A5, Audi A6, Audi TT, BMW 5-Series, BMW Z4, Subaru Impreza, Volvo S80, Mitsubishi Lancer, Renault Clio 245/45 R18 100Y XL Audi A6, BMW 5-Series, Nissan 370Z, Nissan G, Nissan Q60, PSA C5 245/45 R18 100Y *MOE XL ROF BMW 5 Series, Mercedez Benz E-Class & Jaguar XE ENJOY YOUR JOURNEY 255/35 R18 94Y XL BMW 1-Series, BMW 3-Series, BMW Z4 LUXURY PERFORMANCE TIRE WITH 265/35 R18 97Y XL BMW 5-Series 275/35 R18 99Y XL BMW 5-Series SUPERIOR WET GRIP PERFORMANCE 275/40 R18 99Y *MOE ROF BMW 5-Series (R) 225/35 R19 88Y XL Volvo C30, Volkswagen Golf WITH GRIP BOOSTER TECHNOLOGY 235/35 R19 91Y XL VW Scirocco 245/35 R19 93Y XL BMW 1-Series, BMW 3-Series, BMW 5-Series 245/40 R19 98Y XL Hyundai Genesis Coupe, Nissan 370Z, Toyota Alphard 245/45 R19 102Y XL BMW 3-Series, BMW 7-Series, Nissan EX, Toyota LS 255/30 R19 91Y XL Nissan Frontier Free* tire replacement 255/35 R19 96Y XL Audi A4, Audi A5, BMW 4-Series in case it gets damaged 225/55 R17 97Y *MOE ROF BMW 5 Series and Mercedes E-Class by nasty road hazards. 225/50 R18 95W *ROF BMW X1 *Terms & conditions apply. 245/40 R19 98Y *MOE XL ROF BMW 5 Series & Mercedes E-Class (Front) 275/35 R19 100Y *MOE XL ROF BMW 5 Series & Mercedes E-Class (Rear) GoodYear Selling CardGoodYear A3_Front Selling Card A3_Front GoodYear Selling CardGoodYear A3 _Back Selling Card A3 _Back H21cm x W14.85cmH21cm x W14.85cm H21cm x W14.85cmH21cm x W14.85cm RANGE: LUX RANGE: LUX MAIN FEATURE: COMES WITH MAINGRIP BOOSTERFEATURE: TECHNOLOGY COMES WITH GRIP BOOSTER TECHNOLOGY FOR SUPERIOR WET GRIP PERFORMANCEFOR SUPERIOR WET GRIP PERFORMANCE BENEFITS: BENEFITS: SUPERIOR WET GRIP SUPERIOR㽟㴣☨㖤☼㽅☼⤂ㅢ WET GRIP 㽟㴣☨㖤☼㽅☼⤂ㅢ The new Grip Booster compound used for the TheEagle new F1 Grip 㱝㱸㽅☼㱭⪇ⶖBooster compound⭒ᱤGrip used Booster for theᱥᱨ⏳㱫 Eagle F1 㱝㱸㽅☼㱭⪇ⶖ⭒ᱤGrip Boosterᱥᱨ⏳㱫 Asymmetric 3, is made with adhesive resin toAsymmetric increase 3,⼗⡽凒⛪㗱㺎⏮⼛ is made with adhesiveᱨ㓳⒝㖫㵜⭩㜛 resin to increase ⼗⡽凒⛪㗱㺎⏮⼛ᱨ㓳⒝㖫㵜⭩㜛 stickiness with the surface. This delivers betterstickiness grip for with☨Ⱗ☼ギ⫕ the surface.ᱨ㣐㵀⡧㖤☼㔋⛞㱸⼈⧝ This delivers better grip for ☨Ⱗ☼ギ⫕ᱨ㣐㵀⡧㖤☼㔋⛞㱸⼈⧝ ☨㓳⒝⍙㦆 braking and handling on wet and dry roads braking and handling☨㓳⒝⍙㦆 on wet and dry roads BRAKING PERFORMANCE BRAKING㺨⛑⍙㦆 PERFORMANCE 㺨⛑⍙㦆 With Active Braking Technology, the contact Withsurface Active Braking㟬⥙㽴⛑ⶨ㺨ⶖ Technology,⭒ᱤActive the Brakingcontact surface 㟬⥙㽴⛑ⶨ㺨ⶖ⭒ᱤActive Braking and grip increases when braking. This increasedand grip increasesTechnology whenᱥᱨ braking.㵜⭩㙪⭺㓳⒝㜛ギ㲓⿁ギ This increased Technologyᱥᱨ㵜⭩㙪⭺㓳⒝㜛ギ㲓⿁ギ contact with the ground provides you with shortercontact with ☨Ⱗ╋ギ⫕the groundᱨ 㱸㨕☼㚭⛮⡧㖤⿁ギ☨provides you with shorter ☨Ⱗ╋ギ⫕ᱨ㱸㨕☼㚭⛮⡧㖤⿁ギ☨ 㓳⒝Ⳳ 㓳⒝Ⳳ braking distances on wet and dry roads braking distances on wet and dry roads ␃㽽㢺⛊㩂 ␃㽽㢺⛊㩂 HANDLING PERFORMANCE HANDLING㐩㨰☨☨㜛㝛ⰵ⤕㍿⪇⭒ PERFORMANCE㗯 㐩㨰☨☨㜛㝛ⰵ⤕㍿⪇⭒㗯 ᱤReinforced Constructionᱥ㖳㜛㺺㎡ ᱤReinforced Constructionᱥ㖳㜛㺺㎡ New Reinforced Construction technology deliversNew Reinforceda ⼋⪇ Constructionᱨ㱸㻜㲂⬺⪇㜛☨␃ⶨ㲓⥙㠘 technology delivers a ⼋⪇ᱨ㱸㻜㲂⬺⪇㜛☨␃ⶨ㲓⥙㠘 stronger lightweight construction improving strongerhandling, lightweight 㩂ㅢᱨ㵜⭩㜛ㅓㄫ⛪ constructionᱨ improving▕☡Ⱞㅢ⮋㜵 handling, 㩂ㅢᱨ㵜⭩㜛ㅓㄫ⛪ᱨ▕☡Ⱞㅢ⮋㜵 cornering performance, tread wear and fuel efficiencycornering performance,☨㨕⥗ tread wear and fuel efficiency ☨㨕⥗ AVAILABLE SIZES: AVAILABLE SIZES: P P Size Car Fitments Size Car Fitments AS AS 205/45 R17 88W XL Ford 800-SERIES, Ford205/45 Fiesta, R17 Honda 88W City, XL Hyundai Rio, NissanFord 800-SERIES, Sylphy, Proton Ford Gen Fiesta, 2, Proton Honda Suprima City, Hyundai S, PSA Rio, 208, Nissan Sylphy, Proton Gen 2, Proton Suprima S, PSA 208, S S ENGE ENGE PSA DS3, Renault Clio (Also on Mazda MX-5, VW Golf, MiniPSA Cooper DS3, S)Renault Clio (Also on Mazda MX-5, VW Golf, Mini Cooper S) 205/50 R17 93Y XL BMW 1-Series, BMW 3-Series,205/50 R17Subaru 93Y Impreza, XL Volvo C30, VolvoBMW 1-Series,S40, Volvo BMW V50, 3-Series, Honda Stream, Subaru MazdaImpreza, 3, MitsubishiVolvo C30, Lancer Volvo S40, Volvo V50, Honda Stream, Mazda 3, Mitsubishi Lancer 215/45 R17 91Y XL Audi A6, Subaru BRZ,215/45 Subaru R17 Impreza, 91Y XL Volvo S40, VolvoAudi S60, A6, Honda Subaru Civic, BRZ, Hyundai Subaru Cerato, Impreza, Hyundai Volvo Elantra,S40, Volvo S60, Honda Civic, Hyundai Cerato, Hyundai Elantra, Hyundai Veloster, Inokom Elantra, Mazda 3, Naza Forte, Nissan Sentra, Proton Preve, Proton Wira, Renault Clio, R Hyundai Veloster, Inokom Elantra, Mazda 3, Naza Forte, Nissan Sentra, Proton Preve, Proton Wira, Renault Clio, R Toyota 86, Toyota B-Hatch, Toyota B-Sedan, Toyota Corolla,Toyota Toyota 86, Toyota CT B-Hatch, Toyota B-Sedan, Toyota Corolla, Toyota CT 225/45 R17 94Y XL Audi A3, Subaru Impreza,225/45 Volvo R17 94YC70, XL Volvo S/V40, VolvoAudi S40, A3, Volvo Subaru S60, Impreza, Volvo S80, Volvo Volvo C70, V40, Volvo Honda S/V40, Civic, Volvo S40, Volvo S60, Volvo S80, Volvo V40, Honda Civic, Honda Stream, Hyundai i30, Hyundai Optima, Hyundai HondaSonata, Stream, PSA 308, Hyundai PSA 408, i30, Volkswagen Hyundai Optima, Golf, Hyundai Sonata, PSA 308, PSA 408, Volkswagen Golf, Volkswagen New Beetle, Volkswagen Scirocco, VolkswagenVolkswagen Tiguan New Beetle, Volkswagen Scirocco, Volkswagen Tiguan 225/50 R17 94Y Audi A6, Volvo S80, Volvo225/50 V40, R17 General 94Y Motors Orlando,Audi Honda A6, Accord,Volvo S80, Honda Volvo Odyssey, V40, General Honda Motors Stream, Orlando, Honda Accord, Honda Odyssey, Honda Stream, Hyundai Sonata, PSA 3008, Toyota GS, Volkswagen SharanHyundai Sonata, PSA 3008, Toyota GS, Volkswagen Sharan 225/55 R17 97Y Audi A6, Subaru Forester,225/55 Subaru R17 97Y XV, Hyundai Azera, HyundaiAudi A6, Genesis Subaru Coupe, Forester, Mazda Subaru 6, Toyota XV, Hyundai Alphard, Azera, Toyota Hyundai RAV4 Genesis Coupe, Mazda 6, Toyota Alphard, Toyota RAV4 235/45 R17 97Y XL Audi A4, BMW 5-Series,235/45 Subaru R17 Impreza,97Y XL Volvo C70, VolvoAudi S60, A4, BMWVolvo 5-Series, V60, Volvo Subaru V70, MitsubishiImpreza, Volvo Lancer, C70, Volvo S60, Volvo V60, Volvo V70, Mitsubishi Lancer, Volkswagen CC, Volkswagen Eos, Volkswagen Passat CC,Volkswagen Volkswagen CC, PassatVolkswagen Eos, Volkswagen Passat CC, Volkswagen Passat 235/55 R17 103Y XL Audi Q3, BMW X3, Ford235/55 Kuga, R17 Hyundai 103Y XL Azera, VolkswagenAudi Tiguan Q3, BMW X3, Ford Kuga, Hyundai Azera, Volkswagen Tiguan 245/40 R17 95Y XL BMW 3-Series 245/40
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