THE WEATOHI raru— I of D. S. Wmtkar Bark Fair and aowiawhat ceMw tanlghii f ^ Wednesday Inereaaing and aUghtly warmer. AdvattMaa an Fag* lA ) VOL. U V , NO. 32. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6.1934. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CBI Dungreon Hideout For 18 Chinese WEAT HER KEEP S HEAVY VOTE HERE BOTH SIDES PLEASED DOWN VOTE I N DESPITE THE RAIN EARWHOURS BY EARLIEST RETURNS MaiDtah Average of 600 FASTER RAILROAD Driring Rain Keeps Many ao Hoar— Do Not Expect Democrats Gain in Two SERVICE IS SEEN from PoUs But Leaders What the Leaders Say Little Bay State tow ns, Over 7300 Total; Both Hope for Clear Skies About Outcome Today RepnbDcans Win in Rnral Major Parties Have Urge Eaitman Observes BoDet Later in Day. Districts in Micbigan and OrganiatioDS at Work Trains as Foremnner of By ASSOCIATED PRESS going to win back control of state By ASSOCIATED PRESS. James J. Farley, Democratic ; governments. T party Is coming I back into its own fn hundreds of Kansas— Two Men KiDed Trying to Get Out Record Whai Is to Come. Weather as stormy as the cam- chairman: "President Roosevelt will counties and town' x x My clos- paign Itself furnished a dreary back- be given the finest tribute of confi- ing appeal to all Republicans is to dence that it has ever been the for- keep faith—the country will need It in Missoori Election Battle Vote. groimd today for the early balloting Atlante, Nov. 6.— (A P) — The in Connecticut as voters in 169 com- tune of the Present to deserve or In the years to come." new bullet trains are only a fore- munities registered their attitude to- receive, x x x In the next Congress President Roosevelt: No pro- we will have at least six more seats nouncement. — Byrnes, Democratic The vote polled la Blaaclieater runner of what Is to come. Federal ward the New Deal and chose a long list of officials ranging from United In the Senate. As far aa the House Herbert Hoover: "In these days, at 8 delock this afternoon oo-ordlnatlon of 7’ransportatlon States Senator to minor town of RepresentaUves Is concerned, our when liberty Is endangered and Senator, Pnts Federal totaled 8AS6. The total at U JoMph B. Eastman said ti^ay, but offices. A driving rain during the majority will continue without ma- when tolerance seeks to stamp out a. m. was 8,039; at noon SJM)2 be warned railroads it would be a morning, houra brought expressions terial change.” the very suggestion of doubt, the Henry P. Fletcher, Republican country needs the Republican Party Watchers in Pennsylyania. pt 1 p. m. 4,210 and at 2 p. m. "blunder” for them to engage In a of disappointment from leaders who chairman: “We are going to recap- as a virile organisation more than wholesale competitive fight regard- had predicted a record vote of ap- 4A00. proximately 620,000. ture seats In Congress and we are ever." less of needs for this type of serv- ice. Heavy Vote This Afternoon B.v A S SO C IA TE D P R E SS The flashlights of Federal agents stabbing through the darkness o f this A ray of hope came to the army c Massing their full strength be- Addressing a Joint meeting of the cellar tmder a deserted mansion In Keyport, N. J., blinded momentarily Both Republicans and Democrats 5 hind well selected and trained or- of political workers, however, as the Atlanta Freight Bureau and Civic 18 Chinese who ijad lived, there without light for more than two weeks found something to cheer about In ganlaaUons, both major parUes here New Haven branch of the U. S. Clubs, Etestman said the railroads since they were smuggled Into the United States. A raider is examining AMERICAN GIRL PRESIDENTYOTES the first scattered returns from to- today brought out one of the larg- were stitl the great and necessary Weather Bureau predicted the skies 2 est votes in the town’s history de- the Utter of rags and corrugated cardboard that served as bedding for would clear by early afternoon, day’s balloting. transportation system of the coun- men who were awaiting release after being sold as slaves. spite one of the moat discouraging try and that new oompetltion all when the voting was expected to be New deaths, following tbs traglo days la many years from the atand heaviest. IN HIS HOME TOWN ® along the line has brought the rail- SUSPECTED AS SPY shooting lost night In Pennsylvania, 9 point of weather. road Inventor back to life. CkJvernor Wilbur L. Cross, Demo- cast a shadow over the first nation- 600 Vote An Hoar cratic seeking his third succesive "For many years railroad passen- wide vote oh the New Deal. Two A t press Ume today the count on ger service moved over the tracks term, went to the polls In his city of men were fatally shot and several the 14 voting machines was but otherwise stood stlU,” be said. 3 KILLED, 15 WOUNDED; New Haven before 9 a. m., to cast Has Been in German Prison Is Asked His Name by Elec- others wounded In disorders near his ballot. His fight for the gover- even 4,800, keeping the average for "Now a tidal wave of Improvement Holland, Mo. -. the day at exacUy 600 an hour aeems about to sweep on the scene. norship with State Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn, Republican vied with In- Ideal weather prevailed except In since the polls opened at 6 o’clock Dangers In Situation for 88 Days; Other Amer- fion Officials— Laughs As the norths.est and In New England. At 2 o’clock the large woridng BLAME POUTICAL CHIEFS terest with the contest between U. "There are some dangers in the S. Senator Frederic C. Walcott, Re- Democrats found the fir-t en- groups were rapidly catching up situation. The fast, streamline publican, and Representative Fran- ican Is Also Held. He Ghres IL couragement in early returns when with the long list of those having trains have Struck the public fancy. two small Massachusetts towns, voted and a concerted drive to get cis T. Maloney, Democrat, for the They are a splendid manifestation normally Republican, reported •very vote possible in line before Men and Women m Demo* Senatorsblp. of a new enterprise. Undoubtedly RADICALS LEAVE New Deal Issue Democratic gains over past years. the polls close at 6 o’clock was be- they have their place. But their Berlin, Nov. 6.— (A P )—Miss Lil- Hyde Park, N. Y.. Nov. 6.— (AP) ing made. The New Deal was made the prin- lian Steele of Hollywood, Calif., The Republicans quickly counter- fln t coat is now very high and miut cntic hrade Shot Down! cipal issue by nominees seeking seats —President Roosevelt motored ed, however, with scattered victories In view of the heavy rain when come down, and there Is a great spent her 88th day in grim Moabit through a downpour of rain today aa averaga of 600 voters an hour in Congress while Governor Cross prison today because a Nazi friend in Michigan and Kansas. amount of passenger service to to the old Town Hall and cast his bad been maintained against great and Alcorn confined their battle for betrayed her freely expressed confi- Snitch Parties which other possible Improvements —Fear Fnrlher Violence j _ _ _ _ the governorship to a wealth of odda, the close observers at the would be well adapted. dences and opinions. ballot In the National election. Pointe aux Barques township, in state Iteues. M unldp^ building statad that not ‘T refer to the development of The charges against the youthful In jovial spirits that obviously re- Michigan, which went Democratlo more than 7,8(X) votes wlU be regis- Republicans, striving to halt the and attractive music student was flectM his ^tlm tsm over the out- two years ago, registered wide mar- light weight, speedy car units oper- VTill Foflow. Socialists Resign Wrecking tered vdien the polls close at 6 p. m. ated by low cost motors and able to described as "extremely serious,” some, the President voted in a green- gins for Republican CandidateA With 10,266 on the town voting (Oootlnaed on Page Two) Involving treason and espionage. It curtained booth on an electrical ma- . Tbe first Arkansas city precinct to provide a cheaper and more flexible Usta, It was eiqwcted that a record and more frequent service on the Hazelton, Pa., Nov. 6.— (AP) — Donmergne Government; WM so serious that American con- chine while a crowd of home folks report gave Governor Alf M. Lon- breaking vote of. 8,000 or more branch and secondary line.” sulate authorities, perhaps, cannot stood by in the hall applauding. don, the Republican incumbrat, 16 The echo of gu^re that swept Dem- would be counted. Warning against "the same old help her much, a reliable source "Hello, President,” shouted Moses votes to 11 for Omar D. Ketchuxi, Oldest Voters competitive fight" to place rival ocratic paraders last night, killing Herriot May Be Premier. said. Smith, te'nant farmer and president tbe Democratic candidate. NEW MEXICO CALLS Two of the oldest men voting lx stream-line trains In service, three and wounding 16, rang In the She Is the fourth American In- of the Roosevelt Home Voters CluD, Pennsylvania balloted under tbe I volved recently on suspicion of from the steps of the newly-painted today’s election were Samuel Nel- Eastman said "It would be ears of Kelayres voters as, tense w d ^ watchful eyee of 150 men employed aon; Sr., o f 48 Ridge street, 83 years A blunder o f even greater magni- Paris, Nov.
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