Volume XLI, No. 7 September 2017 THE NOE VALLEY VOICE Swann Swings Want to Buy a Store Association Real Food Site? Helm Forward The Latest Chapter in the Long-Running 24th Street Serial Energetic Noe Resident Adept At Multitasking By Corrie M. Anders By Matthew S. Bajko he Real Food Company store on 24th TStreet, which has sat vacant for 14 he new president of the 94-year-old years, is for sale. TNoe Valley Merchants and Profes- The owner made a quick decision in sionals Association is brimming with late August to sell off the coveted site— ideas for how to attract additional cus- a move that could bring fresh vitality to tomers and businesses to the neighbor- Noe Valley’s main commercial strip. hood’s commercial corridors. That bright prospect came after Real estate agent Rachel Swann, 39, HGGC, a private investment firm based took over leadership of the business in Palo Alto, announced Aug. 23 that it group last December. Since then, she has had completed acquisition of Real Food’s helped activate the one-year-old Noe Val- corporate owner, Nutraceutical Interna- ley Town Square in order to increase foot tional Corporation, a global manufacturer traffic to local stores, kept close track of and retailer of nutritional supplements. the sale of the long-vacant Real Food The $446 million transaction origi- Company site, and started discussions Thinking Green. Noe Valley Merchants and Professionals Association President Rachel nally was announced May 22, but Nu- with District 8 Supervisor Jeff Sheehy's Swann was an early adopter of Friends of the Urban Forest plantings in the neighborhood. traceutical had 60 days to weigh bids office on amending zoning rules in the She proudly stands by “her” two trees on Sanchez Street. Photo by Pamela Gerard from other buyers. When none material- area to make it easier to fill vacant store- ized, Nutraceutical shareholders gave fi- fronts with new retail concepts. bringing new direction to the group. We signer Ian Stallings had long wanted to nal approval to the purchase Aug. 21. “Rachel has brought to the table an in- are very excited.” open. (His IS: Fine Art and Design is the HGGC wasted little time in moving to fusion of new ideas and new energy,” said Swann’s involvement with the busi- subject of this month’s Store Trek profile.) sell the store, located at 3935-39 24th St., Cliché Noe Gifts + Home owner Dani ness group stemmed from her decision to After presenting the shared workspace directly across from Whole Foods Market. Sheehan-Meyer, who has belonged to the co-locate her real estate office into a concept to neighborhood business own- Within days of taking possession, HGGC business group for seven years and is its storefront on the corner of 24th and ers, Swann not only walked away with asked commercial real estate broker Cush- vice president of marketing and publicity. Vicksburg streets with that of a home fur- “She is a disrupter and a go-getter. She is nishings store her friend and local de- CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Bike-Share Stations Get Rolling in Noe Valley The Poet Laureate Autos May Need to Search There are 19 bikes at the Jersey and Company. As of late June, there were From Eureka Longer for Parking Spaces Castro streets station adjacent to the Wal- 3,500 bicycles at 332 stations scattered greens parking lot. At the intersection of across San Francisco, the East Bay, and Street By Matthew S. Bajko Jersey and Church streets is a station with San Jose. Active Citizen and Prolific 18 bikes, with another station of 19 bikes Reaction to the bike-share stations has Artist Is Homegrown ver the summer, five bike-share sta- located nearby at 24th and Chattanooga been mixed, with stations in the Mission Otions were installed throughout Noe streets. The two other stations each have vandalized by those who argue they add By Richard May Valley, giving residents a new way to 15 bikes and can be found at the intersec - to gentrification of the largely Latino dis- commute to work or run errands around tion of Cesar Chavez and Dolores streets trict. In Noe Valley, the complaints have he new San Francisco poet laureate town. The number of locations is one less and further south at 29th and Church streets. centered on the loss of street parking Tgrew up on Eureka Street between than had been proposed for the neighbor- The five Noe Valley stations are part of spaces. 22nd and 23rd streets. Kim Shuck, who hood last year. Nonetheless, the quintet of the regional bike-share system operated “The bike-share station on Jersey at still lives on Eureka Street, although not stations has a total of 86 bikes that can be by Motivate and dubbed Ford GoBike Castro has taken up three spaces,” said on the same block, was named San Fran- rented out for use. due to the sponsorship of the Ford Motor Noe Neighborhood Council co-founder cisco’s seventh poet laureate June 21 by Ozzie Rohm, adding that many of the Mayor Edwin Lee and City Librarian Luis city’s elderly residents cannot use the Herrera. She follows in the poetic foot- bikes and rely either on Muni or their own steps of Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Janice cars to get around. Mirikitani, devorah major, Jack Hirsch- But Progress Noe Valley co-founder man, Diane di Prima, and Alejandro Mur- Laura Fingal-Surma hailed the expansion guia. Her term is for two years. of the bike-share stations into more resi- Shuck will be busy during those 24 dential areas of the city, as usage of the months. Her duties include delivering an bikes by residents to commute to work inaugural address, appearing at local po- will result in less car congestion and traf- etry events, and working on one or more fic, in particular during the morning and poetry events in cooperation with the San evening commutes. Francisco Public Library, Friends of the “Sure, there are less parking spots Library, and WritersCorps, a writers-in- available,” she conceded, “but how many schools program. She will also have to people can give up their cars, now that lead a poetry event at Litquake, the Oc- they have good options to get around the tober literary festival held at various ven- city by bike?” ues around the city. When fully installed next year, the pro- None of this will be a problem for gram will boast 7,000 bikes at 546 sta- Shuck. “I’m already doing most of it,” she tions. It is set to become the second says. She has volunteered for over 20 largest bike-share network in North years in San Francisco public schools, as- America. New York has the most, with sisting elementary school students in 645 stations, while Chicago is currently math and poetry. She already participates Go for a Ride. There are five Ford GoBike stations in Noe Valley, including this one on in second with 581. in Litquake and in poetry readings Jersey at Church Street. Currently, the cost is $3 for a single trip from one dock to another, or $9.95 for half-hour trips all day. Photo by Pamela Gerard CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 2 The Noe Valley Voice • September 2017 Above Karin Payson and Michael Fassman have just returned from Isla Del Sol in Lake Titicaca, Bolivia where they kept up with the local news at 13,000 feet. Calling All Readers Left Greetings from Germany! Noe Valley residents Paulina (age 4), Linda (1) and Lucie (6) Leetz are spending their summer in Germany with grandparents and family friends. They took time to pose for their parents Julia Reinhardt and Peter Leetz in front of Cologne Cathedral. When in Noe Valley, the family runs the German bilingual Sandann Family Day Care. Where have you been lately? If you remembered to take a photo that includes The Noe Valley Voice, please let us know. Email [email protected] Saint Philip the Apostle ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE & FAITH Sm'Iabebil^]n\Zm^lma^pahe^child, producing life-long learners, active Christians, and confident and responsible citizens. The success of our students is a reflection of our commitment to a school culture that is child-centered and student-focused. Please join us for TK & Kindergarten Open House Tuesday, October 10th or Tuesday, November 14th at 6:30 pm 665 Elizabeth Street (no reservation required) Or call 415-824-8467 for tour information. Now accepting applications for Transitional Kindergarten thru 8th Grade. All Families Welcome! Saint Philip the Apostle School 665 Elizabeth Street San Francisco, CA 94114 (415) 824-8467 SaintPhilipSchool.org [email protected] The Noe Valley Voice • September 2017 3 EXCLUSIVE LUXURY HOMES In San Francisco 480 N. MISSION BAY BLVD. #1405 | MISSION BAY | $3,995,000 3 BEDS | 2 BATH | 1,921 SQ. FT. 355 ELIZABETH STREET | NOE VALLEY | $3,495,000 5 BEDS | 3 BATH COMING SOON 148-152 SATURN STREET | CORONA HEIGHTS | $4,999,000 284 DOUGLASS STREET | EUREKA VALLEY | $2,399,000 6 BEDS | 5.5 BATH | 3,560 SQ. FT. | 2,217 SQ. FT. LOT 3 BEDS | 2 BATH | 1,900 SQ. FT. RACHEL SWANN ROXANA MELGAREJO MICHELLE LONG [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 415.225.7743 415.287.4943 415.602.0307 NOE VALLEY OFFICE NOW OPEN | 3848 24TH STREET, SAN FRANCISCO 4 The Noe Valley Voice • September 2017 C onnectioonnecting people with the right property inS ana F rancisco.annc . ForFor Sale SOLD // Double Loto Noe V alley SOLD // 3BD/3.5BA Glen Park wwwwww.22Fountain.com $2,856,000 Represented Buyer $2,275,000 ForFor Sale SOSOLDLD // Modern View Condo Eurreeka VVaall ye SOLD // Off Market SalSale Noe Valley www.394Eureka.com $1,860,000 Represented Buyer $4,700,000 I love where I live.
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