THE STORY OF THE 9th OF ADAR TOLD THROUGH DISAGREEMENTS Daniel Roth Introduction The 9Adar Project: Jewish Week of Constructive Conflict seeks to cultivate the culture of constructive conflict and healthy disagreement across personal, political, and religious divides. The project does this through promoting public awareness around the annual Jewish Week of Constructive Conflict which occurs from the 2nd through the 9th of the Hebrew month of Adar. This document is an attempt to tell the story of the 9th of Adar directly through the sources. On virtually every aspect of the story, the sources themselves are full of disagreement, and this document addresses the sources through these various disagreements. An understanding of disagreements for the sake of Heaven (mahloket l'shem is recommended. See the G-dCast video and sources for )מחלוקת לשם שנים/shamayim "Disagreements for the Sake of Heaven". This document is not comprehensive nor is it meant to be a lesson plan or stand-alone lesson. It does, however, contain some guiding questions that can be used in an adult education setting. For more information, see www.9Adar.org. The 9Adar Project is a project of the Pardes Center for Judaism and Conflict Resolution, part of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies. 1 Disagreement #1: What exactly happened on the 9th of Adar? Perhaps the most authoritative source that mentions the 9th of Adar is Rabbi Yosef Karo’s Shulchan Aruch. Read this source carefully. What is clear and unclear about this day? שולחן ערוך אורח חיים הל' תענית (Shulchan Aruch, Laws of Fasts (580 תקפ (Rabbi Yosef Karo, 1488–1575, Spain/Land of Israel) אלו הימים שאירעו בהם צרות These are the days that tragedies befell our לאבותינו וראוי להתענות בהם... forefathers, and it is worthy to fast on them…. On th בט' בו )אדר( נחלקו בית שמאי ובית the 9 (of Adar) Beit Shammai and Hillel הלל. .disagreed The commentaries on the Shulchan Aruch disagreed over what was the nature of the disagreement between Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel that day that would merit a fast day. Explanation #1 Rabbi Mordechai Yaffe (1530 – 1612, Poland) in his commentary on the Shulchan Aruch, the Levush, writes the following: לבוש או"ח ס' תקפ Levush, Orach Chayim, 580 )ר' מרדכי יפה, 0351–0101, פולין( (R. Mordechai Yaffe,1530-1612, Poland) בט' בו )אדר( נחלקו בית שמאי On the ninth [of Adar], Beit Shammai and Beit ובית הלל זה על זה, והואיל ונפלה Hillel disagreed with one another, and since a מחלוקת בין חכמי ישראל אע"פ machloket [disagreement] fell between the שמחלקותם לשם שמים היא, מ"מ scholars of Israel, even though their disagreement נעשית התורה ח"ו )חס וחלילה( was for the sake of heaven, nevertheless the כשתי תורות )בבלי סנהדרין פח Torah had become, G-d forbid, as if it was two ע"ב( שזה אוסר וזה מתיר וזה Torahs, this one forbids and this one permits, this מטמא וזה מטהר ואין יודעין שום one declares a matter impure, and the other דין על בוריו, הרי הוא כיום צרה .declares it pure, and no law is known completely ומתענין בו. .Behold this is like a tragic day and we fast on it The following is the early rabbinic source which Rabbi Yaffe seems to be connecting to the events of the 9th of Adar. What is the nature of ‘disagreement’ (machloket) according to these sources? בבלי סנהדרין פח ע"ב Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 88b )וכן בתוספתא סוטה יד:ט( (also Tosefta Sotah, 14:9) אמר רבי יוסי מתחילה לא היו Rabbi Yossi said: Originally there were not many מרבין מחלוקת בישראל, אלא בית disagreements in Israel, but one Beit Din of דין של שבעים ואחד יושבין seventy –one members sat one at the entrance of בלשכת הגזית .... נשאלה שאלה the Temple Mount….A question was then put בפניהם, אם שמעו אמרו להם, before them. If they had a tradition thereon, they 2 ואם לאו עומדין למנין. רבו stated it; if not, they took a vote. If the majority המטאמים טמאו, רבו המטהרין voted “unclean” they declared it so; if “clean” they טהרו. משרבו תלמידי שמאי ruled it so. But when the students of Shammai and והלל שלא שמשו כל צרכן רבו Hillel, who insufficiently studied, the number of מחלוקת בישראל, ונעשית תורה disagreements multiplied in Israel, and the Torah כשתי תורות. .became as two Torahs Explanation #2 As mentioned, not all commentaries agreed with the Levush’s explanation as to the nature of the disagreement that took place on the 9th of Adar. אליה רבה סימן תקפ:ז )ר' אליהו Eliyah Rabba, Orach Chayim 580:7 שפירא, 0111 – 0101, פראג, פירוש על (Rabbi Eliyahu Shapiro (1660-1712, Prague) השו"ע( On the (9th) of Adar they disagreed: And בט' בו נחלקו וכו'. ונהרגו ג' אלפים three thousand of the students died… And so 1 מהתלמידים...כך הוא במגילת תאנית, .I found it (written) in Megilat Ta’anit מצאתי כתוב. ערוך השולחן אורח חיים סימן תקפ ,Aruch HaShulchna, Orach Chayim בז' באדר מת משה רבינו עליו השלום ובשנת 580 העיבור הוא באדר ראשון ]שם[ בתשעה בו On the 9th of it (Adar) Beit Shammai and נחלקו ב"ש וב"ה והיה הדבר קשה לישראל Beit Hillel disagreed and the matter was וגזרו תענית על זה: difficult for Israel and they decreed a fast day on this.2 1 Rabbi Shapiro’s source for “and three thousand of the students died” seems to be from his version of Megilat Ta’anit Batra. While these words do not appear in printed versions of this later, Gaonic, section of Megilat Ta’anit, they do appear in several of its manuscripts. See Neubauer, Mediaeval Jewish Chronologies (Oxford: Claredon Press, 1895), 24 (Ms Bodleian Library: Mich. 260 [Catalogue, No. 902, beg.]). See also Shlomit Elitzur, Lamah Tzamnu? Megilat Ta’anit Batra ve reshimat tzomot hakrovot lah, Jerusalem, 2007, p. 200, n. 19 who cites several other manuscripts of Megilat Ta’anit Batra which add that “three thousand of their students” died that day. 2 Rabbi Eliezer ben Yoel HaLevi (1140–1225, Germany) writes: “On the ninth [of Adar] they decreed a fast day because Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel disagreed, and that day was as difficult as the day the [golden] calf was made.” 3 Disagreement #2: What exactly happened in the attic of Hezkiyah b. Gorion? Study the following Mishnah (2nd century CE, Land of Israel). What is clear and unclear about this source? משנה שבת א:ד Mishnah Shabbat 1:4 ואלו מן ההלכות שאמרו בעליית And these are some of the regulations enacted in חנניה בן חזקיה בן גוריון כשעלו the attic of Hananiah b. Hezkiyah b. Gorion, when לבקרו נמנו ורבו בית שמאי על the rabbis came to visit him. They did a roll call and בית הלל וי"ח )שמונה עשרה( found that the disciples of Shammai were more דברים גזרו בו ביום. numerous than those of Hillel, and they enforced eighteen regulations on that day. How did Beit Shammai succeed in enforcing the law in accordance with their opinion on that day, according to the Babylonian Talmud? ב' שבת, יז ע"א Babylonian Talmud, 17a ואותו היום נעצו חרב בבית המדרש They (Beit Shammai) thrust a sword into the ואמרו: "הנכנס נכנס והיוצא אל יצא." study house and declared: “Whoever wants to ואותו היום היה הלל כפוף ויושב לפני enter may enter, but no one may leave!” And שמאי כאחד מן התלמידים on that day Hillel sat in submission before והיה הדבר קשה להם לישראל כיום Shammai, like one of the disciples, and it was שנעשה בו העגל. as wretched for Israel as the day on which the [golden] calf was made. How did they do so according to the Jerusalem Talmud? ירושלמי שבת א:ד )ג ע"ג( (Jerusalem Talmud, Shabbat 1:4 (3c אותו היום היה קשה לישראל כיום That day was as wretched for Israel as the day שנעשה בו העגל... .on which the [golden] calf was made תנא )שנה( רבי יהושע אונייא: It was taught in the name of Rabbi Yehoshua תלמידי בית שמאי עמדו להן מלמטה :Oniya והיו הורגין בתלמידי בית הלל. תני: The students of Beit Shammai stood below them ששה מהן עלו והשאר עמדו עליהן and began to slaughter the students of Beit בחרבות וברמחים... .Hillel רב אבון רב יהודה בשם שמואל: לא It was taught: Six of them ascended and the שנו )שבית דין יכול לבטל גזירה של .others stood over them with swords and lances בית דין אחר( אלא חוץ לי"ח, הא :Rav Avoon, Rav Judah in the name of Shmual בתוך י"ח אפילו גדול אינו מבטל מפני We read ‘The eighteen (decrees) even a greater שעמדה להן בנפשותיהן. Bet Din) cannot abrogate, because they were) ready to give their lives for them. 4 How to understand the Jerusalem Talmud: What exactly did Beit Shammai do to Beit Hillel? The commentaries on the Jerusalem Talmud disagreed. קרבן עדה, ר' דוד פרנקל, Korban Edah, Jerusalem Talmud 1:4 7171 – 7171, ברלין( ,Rabbi David ben Naftali Hirsch Frankel (1707–1762 פירוש על ירושלמי שבת (Berlin א:ד )ג ע"ג( ”And they began to slaughter the students of Beit Hillel“ והיו הורגין בתלמידי הלל" – ,[Only if they (Beit Hillel) wanted to go up [to vote – אילו היו רוצין לעלות אבל ,however G-d forbid, they did not [actually] kill anyone חס ושלום לא הרגו אותן, .so it seems to me נראה לי. פני משה )ר' משה מרגלית, Pney Moshe, Jerusalem Talmud 1:4 – 7171 7177, ליטא( פירוש על ירושלמי שבת Rabbi Moshe Margalit פ' א (Lithuania ,1710-1780) "אותו היום" וכו'. ... That day’- … because Beit Shammai killed‘ שהיו בית שמאי הורגין בתלמידי בית הלל students of Beit Hillel, as we will see further כדלקמן.
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