1918 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE Januar-y 30, 1975 MEMBERSHIP OF SELECT two leaders are reconciled on Monday tion of routine business for not to exceed COMMITI'EE next under the standing order, Mr. BEALL 25 minutes with statements therein lim­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, be recognized for not to exceed 15 min­ ited to 5 minutes each. the leadership on both sides of the utes; and that there then be a period for As to votes on Monday, there is always aisle have selected the members-and the transaction of routine morning busi­ the possibility, of course. I can say noth­ they have been approved by the Senate­ ness of not to exceed 45 minutes, the ing definite beyond this point. of the Select Committee To Study statements therein to be limited to 5 Governmental Operations With Respect minutes each. to Intelligence Activities. It is my un­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, derstanding that Mr. CHURCH has been objection , it is so ordered. FEBRUARY 3, 1975 selected to be the chairman of that com­ mittee and that Mr. ToWER has been se­ Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, lected to be the vice chairman of that PROGRAM if there be no further business to come before the Senate, I move, in accordance committee. I make that statement fo"t Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, the record. with the previous order, that the Senate the Senate will next convene on Monday stand in adjournment until the hour of at 12 noon. After the two leaders, or 12 noon on Monday next. ORDER FOR RECOGNITION OF their designees have been recognized, The motion was agreed to; and at MR. BEALL under the standing order, Mr. BEALL will 1:12 p.m., the Senate adjourned until Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, be recognized for 15 minutes, after which Monday, February 3, 1975, at 12 o'clock I ask unanimous consent that after the there will be a period for the transac- meridian. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, January 30, 1975 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. financial assistance available under section He has been a member of the executive Rev. Palmer Joe Whitt, minister of the 213 and section 215, and for other purposes; board of the Alabama Baptist State Con­ and vention for the last 6 years. Reverend First Baptist Church, Aliceville, Ala., of­ S. Con. Res. 6. Concurrent resolution to Whitt now serves as president of the fered the following prayer: express pride in the strength and achieve­ Pickens County Ministerial Association. Almighty God, Maker and Sustainer ments of the Boy Scouts of America as this important youth movement marks its 65th He was elected to the board of trustees of all that is, who hast created us Thy of Samford University in 1973. children and dost set us straight when anniversary. Reverend Whitt is past president of our ways ha:ve gone crooked, we offer The message also announced that the the Aliceville Rotary Club and has been Thee our gt·atitude and praise. We bless following-named Members were elected active in the Bloodmobile program, Thee for the privilege of being a part of members of the following joint commit­ American Red Cross and the Aliceville this great Nation, and pray that Thou tees of Congress: United Fund. wilt keep us alert in spirit and loyal to Joint Committee on Printing: Mr. An energetic worker for his city, the principles upon which she was CANNON of Nevada, Mr. ALLEN of Ala­ county, and State, Reverend Whitt is founded. We pray for those that guide bama, anj Mr. ScoTT of Pennsylvania. currently active in various civic activ­ our Nation with their momentous deci­ Joint Committee of Congress on the ities. sions. Preserve them from faithless im­ Library: Mr. CANNON of Nevada, Mr. PELL Reverend Whitt has made significant patience, from pride, sloth, and cheap­ of Rhode Island, Mr. WILLIAMS of New contlibutions to our society. He is an ness, and from doing any shoddy or Jersey, Mr. HATFIELD of Oregon, and Mr. outstanding religious leader and I am unworthy work. Grant them the dili­ GRIFFIN of Michigan. happy to have the privilege of welcoming gence to master the facts, candor to face The message also announced that the him to Washington and pleased that he the issues of the day, insight to penetrate Vice President, pursuant to Public Law was able to give the opening prayer the accompanying mysteries, and the 89-81, appointed Mr. LAXALT as a mem­ today. courage to welcome new truth yet to be ber, on the part of the Senate, of the made known. For we pray through Christ Joint Commission on the Coinage. our Lord. Amen. The message also announced that the HEARING POSTPONED Vice President, pursuant to Public Law (Mr. EDWARDS of California asked 79-304, appointed Mr. FANNIN to the Joint and was given permission to address the THE JOURNAL Economic Committee in lieu of Mr. House for 1 minute, t-o revise and extend The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam­ SCHWEIKER, resigned. his remarks and include extraneous ined the Journal of the last day's pro­ The message also announced that the matter.) ceedings and announces to the House his Vice President, pursuant to Public Law Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr. approval thereof. 91-510, appointed Mr. DOMENICI as a Speaker, hearings concerning allegations Without objection, the Journal stands member, on the part of the Senate, of the that the FBI has exceeded its legal au­ approved. Joint Committee on Congressional Oper­ thority in its domestic intelligence pro­ There was no objection. ations. gram were scheduled to continue today by the Subcommittee on Civil and Con­ stitutional Rights of the House Commit­ MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT REV. PALMER JOE WHITT tee on the Judiciary. Mr. Clarence M. A message in writing from the Presi­ <Mr. BEVILL asked and was given Kelley, Director of the FBI, and Mr. dent of the United States was commu­ permission to address the House for 1 Laurence Silberman, Deputy Attorney nicated to the House by Mr. Marks, one minute and to revise and extend his General were to be the witnesses. I am of his secretaries. remarks.) addressing the House this afternoon to Mr BEVILL. Mr. Speaker, I was hon- advise that this hearing has been post­ ored today to have Rev. Joe Whitt from poned until February 20. At that time MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Aliceville, Ala., in my congressional dis­ we will hear the testimony of Mr. Ed­ A message from the Senate by Mr. trict, give the opening prayer on the ward H. Levi, who is expected to be con­ Sparrow one of its clerks, announced floor of the U.S. House of Representa­ firmed a.s the new Attorney General and that the Senate had passed a bill and tives. FBI Director Kelley. Today's hearing was Reverend Whitt is pastor of the First postponed because Mr. Silberman is leav­ concurrent resolution of the following ing the Department of Justice, and we titles, in which the concurrence of the Baptist Church of Aliceville. He received his A.B. degree from Samford Univer­ thought it appr-opriate to have the bene­ House is requested: fit of the new Attorney General's views. s. 281. An act to amend t he Regional Rail sity and master of divinity from South­ Reorganization Act of 1973 to increase the ern Baptist Theological Seminary. The Subcommittee on Civil and Consti- January 30, 1975 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 1919 tutional Rights of the House Judiciary committee will see to it that it is done in Fourth. The way and extent to which Committee has oversight jurisdiction the future. the FBI applies its resow·ces to the do­ over the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This subcommittee's job will be to ex­ mestic intelligence area; and We have been engaged for several years amine the testimony of witnesses and test Fifth. The relationship between the in a study of criminal record collection legal authorities to determine whether FBI's domestic intelligence operations and dissemination by the FBI. In the next or not these problems can be handled by and those of State, local, and other Fed­ few months we plan to write and present Justice Department regulations or must eral agencies in the intelligence commu­ to the full Judiciary Committee a bill be handled by new legislation. Any legis­ nity. that will, I believe, be acceptable to both lation, of course, must comply with the We will review and hold public hear­ the Department of Justice and to Amer­ provisions of the Constitution. No law .\ngs on this GAO report when it is com­ icans concerned with our constitutionally that exceeds the bounds of the Constitu­ · ~)Ieted. guaranteed rights of privacy, due proc­ tion can be valid. Our concern for na­ In addition, we have asked the GAO ess, and civil liberties. tional security cannot include the li­ to assist our staff in conducting a gen­ A few months ago activities of the FBI censing of Government conduct that in­ eral survey of all FBI activities to ob­ ca me to light which caused great con­ fringes upon the rights protected by that tain a. broad working knowledge of the cern to the public and to the subcommit­ basic document, the cornerstone of our Bureau's operations and to identify spe­ tee and which may require expansion of open society. cific potential problem areas for review. the criminal record bill. These allega­ As my colleagues well know, insofar as This sw'VeY will serve as a basis for plan­ tions concern the FBI's domestic intelli­ the Bill of Rights is concerned, the chair­ ning our oversight so that we can be gence work-not in the areas of espio­ man of this subcommittee is a strict con­ continually provided with information nage, treason, or sabotage, specifically structionist.
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