THE LONDON GAZETTE, 30 MARCH, 1951 1669 H.M. LAND REGISTRY. Water Act, 1948, to afford a supply of water in bulk for domestic, non-domestic and public pur- The following land is about to be registered. Any poses in the Board's area of supply. objections should be addressed to " H.M. Land A notice explaining the effect of the proposed Registry, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.2" agreement has been or will be published in the before the 13th day of April, 1951. " Northern Echo " newspaper on the 30th March and FREEHOLD. 6th April, 1951. Dated this 30th day of March, 1951. (1) Land in Private roadway leading to Western Avenue, Acton, Middlesex, by The Telegraph E. A. MORRIS, Clerk to the Tees Valley Water Condenser Company Limited. Board, Corporation Road, Middlesbrough. (2) Land on North East side of Oldcroft Road, H. HOPKINS, Town Clerk, 11, Houndgate. Walton, Staffordshire, by E. S. Kelly and (342) Darlington. S. G. M. Kelly, both of 4, Kenton Park Avenue, Kenton, Middlesex. (3) 11, Haydon Road, Aylesbury, Buckingham, by RURAL DISTRICT OF CRANBROOK. A. W. Hughes, 16, Buckingham Way, Walling- CONFIRMATION OF BYELAW. ton, Surrey. NOTICE is hereby given that the Rural District (4) Kiln Wood Cottage, Preston, near Hitchin, Hert- Council of Cranbrook, intend, after the expiration of ford, by J. Meeson of that address. one calendar month from the date of the publication (5) 95A, St. George's Road, Brighton, Sussex, by of this notice, to apply to the Minister of Local E. H. & M. Freeman, both of that address. Government and Planning for confirmation of (6) Roshana, The Clump, Chorleywood, Herts, by Building Byelaw made by the Council under the H. S. Whitcher of that address. Public Health Act, 1936. (7) The Paddock, Effingham, Surrey, by L. E. M. P. G. BANFIELD, Clerk to the Council. Bomer of that address. 27th March, 1951. (8) 264, Bensham Lane, Thornton Heath, Surrey, by (337) L. M. Pilbeam of that address. (9) 159, Oxford Street, W.I, by Legal and General Assurance Society Limited. THE URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL OF LEASEHOLD. CATERHAM AND WARLINGHAM. (1) 222, 224 and 226, High Street, Hounslow, Middle- NATIONAL PARKS AND ACCESS TO THE COUNTRYSIDE sex, by Legal and General Assurance Society ACT, 1949. Limited. Caterham and Warlingham Urban District Council. (2) 22, Westbrook Avenue, Aldridge, Staffs, by The The (Footpath No. 52, Warlingham), Diversion Staffordshire Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Order, 1951. Association. (3) 283, Milkwood Road, S.E.24, by J. C. Davies, NOTICE is hereby given that the above Order 11, Fawnbrake Avenue, S.E.24. was made on the 6th day of March, 1951, and is about to be submitted to the Minister of Local G. H. Curtis, Chief Land Registrar. Government and Planning for confirmation. The Order relates to land situate in the Warling- ham West Ward of the Urban District. The effect of the Order will be to divert the public CITY OF OXFORD. right-of-way now existing from the north-eastern corner of land situate on the north side of Hillbury WATER ACT, 1945. Road, Warlingham, immediately adjoining die NOTICE is hereby given that the Oxford City property known as " The Thatched House ", through Council intend to apply to the Minister of Local such land in a southerly direction to the point where Government and Planning for an Order under Sec- it enters Hillbury .Road, to a line running from such tions 23 and 33 of the Water Act, 1945, authorising north-eastern corner along the eastern boundary of (a) the construction of certain reservoirs in the rural the land to the point where it will enter Hillbury district of Bullingdon in the County of Oxford; Road. (b) an increase in the permitted limits of abstraction A certified copy of the Order and of the map from the River Thames specified by the Oxford Cor- contained in the Order has been deposited at the poration (Water &c.) Act, 1928 ; and (c) the applica- addresses shown below, and will be available for tion to the Council's Water Undertaking of the inspection free of charge between the hours provisions of Sections 4, 19 and 94 of the Third stated: — Schedule to the Water Act, 1945. Council Offices, Harestone Valley Road, Caterham. The Counties and districts comprised wholly or Mondays to Fridays inclusive—9.30 a.m.-l p.m.; partly in the area affected by the Order are the 2.15 p.m.-4.30 p.m.: Saturdays—9.30 a.m.-12 noon. Counties of Berkshire and Oxfordshire, the Borough Branch Library, The Green, Warlingham. of Woodstock, and the Rural Districts of Abingdon, Mondays—10 a.m.-12 noon: Tuesdays—3-5 p.m.; Bullingdon, Chipping Norton, Ploughley and Witney. 5.45-7.45 p.m.: Wednesdays—10 a.m.-12 noon ; A copy of the Draft Order may be inspected at the 3-5 p.m.: Thursdays—10 a.m.-12 noon; 3-5 p.m.: Town Hall, Oxford, by any person, free of charge, Fridays—3-5 p.m.; 5.45-7.45 p.m.: Saturdays— at all reasonable times during a period of 28 days 10 a.m.-12 noon ; 3-5 p.m. from the 30th day of March, 1951. Any person desiring to object to the making of the proposed Any objection or representation with reference to Order may do so by notice addressed to the Minister the Order may be sent in writing to the Secretary, of Local Government and Planning, Whitehall, Ministry of Local Government and Planning, 32, London, S.W.I, within the said period of 28 days. St. James's Square, London, S.W.I, before the 7th A notice explaining the effect of the proposed Order day of May, 1951, and any such objection or repre- will be found in the " Oxford Times" of the 30th sentation should state the grounds on which it is March, 1951, and the 6th April, 1951. made. Dated this 27th day of March, 1951. HARRY PLOWMAN, Town Clerk. Town Hall, A. C. DIMMOCK, Clerk of the Council. Oxford. Council Offices, 22nd March, 1951. Caterham, Surrey. (080) (079) WATER ACTS, 1945 AND 1948. BOROUGH OF LEIGH. DARLINGTON CORPORATION. ROAD TRAFFIC ACT, 1930, PART V. The Tees Valley Water Board. SECTIONS 101 AND 102. NOTICE is "hereby given that the Darlington NOTICE is hereby given that the Corporation of Corporation propose to enter into an agreement with Leigh have made application under section 101 of the Tees Valley Water Board pursuant to Section the Road Traffic Act, 1930, to the Licensing Authority 12 of the Water Act, 1945, and'Section 4 of the for Public Service Vehicles for the North Western.
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