'-!•••• i; :v.; • mk '• - :~<4 • THE ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE TOWN OF ENFIELD, CONN. Fifty-Second Year—No. 39. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1932 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5c. OBSERVES 80TH BIRTHDAY "THE COLLEGE FLAPPER" Mrs. Honore Chaine Honored by Rela­ FORMER LOCAL Will Be Presented By Legion Auxil­ tives At Party Saturday Night, iary On January 28 and 29. Property Assessment able social time was spent by MAN HONORED A unique birthday celebration took The American Legion Auxiliary has place last Saturday at the home of completed plans to present the play, Henry Croteau on Hartford Avenue, "The College Flapper" in the Enfield when the family of Mrs. Honore High School Auditorium, Thursday To Finish Next Week Chaine felicitated her on her 80th and Friday evenings, Jan. 28 and 29. anniversary. Four generations of the The cast, composed entirely of local Selectmen Have Designated Manner in Which family were represented by her seven people, will begin rehearsals next children, 19 grandchildren and twelve week. The committees in charge of Assessors Have Completed Task of Valuing the the Town Aid Appropriation Shall Be Spent great-grandchildren. The home was the affair are: Cast, Mrs. Florence appropriately decorated by flowers, Johnson, assisted by Mrs. JeWel Ep­ Taxable Property of the Town — A Few Days This Year, And Will Ask That Plan Be Approv­ the gift of her daughter, Mrs. F. stein, Miss Mae Davison, Mrs. Bern- Howard Stetson. Mrs. Chaine was ice Fancher, Mrs. Ann Moore and Will Be Required to Compute the Figures and ed At Special Meeting Of the Electors Later. presented with a purse of gold on be­ Mrs. Emma B. Ganner; tickets, Miss half of the family by her son, Joseph Anna E. Hannigan and Mrs. May W. Make Final Adjustments. Chaine of Fitchburg, Mass., the gift Downey; publicity, Miss Margaret A. *- Approval of the manner in which Fahey, Mrs. Jane Greaves, Mrs. An­ being handed to her by her great­ na Cole, Mrs. Bertha Purdy and Mrs. By the middle of next week, accord­ DEATH OF CIVIC the Town Aid road fund for the fiscal grandchild, Claire Croteau. Follow­ Rachel Slaybard; finance, Mrs. Edith ing to the schedule now laid out, the year beginning July 1, 1932 will be ing an anniversary dinner an enjoy­ SELECTMEN URGE able social time was spent spent by Simonton and Mrs. Marcella Stevens; property owners will have an oppor­ LEADER WHO WAS asked of the electors at a special town the gathering. Mrs. Chaine came to costumes and properties, Mrs. Mary tunity to scan the valuation for tax­ meeting to be held within the next this town over 40 years and has re­ McLaren and Mrs. Edith Simonton. able purposes which the Board of As­ ECONOMY IN TOWN few weeks. The formulating of this sided here ever since. Her husband sessors have placed on their holdings. NATIVE OF TOWN program so early has been done at has been dead for a number of years. This work has already been complet­ the request of the State Highway ed as far as the actual valuation, and DEPARTMENTS Department so that the actual dispo­ NEW ENGLAND the assessors are now engaged in the James D. Phelps, Who sition of all of this state fund which computation of the list and getting is at the disposal of the towns for ASSOCIATION TO NOT DECADENT at the final figures of the assessment. Advise Checkup Now In Passed Away Suddenly their secondary roads may be deter­ This will require several days and mined as early as possible. will be followed by the final adjust­ Order To Insure That Last Friday in Wind­ As the result of several conferen­ OFFER PRIZE FOR LESLIE R. MARTIN ments which are usually a part of the All Will Keep Within ces between the Selectmen and Spe­ SAYS KIRKLAND assessment work. sor Locks, Was Native cial Supervisor W. E. Hulse of the The members of the board are con­ Appropriations Set For of Enfield. Town Road Bureau of the State High­ THRIFT WEEK Elected Secretary of Connecti­ Holyoke Manufacturer fident that the compilation will be way Department, the program for cut Mutual Life Insurance ready for their signatures in about the Fiscal Year. the town's disposition of the fund was Company in Hartford. Makes Spirited De­ another week. This will be about the, The funeral of James D. Phelps, completed last week and is in the Building And Loan Will customary time for the completion of ': With the mid-year period of the prominent civic leader, business man form at the present time in which it fense Of Its Status Be­ this work. The list will be placed in'town's fiscal year approaching, the and banker of Windsor Locks, who Make Cash Award To the hands of the Town Clerk about will be presented to the electors at There is universal satisfaction felt 0£UC se e< men died suddenly last Friday, was held the forthcoming town meeting. The here over the announcement received fore Rotary Club Mem­ the middle of next week, and will be !? J ^ ^ becoming con- Sunday afternoon from his late home Person Defining Prin available for examination by any tax- t e*Pe"ditures the sum available for this work this year last week that Leslie R. Martin, a bers Yesterday. vanous on Church street in that town. Mr. former resident of the town, and now payer until Monday, Feb. if when the departmentsi of the towni gov- is $17,750 and under the town's agree­ ciples of Organization n en 8 0a Phelps was a native o^ Enfield and ment, if confirmed by the town meet­ of Hartford, had been elected secre­ Board of Relief will begin its ses- ™ iv i'- P Q ^ ^i ^ many from here joined the large ing, it will be expended together with From Window Display. tary of the Connecticut Mutual Life That New England was not in dan­ sions. These sessions will last for 20 iw gathering of business and fraternal Insurance Company at a meeting of ger of dissolution and was far from days, following whichwhiph finnnfothe finance stated that all departments„ - would be associates who were present at the the amount of this fund unexpended committee will meet to lay the tax a check-up of last year on two major secondary Next Monday ushers in National the directors of the company held being extinct was emphatically eir ex end funeral services. Rev. F. K. Ells­ last Friday. for the present fiscal year. Meantime ^ P itures to the end that any road improvements and the shaping Thrift Week. Building and Loan As stressed by Theodore Kirkland, presi­ CC worth, former pastor of the Congre­ and treating of the surfaces of all Mr. Martin, who is a native of the dent of the Holyoke Belting Com­ the work of computing the individual !i gational Church and chaplain of Euc­ sociations throughout the nation will town, became associated with the tax bills will be ushed so that the hni f second lid Lodge of Masons, Windsor Locks, the roads already improved, under pany, in an address before the mem­ the provision of the Town Aid road take this occasion to bring to the company immediately following his bers of the Rotary Club at the week­ books may be in shape to be turned J fif /+if officiated at the services. During the graduation from the Enfield High over to Tax Collector Francis A.' ^ fin apProPnatl?ns exercises, Rev. Mr. Ellsworth paid a act last year. minds of people the important part ly luncheon meeting yesterday. Mr. were rather The major improvement, a part of that systematic saving through the School in June, 1910. After a year Kirkland proved himself a forcible in some cases very high tribute to Mr. Phelps and the program for this year, calls for he was assigned to the actuarial de­ and entertaining speaker and ad­ his devotion to the interests of the agency of local building and loan as­ meet the condi- the grading, draining, installing nec­ partment and in 1923 was made an dressed himself to his subject with e in a gs community and his fellowmen. Bur­ sociations has played and is playing assistant actuary and was advanced in Xthe Ksrs&Hsusual speculation ass tot„ the out-,» r ial was in Woodlawn Cemetery, Suf­ essary culverts and construction of a the confidence and faith of a native Sr r gravel road sixteen feet wide on the today in building a real backbone of to the position of assistant secretary New Englander. field. The bearers were Fred S. Bid- Brainard Road, which would begin at in January, 1928. In 1927 he repre­ He admitted that New England had well, Lawrence K. Bidwell, Charles O. eventual prosperity for America by been non-communicative on the sub- S woli¥ be ,a. Sood the intersection of Brainard Road and sented the company at the Interna­ lost some of its industries to the west i 4..J , idea to see if anya y possiblessl0 e revision in Bidwell, Charles R. Young, Earl L. Enfield Street and extend the entire making possible for the ordinary cit­ tional Congress of Actuaries in Lon­ and south and that many of the peo­ ject it is expected that the general 'tYT s " " ^ \ revision in Deming and Alfred Reeves, all con­ izen the realization of his most laud­ don. He is a fellow in the Actuarial ple of New England had been unfair policy being followed by all munici-1 °A>r *oScTb^maHp nected with the firm of F.
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