STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COUNTY OF WAKE 18CVS 014001 COMMON CAUSE,etal, Plaintiffs, PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR THE COURT TO ISSUE DIRECTION TO LEGISLATIVE DEFENDANTS DAVID LEWIS,IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS SENIOR CHAIRMAN OF THE HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ON REDISTRICTING, et al., Defendants. m a EXHIBIT A STEPHANIE HOFELLER May 17, 2019 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE 1 A P P E A R A N C E S (continued) SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION 2 Counsel for the Defendant-Intervenors: COUNTY OF WAKE 18 CVS 014001 3 Shanahan Law Group BY: John E. Branch, III COMMON CAUSE, ET AL., ) 4 128 E. Hargett Street, Suite 300 ) Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Plaintiffs, ) 5 (919) 856-9494 ) [email protected] vs. ) 6 ) Counsel for the Deponent: DAVID LEWIS, IN HIS OFFICIAL ) 7 CAPACITY AS SENIOR CHAIRMAN ) Fiduciary Litigation Group OF THE HOUSE SELECT COMMITTEE ) 8 BY: Tom Sparks ON REDISTRICTING, ET AL., ) 223 South West Street, Suite 900 ) 9 Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 Defendants. ) (919) 229-0845 10 [email protected] 11 VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF 12 Also Present: Trae Howerton, Videographer STEPHANIE HOFELLER 13 ________________________________________________ 14 9:38 A.M. 15 FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2019 16 Reported By: Discovery Court Reporters and Legal ________________________________________________ Videographers 17 BY: Lisa A. Wheeler, RPR, CRR POYNER SPRUILL 4208 Six Forks Road, Suite 1000 18 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 301 FAYETTEVILLE STREET, SUITE 1900 (919) 649-9998 19 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA --oOo-- 20 21 22 23 BY: LISA A. WHEELER, RPR, CRR 24 25 1 3 1 A P P E A R A N C E S 1 I N D E X 2 Counsel for the Plaintiffs: PAGE 3 Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer 2 BY: R. Stanton Jones 4 601 Massachusetts Avenue, NW EXAMINATION BY MR. JONES 6 Washington, D.C. 20001-3743 3 5 (202) 942-5000 EXAMINATION BY MS. SCULLY 44 [email protected] 4 6 EXAMINATION BY MR. BRANCH 195 -and- 5 7 6 Poyner Spruill 7 8 BY: Edwin M. Speas, Jr. E X H I B I T S 301 Fayetteville Street, Suite 1900 8 HOFELLER 9 Raleigh, NC 27601 NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE (919) 783-6400 9 10 [email protected] EXHIBIT 1 Subpoena, Stephanie Hofeller 9 11 Counsel for the Defendants State Board of Elections 10 Lizon and Ethics Enforcement and its members: 11 12 EXHIBIT 2 Color Photocopied Photographs 14 North Carolina Department of Justice 12 EXHIBIT 3 Subpoena, Kathleen H. Hofeller 167 13 Special Litigation 13 EXHIBIT 4 Subpoena, The Estate of Thomas 167 BY: Paul M. Cox Hofeller 14 114 West Edenton Street 14 Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 15 EXHIBIT 5 Certificate of Service 174 (919) 716-6900 15 [email protected] (Incompetent Proceeding), with 16 Attachments Counsel for the Legislative Defendants: 16 17 EXHIBIT 6 Petition for Adjudication of 174 BakerHostetler 17 Incompetence and Application 18 BY: Elizabeth A. Scully for Appointment of Guardian or Washington Square, Suite 1100 18 19 Limited Guardian 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 19 Washington, D.C. 20036-5403 EXHIBIT 7 Interim Report of the Guardian 180 20 (202) 861-1500 Ad Litem [email protected] 20 21 EXHIBIT 8 Order on Motion for 184 -and- 21 Appointment of Interim 22 Guardian Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart 22 23 BY: Thomas A. Farr 4208 Six Forks Road, Suite 1100 EXHIBIT 9 Report of the Guardian Ad 188 24 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 23 Litem (919) 787-9700 24 EXHIBIT 10 Motion to Dismiss 192 25 [email protected] 25 2 4 1 (Pages 1 to 4) DISCOVERY COURT REPORTERS www.discoverydepo.com 1-919-424-8242 STEPHANIE HOFELLER May 17, 2019 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 1 married name of Stephanie Hofeller Lizon? 2 THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Going on the record 2 A. It was actually Stephanie Louise Lizon. 3 at 9:38 a.m. Today's date is May the 17th, 3 Q. Okay. And now you -- you've dropped the 4 2019. This begins the video deposition of 4 Lizon; you just go by Stephanie Hofeller? 5 Stephanie Hofeller taken in the matter of 5 A. That's right. 6 Common Cause, et al., versus David Lewis, in 6 Q. And that's your maiden name? 7 his Official Capacity As Senior Chairman of 7 A. Correct. 8 the House Select Committee on Redistrict -- 8 Q. Excellent. Okay. I'll go over some brief 9 Redistricting, et al. This is filed in the 9 ground rules for the deposition today if 10 General Court of Justice, Superior Court 10 that's okay. 11 Division, in Wake County, North Carolina, 11 A. Yes. 12 Case Number 18 CVS 014001. 12 Q. So you understand that you've taken an oath 13 If counsel will please identify 13 to tell the truth today? 14 yourselves for the record and whom you 14 A. I do. 15 represent and then our court reporter will 15 Q. Great. And the court reporter is taking down 16 swear in our witness. 16 everything that we say so let's try not to 17 MR. JONES: Stanton Jones from Arnold & 17 talk over one another. If you let me finish 18 Porter for the plaintiffs. 18 my question, I will let you finish your 19 MR. SPEAS: Eddie Speas with Poyner 19 answer. Does that make sense? 20 Spruill for the plaintiffs. 20 A. Acknowledged, yes. 21 MR. COX: Paul Cox with the North 21 Q. Your -- your counsel may object to some of my 22 Carolina Attorney General's Office for the 22 questions today and -- and that's fine. 23 State Board of Elections. 23 Un- -- you understand that unless he 24 MR. BRANCH: John Branch with Shanahan 24 instructs you not to answer a question, you 25 Law Group for the intervenor defendants. 25 should let him state his objection for the 5 7 1 MR. FARR: Tom Farr with Ogletree 1 record and then you'll go ahead and answer? 2 Deakins for the def- -- legislative 2 A. Yes, I understand that. 3 defendants. 3 Q. Great. Is there any reason that you couldn't 4 MS. SCULLY: Elizabeth Scully with 4 give complete, accurate, and truthful 5 BakerHostetler for the legislative 5 testimony today? 6 defendants. 6 A. No. 7 MR. SPARKS: Tom Sparks representing 7 Q. And if you want a break, just let me know. 8 the deponent, Stephanie Hofeller. 8 We'll finish the question and answer that 9 * * * * 9 we're doing and -- and happy to take a break 10 STEPHANIE HOFELLER, 10 whenever you'd like, okay? 11 having been first sworn or affirmed by the court 11 A. All right. Thanks. 12 reporter and Notary Public to tell the truth, the 12 Q. What state do you live in? 13 whole truth, and nothing but the truth, testified 13 A. Kentucky. 14 as follows: 14 Q. Great. So you don't live in North Carolina? 15 EXAMINATION 15 A. That's correct. 16 BY MR. JONES: 16 Q. Okay. And where you live in Kentucky, how 17 Q. Good morning, Ms. Hofeller. 17 far is it from where we are in Raleigh? 18 A. Hello. 18 A. It's about a ten- or 11-hour drive. 19 Q. I'm Stanton Jones from Arnold & Porter and I 19 Q. Okay. Do you know, roughly how many miles is 20 represent the plaintiffs in this lawsuit. 20 it? 21 Would you please state your full name for the 21 A. Roughly 650, something like that, I think. 22 record. 22 Q. Okay. And can you tell me, who -- who are 23 A. Stephanie Louise Hofeller. 23 your parents? 24 Q. Excellent. And am I right that you 24 A. My father is Thomas Brooks Hofeller and my 25 previously went by what I believe is a 25 mother is Kathleen Hartsough Hofeller. 6 8 2 (Pages 5 to 8) DISCOVERY COURT REPORTERS www.discoverydepo.com 1-919-424-8242 STEPHANIE HOFELLER May 17, 2019 1 Q. Great. So I have some questions about the 1 February, did you review this -- this list of 2 subpoena that you received in this case. Is 2 documents and things that were -- were asked 3 that okay? 3 to be produced? 4 A. Yes. 4 A. Yes, I did. 5 Q. Great. So earlier this year you received a 5 Q. Okay. And did -- did you understand that the 6 subpoena from the plaintiffs in this case; is 6 subpoena was requesting any electronic 7 that right? 7 storage devices that had any of your father's 8 A. That's correct. 8 work drawing maps for the North Carolina 9 Q. Okay. 9 legislature? 10 MR. JONES: Mark this. 10 A. Yes. 11 (HOFELLER EXHIBIT 1 was marked for 11 Q. Okay. Did you have any materials that were 12 identification.) 12 responsive to these requests in the subpoena? 13 BY MR. JONES: 13 A. I did. 14 Q. I'm showing you what's been marked as Exhibit 14 Q. Okay. And -- and were -- am I right that 15 1. Do you recognize this document as the 15 those were electronic storage devices? 16 subpoena that you received from the 16 A. Yes. 17 plaintiffs in this case? 17 Q. Okay. 18 A. Yes. Yes, I do. 18 A. External hard drives and ad -- I don't know 19 Q. Okay. And do you see on the first page under 19 what the proper -- or what people prefer to 20 name and address of person subpoenaed on the 20 call them, ad-stick, thumb drive, external 21 left side toward the top it says, Stephanie 21 storage devices to be used as backup 22 Hofeller Lizon? That -- that's you, correct? 22 principally.
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