— Semni> Scotch Plains and Fanwood Since 1959 — X I I fj X X SCOT' 1927EARTLE AVENUE of SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ. 07076 s tch Plains - Fanwood OUR 38th YEAR -ISSUE NO. LSPS48SMO Periodical - P«ta|e Paid « Scotch PUlm, N J. Thursday, June 19,1997 Enry Ttmnday 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS BOROUGH CITED FOR TREE PRESERVATION Fanwood Council Recognizes Community Members; Reviews Pending Infrastructure Work By StZETTESTALKER Arbor Day Foundation. Mr. D'Errico council's representative to the Sptdally Written for The Times assisted the community lastyearwhen Plainfield Area Regional Sewerage The Fanwood Borough Council it was determined that the 332-year- Authority (PARSA), said the bor- offered a round of kudos last Thurs- old Fanwood Oak, which had become ough is currently paying 'for water day to several individuals for their diseased, would have to be cut down. which is entering the system through contributions to the community, and The forester also presented Mayor infiltration and that PARSA is will- accepted thecommunity's fourth Tree Connelly with two pressed leaves ing to assist Fanwood in resolving City USA Award for work done on from the Fanwood Oak, saying "we the problem. behalf of tree preservation. Manning think trees are our link back to our Councilwoman Karen M. Schurtz, the camera for Channel 35's live historic past." The Mayor, who re- the governing body's representative broadcast of the council's regular ported that attempts are being made to the Municipal Alliance Commit- meeting was feature film editor Jef- to graph tips of the Fanwood Oak tee, discussed several programs which frey Solomon, a Fanwood resident onto root stock in a bid to give it new were designed to educate young whose credits include Dog Day Af- life, thanked Mr. D'Errico, along with people about the dangersof substance ternoon and Deliverance. Shade Tree Commission Chairman abuse. Among them are Project Michael D'Errico, a forester with William L. Crosby, for their help dur- Graduation, the annual drug- and al- the New Jersey Forest Service, pre- ing the difficult decision to have the cohol-free party for graduating high sented Mayor Maryanne S. Connelly tree cut down. school seniors which will be held David B. Corbln for Th» Tlmtt and the governing body with a com- The Mayor read resolutions honor- tonight, Thursday, June 19, at the YOUR HONOR...Scotch Plains attorney Scott J. Moy nihan takes oath of office to become a State Superior Court Judge memorative Tree City USA flag in ing Sister Geraldine Contento upon Mendham Health and Racquet Club during a swearing-in ceremony held in the chambermbers of Union CountCounty Superior Court Assignment Judge Edwin W. recognition of the borough having re- completion of her sixth and final year beginning at 10 p.m. Begiin, Jr. Holding the Holy Bible are his three children and wirewife,, Michelle. A story on the new judge appeared in last ceived the award from the National week's issue of The Times. as Principal of St. Bartholomew the The councilwoman also described Apostle Interparochial School; the Drunk Driving Simulator car Patrick Bellone, a foreman with the which was demonstrated April 21 at Department of Public Works, on his St. Bartholomew the Apostle School, Board Reviews Developer Gets Green Light 40th anniversary with the department sponsored by Mothers Against Drunk June 1, and in recognition of June 14 Driving, which simulated the gradual Long-Range as Flag Day. effects of intoxication on a person's A presentation was made welcom- ability to operate a motor vehicle. To Build Woodlands Estates ing Patricia Scarlato, the owner of She said local students also recently Plan Methods Earth's Bounty, Inc. on South Av- met the "Winston Man," a cancer survivor and stunt man for actor By JUSTIN BRIDGE out that there would now be less he "wants to see as many trees sur- enue, formerly Florida Fruit, to the By SUZANNE MARKERT Specially Written for The Times ground removed due to the fact that community. A proclamation was is- Harrison Ford, who discussed with Specialty Written for The T'mirs rounding the perimeter that can be them the hazardous effects of ciga- This past Monday's meeting of the drainage will now be carried off by retained by the developer as pos- sued honoring Joseph P. Keeton on A recurring theme at Tuesday Scotch Plains Planning Board finally the Plainfield system. However, Mr. having recently achieved Eagle Scout rette smoking. evening's Scotch Plains-Fanwood sible." ended the issue of the Woodlands Ferriero said that he would like to see Mr. Kimball is employed by status, the highest honor bestowed by Mrs. Schurtzreported that the 1997 Board of Education meeting was Estates development. The proposed the 5 percent graded roadway extend the Boy Scouts of America. The Mayor's Charity Gala to benefit the "improving teaching and learning." Kimball and Kimball Professional development, which is located on further into the development. This Planners of Mendham. Mayor also announced the appoint- Municipal Alliance Committee will The board, which did not take any Woodland Avenue and straddles the would allow for a safer distance for ment of Jack Molenaar as a member be held on Friday, November 7, at the action during the public session, After letting the engineer and the border of Scotch Plains and Plainfield, cars to slow down before reaching planner have their say, the board of the Board of Adjustment to fill the Shackamaxon Country Club in met to discuss new methods of has been an issue since 1985. the intersection at Woodland Avertue. unexpired term of the late Edward Scotch Plains beginning at 7 p.m. budget and long-range planning, opened up the floor to comments by That was the year that the Supreme Mr. Ferriero offered the suggestion residents.. Ryan. Mr. Ryan, who died May 7, The event, which honors local volun- as well as participation of board Court handed down its Mount Laurel that the 12.5 percent grade be raised was Vice Chairman of the Board. teers-of-the-year, benefits "early members in the annual evaluation MarciaAnderson, representing the ruling, which called for every mu- to a 13 percent grade, allowing the Scotch Plains Environmental Com- During committee reports, Coun- warning" and drug prevention edu- of ihe Superintendent of Schools, nicipality in New Jersey to allow for longer length of roadway at a 5 per- mission, raised questions over the cilman William E. Populus, Jr., an- cation programs sponsored by the Dr. Carol B. Choye. the allotment of land on which to cent grade. welfare of certain trees on the devel- nounced that the municipality had committee. Before the board meeting began, develop low to moderate income Doug Kimball, a planner retained opment site. In a letter to the board, purchased three meters and a camera Nominations for yolunteers-of-the- members adopted a resolution to housing. by the board, claimed that the new she noted that over 11 trees ought to to monitor water infiltration caused year must be submitted by the end of congratulate the 16 members of The developer, K. Hovnanian, was plan is an improvement over the old be protected by the developers. by cracks in certain areas of the bor- June, according to thecouncil woman, the Broadway Terrill Munchkin CONTINUED OVMIVU represented by Robert Krause, an at- one. Mr. Kimball also expressed that COmnUFDOWMOEU ough sewer system. Mr. Populus, the hoir, a group of Terrill Middle torney representing the township. Mr. School and Coles Elementary Krause brought with him John School students who performed in Dupont, one of the engineers for the The Wizard ofOz at The Theater at developers. Mr. Dupont presented a Former Scotch Plains Zoo Owners Reject Madison Square Garden in New new plan for the development that York City from May 7 to June 8. dealt with certain questions that arose They auditioned along with a at the last board meeting earlier this dozen other schools to perform month. The new plan addressed the Pact Calling for Development of Property hree shows a week opposite By SUZETTESTALKER concern over drainage for the devel- on the property. ies Rcseanne, who starred as the Specially Written for the Times safety and animal welfare. The Space Farm complex occup.i opment and the grading of the road. Mr. Kraus said that Mr. Berlant Spokeswoman Sharon Southard Wicked Witch of the West. The Mr. Dupont announced that, under The former owners of the Scotch a totatotal of 450 acres, of which 100 aare ensemble members, who were in "didn't offer anything" to his clients, said the division has been working the new plan, drainage would be Plains Zoo have rejected a purchase now living in Florida, who operated used for the zoo and museum, featur- grades 4 through 7 at Terrill and agreement between a Warren Town- with Union Township attorney Mar- ing a vast collection of 19th century handled by the Plainfield system.This the facility as the Terry Lou Zoo for tin B. O'Connor, 2nd, the court-ap- Coles, were Eric Ajuluchukwu, means that no storm retention system ship real estate developer and the memorabilia. Mr. Space, who oper- Joseph Bartolotta, Anisha four decades before selling it to the pointed custodian for the zoo, to find would be built on the development, facility's current owners calling for Kafkas in 1993. He said the Terrys ates the facility with his son, Parker, Bhasin, Gina Cangialosi, Justin the zoo to be shut down and the new homes for the wildlife, which explained that there are currently 500 which was originally suggested by would like to have kept it as a zoo includes elephants, giraffes, several Day, CristinaFabiano, Elizabeth the developers.
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