00 3087 WHC-EP-0009 Volume 1 Westinghouse Hanford Company Reference Guide Acronyms and Abbreviations Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Management and Administration ~ Westinghouse \::::) Hanford Company Richland, Washington Hanford Operations and Engineering Contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC06-87RL 10930 Approved for Public Release RECORD OF (1) Document Number I REVISION Page lofl J WHC-EP -0009 J W Title and Abbreviations V-: estinghouse Hanford Company Rl:fe-=r~nce- ~ui-de . Acronyms CHANGE CONTROL RECORD Authorized for Release (3) Rev1s1on (4) Description of Change - Replace, Add. and Delete Pages (5) Cog.1Pro1. Engr. (6) Cog./Pr0J . Mgr. Date (7) Revision 1 Page 7 20 52 100 103 110 258 318 7)0/fc Replace all to show minor mJ. ,-~ X't~ corrections to content ' A-7320-005 (12189) The following is a summary of instructions to be used in preparing Record of Revision page and how appropriate Engineering Change Notice (ECN) and revisions are identified. NOTE: Prior to revision of an engineering document, all proposed changes shall have been approved by an ECN. The Record of Revision sheet shall include the following information. 1) The engineering document number. 2) The title of the engineering document. Change Control Record 3) The revision number of the change. 4) A description of the change, including page changes, additions, and deletions where appropriate. List the approved ECN number(s) which have been incorporated. 5) The authorizing signature of the Cognizant/Project Engineer signifying accurate editorial incorporation of the previously approved change. 6) The dated signature of the Cognizant/Project Manager authorizing subsequent release of the revised engineering document. 7) List initial issue (usually Rev . 0), approval EDT, and date. No signatures are necessary. A-7320-00SR (12189) WHC-EP-OOO9 Volume 1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS V WHC-EP-0009 Volume 1 This page intentionally left blank. vi WHC-EP-0009 Volume 1 The entries provided in this reference guide were compiled by Publications Services from multiple sources. The compilation is provided as a reference source ONLY and does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement by the U.S. Government or any agency thereof. All information contained in this list should be verified by the user. vii WHC-EP-0009 Volume 1 This page intentionally left blank. viii ------, WHC-EP-0009 Volume 1 Locality/ *Obsolete : Acronym/ Project/ Use Initialism Definition Program Instead A (switchgear) aA at to ampere A&C Agreements and Commitments A&E architects and engineers A&RH Acceptance and Routing History {Tag) A&S Administration and Services (former WHC * Department) A&TP assembly and test pit HTSF A/B airborne A/C air-conditioning A/I accident investigation A/L approach and landing A/T assembly and test A-8 Allen-Bradley Company AA Access Authorization AA advanced alloys AA air-to-air AA Affirmative Action (Dept) Rockwell AA Assistant Administrator AA atomic absorption AA Authorized Absence * AAAA Army Aviation Association of America AAAP Advanced Acquisition or Assistance Plan AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science 1 WHC-EP-O0O9 Volume 1 Locality/ *Obsolete: Acronym/ Project/ Use Initialism Definition Program Instead AABNCP Advanced Airborne Command Post AAC airborne activity confinement AACS airborne activity confinement system AAD advanced alloy development AAD advanced alloy duct (test) AAEC Australian Atomic Energy Commission AAFB Andrews Air Force Base AAGR average annual growth rate AAH Advanced Attack Helicopter AAM Air-to-Air Missile AAMP advanced architecture microprocessor AAP Affirmative Action Plan AAP auxiliary annunciator panel AAQS Ambient Air Quality Standards AAR Association of American Railroads AASF ammonia scrubber feed AASHO American Association of State Highway Officials AATS Audit Action Tracking System AATS Automated Action Tracking System AB Albuquerque Operations Office AB Amarillo Branch Office (Burlington area) AB axial blanket (test) - ABCC Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission ABO as-built drawings 2 WHC-EP-0009 Volume 1 Locality/ *Obsolete: Acronym/ Project/ Use Initialism Definition Program Instead ABE arm-based electronics ABHU argon blower heater unit * ABI AB Ingenjorsgeolog ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile ABMR Anti-Ballistic Missile Range ABN acid-base neutrals ABS As-Built Specifications abs absolute (temperature and gravity) ABTF Absorber und/oder Brenn-und Brutelemet Test Flasche (Absorber and/or Fuel and Breeder Element Test Vessel , Test Facility at INTERATOM) AC Advanced Computing BCSR AC air compressor AC aircraft AC Allis-Chalmers (Manufacturing Co.) ac alternating current AC analytical chemistry ACAP Advisory Council for Administrative Professionals ACB Alaskan Copper and Brass ACBM Advisory Committee for Biology & Medicine ACC abnormal condition control ACCO Advanced Communications and Countermeasures Division AC -CEF Allis-Chalmers Critical Experimental Facility ACD advanced conceptual design 3 WHC-EP-O0O9 Volume 1 Locality/ *Obsolete: Acronym/ Project/ Use Initialism Definiti on Program Instead ACD Allied Chemical Corporation, General Chemical Division ACD automatic call distribution, automatic call distributor ACDA Arms Control and Disarmament Agency ACOR advanced conceptual design report ACE Accelerated Copilot Enhancement ACE automatic checkout equipment ACES Access Control Enrollment Station ACF accountability computer function ACF ACF Industries, Inc. ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ACHP Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation ACLANT Atlantic Command ACI American Concrete Institute AC L administrative control limit ACL alternate concentr ati on limits ACL analog configuration line • ACLP above core load pad (fuel assembly) ACM Association for Computing Machinery ACMA Alumina Ce r amic Manufacturers' Association ACN advanced carbide (test) ACN advanced change notice * ACNW Advisory Committee on Nuclea r Waste NRC ACO Administrative Contract Office 4 WHC-EP-0009 Volume 1 Locality/ *Obsolete: Acronym/ Project/ Use Initialism Definition Program Instead ACO advanced oxide (fuel test) ACO Atomic Coordinating Office MOD, UK ACO(W) Atomic Coordinating Office Washington British Defense Staff ACP Airborne Command Post ACP aqueous carbonate process ACP Area-Characterization Plan ACRH Argonne Cancer Research Hospital ACR advanced converter reactor ACR auxiliary control room ACRI Analytical and Computational Research Inc. ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards NRC ACS Access Control (Keycard) System ACS Active Control System ACS American Ceramic Society ACS American Chemical Society Act (Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982) ACT aqueous catch tank ACT advanced core test ACT analytical cold traps ACTL Activation Library LLNL ACTS Accountability , Controllability, and Traceability System ACV administrative control value 5 WHC-EP-0009 Volume 1 Locality/ *Obsolete: Acronym/ Project/ Use Initialism Definition Program Instead ACVC Air-Cooled Vault Concept ACVSF Air-Cooled Vault Storage Facility ACWP actual cost of work performed AD Administration/Reports AD air defense AD Architectural Design BCSR AD automatic damper · ADA Applied Decision Analysis, Incorporated ADA Rockwell Document Accountability System Rockwell * ADC analog-to-digital converter ADC authorized derivative classifier ADDS Army Data Distribution System ADF Automatic Direction Finder ADI acceptable daily intakes ADI altitude direction indicator ADIP Alloy Development Intercorrelation Program ADIP alloy development for irradiation performance • ADM administration ADM Atomic Demolition Munition ADM Action Description Memorandum ADMATT Advanced Mobile Acoustic Torpedo Target ADP automated data processing *auto ­ matic ADP automatic data processing BCSR ADPE automatic data processing equipment 6 WHC - EP-0009 Volume 1 Revision 1 Locality/ *Obsolete: Acronym/ Project/ Use Initialism Definition Program Instead ADR Audit Discrepancy Report ADS Advanced Classification Schedule ADS Air Data System ADS American Data Systems ADS approval data submittals ADT American District Telegraph ADT Automated Data Transmission ADTA air data transducer assembly ADTU acid digestion test unit ADU ammonium diuranate ADVAB advanced absorber assembly AE (A- E) acoustic emission A- E Architect-Engineer AE/CM Architect-Engineer/Construction Management AE-6 North American Aviation Water Boiler (WBNS) Neutron Source AEA Aircraft Electronics Association AEA alpha energy anatysis AEA Atomic Energy Act AEA Atomic Energy Authority UK AEA Atomic Energy Agency AEB Auxiliary Equipment Building AEBE Auxiliary Equipment Building East AEC area emergency coordinator AEC U.S. Atomic Energy Commission *DOE 7 WHC - EP-0009 Volume I Locality/ *Obsolete : Acronym/ Project/ Use Initialism Definition Program Instead AECL Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd . (Chalk River) Ontario Canada AECOP Atomi c Energy Convnission Combined * Operat ions Planning AECPI AEC Procuremertt Instruction * AECPR AEC Procurement Regulations * AECPR Annual Energy Conservation Performance Report AEC-RL Atom ic Energy Commission-Richland *DOE- RL Operations Office AED Associated Equipment Distributors AtGIS Assessment of Effectiveness of Geologic Isol at ion Systems Program AEGIS (Naval Carrier Task Force Defense Missile System) AEI Accountable Equipment Index AEI Assoc i ated Electrical Industry , Ltd . Aldermaston (Research Laboratory) Court, UK AEI Atomic Energy Institute Moscow AEM acoustic emission monitoring AEM Architect- Engineer-Management
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