period ponenta the lead blue and until the ing Was game. number NEWARK POST alf but res ed. LUME VIII NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DEL., FEBRUARY 28, '9' 7 NUMBER -6 a good Topics Of The Day ISchool Children In jClub Wome~ Drop • . New Profeaaors Recom- SPEAKERS URGE T B D' d' Movie Censorship Bill mended By Trustees o e ISCUSSe I Charmmg Operetta ! Miss Emily P. Bissell ha I'e- At a meeting of the Executive NEW TAX LAWS --- I --- cently announced that the State Committee held at the residence Ab/ Speaker at the Women's Show Wonderful Progress Under Federation of ~omen's Club ' of Mr. Henry B. Tho~pson, on Why Urge Rel'orms Without First PrOVIding Means, They Ask " . would not have mtroduced and l'FebrUary 23, the followmg recom- J' College I DtrectlOn of M,ss Shepardson would not advocate in the present mendations to the Board were A repre entative gatheriilg of on visiting it, until a ll danger or The le~t ure announced for Fri- The entertainment given by Legislature a bill providing for a agreed upon, That tax-payers of this community at- blindness is pa t. She figures da)' eve ning, March second, at 7.30, school children in the Opera House censol'ship of moving pictures t{)' 1. John Rl)bert Moore, A. B., A . 'tended the meeting held in. the Ithat every citizen as an agent d in S!'.ie nce Hall, Women' College, last Friday evening mea ured up be exhibited in this state. Mem- M., Ph. D., be appointed A sist- 'Opera House on Monday evening, 'production is wort'll to the stat prlJll1 lS eS to be ~f unusual i.nterest. in every particular Lo the promises bel's of the Executive Committee ant Professor of English at a sal- under the auspices of the Taxa- $2500, and he takes care of him Th e speaker, MI s Janet Richards. made by the management. It was of the Federation and of the Nev ary of $1,500, beginning Septem- 'tion Revision Committee. Dr. These things, apparently, to)rm is H \Va hington woman, known indeed the best school entertain- Century Club of Wilmington have bel' 1, 1917 Caleb R. Layton and Robert G no part of our thought in Del a th rou ghout the East for her able ment ever given in Newark. The had s uch a bill under considera- Mr. Moore has taught at the Houston. of Georgetown, t ·h e ware. Do yo u know that it costs di sc ussions of :ul'l'ent. events. business manager triumphantly tion for 'everal weeks, providing University of Missouri and at the speakel's, urged the public, men $200 to get into the Court of Ap­ P er ~ o na ll y acquamted With the announces one hundred sixty- that pictul'es approved by the cen- 1Jniversity of Wi sconsin and is and women, to see that two bills peals in Delaware? That means, national leaders, Mis~ Richa:ds se';cn dol al 3 :ldded to the chool SOl'S of Pennsylvania or Mary l ~n~ highly recommended by the au- now before the Legislature-the friends. that the ri ch men c~ '1 gat he rs at first hand mfo rmatlOn fund as the result of the perform- 'Wou ld be acceptable for exhlbl- thorities of both institutions. He Graduated Inheritance Tax, and get there, but the poor men ('!I n t whic h in these critical times, can- ance, but the spectators declare tion in Delaware. will receive the degree of Ph. 1 the Equalization Tax, be passed. I am working, my friends, to nol fa il to int~rest every Am~rican. the money represents, by no After two conferences with the from Harvard in June. Dr. Layton dwelt upon the ef- create a recognition in the minds The .Iect.ure. IS .for .the pUbhc. A means, the ,:"ost gratifying part of moving ~picture thea~re. managers 2. Finley M. Foster, A. B., A. f e c t of Delaware's antiquated of the people of the ~q.uity, the conli al mVltatlOn IS extended to the entertamment. Newark, s uf- and producers of Wtlmmgton the M., Ph. D .. be appointed Instruc- taxation law, as applied to Edu- righteousness, of a revi Ion of the el' er.\'one. fering f rom a dearth of musical club women decided not to advo- tor in English at a salary of $1, cation and E tates. "Look at tax laws. There are people wh') talent for years, could well ap- cate a censorship law at present. 500 beginning September 1 1917. Education," he said. "One of the deny the righteou ness of a man Attends Pageant At Columbia pre.ciate . the marks of . promise Miss Bis·sell said the club women Successor to MI'. Frederi'ck P old est states of the Union, close paying a tax accordin~ to hi 1'1' fe or Myrtle V. Caudell, of which the young people dlsplay~d , felt t hat they did not ~are to put Pohl, resigned. to the Atlantic seaboard, right wealth. Every man should pay th Department of Home Econom- after ?nly one term. of expert .I n- their stamp of unqualtfied appro- Mr. Foster has taught succe&s- next to our oldest ci vilization, acording to his means. I say w ~ ir ~. \\ omen's Go llege of Delaware, structlOn. The ~USIC had a s ~m g val .on the censors of Pennsy !- fully at New York University for with in Sussex county, after 250 want ne wtax Jaws because W f) attended the annual meeting C' and ~hythm whl.c h was e pecla lly vania a~d Marylan? .because they three years, having had charge of years of settlement, only 350 for- want new. ~ax . laws be ca u s~ we th e Teachers' College Alumni, and pleasmg; the chtldren proved that are subject to pohtlcal changes the Freshman Composition from eign born; with no insuperable these old Illl qUltous laws stl'l cken the Festival at Columbia Univer- t~ey have ~earned to s ing~ reall y which might lower their stand- February to September, 1916. His or. abno~'ma l conditi?n to contend fro.m our books because they are si tl' last Friday and Saturday smg,-mus1cally: The .entIre ards. training .and experience fit him with ; With all our history back .of unjust, and because .th.ey ~reed the rh'e pageant, The Spirit of Ameri- for~ance .was given With a finish I well for the position here. Iu s, and yet. rated a the. thlr- wrong that followf\ mJustIc~. ha ized Law Liberty ann which dehghted everyone. ILecture On Yellowstone Park 3. Charles Ganson Cook A. B .. teenth most Ignorant state m the Delaware men of RevolutIO nary c~'r :i~l: as three' ideals 'that The r!sing curtain revealed t he On Saturday the 24th, which was A. M., be appointed A ss ist~nt PI'O- Il!nion! And ~xact ! y in ?ropor- days made just laws, and they put sho uld be ever before the citizens I empe~or s &:arden, a . spot . ma~ e an "Open Night" at the Women's fessor in Modern Languages, at Il tIon to our !ntelhgence IS our these laws on our books. A hun- r· ' t ation beautiful With flowel'lng wisteria I Co ll ege Dea n Robinson gave a lec- salary of $1500 beginning Sep- government. Delaware has re- dred and fifty years ago they were o ,I gl ea n . and boughs of ~pple ?Iossoms. Th.e l'ture o~ "The Yellowstone Park." tember 1, 1917. Succes. or to Mr' l mained stationa.ry, she ha~ failed perfectly fair; they didn't then WEDDINGS emper.or and hiS tra1l1, the beautI- 1Nearly a hundred slides were A. W, Bernhardt. to keep pace With her nelghbo~ :s take advantage of the poor man. f~1 prmcess, ~bout to ce .l e br a t~ her s hown. giving the stude"nts glimp- Mr. Cook has taught at the be c~ u se she .has neglected pi 1- In those days there .were ?n ly Tweed-Robinson eighteenth birthday, With hel at ses of river, geysel', rock forma- Massachusetts In stitute of Tech- mal y educatIOn. three classes of wealth. negloe , ;\Ii. E ssie Tweed and Mr. Vo- tendants, m.E.d.c the scene a color- jtion, and flol'a and fauna of thr nology, Boston. He will probabl" j Then there is the .question ~f l li. ve s t oc k . and real estate. But ,hell Robinson were quietly mar- f ul and bl'llitant one. Act two, ,g reat National Park. receive his Ph D from Harvarc' Estates. Do we prOVide as Ilh- smce that day we have gone to I' ied at the home of the bride's presented the revels of Saucer- . J " . noi s by a state-wide commissi'Jn I·sleep. We have let the old laws arent. Mr. and Mrs. Mancil eye . and his Sprites! arou.nd the HOW LOYAL MEN m u;e' E CI k Ph D A _ to go into every home . after the remain alth.ough a co ndition has d Tw eed. on Wednesday, February cave of Inky Night, 111 which the I ' YLAND' 4. re . aI', ..., S death of the bread WinneI', and Is prung up m the last forty years 2 t ~t, b~' tt> " Rev. E. P. Roberts. princess had been concealed. The KEPT MAR s l ~ t~nt P~ofe ss or of Busm es Ad- find out what fin a ncial and tem- that has made the e laws iniqui- After Ma,'ch 25th, Mr.
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