Chapter 1 Introduction INTRODUCTION Sports sponsorship is one of the phenomenal business is turn in now days. It is the primary strategy obtain by the leading companies for promote their products . Sports sponsorship is a marketing tool that is frequently used by companies to reach aide audience on a global basis so as to be placed higher than their competitors and to create awareness as well as make a higher profit margin. Through this platform, specific target audience alongside potential customers are reached as it able to penetrate through quite e ectively in the promotional mix and as such, is a significant method being used by many organizations. The big player s in the sports sponsorships are $S%& ST'( S%)(TS * +), &$T-)(./ ,00 &$T-)(., T1$ &I234S &$T-)(. , T$& &$T-)(. , S)&5 &$T-)(. 3illions of money in!ested by the sports media to acquire the sponsorship of the telecast of sports and to get ma"imum amount of re!enue in the form of commercials . Indian sports media is always tent to admire the lo!e of people for sports , there is an healthy completion to acquire more !iewers to obtain ma"imum re!enue , for that the sports media in!est in billions of money for the 2'(.$TI&G . The impact has been increased , regarding the de!elopment of Indian sports , due to the large in!estment done by the sports media . 2ost large sports organi#ations and successful players depend on the income and support of their sponsors. 2any could not sur!ive without this type of partnership. 'nd it works both ways. 3usinesses like to be associated with sports clubs and players. It helps build their reputation within the community, generates goodwill and can be considered as a cost-effective alternative to traditional ad!ertising. SCOPE OF THE STUDY To identify market size of sports industry. To determines the le!el of interest of sponsors in world. To know about e!ent promotion . 3roadcasting promotion . Statement of the problem 'bout sport sponsorship 87 sports sponsorship consist , broadcasting of sport e!ent , sponsor the sport e!ent . Selling sponsorship 87 selling sponsorship consist the endorsement of the particular brand or product . -riting proposals 87 sponsorship of an article or book of sports authority or sportsman. Sponsorship agreements 87 agreement between the sponsor and sports authority or sports personality . Sponsorship e!aluation 87 it s done by the sponsors for the purpose of sponsor amount has been given to the sports authority or player according to his market !aluation in sports . O !ECTIVE OF THE STUDY To study marketing philosophy of sports media . To analy#e grand de!elopment and growth of sports broadcasting industry . To analy#e the impact of sports media in world. To study !arious challenges for sports media in world. To study the impact of sponsorship as tool for marketing for sports media . Re#earch and methodolo$% During my project, I collected data through !arious sources primary : secondary. Primar% #ource include# &' I ha!e done my project work by using only secondary data . Secondar% #ource include# &' 1/ ;arious sports maga#ines related to sports . </ -eb sites were used as the !ital information source. =/ > forbs () *orldcup+blo$#pot+com Chapter < Profile# INDUSTRY PROFILE Sports penetration in India increased to appro" 1?? billion people. The genre share continues to ho!er around @ per cent. 2ost of this is now split between two broadcasters and they are must ha!e bouquets to ha!e for any platform worth its !alue in a !ery scattered broadcasting market .as the big networks entered in to broadcasting and sponsorship of sports e!ent across the glob . Sport s broadcasting industry classified in to following networks , $S%& ST'( * fo" sports / network ha!ing A sports channels including < HD channels . T$& network ha!ing A sports channels including 1 HD channels . &I234S network ha!ing < sports channels . S)&5 network ha!ing 1 sports channel . DD network ha!ing authorized sports channel of go!ernment of India . Internet to emerge as a credible platform. -ith 1A million broadband users, and growing at a substantial rate . Ten Golf launched an I %ad and I OS application for live streaming, fo" sports and star sports live streaming is another popular sponsorship . Sport# e.ent Cric/et &- 0 Cric/et is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of 11 players on a roughly circular field, at the centre of which is a rectangular <<7yard long pitch. $ach team takes it in turn to bat, in which they attempt to accumulate as many runs as possible, while the other team fields, attempting to pre!ent the batting team scoring runs. Teams may bat once or twice each depending upon the format of the game . “ T$'2S 'LL '()4&D -)(LD 87 ( 4nder ICC ) They are 1< teams which has participating the main e!ent of the cricket world cup of <?1A . A countries from 'sia , = countries from 'frican continent , = countries from $urope , < countries from Caribbean soils , < countries from 'ustralia n soil s . E.ent# &' Source &' worldcup+blo$#pot+com FOOT 1-- &' 0 Football refers to a number of sports that in!olve, to !arying degrees, kicking a ball with the foot to score a goal. The most popular of these sports worldwide is association football, more commonly known as just DfootballD or Dsoccer". “ FIFA :- +ederation International +ootball 'ssociation Members :- <?E national associations across the world . #ix confederation member#hip under FIF1 acro## the *orld &' CONC1C1F &' The Confederation of &orth, Central 'merican and Caribbean 'ssociation +ootball .+))T3'CC e!ent s in 'merican contingent has been taken under C)&C'C'+ . CON3E OL &' The South 'merican +ootball Confederation .1? members in it , soccer e!ents , in the southern 'merican contingent . C1F &' confederation of 'frican football . UEF1 &' Union of European Football Associations . 1FC &' 'sian football confederation . OFC &' Oceania football confederation . Source &' http&44en+wi/ipedia+or$/wi/i/FIF1 3a5or football e.ent# under FIF1 DOMESTIC FOOTB1-- E"ENT 87 Source &' http&44en+wi/ipedia+or$/wi/i/FIF1 -awn tennis &' 1TP &' 'SSOCI'TI)& )+ T$&&IS %()+$STI)&'CS 6T1 &' -)2$& FS T$&&IS 'SSOCI'TI)& 7rand #lams tournament# &' ROL1ND 71ROS &' +($&CH )%$& ,( )& CC$'5 C)4(T / UNITED KIN7DOM &' T1$ C1'2%I)&SHI% , -I23$C$0)&* 6('SS C)4(T / US1 &' THE US OPEN 9 : H1RD COURT ) 3E- OURNE &' T1$ '4ST(I'C& )%$& , ( '& 6('&D SC'2 )+ 'SI' %'CI+IC , )& 1'(0 C)4(T . Dome#tic e.ents &' CHEN1I OPEN FOR 3EN ;S ROY1- INDIAN OPEN 6O3EN ;S source:- www.atpworldtour.com/ COMP1NY PROFILE ESPN ST1R Sport# (or ESS and stylized as $S%& ST'( Sports/ was a joint !enture between $S%& Inc. (through $S%& International, which it directly owns/ and &ews Corporation (through ST'( T; and +o" International Channels, which it directly owns). The !enture has its base in Singapore and operates <A $S%& and ST'( Sports branded Tele!ision networks and = broadband sports networks throughout 'sia, transmitting in A languages *$nglish, Cantonese, Hindi, .orean and 2andarin). The networks broadcast !arious local and international sporting e!ents, and also local editions of Sports Center for China, Hong .ong, India, Taiwan, and Southeast 'sia. $S%& Star Sports also operates a <G-hour Cricket channel, ST'( Cricket. $S%& ST'( Sports also has 'siaHs leading $!ents 2anagement team that has been successfully staging large7scale sporting e!ents across 'sia. The e!ent management team is a completely integrated e!ents group that manages concept creation, sponsorship, marketing, %(, T; broadcast, operations, and logistics for clients. $!ents currently in their portfolio include the , 6ames 'sia, E 3all Tour, .C -orld AHs +utsal, Cartier %olo, +ormula Drift Singapore, &ations Cup &etball, Indian Hockey League, and the -orld %ool Championship. In <?1<, $S%& ST'( Sports is the official broadcaster of <?1< Summer Olympics and official broadcaster of cricket played in Indian soil . T1! NET6ORK 1ND <EE NET6ORK &' T$& Sports (or Ta9 $ntertainment &etwork/ is an Indian sports channel owned and operated by Jee &etwork. +or %akistan : India there are different Ten Sports Li!e T! Channels Ten Sports was launched on 'pril 1, <??<, and became the worldHs premier sports channel for South 'sians, reaching o!er AA million homes across the 'rab world, Indian subcontinent and Southeast 'sia. Ten Sports was pre!iously owned by the 4nited 'rab $mirates based 'bdul (ahman 3ukhatiri He sold the company for 11G million 4S0 to Jee Tele films in <?1?.K<L T$&Hs senior management left the company after the sale. T$& S%)(TS &$T-)(. 8- Impact of Olympics on $lobal economy &' Increase in the sources of cash for the host country . +oreign e"change increases . Huge commercialization of the e!ent . 3roadcasting will be all across the glob . 'd!ertisement will be an essential a!enue for sponsors . ROLE OF ICC &' $!ent organi#ation $!ent promotion State rules and regulations of cricket 2otivation in the form of award for players . Cricket promotion to across the glob ROLE OF CCI &' cricket control in India . Organize domestic cricketing e!ent . Create rules and regulations in domestic tournaments Moti!ate players . +inancial management of cricket . Source :- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Cricket_Council Dome#tic cric/etin$ e.ent# under CCI &' 7ni=ed b% CC B C C I RANJI I TROP P HY L DEVD NKP . HOR SALVE TROP TROPHY HY (anji trophy is an domestic cricket championship in India , organi#ed by BCCI . Devdhor trophy is an tournament where the teams has been divided in the form of Z)&E . i.e. west zone , south zone &kp salve is an domestic tournament in India . IPL is an international e!ent , organized by BCCI as the domestic e!ent in India , the smaller version of cricket , T 20 format it also called franchise oriented cricket .
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