ASTEROIDS Minor Planet Names: Alphabetical List This is an alphabetical listing of the names of the numbered minor planets. It was last updated on 2011, June 17 The available asteroids are now well over 16,000. Here’s the reference site: http://www.astro.com/swisseph/astlist.htm You will notice the respective asteroid number in parenthesis to the immediate left of each asteroid. To find out where any asteroid is in your chart, consult below the AstroDienst site below: http://www.astro.com/cgi/genchart.cgi?&cid=rtbfilepar7OA-u1056512981&nhor=1 Once you have imput your own chart data, insert the asteroid numbers of those asteroids you are interested in finding out (specific location in your chart) at the bottom left of the page. It will state “additional asteroids or "hypothetical" planets (please enter the numbers from the respective lists, e.g. "433,1221,h48").” Then click to the right, “Click Here To Show The Chart.” ***************************** [Bill Wrobel] Note: References below to zodiacal placements are to my own chart: Born July 1, 1950, Syracuse, New York, USA, 2:22 pm EDT [Born July, 1, 1950 at 2:22 PDT, Syracuse, New York, 43 N2.9, 76 W 8.9. Ascendant is 22 Libra 7, MC 26 Cancer 34, 11th house is 0 Virgo 8, 12th house cusp is 28 Virgo 47, 2nd house 19 Scorpio 32, 3rd house 21 Sagittarius 29. Mars is 8 Libra 23 widely conjunct Neptune is 14 Libra35—Neptune in its own house and Mars, as a natural key to identity & personal action, in the 12th-Pisces-neptune (Letter Twelve) house. Jupiter at 7 Pisces 25 is in the 5th house quincunx Mars in the 12th. Moon is at 5 Aquarius 19 in the 4th house trine Venus in 5 Gemini 5 in the 8th house and trine Mars in Libra in the 12th (grand air trine). Sun is 9 Cancer 20 in the 9th house conjunct Uranus at 5 Cancer 27. Mercury is 28 Gemini 14 also in the 9th. Pluto is 16 Leo 40 in the 10th. Saturn is 14 Virgo 26 in the 11th, and Juno (the marriage/partnership asteroid) is in 25 Virgo 43 in the 11th. Vesta is 4 Taurus 60 in the 7th house. North node (true node) is 2 Aries 2 in the 6th, and south note is 2 Libra 2 in the 12th. East point 1 (auxiliary Ascendant) is 0 Scorpio 42 in the 1st house conjunct Pallas at 1 Scorpio 48. Antivertex (another auxiliary Ascendant) is 21 Scorpio 34 in the 2nd house. Ceres is 7 Sagittarius 27 in the 2nd house, and Chiron is 17 Chiron 13. Local Ascendant in southern California is 18 Virgo 38, and local MC is 17 Gemini 37. Local East point is 15 Virgo 23 conjunct natal Saturn at 14 Virgo 26. Sun-Moon midpoint is 22 Aries 19 conjunct Descendant (7th house cusp). Venus-Jupiter midpoint is 21 Aries 15 also conjunct the Descendant. Juno-Ascendant midpoint is 8 Libra 55 conjunct Mars. Vesta-Saturn midpoint is 9 Cancer 43 conjunct the Sun. Vesta-Uranus midpoint is 5 Gemini 13 conjunct Venus. Jupiter-Chiron midpoint is 27 Capricorn conjunct IC (home focus). Saturn-East point midpoint is 7 Libra 34 conjunct Mars. Uranus-Pluto midpoint is 26 Cancer 3 conjunct MC. Neptune-Eastpoint midpoint is conjunct Ascendant (another Letter twelve emphasis). The asteroid “Arizona” is 5 Aquarius 30 conjunct the Moon in the 4th (I, Bill, plan to retire there!). The asteroid “California” is 15 Libra 13 conjunct Neptune (California has been my home since early November 1972). Fortuna is conjunct California. Libitina is 21 Libra 59 conjunct the Ascendant, and Spartacus at 22 Libra 30 is also conjunct it. Washingtonia at 11 Aquarius 56 is conjunct my natal Part of Death at 12 Aquarius 27 (I do not plan to live there!). Nemesis at 19 Gemini 6 is conjunct Pasadena at 19 Gemini 24 (I also do not plan to live in that city!). The asteroid “Roberts” at 5 Gemini 49 is conjunct my Venus, a key to pleasure (I thoroughly enjoy the writings of Seth/Jane Roberts). Shakespeare at 4 Gemini 32 and Apollo at 4 Gemini 35 are also conjunct Venus. I never had an active interest in reading Shakespeare but somehow the Universe is connecting me with him. The best I can say is that I enjoyed Kenneth Branaugh’s Hamlet] NOTE: Any aspect of importance must be within a strict one-degree orb, especially if the angles are involved and the planets (such as conjunctions). The Universe is potentially connecting you with the significance(s) of that asteroid. If, say, San Diego is conjunct your Moon, potentially that city can be a natural or karmic home for you. For expert papers on the asteroids tied to astrology, click on: http://ccrsdodona.org/m_dilemma/awindex.html http://www.ccrsdodona.org/m_dilemma/index.html (3192) A'Hearn (3654) AAS (8900) AAVSO (8721) AMOS (9996) ANS (132524) APL (13830) ARLT 2 (3568) ASCII (2848) ASP (20813) Aakashshah (677) Aaltje (2676) Aarhus (22656) Aaronburrows (11451) Aarongolden (12553) Aaronritter (13928) Aaronrogers (21933) Aaronrozon (3277) Aaronson (9836) Aarseth (2366) Aaryn (864) Aase (2678) Aavasaksa (4466) Abai (2722) Abalakin (1581) Abanderada (3480) Abante (4263) Abashiri (1390) Abastumani (5224) Abbe (17023) Abbott 25 Virgo 48 conunct Juno (partnership, attachment) (15262) Abderhalden (22638) Abdulla (21483) Abdulrasool (5379) Abehiroshi (3449) Abell (8926) Abemasanao (13624) Abeosamu (5677) Aberdonia (2646) Abetti (9172) Abhramu (21411) Abifraeman (15559) Abigailhines (24838) Abilunon (2671) Abkhazia (5175) Ables (456) Abnoba (19488) Abramcoley (9532) Abramenko (3409) Abramov (21850) Abshir (6805) Abstracta 26 Gemini 34 (9423) Abt (16413) Abulghazi (151) Abundantia 29 Aries 49 (8652) Acacia (19524) Acaciacoleman (829) Academia 4 Gemini 1 (5547) Acadiau (2594) Acamas (6349) Acapulco 15 Gemini 11 (8833) Acer (5126) Achaemenides (1150) Achaia (5144) Achates 16 Sagittarius 19 3 (588) Achilles 22 Aries 3 conjunct my Descendant (Achilles’ heal—weak spot, lesson area) (117430) Achosyx (9084) Achristou (6522) Aci (1821) Aconcagua (18796) Acosta (12238) Actor 5 Taurus 20 conjunct Vesta (work)(probable career in acting but did not work out in this probability!) (523) Ada (7803) Adachi (330) Adalberta (4535) Adamcarolla (13286) Adamchauvin (10588) Adamcrandall (11685) Adamcurry (6146) Adamkrafft (15421) Adammalin (6537) Adamovich (13434) Adamquade (7655) Adamries (1996) Adams 25 Cancer 17 (18142) Adamsidman (22551) Adamsolomon (20503) Adamtazi (18084) Adamwohl (6757) Addibischoff (19444) Addicott (525) Adelaide 23 Virgo 59 (812) Adele (647) Adelgunde (276) Adelheid (229) Adelinda (145) Adeona (4401) Aditi (11519) Adler 19 Virgo 4 (398) Admete (85030) Admetos (17806) Adolfborn (608) Adolfine (20256) Adolfneckar (2101) Adonis 27 Libra 9 (268) Adorea (239) Adrastea 0 Capricorn 22 (143) Adria (820) Adriana (21758) Adrianveres (6530) Adry (3646) Aduatiques (23017) Advincula (1903) Adzhimushkaj (10237) Adzic (15420) Aedouglass (91) Aegina (96) Aegle 4 (2401) Aehlita (159) Aemilia (1155) Aenna (10175) Aenona (396) Aeolia (369) Aeria (2876) Aeschylus 24 Libra 24 (1027) Aesculapia 14 Pisces 15 (healing) conjunct Neptune (healer potential) (446) Aeternitas 3 Aries 35 (immortality) (132) Aethra (1064) Aethusa (1142) Aetolia (22993) Aferrari (15467) Aflorsch (1187) Afra (1193) Africa 18 Taurus 34 (6391) Africano (3326) Agafonikov (14042) Agafonov (911) Agamemnon 11 Taurus 56 (5023) Agapenor (2267) Agassiz (13185) Agasthenes (7366) Agata (228) Agathe 14 Libra 14 conjunct Neptune (a Fate) (3862) Agekian (4722) Agelaos (2470) Agematsu (1873) Agenor (7137) Ageo (4392) Agita (47) Aglaja (641) Agnes 24 Pisces 37 (16765) Agnesi (49109) Agnesraab (847) Agnia (12848) Agostino (9503) Agrawain (3212) Agricola (15372) Agrigento (645) Agrippina (8241) Agrius (1800) Aguilar 20 Pisces 30 (744) Aguntina (17984) Ahantonioli (21435) Aharon (24761) Ahau (21400) Ahdout (16113) Ahmed (15155) Ahn (3181) Ahnert (2395) Aho (950) Ahrensa (2826) Ahti (5908) Aichi 5 (861) Aida 0 Leo 57 (978) Aidamina (31192) Aigoual (1918) Aiguillon (19913) Aigyptios (4585) Ainonai (11104) Airion (17314) Aisakos (3584) Aisha (1568) Aisleen (3070) Aitken (3787) Aivazovskij (5458) Aizman (14820) Aizuyaichi (1404) Ajax 4 Gemini 54 (19564) Ajburnetti (8046) Ajiki (22619) Ajscheetz (16999) Ajstewart (6422) Akagi (53157) Akaishidake (4584) Akan (7418) Akasegawa (5881) Akashi (8686) Akenside (3067) Akhmatova (5101) Akhmerov (13691) Akie (16518) Akihikoito (7830) Akihikotago (5355) Akihiro (8047) Akikinoshita (9985) Akiko (8321) Akim (10633) Akimasa (11928) Akimotohiro (4521) Akimov (6658) Akiraabe (3872) Akirafujii (5782) Akirafujiwara (8187) Akiramisawa (8232) Akiramizuno (9865) Akiraohta (8182) Akita (10727) Akitsushima (2153) Akiyama (6792) Akiyamatakashi (15868) Akiyoshidai (8034) Akka (4797) Ako (9549) Akplatonov (4777) Aksenov (2067) Aksnes (7385) Aktsynovia (10164) Akusekijima (11156) Al-Khwarismi (738) Alagasta 6 (1969) Alain (2927) Alamosa (14158) Alananderson (29137) Alanboss (9291) Alanburdick (4420) Alandreev (4151) Alanhale 2 Cancer 43 (20259) Alanhoffman (24898) Alanholmes (6227) Alanrubin (17225) Alanschorn (20341) Alanstack (2500) Alascattalo (19148) Alaska 17 Taurus 19 (702) Alauda (111468) Alba Regia (5576) Albanese (10051) Albee (8439) Albellus (10186) Albeniz (719) Albert 12 Gemini 15 (85168) Albertacentenary (1290) Albertine (10950) Albertjansen (19718) Albertjarvis (21395) Albertofilho (21413) Albertsao (21623) Albertshieh (20006) Albertus Magnus (15619) Albertwu (8594) Albifrons (2697) Albina (8005) Albinadubois (7903) Albinoni (7671) Albis (1783) Albitskij (10656) Albrecht (2241) Alcathous (8596) Alchata (8549) Alcide (11428) Alcinoos (3174) Alcock (44103) Aldana (2941) Alden (17921) Aldeobaldia (17019) Aldo (6470) Aldrin (14832) Alechinsky (15379) Alefranz (1909) Alekhin (7222) Alekperov (2711) Aleksandrov (9933)
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