A" the N.ws of An the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe Complete News Coverage of A.ll the Pointe, ~ws Vol. 34-No. 31 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1973 151:Per Cop)' ".00 Per Yea. 26 Pages-Two Sections-Section One , I - HEADlINES Huge Attendance Adds to Success Park V oters Eye GPFPOA WEEK I .... u. ".N .. h W''''''ID'AJ?~''~:~'Wh~~~~'~~~~~~Wi~~!~:~ of AI COIDJrijecl b, tile MunicipalJudge :::i:-~ Groue Polate New. means a boat race or a Queen." I events was clocked. at well ure" won first in thll inboard 0 A t 7' 'series of boat races. But One of the highlights of the Over 6,000. The wmner of class. .. , n ugus MERe Upholds Earfier when the Grosse Pointe Regatta Weekend was the the Decorated Boat contest On the revlewmg sta~d . Contention of Examiner ...-------,-- ..,F..... "". C,.h .. ,. ••. •... 11oo> of >I,.. G..... ~" M.,.. .., M.". WH. Th t Co I H nanda)', Jul)' %6 gatta the)' don't stop at Pointe Farms and her court I ham Butler, Councdwoman T T P . -V-t-G--tt-- W." M t H d It 'pora save boat 'races. The Farms Re. This )'ear Michaele Murphy: Mrs. William Wauga~an, wo. op r,mary 0 e e ers., ee. ea No Supervisory JOHNCONNALLY.,,,,g' .. tt•• "Id Fridoy. ,." 21 17. • ,..... ...,.... of c.. "n ...... , M" .• "". on .. Nov.mb •• G.... al Elecf1on, Condodat.. Control in 0.. leaveWhite thatHouseposition,advisor,as willan. through Sunday, Jul)' 29. North High, was selected theth Comard H~d~on,loner Wayneand MrsCountyEr I Include Judge William E. Speer, Beverly C. partment nounced Wedoesday b)' Pres. provedct'lSsful toaodbe wella highlyattendedsuc. Nancynew MissMooreGP asFarmsrunner.wiup. VI?. .Stelner,ml~s Sheriff. andM~s..' Grobbel, ~ohn R, Urso I _ NJai .... , N'.... C.... II'. w..... ot. "'" M_, .... hOt .. ort W>lli,.. Loo... U~,... h.. llf At a "'Un'"1' eloellon Tuesday, Aogust 1. park, By James J. m was Secretary of the Treas. The Regatta began with a nigned throughout the re./ and Mrs. Loren PIttman and voters will select candidates for the non-partisan The Farms city ad. ~stury term:during tookthe uppresident'sthe part. aTeenrecordDance crowdon Friday,of 1,000witb weekend.mainder of the Regatta 1 CharlesOther guestsVerheyden.were Commo. office of MunicipalilJudge. The namesN ofb the6 two ministrationd tt t lostt h its sec. ',m. ..., , '" - to th. ve""'...... d." .. , M". G<o Coo,.. top '.0" ge'tors W' I go on the ov.m or g... on a emp 0 av. po- early Ma)'. He plans an of the Holden.Caulfield band. ' The beauty contest ~as I of the Grosse Pointe Yacht eral election ballot. ! lice corporals placed in around.the.wortd trip and Over 4200 residents at. followed by a Saturd~)' rught Club, Commodore and Mrs. The candidates are the in. J ile the supervisory catagory, ' will r!joln his ~ouston.based I ~nded th~ events on Satur. Cabaret D~nce WIth .Ed Maurice Dane.sandro of the cumbent, Municipal Judie uven when a three.man Michi• ••• fi... luIl.lon. wh.... d Tho"" ........... Soar •• nd b.nd play... G...... Poin.. W........ WWI... E. sP'''. SO•• ". gan Employm.nt Rela • ....... , A Whi"" B.... .~. h:J:i " ontlt hI to • ,,,wd Ch,h. th. om"" of tho .. I, C. G"'h.... " .• nd '.h. Attacks 14 •i •n. Com m I .. Ion • •_~m ••'!,!", rhe P"a. Doo. E ..........ithJoho ........ of .bo.' G..... P.", •• F" ... Ro" •. U'''.30. (MERC). handed down a clent 18 gratifIed ~at GO!. Mark Wilke, Russ Zablocld Sunday was set aside IS Club, hosts of the !,hree day In 'a questionnaire sent to NH A t decision to that effect on ."!' Coao.ll, w,1I"m ... 'od Unwiae P..... De,. whidof....... 'it,.wi'. ""'. COmm tho .. n~id..... ..,h ~.. U OS Thtll'Sday. July 26. " hloto th ~ rot .. th. _ Th. " ,on•• tt1 ".., f. •.. M A. J.. k w..... Wh••• " lb. u. Th', th•• the Polke ....... _:",:u~. w , ..",. "" "".10. heooUilol .hb W"' .... C.mmod." M". >0' !"" to :.~"... Thre. Cors R. c • iv. Dop'nm.. ". '''p,,"'' P., v ' .. k """"". d. ..tiq.. MICHAELE MU.PHY r.~ Bol,b ... who y f el...... " • '" .•• ll b, ..... " Jet. 21 . .., Kim Cottnll. .. , ,.Ie MISSG. p. ".MS ,h of tho '00 ''''. Th. H•• .., O.".oetion, G"... Pointe ,... 'OHN J. S'.fCA. Chi" I Tho'. , ..... tho "..,. wlth'he .,no w... lU, P., ",.ok It w.. oh ho~ tho -... bo. of ... ,.d, .,. Total, Estim.t.d Poll.. ortI, gu . F...... ,.d... ""'.... ..m. tho _miu....... P" p". rot Sol,." whlloS , Go,. .!le., , p.tt1........ ~... h.bo. of '.~h'" .. th.~ Damage Reaches $925 (GPFPOA), in contract ne- ......... Nixon •• O>p"" C 1. 80.,.Do,...... .b. inel.dod Th. ....... "F .. w.. G.. d.. " Ih" th,.• ~•• u. w....... C,,, of G,. P""," P.... 1 .oti...... hi........ to .h., .. p.... Viek, r a.. J... , "ek ..i_n.w ... _. tho d "''' •._. ,p m•• th. of Co...... '. for tapes and records, or. son took first place with Highland Pipe Band and the place second. plannmg and work by the Mrs Grobbel replied "Be. A 15.year-old Shores Last August • MERC trIal dered b)' the Senate Water. their "Silver Princess" crea. Americans of the Moslem Mark Allor took first in I members of The Farms Boat cause' I will not engage in juvenile' admitted to po. examiner ruled that corpor • .... COmmi.te....... "" 'ion - h, M""'" r ...... of tho Sh,...... tho ooth..... D..... , •• It, C'uh. th. foil limo ... "'" of low. lie. he was respon.ible .b ". no' offi,I.' ....... ~~w~ ~~~ ~----------_.-------------------------------I~be~ill~~~2,~d~~q14W~~~a~m~be~~~ The subpenas were Ciled Park Tenn: '" for the responsiblities of the parked at North High to .the patr~lman bargaining Monday when the president City Police, W.oods City Manager ~ court." School, 707 Vernier road, unl~.. The Clt)' appealed this did not tom .... tho d"". Tho ""i''', .. Id tho Jaf. M 0 n day .vening, d....... nd • foil ~ .. ~. ments volW1tarUy. He then F- f- hte VISe lets Eur-ope., RUSSI-a As Courts Cost Municipal Court should not July 23. board upheld the exanuner s followed up with separate r,re "g rs., be remote from the people th Irullng. ........ ,'''ing .. ...... ,th mm.".... Th... of • " .. w... ... Tho F........ " ........ hand over certain papers but ~herefo~e, C3te j~:~e' should t;.nsively damdalnged,(one Th ed by Its labor relations Okay Pacts Part of U. S. Deleg.ation $2 000 M ore bY ...... , tho .. b..... <'" tho , . I.. , th. "'"" of tho bon,h ''''. ".... ." • .ttor •.,. ,.00 C. O.M..... tapes. President Nixon has ------- I th P t f . bl Woods Department of Public while the GPFPOA's repre. untU Tuesday. b Augustd 7, to Chester E. Petersen Is One of Two Michigan Dele- Substandard Soil to Be to .e suppor 0 Vla e c~~; Saiety. The total, estimated ser.!atlve was Attorney J. I 2-Year Contracts Fea. A d W ld.... l mUD!yt programs or loss was reported at around .. pl.in th., ": 0:.' ...... g.t •• to Hen 0. .....g ..... n .u ... n.. R.plac.d with 30~ h.lI"m'" •• , "ri.hf .... , $925 """""K.,"". I ture Increased Pay, Switzerland-, Participates in Study Missions to Y d f'" I of the community Th' th h FOe CliI1'.e Saturday, I:d)' 2& Oth Be fit ar s 0 ""rave .. ' . e you , w 0 was ar. '.' ,.'. 97 th er ne I S Par:s, Moscow, Leningrad and london The Munic)pal Court .IS rested when he tried"to flee on 'AUIU~ H, 1 I, .e J 0 H N EHRLlCHMAN. ------- B J J NJaf ge~eral1y the only c0u;t WIth into bis house, was' turned GPFPOA .filed an un!lllr :~~mf:~~~yH~r"!e:~On~ '. By RoH,. ADgeU J'. By ~g~r A. Waha Y aDl.es. m whIch the people of thIS com- Over to Donald Schmaltz of labor pracltce. charge ~galDst before tbeSenate .Watergate Th G P . t C't Woods CIty AdmmlstratorChester E. Petersen The construction of munlty come in conta~. As the Youth Service Division. The Farms CJ~YedmlDislra- . Committee, said the drinking I .• rosse om •. ' y experi.nced a f.. ,lna'ing and wo.'hwhile ••Ip lour tenn" ,0Urls •• the ~ .... It." .h. "",l'm'" H... ,h"",J withm"do .. U"!- ." IMm. of ... h.bI" ". ~.llc •• fb~•.rs and. FIre. abroad as • United Slates d.legate 10 the 21st World Three Mile Drive Park is tho e_ Id \ ~ d.olrn,1Ioo>of P tty.""' f...... .. on tho of ~litical candl~ates .are. fit fJghters ratifle~ their con- Congresa of the International Union of Local Au. not only behind schedule, concerns of the commumty. $100 and arson l\ petition matter under Section 10 of subjects for l?vesUolg~ti!ionlltracts on Fnd~y, J~y thorities, (representing American local govern- but will cost an additional Pres.iD, Problem has been filed' on the boy the Public Employment Re- and disclosure .lD pIca 2~,after. n.egotiatlons WJth ments) held in Lausanne Switzerland from Mon. $2;000, raising the total "I agree with the ~~owin! with the Wayne Coumy lations Ac.t.. "m do h., Clly offtcJals. '. • • t. $35m1. it WI' dis. nom", of I~.... J """' ".on on A' the nu',,' b h.ld hired former New York J:»O' Approval by The City Coun. day.FrIday, June 25.29. .! closed by City Manager continued Mrs. G rob bel, this is currently. pending. before Sblomo Spel'ka on ""' .... Aoth.. , U1 w~, ,il••• wen .. offiel.. One of 'wo .......... fro.. .... 'f tho 'el"u , R be S' M d ''wh. fool u•• n' ..... w..,. h. 1010th. ..... S b.. 13. 1971. "" to lDokIoto , of wlll fin.ihe the M.do',,,,o '!le., tho Coo.
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