Thursday, October 13, 1949 THE' JEWISH POST Page Three Page Two 'tHE JEWISH POST Thursday, October 13, 1949 attention and support for local projects. But that Tti~ ILI§T~""I""(3 V()§T tenor of events is already felt, and now that Israel School For Arab Kids Equals exists, and we see how her existence of and by lEWISH PeST itself contributes little automatically to advanc­ Israel's Best Prof. Joseph Klausner ing Jewish culture here, we may look forward to continued progress in Congress' work in this field. By ANITA ENGLE Protests Public Gossip The OLdest Anglo-Jewish Weekly in Western Canada By sm LEON SIMON When in 1902 Ahad Ha-Am re- years ago itself makes a a small (Issued weekly in the intereata of Jewish Community activitis Canadian Jewry has so long coasted along on in Winnipeg and Weatern Canada) Of Rabbi's Private Life Acting President} Hebrew University Iinquished the editorship of Hashi- book. His main subjects have been Member of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency the lift and inspiration of work for Israel, that it Haifa-Opening day at the Government Arab (Copyright, 1949, JTA, Inc, may have forgotten to live even partially on its loah, the Hebrew monthly which he those indicated by two Chairs - School here found some 480 Arab boys and girls Tlte popularity of rabbis, their qualifications, personalities, sennons, had created and edited for six years, modern Hebrew literature and Jew­ Pub1ished evel'7 Thul'fIday by own resources. registered for the coming year. The headmaster THE JEWISH POST LTD. voic'es, smile.s, sincerity, duties; omissio~, -:vacaiions, wisdom, salary and Jerusalem-Joseph Klausner came Klausner's reputation was already ish history in the period of the Publi8heN This will be Congress' great scope of work is an Arab and the language of instruction is .. to deepen those resources here. diction, !'iul the rabbis' wives, children, dogs and cats are among the most to the Hebrew University as Profes­ such that his sucoession to the Second Temple. He wrote a small BEN M. COHEN Arabic, but the school enjoys the same privileges widely disCussed topics in Jewish cormnunal life. Few vocations have so sor of Modern Hebrew 'Literature in editorship was in the natural order History o£ Modern Hebrew Litera-, Busineu MB.nBger and Managing Editor available to other municipal schools, including Phone 54 400 Evenings 591129 many f ...tors of evalUation and so many people evaluating them. In what 1925, the year of its opening. In of things. ture many years ago; he has pro~ MELVIN FENSON, B.A., Editor free milk and Hadassah school lunches. A per­ olher calling do you find it necessary to bring together perhaps 100, 300 1944 he was appointed to a second Both before and since he came to duced innumerable e s say sand LEO J. LEZACK manent clinic has been set up by the Ministry or 3,000 people to diScuss one man's salary? chair, that of the History of the Jerusalem, Dr. Klausner's literary articl~s and monographs on indi­ Advertiainll' Manager $2,000,000 a Month. • • of Social Welfare, and 16' acute cases of trachoma Considering the aforementioned requisites, the concept of rabbi to Second Temple Period, and he held output has been prodigious - no vidual w.dters; and during the last Phone 54400 Evenings 402989 were cured in the past year, giving two simultaneously until his recebt other word would be adequate. A ten years or so he has been occu­ Head Office: 213 Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg, Canada the school a clean bill of health .. each individual congreg3.nt is as varied as the kaleidoscopic patterns of A.uthorized &.II Becond clUB mail. Pod OUiee Department, Ottawa is not peanuts. But $2,000,000 a month, human thought, arid a compoSite of these pattems in weighted opinion retirement at the end of the 1947- list· of his books and essays which pied on a truly monumental History which private American investors are now pour­ The school, which had previously 48 session. He was one oi the first one of his students compiled some I (Cant. on Page 10) been run by the Mandatory Gov­ often precludes that any rabbi, even with infinite wisdom and chameleon ing into Israel, will not solve her pressing needs. proclivities, could or would want to crystallize himself into total professors to be appointed and he If the total $100,000,000 U.S. loan merely suffices ernment, was taken over by the is the first to retire under the age ii Community Chest Appeal Israel government at the same acceptability, - Libcral Judaism. North End Sy'~ag~gue Proj~ct Scores Progress to purchase some needed agricultural equipment, limit. ! time as other Haifa schools. It is ABE ruuNSKY, BURLESQUE AUSTRALIAN JEWISH FINANCE I and keep upwards of 70;000 immigrants on the When Klausner came to Jerusalem I The claim the Community Chest Appeal has dole in reception camps, then one-quarter that being run much as before, except KING, PASSES AGED 68 LEADER KIDNAPPED in 1925, at the age of fifty-one, -he Architect at Work on Plan I upon every member of Winnipeg's Jewish com­ amount invested annually cannot provide the that some changes have been made New York - Abraham B. Minsky, Melbourne -. In the biggest man­ already had behind him a very dis­ " munity is not derived from the fact that three cure-all. to bring it up to the standard of 68, veteran theatrical producer. and hunt in Melbourne's history, police tinguished career in Hebrew letters. other municipal schools. onetime burlesque impressario, died today sought wealthy Solomon An organizatiom!ll meeting (Jf the n'ew'Nol'th End synagogue conunitttee of its twenty-eight constituent agencies are Jew­ But it is II start. We are hopeful that Born in Russia) he rec,eived his Jew­ ish institutions. Its claim goes far beyond that the recent lively reaction of CANP AL and Can­ Three mission schools are still at the Flower-Fifth Avenue hospital Ravdell and three armed, masked ish education at the Yeshiva of and 50 interested Itnen was heM last week at the home of Harl;Y Silverberg. short term view.' Were all three of those institu­ ada's Palestine Economic Corporation, to a recent functioning in Haifa, but Arab in New York. He lived at the Hotel men who kidnapped him from his Odessa and his university education Rabbi Milton Aron, of the Shaal'ey Zedek synagogue, spokc on' the tions totally within the framework of our own editorial in these columns, indicates that Canadian parents now prefer to send their children to the Buckingham, 101 West Fifty-seventh home in a fashionable suburb last at Heidelberg. In his very early significance of the synagogue in Jewish life and stressed thc importance philanthropic structure, we would be duty bound investments may soon total at least a proportion­ Government school, which is free, has more faci­ street. night. years he became a Zionist, with a of the synagogue today in molding .Jewish opinion. L. C. Cohen, chainnan, to give just as generously. ate share of the American figure, or around lities, and links up with school of higher educa­ Mr. Minsky, who name was almost Hours after Ravdell was snatched, special interest in the revival of the presented an outline of the following progress: The Community Chest affirms boldly our con­ $40,000 a month. tion, such as the Haifa Technion.' Under the synonymous with burlesque in New no trace had been found of the 70- Hebrew language and culture. • Negotiations huve been made with a firm of architects to draw up cern for those who stand in need of help. Whether MandatorY regime, the Arabs had no school up York during the most prosperous year-old man and his abductors. After leaving the university) tentative plans. CANPAL to date has served notably in financ­ to the Technion's standard and there were few Police said the kidnapping followed they be youngsters whose need is nothing more ing trade with Israel. Canada's P.E.C., which will days of that form of entertainment, Klausner spent 20 years or more in • Negotiations are being undertaken to acquire an outstanding rabbi than guided recreation ... or families hovering prospects of further education for Arab children had continued activity in the enter­ terror threats and edmands for pay­ Odessa) and he was one of the to assume the program of the congregation prior to the erection of this week-end begin publicizing its program in once they left elementary school. on the brink of economic disaster; elders in the Winnipeg, appears more directly interested in tainment world until recent weeks. ment of £30,000 (about $72,000). younger members of the group of the building. The students range all the way from four to -Montreal Jewish Review. -Toronto Hebrew Journal. community who have not been able to provide immediate investments in Israel. Certainly, this Hebrew writers who made Odessa • The campaign for membership is progressing very favorably and the for their declining years, or orphans .... all are 16 years and no child who applies is refused famous in Jewish annals. Like all organization is being completed for a personal canvass of the com­ non - duplicated, multi - purpose approach should admission. In the lower grades classes are Jewish Phase of Peekskill Riot Probed entitled to our support ... given freely, gener­ 'serve all local investment-minded businessmen. 'the young intellectuals of his gener­ munity to begin shortly. ously, and cheerfully. crowded - 45 to a class - and two sessions a The telephone rang at the residence of a prominent New York ation, he came illlder the influence The response of those present was spontaneous and very gratifying.
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