BED BANK 411 the New* of An Ideal Place u, Ur« BED BANK Located on the Beautiful und Surrounding Town» Shrewsbury IMver one hour fold Fearlessly and Without Dial from New York and provid- RED BANK TER ing every city convenience l.iuod WwkJy, Entaril u S«cond-Clasi Mutter at the Foit- Subicrlptlon Pricei Ons ¥e»r $2.00. VOLUME LVIII, NO. 16. offiu lit IUd Bunk, N. J., under the Act of March 8, 1870. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1935. SI* Months J1.00. Slnjlo Copy !c. PAGES 1 TO 14. Colored Elks New Parking Space - FHEEHOLDEKS THANKED. Amaranth Honors Complaint About BIG STING KAY CAUGHT. Muyor and Council Express Apprecl- An Unusual Fish Landed By Albert Herman Ritzau Found Closed Two Days For Theater Goers ullun fur Improving Broad Street. State, Of ficers Soft Coal Smoke Mnxson In ICurltan Buy. At the meeting of tho mayor and What la said to have been the council of lied Hank Monday night largest sting ray ever caught In Har- Thil Punishment Inflicted on Red Monmouth Parking Company a motion was unanimously passed Dinner and Reception Saturday- John Street Folks Say TTiey Will Not Guilty By Court Lease* Old Spinning Property Itan bay waa captured In the pound Bank Lodge Because Slot Ma- to send a letter of appreciation to Night for Mm. Lulu Clark of Have Donald Matthews Ar- nets of Albert Maxson of Port Mon- chines Were Used at Its Home on Monmouth Street—Board" the board of county freeholders for Highland Park and Amory P. rested If He Does Not Abate mouth last week. The fish measured on Shrewsbury Avenue. ing House Being Torn Down. having taken action to cover the Oaborn of Red Bank. Nuisance at His Laundry. eight feet from itfj noye to tho,,end Jury Brings in Verdict of Acquittal Afte. Having Been trolloy tracks on Broad street and of its tall and it was four feet in The bar at tlio homo of Bates A new parking apace lor Red for having had the oil bumps re- Three hundred persons gathered at Soft coal smoke from two smoke- width. It is sometimes called a luduu of lillka on Hhrowiibury avenue Bunk theater goers is now under moved on the street. Councilman the Elks home on Broad street Sat- stacks at Donald's laundry on Mar- stlngaree. By means of Its tall it i» Directed to Do So By Judge—Trial at Red Bank reopened at twelve construction, on the old Spinning Albeit J. VanScholck advocated car- urday night, the occasion being ft lon street was the cause "of com- able, to Inflict poisonpus wounds o'clock lust night arter having been property on Monmouth street oppo- rying out tho suggestion made by dinner arid reception to the grimd plaints being made to Jhn mayor and which often prove fatal. Mr. Maxson oji Another Charge Postponed. closed £m- IS hours at the direction site the Carlton theater. The prop- The Register last week of having royal matron. and patron of the Or- council of Red Bank Monday night. and his crew had quite a strenuous ot the muyor and council of Red erly has been leased for flvo years Shrewsbury avenue taken over as a der of Amaranth of New Jersey. The The complainants were Mr. and Mrs. tinio In landing the bjg flab. Herman Ritzau, who la a member through tho real cstato olllco of county road and tho tracks on that Bank. The liquor license of the honored guests were Honorable Lady Jatin. K Henry and Mr. and Mrs. •Nearby at the time the catch was of the township committee of lodjju waa revolted for the length of Curiey and Bray to tho Monmouth street covered. Mrs. .Amy E. Shlnn, Lulu . Clark of. Highland Park and Hali>\Jackson of John street. They Shrewsbury township, was found not Parking company.' The property iu tho borough elerk, waa Instructed to mado -was tho Sea Horse, a boat Business Before time mentioned aa the result of a Sir Knight Amory . Oaborn of Rod said that smoke pours out of the operated in connection with guilty In a federal court at Trentnn hearing held Monday night, follow-' owned by the Oschwald Realty com- write to the freeholders and aslt Bank. stacks almost continuously, causing last Thursday of Illegally poBeeasIng pany.. that this bo done. tho Now York aquarium. The sting Ing a complaint made by agents of Twelve women from Emanon much discomfort and annoyance to ray was put on the Sea Horse and The Town Fathers and operating two stills on hla farm the tttato alcohollo bovcrugo cccn- Work was begun last week tear- court of Highland Park and twelve residents of the neighborhood. MrB. taken to the aquarium, where it is of 357 acres on Rlverdalo avenue, mlaslon that alot machines were op- ing down tho former homo of the women from Charity court of Red Jackson said that the nuisance had now on exhibition. Permission Granted to the Lowis- ntar Tinton, Fnlla. Federal Judge erated at the clubhouse In violation late Benjamin W. Spinning, which Bank, dressed In white and carrying been almost constant for two years Hageirnan Company to Move Philip Foraian Instructed tho Jury to of the law. Tho members of the was later turned Into a boarding Application To pink and blue staffs, made an arch to her knowledge. The laundry Is bring in a verdict of acquittal, stat- lodge are mostly colored residents of bouse. That section of Red Bank through which the grand olhcers owned by Donald Matthews. Two Buildings — Complaint ing in effect that tho weight of evi- West Red Bank. at one time began to be a. business Test Zoning Law were escorted to the speakers' table. John S. Applegate, the borough at- Juvenile Program Made About Sidewalks. dence was such that It would bo In- district Louis ft. Hoffmnn of Asbury Park, torney, and Mayor Charles R. Eng- compatible with the law for tho Jury Exalted Ruler Randolph Daniels Permission was granted to the represented the ludge at the hear- Tho houso was eroctod for and past supreme patron of Amaranth, lish called the attention of the com- to adjudge Mr. Ritzau guilty. More- occupied by the late Benjamin W. Protest Made Against New Addi- was toastmaster. plainants to tho fact that an ordi- Plans Are Made I fjewis-Hagerman Lumber company over, he stated that If tho jury ing. Hi) alalcti that agents of tho ^- j Monday night by the mayur and (Hot machine company, had per- Spinning-, who with hlB fumlly lived tion to Zobel Boat Works at nance prohibiting soft coal smoke Is brought in a verdict of guilty ha- suaded Iho titewiud of the lodge to thoro many years. At the time of Sea Bright—Hearing Before in effect and they invited Mr. and Mrs. Better Entertainment for Chil-1 council of Red Bank to move a would be constrained to set it aside. its erection It was considered one Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Jackson to j c* ICILOIJ storehouse and a five-car garage from The, jury required only a. very short let them leave two slot machines at Judge Perskie on October 19. ! tho home on approval to receive the of tho moat pretentlouB dwellings In have it invoked against tho laundry dren Series to Start Saturday th0 nortn side o£ chestn ut street to Red Bank and was pointed to with time to being in decision In ac- Inspection of tho lodge olllclujs. The Copy of an application for a writ owner if the matter complained Morning, October 19, at Carl- the south side of the same street. cordance with the lodge olllclalH ordered tho Machines pride by folks "showing off the of cDitlorarl to test the constitution- about, wua not remedied. Both Mr. chargo of the town." Mr. Spinning, with the ton Theater. j The request was made in a letter judge.. taken out ay aoon ua they became ality of the Sea Bright zoning law i Applegate and the mayor said they I from W. Leroy White, who Is one of apprised of. tho circumstances, but late Arthur A. Patterson, formed would co-operato in every way pos- On Tuesday Mr. Ritzau waa to tho partnership known throughout was read at Friday night's meeting TIIL- Better Entertainment com- I the executives of the company. The in the meantime thy apparatus had of tho mayor and council' of that sible to have the ordinance enforced. niittee has announced its program i building will be moved in order to havo been tried in the same court on been in pluy und had been" discov- Monmouth county for yearo an Spin- The complainants said they would a charge of having had Illicit alco- ning & Patterson. They conducted municipality by Edward W. Wise, for the season, which has been ar- | make- room for an addition to the ered by agents of the alcoholic com- borough attorney. A healing on the proceed against Mr. Matthews on the raiiHwl for them under tho manage-j armory. hol in his possession, but the casa mission.. Frederick D. Burnett, state a store for a while at tho corner of lines suggested if the nuisance con- was postponed. West Front and Pearl streets and application will be hold Saturday, meiH of the junior program depart-, Mia. Samuel Heller of Monmouth tinued. They stated that at times the merit of the Nationjil Music league j street complained in a letter about Tho trial last week and tho one ., alcohollo commissioner, tiled a de- they also erected the largo three- October 19, before Justice Joseph B.
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