University of Zimbabwe Faculty of Social Studies Housing and Stewardship in Peri-urban Settlements in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Ruwa and Epworth Thesis submitted in Fulfilment of the Requirements of the Doctor of Philosophy Degree, Submitted for Examination, June 2012 Final Submission, August 2013 By Innocent Chirisa Supervised by: Prof V.N. Muzvidziwa & Dr. S. Jogi i DEDICATION To my wife, Halleluah, To my daughters Shammah Tinovongaishe and Praise Isheanesu, To my son Emmanuel Innocent (Jr), To my mother, Salome Tarisai Chirisa, who said to me in 1984, “I want you to study and get to Form Six”. To her, at that time, this was the last stage in learning and the optimum. ii ABSTRACT This thesis examines the housing-stewardship nexus in peri-urban areas based on the case study of Ruwa and Epworth, satellite settlements of Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe. The study seeks to establish the factors that shape peri-urban environments into better-managed and sustainable areas in which housing development is perceived as the major activity taking place. Using the Stewardship Theory or Partnership Model as the main framework and point of departure, five basic approaches to the study are noted namely the biblical-religious, business, environmental, vernacular, place- based community/grassroots approaches. The ‘mixed-methods’ approach is used to analyse sustainability issues forming the crux of stewardship. Predominantly, the qualitative-interpretative paradigm informs the study in which the case and narrative study (case narratology) are the core research design approaches. Specific data collection tools included extensive documentary analysis (newspaper articles, minutes, policy and legislative documents); household surveys (involving 291 randomly selected households, 137 from Ruwa and 154 from Epworth, in which a semi-structured questionnaire was used). Observations (using photographic aids) on operations and housing and environmental artefacts were also carried out, as were key informant interviews with purposefully selected officials (from Ruwa Town Council, Epworth Local Board, the Ministry of National Housing and Social Amenities, Environmental Management Agency and the Department of Physical Planning). Quantitative data were analysed using SPSS Version 18. On the other hand, qualitative data analysis used content, discourse, statement and textual analysis. From the study, criteria for classifying actors are central to achieving meaningful stewardship of place and creation of sustainable peri-urban environments. Often there are conflicts among the actors owing to their conflicting priorities and interests. History of the place, income levels among the peri-urban dwellers, lack of clear-cut, well-defined policies and commitment by institutions to creating sustainable settlements are the factors perpetuating these conflicts. The study recommends the application and use of technologies for remote sensing (including Geographic Information Systems) in monitoring the development of peri-urban areas, and achieving an evidence-based policy. This is an effective tool for stewardship, co-creating an institution whose focus is urban regional development and using scenario and collaborative planning methodologies to avoid chaotic peri- urbanisation. Key Words: peri-urban housing, stewardship, sustainability, partnership, stakeholders, environment, Ruwa, Epworth, Zimbabwe iii LIST OF ACRONYMS AAPS Association of African Planning Schools AASCU American Association of State Colleges and Universities ADB African Development Bank ADC Area Development Committee AIDS Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome ARS Alliance for Regional Stewardship ASL Above Sea Level AUC/ECA African Union Commission, Economic Commission for Africa BESG Built Environment Support Group BMGF Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation BRE Bard Real Estate CAGOH Community Action Group on Housing CBO Community-based Organisation CDPs Census-Designated Places CEO Chief Executive Officer CFH Civic Forum on Housing CSD Commission on Sustainable Development CSO Central Statistical Office CUDS Centre for Urban Development Studies CWSA Community Water and Sanitation Agency DC Developing Countries DEAP District Environmental Action Plans DOE Department of Energy DPP Department of Physical Planning DSG Department of the Surveyor-General DUHD Department of Urban Housing Development DZ Dzivaresekwa EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ELB Epworth Local Board EMAct Environmental Management Act EMA Environmental Management Agency EPA Environmental Protection Agency iv EPAESSC EPA Environmental Stewardship Staff Committee ESA Environmentally Sensitive Area ESAP Economic Structural Adjustment Programme ETJ Extra Territorial Jurisdiction FDI Foreign Direct Investment FFYNDP First Five-Year National Development Plan FTLRP Fast Track Land Reform Programme GDP Gross Domestic Product GIS Geographic Information Systems GoZ Government of Zimbabwe GUD Global Urban Development GWCL Ghana Water Company Limited GWE Growth with Equity HIV Human Immuno-deficiency Virus HMP Harare Metropolitan Province HNZC Housing New Zealand Corporation HPZ Housing People of Zimbabwe HSCA Housing Standards Control Act ICG International Crisis Group ICUH International Conference on Urban Health IDBZ Infrastructure Development Bank of Zimbabwe IDRC International Development Research Centre IHS Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies ISTA Income and Sales Tax Act KLCD Kintyre Lake County Development LAA Land Acquisition Act LB Local Board LEAP Local Environmental Action Planning LSA Land Survey Act LWSC Lusaka Water and Sewage Company MDC Movement for Democratic Change MDG Millennium Development Goal MDP Municipal Development Programme MDP-ESA Municipal Development Partnership for Eastern and Southern Africa v MENRAM Ministry Of Environment and Natural Resource Management MERP Millennial Economic Revival Programme MERP Millennium Economic Recovery Programme MHCDU Mutare Housing Cooperatives District Union MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology MJLPA Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs MLGPWUD Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and Urban Development MLGRUD Ministry of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development MLRR Ministry of Lands and Rural Resettlement MMA Mines and Minerals Act MNCs Multinational corporations MNHSA Ministry of National Housing and Social Amenities MoF Ministry of Finance MoU Memorandum of Understanding MPCNH Ministry of Public Construction and National Housing MPW Ministry of Public Works MPWCNH Ministry of Public Works, Construction and National Housing MRHSA Ministry of Rural Housing and Social Amenities NCS National Conservation Strategy NEDPP New Economic Development Priority Programme NEP National Environmental Plan NEPS National Environmental Policies and Strategies NERP New Economic Revival Programme NGO Non-governmental Organisation NHC National Housing Convention NHDP National Housing Delivery Programme NHF National Housing Fund NUST National University of Science and Technology OG/HK Operation Garikayi/Hlalani Kuhle OLSRA Ordinary Last Squares Regression Analysis OM Operation Murambatsvina ORO Operation Restore Order OSSREA Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern & Southern Africa PASA Practical Action Southern Africa vi PCA Provincial Councils Act PEEC Place-based Education Evaluation Collaborative PEOPLE UP Promoting Examples of Participatory Local Empowerment in Urban Planning Peri-NET Peri-urban Research Network PHA Public Health Act Ph.D Philosophiae Doctor PMD Prime Minister’s Directive, PPP Public-Private Partnership PSIP Public Sector Investment Programme PVO Private Voluntary Organisation PUA Peri-Urban Area PU-GEC Peri-urbanisation and Global Environmental Change PUSP Peri-Urban Subdivision Policy RHC Ruwa Rehabilitation Centre RLB Ruwa Local Board RTC Ruwa Town Council RTCPA Regional, Town and Country Planning Act SADT South African Development Trust SAHPF South African Homeless People’s Federation SAP Structural Adjustment Programmes SAZ Standards Association of Zimbabwe SCR Social Corporate Responsibility SDI Slum/Shack Dwellers International SFNYDP Second First Five-Year National Development Plan SPT Solidarity Peace Trust SPV Special Purpose Vehicle SMS Short Message Service STERP Short Term Economic Recovery Programme SWH Swedish Water House SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats THA Traditional Housing Areas TNDP Transitional Development Plans ToR Terms of Reference UCA Urban Councils Act vii UCAZ Urban Councils Association of Zimbabwe UDCORP Urban Development Corporation UMP Urban Management Programme UNCHS United Nations Centre for Human Settlements UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNFPA United Nations Population Fund Activities UNHABITAT United Nations Habitat USA United States of America USAID United States Agency for International Aid UZ University of Zimbabwe ZANU PF Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front ZB Zimbank (Zimbabwe Bank) ZESA Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority ZILGA Zimbabwe Local Government Association ZIMPREST Zimbabwe Programme for Economic and Social Transformation ZIMSTAT Zimbabwe National Statistical Agency ZINWA Zimbabwe National Water Authority ZIRUP Zimbabwe Institute for Regional and Urban Planners ZRP Zimbabwe Republic Police ZWB Zimbabwe Women Bureau viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to begin by acknowledging the contribution made by my principal supervisor, Prof VN Muzvidziwa. His way of simplifying and de-mystifying things was a source of great motivation
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