Es. 1848 ~ 'VI GOOD MORNING, IOWA ~y Here / church at . DISCipita The ever-optimistic weatherman hands out a pre­ ferlea In r Silll~ didion of "fair and warmer" for today. Tomorrow, for chit: he says, will be partly cloudy and warm. I Of \be at owan the 10:30 No.219 AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Thursday. June 6-Five Cents eamen .... a ·orI o Senat~ Passes Hodenfield Revisits Act Bypasses Teen-Age Draft Normandy Beaches (10 Walkout Approves Pay Boost Editors Note: G. K. Hodell­ sion stormed ashore two years lIeld, AiSOCllated Press repOrter ago, is still broken by shell hoies, Truman Urges Unions, For Enlisted Men; in France, wrote tbe followln&, but the SCEne it surveys Is one or Operators to 'Buckle story after revlsltln&' the Nor­ Bill Returns to House mandy coast where Allied pastorai peace. Down, SeHle MaHer' troo.. stormed ashore In the Bomb Pits Levelled WASHlNGTON (AP) - The The bomb pits and the shell early momin&, houn of ~~ne WASHI rOTON (AP)-AFL senate passed a draft extension 6, 19U. Hodenfleld. formerly hoies on Pointe Du Hoe, where seamen tol a march on the bill yesterday whioh would con­ 268 men of the 2nd Ranger bat­ tinue the act until May 15, 1947, of Centervllle, 1&., landeU " CIO maritime union last night H-bour as a Stara and Stripe. tallon fought with their backs permit 18 and 19-year-olds to be to the sea for 52 hours before by calling a work stoppage on drafted again after this month, reporter attached to the Second all coasts today at 1 p. m. Rall&'er baUaUon which attaclled being relieved, have been ievelle-d A FIREMAN (In lert pIcture) uses an Inhalator In an attempt to re-I persons who lost their lives in the blaze. In the picture at right, a and raise the pay of enlisted men. over by flowers and grass, and the (C Tl. The vote on final passage was German I'Un positions on the vlve one of the vlctlms of yesterday's LaSalle Hotel fire holocaust·. Major Blake (otherwise unidentified) clutches his son, BUIy, as the eUtts of Point du Hoe. lIotfen­ ropes up which the Rangers The stoppage was descri~a. About him are sprawled In grotesque poses the bodies of two other two ma.ke their esoape from the burning- hotel. (AP W[REPHOTO) 69 to 8. It came after the senate climbed the ISO-foot ell1fs lie rot­ as sim ultaneous " 8 t 0 pow 0 r Ie defeated. 63 to 14, a proposal that tield was a student at the unt­ vers!&y of Iowa in 1939 and ting in the sun. meetings" by J ohn IIawk, vice­ ......... ...... *** *** actual inductions be halted while There are but few other re­ the volunteer system got a further 1940; be served a. spOrts edi­ president of the AF L !;eafarCN tor of The DaUy Iowan). minders now ot the day when the lnt rnationa1 union in New trial with the pay ot an army pri- Allied forces began the assauB vate raised from $50 to $75 a By G. K. HODENnELD that was to carry them deep into York. month. Germany and to complete mas­ Hawk said h eould not re­ Fire_Clqims 58 Victims The main features of the senate GRANDCAMP, Normandy (AP) veal the pm'po ' of the meet­ Chicago tery over the vaunted Wehrmarht. bill. which grants most of the ad- -The beaches of Normandy, where the Allied armies two years " . ings. But earlier in San Fran. Adams, 17 ; William Denniston, 18, surrounded by smoke and flames miniBtratlon's req.uests, are subject ago forc~d the locked doors to Monuments have ben ereoted cisco, HatTy Ludeber" preslden~ CHICAGO (APJ-A flash fire The fire ran across the ceiling now to house action. That cham- • kiled 58 persons and injured 200 from the top of the elavatol' bank, and Paul Harrington, 18. which swept through the LaSalle .ber voted an extension only to Feb. Hitler's European fortress, are on Omaha and Utah beaehes of the union, Iss ued a s tatement The group went to Chicago Sun­ declloated to the bien of the lit others early yesterday In the loop engulfed the cocktail lounge and hotel ea rly yesterday, calmly 15 with a ban on teen-age Induc- quiet and peacef~1 now. saying the AFL seamen of the day on a post high school gradua­ .. d ed' The sands stamed red by the and 6th special en&'lneer brl&'­ La Salle hotel and safety, engin­ spread into the lobby. feeding on tion lark. Rousch Barton, Dennis­ called room after room to notify tions, an approv pay mcreas~ biood t hid' (G ades who directed beach opera­ west coast were "ready to talte eering and architectural experts rugs, furniture and varnished wal­ ton and Harrington were gradu­ guests of their dange r. in a separate measure 0 t e so lers 0 en. tions on D-Day. On Utah beach drastic action" to get the Pael.flc The first firemen to reach the The senate and hou~e, In seek- Dwight D. Eisenhower have b~en sought to establish how the blaze nut paneling, the fire shot up two ated from high school this year. the roads leadIn&' inland have shipowners home from Washlnl­ Adams was a junior, but close phone room on the mezzanine ing to adjust their differences, will washed clean b.y the poundmg been named In bonor of the started and why the flames spread open marble stairways at the floo r found the operator, Mrs. work against a Jl.lly I deadline surf of the English channel. ton to engage In collective bar­ friend of the other four. men killed In action on or ne~r gaining with the AFL men. so fast in the "strictly fireproof" north end of the lobby and in to Julia Berry, dead at her post. when the temporary draft exten- The green pillboxes which dom- , sion expires. I inated the beaches and hurled the beach. Ludeberg critici zed Secretary hotel. the elavator shafts. Exits Blocked Seeing-Eye Dog Leads It was through Mrs. Berry s death and destructl'on at the • • • of Labor Schwellenbaeh for "de: Wtihin a few minutes after 't hb d 'h t th f' t I Sellators Revereomb (R .. W. Behind Utah beach, where the Within minutes, the main out­ Blind Girl to Safety SWI coal' L a e Irs a arm Va.), Willoll (R., Iowa) and greatest armada ever assembled taining the shipowners in Wash­ flames were first discovered lick­ was sounded. W. H. Bradfield, as- are now il'ving quarters for 82nd airborne division landed in ington"-wbere negotiations are ing out from a dummy elevator side exits and stairway exits from CHICAGO (AP)-A blind girl . t · t 'ght t Id tral Wherry (R., Neb.) bad proposed the floors above were blocked by SIS an m manager, 0 cen the stop 011 IlIduetioRl, arruin&, French peasants whose homes the cold early morning hours or going on with a group of CIO door off the main lobby, the first lecturer folowed her seeing-eye police that he ran to the phone were shattered by the fighting June 6, 1944, the last bit of para­ three floors of the 22-story hos­ flames. dog, Fawn, to safety yesterday room and told Mrs. Berry to "get that col\ITe511 should await re- moritime unions In efforts to avert The fire li tarted at l2:3;l a. m., QUt."- MIt. fl'OlB tile pal' lQcr_. tbal raged araund them. chute silk and the last splinter a schl.duled nation-wide CIO telry were enlulfEld in {ire. from her 11th ;flOOt' 1'OOt1l in the of wood trom the gliders that Patrons in the floors above when most 'bf the I,ilio patrons burning LaSalle hotel. "No , I'm goi ng to stick here. Appointed to represent the sen- Beaehed Ships RUllt maritime strike scheduled June 14. had retired to their room s It was Maybe I ca n do some good ," she ate-house conference committee The ships driven asbore and dotted the iieids near Ste. Mere Truman Appeall opened their doors and windows She was Miss Anita Blair, 23, Eglise, have disappeared. to investigate the smoke and extinguished three hours later. of El Paso, Texas, who had been answered. were Senators Thomas (U'tah)j, sunk to form breakwaters so sUJl­ The unexpected AFL entry into It was the worst hotel blaze in Johnson (Colo.). Hill (Ala.), and plies could be landed are still in The roads neor the beaches, the confused maritime crisis came sound of fire engines. This con­ living at the hotel since last No­ blasted to rutted cowpaths dur­ certed move, firemen said, created Chicago's history and the most vember. Chicago City Officials Downey (Calif.). Democrats, and place, their rusting hulb protrud­ shortly after President Truman serious hotel tragedy in the na­ Austin (Vt.), Bridges ,(N. H.) and mg from the water like ghostly ing the invasion, have been graded stepped anew into the picture with a giant draft from top to bottom Awakened by the hysterical and repaIred. The traWc has tion in more than 13. years. Act to Enforce Code Gurney (S. D.), Republicans, all sentinels over a battle ground. a call to the ship operators and of the 37-year-old hotel, sucking shouting of other hotel guests, changed too. Where once there flames, smoke and gasses up ele­ Miss Biair said she realized the CHICAGO (AP)- Two legiti­ of the military committee.
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