MPO CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) Robert D. Johnson, BCC Appointee Joan Edwards, City of Vero Beach Appointee Chuck Mechling, BCC Appointee Clarence Kerker, City of Fellsmere Appointee Walter Wright, BCC Appointee William Lundy Parden, Transportation Kathleen Geyer, BCC Appointee Disadvantaged Appointee David DeVirgilio, City of Sebastian Appointee Ryan Wilson, School Board Appointee Deryl Seemayer, City of Sebastian Appointee Herb Whittall, City of Vero Beach Appointee Freddie Woolfork, Minority Appointee Vacant, Town of Indian River Shores Appointee Juliana Young - Chairman AGENDA The MPO CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) will meet at 2:00PM on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2013 in CONFERENCE ROOM B1-501 in County Administration Building B, 1800 27'h Street, Vero Beach, FL. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes September 3, 2013 October 1, 2013 Action Required 3. Review of FOOT Draft Tentative Five Year Work Program for Fiscal Years 2014/15 through 2018/19 Action Required 4. Consideration of Amendment to the Indian River County 2013/14-2017/18 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) No Action Required 5. Status Report of MPO Advisory Committees No Action Required 6. Other Business 7. Comments from the Public 8. Adjournment Next Meeting: February 4. 2014; 2:00 PM; Conference Room 81-501. If you have any questions concerning the items on this agenda, please contact MPO staff at (772) 226- 1455. Anyone who may wish to appeal any decision which may be made at this meeting will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which includes the testimony and evidence on which the appeal is based. Anyone who needs a special accommodation for this meeting must contact the County's Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator at 772 226-1223 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. For complaints, questions or concerns about civil rights or nondiscrimination; or for special requests under the American with Disabilities Act, please contact: Phil Matson, Title VI Coordinator at (772} 226-1455 or [email protected]. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or persons who require translation services (free of charge} should contact Phil Matson at (772} 226-1455 or [email protected] at least seven days prior to the meeting. To view the CAC Agenda packet on-line please go to the following link: http://www. ircgov .com/boards/cac/2013/agendas/CAC120313A. pdf 2 METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITIEE A meeting of the Indian River County (IRC) Metropolitan Planning Organization Citizens Advisory Committee (MPOCAC) was held at 2:00p.m. on Tuesday, September 3, 2013, in Conference Room Bl-501, County Administration Building B 1800 2ih Street, Vera Beach, Florida. You may hear an audio of the meeting; review the meeting agenda, the backup material and the minutes on the Indian River County website htto:/Lwww.ircqc;v.com/Boards/CAC/2013. MPOCAC members present were: Chairman Juliana Young, BCC Appointee; Vice Chairman Chuck Mechling, BCC Appointee; William Lundy Parden, Transportation Disadvantaged Appointee; Robert Johnson, BCC Appointee; Kathleen "Cookie" Geyer, BCC Appointee; Walter Wright, BCC Appointee; Deryl Seemayer, City of Sebastian Appointee; Clarence Korker, City of Fellsmere Appointee; Freddie Woolfork, Minority Appointee; and Joan Edwards, City of Vero Beach Appointee. Absent was: Herb Whittall, City of Vero Beach Appointee; Ryan Wilson, School Board Appointee; John Warner, Town of Indian River Shores Appointee; and Dave DeVirgilio, City of Sebastian Appointee (all excused). IRC Staff present were: Phil Matson, MPO Staff Director; Brian Freeman, MPO Senior Planner; and Sharon Schalm, MPO Staff Assistant/Recording Secretary. Also present were: Karen Delgl and Jody Newman, Senior Resource Association; and Freddie Vargas, Stanley Consultants. Call to Order Chairman Young called the meeting to order at 2:03 PM, at which time it was noted that a quorum was present. Approval of Minutes July 2, 2013 (Action Required) ON MOTION BY Mr. Mechling, SECONDED BY Mr. Seemayer, the members voted unanimously (9-0) to approve the July 2, 2013 minutes. MPOCAC- UN-APPROVED - 1 - September 3, 2013 F,:t;ommunlty Oe··etopmeni\Us•n. MPO~ lHi:inato iAEETING RECOR OSWIINUT!S\CAC MlnUIN'101 : · ••i POCAC g..,_t, Un•PF ·D~~·..:d . doc: Consideration of the MPO's 2013 Priorities Project Report (Action Required) Mr. Matson provided a brief description of the 2013 Priority Projects Report, and gave a PowerPoint presentation, a copy of which is on file in the Commission office. He indicated that all Florida MPOs are required to submit to FOOT a priority projects report which lists the MPO's highway, transportation alternatives, congestion management process, transit, and airport priority projects. He stated that FOOT uses these priority lists as the basis for developing its five year work program. Mr. Matson reviewed the formal Priority Projects development process and the 2013 List of Priority Highway Projects included in his report. Mr. Wookfork arrived at 2:19 PM Ms. Edwards suggested creating a connector road with s th Ave behind Miracle Mile shopping plaza. Mr. Matson stated that he will mention the suggestion to Chris Mora, County Public Works Director. ON MOTION BY Mr. Mechling, SECONDED BY Ms. Geyer, the members voted unanimously (10-0) to approve the MPO's 2013 Priority Projects Report as presented. Consideration of Transit Development Plan (TOP) Major Update Final Report and Presentation {Action Required) Mr. Matson provided a brief description of the Transit Development Plan (TOP) and introduced Mr. Vargas of Stanley consultants. Mr. Vargas gave a Power Point presentation, a copy of which is on file in the Commission office. Mr. Vargas noted that all components of the Transit Development Plan (TOP) have been completed and the TOP will be submitted next month after the approval of the MPO. Mr. Vargas reviewed the Peer Evaluation, Public Involvement, Strategic Initiative, and 10-Year Service Plan components of the TOP. He indicated that, based on projected ridership and on public involvement, the top-ranked improvement in the plan was expanded weekday operating hours. ON MOTION BY Mr. Mechling, SECONDED BY Mr. Woolfork, the members voted unanimously (10-0) to approve the Transit Development Plan Major Update Final Report. Status Report of Other MPO Advisory Committees (No Action Required) Mr. Matson reviewed his report dated August 23, 2013, included in the agenda packet and on file in the Commission office. MPOCAC- UN-APPROVED -2 - September 3, 2013 JII '.CommU"'lty Developmeni.Useri\MPC . 1eetlng• JJIEETING REC.;)RC O"/.tiNU~ IGA.C i Unultt\201::-IMPOC!.C ~3-13 Un&pprow:d.Gce Other Business None. Comments from the Public None. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:00 PM. MPOCAC- UN-APPROVED September 3, 2013 f"_ ·.:.amml.lnllll Oe~~~opmeni\User&WIPO'Wiaalings'MEETING RECOROSWIINUTES-.cAC Minii'.• '.":!013'.iJIPOC\C !l.;;., J UM~~Hmld.dg~:: JOINT MEETING OF METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MPOTAC) AND THE MPO CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MPOCAC) A joint meeting of the MPOCAC and the MPOTAC was held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 1, 2013, in the County Administration Building "B", Room B1-501, 1800 27th Street, Vero Beach, Florida . Note: Audio and video recordings of the meeting can be found at http:Uwt.vw.ircgov.comfBoards/TAC/2013.htm !:!JJ!EL/www.irct10V.com/8oarcls/CAC/20.l3.htm MPOCAC members present were: Chairman Juliana Young; Vice Chairman Chuck Mechling, BCC Appointee; Robert Johnson, BCC Appointee; William Lundy Parden, Transportation Disadvantaged Appointee; Deryl Seemayer, City of Sebastian Appointee; Clarence Korker, City of Fellsmere Appointee; Freddie Woolfork, Minority Appointee; (arrived at 2:10 PM), Kathleen "Cookie" Geyer, BCC Appointee; Joan Edwards, City of Vero Beach Appointee; Herb Whittall, City of Vera Beach Appointee; and Ryan Wilson, School Board Appointee. Absent was: John Warner, Town of Indian River Shores Appointee; Dave DeVirgilio, City of Sebastian Appointee; and Walter Wright; BCC Appointee (All excused). MPOTAC members present were: Chairman Jason Nunemaker, City Manager, City of Fellsmere; Eric Menger, City of Vera Beach Airport; (arrived at 2:20 PM), Monte Falls, City of Vera Beach Public Works; Deb Branwell, Town of Orchid Town Manager; Sgt. Tim Dempsey, Town of Indian River Shores; George Millar, IRC School Board; Joseph Griffin, City of Sebastian Community Development Director; Donovan Pessoa, FOOT; Tim McGarry, City of Vera Beach, Planning Department; and Robert Keating, IRC Community Development Director; (arrived at 2:50PM). Absent were: Jason Brown, IRC Management and Budget Director; AI Minner, City of Sebastian; Sgt. Albert Iovino, IRC Sheriffs Office; Karen Deigl, Senior Resource Association; Jeanne Bresett, IRC Traffic Engineer; Vice Chairman Chris Mora, IRC Public Works Director; Jan King, Planning, City of Sebastian; and Patrick Washington, Department of Environmental Health (all excused). Also present were IRC Staff: Phil Matson, MPO Staff Director; Andy Sobczak, MPO Senior Planner, and Sharon Schalm, MPO Staff Assistant Ill & Recording Secretary. Others Present included: John Krane and Veronica Altuve, Keith and Schnars; Andrea Lehr, Valerin Group, Inc.; Kathleen Dempsey and Patrick Kennedy, Corradino Group; Karina Enrico-Jackson, Tami Piascik, and Steven Haines, GBF Engineering; Dale Walker, Patrick Glass, Katy Kehres, and Newton Wilson, FOOT; Tish Burgher, Quest Corporation of America; John Mattoon and Teresa Driskell, CE Group; and Alphus Jones, Interested Citizen. Call to Order MPOTAC Chairman Nunemaker called the joint meeting to order at 2:03 pm, at which time it was determined that a quorum was not yet present for the TAC. Chairman Nunemaker Unapproved 1 October 1, 2013 F:'.Community DeYelopment\Users\1\fPO\Meetings\MEETING RECORDS\MINUTES\CAC i\Iinutes\2013\Joint MPOCAC and .MPOTAC 10-1-13 Unapproved.doc proposed that the items requiring action be moved to the end of the agenda.
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