Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-5-1949 Bee Gee News October 5, 1949 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News October 5, 1949" (1949). BG News (Student Newspaper). 907. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/907 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. LIBRARY Migrate Welcome, To liee, Cjee : Delta Toledo Upsilon Official Student Publication \'tl Bowling Green Slat* University. Bowling Green. Ohio VoL34 Telephone 2631 Wednesday. October 5. 1949 No. 2 Pi Theta Accepted As Delta Upsilon Installation Ceremonies Robert Shaw Chorale Opens BG Season Scheduled For Nov. 17 Delta Upsilon, national social fraternity, will be installed at Of Artist Programs Tomorrow Evening Bowling Green, Nov. 17, 18, and 19 it was announced today by Ed Merry, President of local Pi Theta. 32 Voice Choir The derision to accept l'i Theta as the tiSth chapter of Delta Up- Smith And Capron silon was unanimously approved at the 11 5 th National ('(invention On Second Tour held recently at Miami University. The Robert Shaw Chorale will Get 'Antigone" Leads Delta Upsilon will be the oldest open the 1949-60 Artist Series to- national fraternity on the Bowling morrow evening at 8:10 p.m. in Evalee Smith as Antigone and Ernest Capron as Croon Green campus. This fraternity the Men's Gym. will play the leading roles of the first dramatic production was founded at Williams College The Chorale, composed of 32 this year, "Antigone." Presented at the Gate Theatre, the in 1834 by a group of men of picked voices augmented by whom James A. Garheld, later play will open Oct. 81 for a 6-day run. President of the United States, chamber music ensemble, is mak- Other members of the cast announced by the director, ing its second cross-country tour. was a member. Dr. Elden T. Smith, are: Rita Roof, Ismane; Eugene There will be 41 active members Mr. Shaw, director of the Fred Reynolds, chorus; Beverly Kistm'r, ami 10 alumni initiated into Delta Waring Glee Club, was named the nurse; Richard Gochcl, llnenion; Upsilon at the Installation cere- outstanding American-born con- Page Schedules monies . The present officers of ductor of 1943 by the National As- Pal Sikes, Eurydice: William Ful- l'i Theta are: Ed Merry, president; sociation of Composers and Con- ton, first guard; William Wagner, Jim Stull, vice president; Don ductors. Announced By l.cedy, secretary; Kenneth Rust, Art urn Toscanini, Leopold Sto- treasurer; Guy Smith, public ro- kowski, and others who have con- Key Editor tations; Dick Merrill, social chair- ducted the Chorale, have praised man; Ed Nowak, houscchairmnn; it as one of the finest musical Space assignments for clubs nml Hud Townsend, pledgemuster; and groups ever assembled. Wilt Bowman, assistant treasurer. Tickets for the concert can be honornries in the Key hnvo been purchased at the ticket booth in made arbitrarily by staff editors. front of the Main Aud. until 5 Clubs whose membership is undi'r Staff Assistants tonight. 30 will have one-half page while those with over SO members will have a full page. Appointed For Money Donated Any organizations who have gone national recently should get Bee Gee News For Dr. Moseley in touch with Al Rosenberg. If any organization is not listed In Appointment of staff editors of the schedule below, and wishes the IIEE GEE NEWS was an- Memorial Plaque coverage; or if Hn organization is nounced today by Bill Day, Edi- listed that does not want coverage, tor-in-chief, subject to approval by Miss Abbie Betts of Grand Rap contact the Key editor. the Publications Committee. Edi- ids, Mich., has donated $300 to the Robert Shaw Contracts for theso space as- tor and Musiness Manager of the university to use in dedicating a signments will be sent if the or- NEWS were appointed lust spring bronze plaque in memory of the for this year. KEY PICTURES Bob Smith, former Sports Edi- late Dr. Edwin T. Mosely, Emeri- tor, will serve as Managing Edi- tus Professor of Biology. Tomorrow from 9 -12 and EVALEE SMITH tor. Appointed as Assistant Senate Proposes 1-4 will be the last day to This plaque, which will be in- second guard; Gus Horvath, third Editors w'erc John Radabaugh and make appointments for senior lluanc Zumbrunn. Jack Saylor scribed by members of the Faculty class pictures. guard; and John Stuart, messen- Committee, will be placed in the will lie Sports Editor and Jim Faculty pictures will be ger. Sponsellor, Feature Editor. Nils Science Bldg. Dr. Mosely was Modification Plan be taken every Thursday and Adapted from the play of the l.ind(|iiist, Photography editor for rcknown throughout the world for Saturday nights from 6-9. his long range weather predictions. I by JOHN RADABAUGH same name by Sophocles, it was the NEWS last year, will continue Veterans Notified Any member of the faculty written by Jean Anouilh ami was in that capacity again this year. TOLEDO TICKETS Recommendations to provide who has not been contacted first performed in Paris during I he A relatively new position of So- better recreational facilities in for an appointment, please Occupation. Kathcrine Cornell rial Editor has been created this Carl Huaton, president of Of Deadline To notify the Key Office. : and around the campus were first produced it in America with year anil will be filled by Nancy the Boo.trr'. Club, has aa- Sir Ccdric Hardwicke and herself Nelson. Mr. Russell Baird is the nounced that butat will b« Register Discharges brought last Monday evening at ganizations are not heard from in ten days. in the starring roles. new adviser to the NEWS replac- run to the Toledo-Bowling the meeting of the Student Sen- Curtain time for the Bowling. ing John K. Mires who is devoting Graen game Saturday night. Veterans desiring credit for ate. ROTC will have three pages, the their military service must file Green production will bo 8:15 I more of his time to instructing of But tickets may ba tecurod in Student Senate and SCF two copies of their discharge on or be- The recommendations were pre- p.m. every night of its run. I journalism classes. the Athletic Office today only. sented by the president, James pages, all recognized sororities and fore Oct. 7 with the registrar. Girls may go to the game with Galloway, and were brought up fraternities will-have one page as permiaiion of the Dean of Approximately eight semester only for discussion at the meeting. well as the following organiza- Women. Game ticket* are hours of credit will be given vet- Action will be taken on them only tions: Social Committee, Press now on sale for $1.50 and erans who enlisted or were drafted after committees, which will be Club, AWS, A Cappella Choir, Editors Chosen For $2.00. on or before Oct. 1, 1046. appointed later, have been set up Treble Cleff, Men's Glee Club, and alter the recommendations Concert, Band, Symphony Orches- have been investigated. tra, Emerson Literary, Workshop Literary Magazine Cast Chosen For Musical A car committee consisting of Players, Alpha Phi Omega, Boos- ters Club, Usherette Club. the Dean of Men, Dean of Women, Appointment of 10 students to and two students appointed by the Biology Club, ACE, FTA, Home staff positions on EYAS, student Student Sonata was suggested. Ec Club, Quill Type, Compte, In- BG Choir Opens literary magazine published twice Its duty would be to establish dustrial Arts Club, Station WRSM, each school year, has been an- rules for making blanket excep- LSA, Newman Club, Christian Sci- nounced by V. William Wagner, tions on the car rules, such as the ence Club, Kappa Phi, Rifle and Season Friday editor-in-chief. University Prom, the Christmas The following appointments See KEY Page 2 A Cappella Choir will give its Formal, and the Spring Formal. were: Art Editor, Joanne Beau- It was also suggested that the first performance of the year with chump; Drama Editor, Dan Ander- committee handle any appeals Students Apply a concert Oct. 9 at Fostoria, fol- son; Essay Editor, Maurice Ros- from students involved in viola- lowed by a pair of concerts at Na- enthal, ossisted by Betty Jane tions of the car regulations that For Graduation; poleon High School, Oct. 17. Morris; Fiction Editor, Gus Hor- wish to have their case reviewed vath, assisted by Jan Dunson; Po- and to investigate a possible abo- The choir headed by Ray Jack- etry Editor, James Lauck, assist- lition or relaxation of the insur- Teaching Permits son, president, and Printy Arthur, ed by Carl Houston; Publicity, ance clause. business manager, numbers 105 Carolyn Key; Sales, Richard Seniors who plan to graduate in and is composed of 25 tenors, 20 Stensby. Dr. Rea McCain and During the discussion of the in- February, June, or August must surance clause Dr. Prout stated bases, 20 altos, and 30 sopranos. Miss Grace Scholdt are advisers. make application in the Regis- Deadline for contributions for that it was put into affect to keep trar's Office on or before Oct. 16, A tour through the southern the fall semester issue is Dec. 1. $10 jalopies off the campus and to J. W. Bunn, registrar, announced.
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