Cotinga28-070626.qxp 6/26/2007 1:51 PM Page 53 Cotinga 28 Breeding bird records from the Tambopata-Candamo Reserve Zone, Madre de Dios, south-east Peru André F. Raine Received 25 April 2006, final revision accepted 28 September 2006 Cotinga 28 (2007): 53–58 La reserva de la zona de Tambopata-Candamo (RZTC), que se ubicada en el dpto. Madre de Dios, sureste de Perú, se trata de un espacio famoso por su amplia diversidad de flora y fauna. Aquí yo describo los informes recopilados acerca de los nidos correspondientes a 17 especies de aves subtrop- icales durante un proyecto ornitológico desarrollado entre mayo de 2001 y mayo de 2002. Estos informes sobre nidos abarcan una amplia gama de familias e incluyen descripciones de varias especies de las que actualmente hay disponible muy poca información. En el caso concreto del Celeus flavus, se trata aparentemente de la primera publicación de una descripción de los nidos de esta especie. Esperamos que estos informes sean útiles para avanzar en el conocimiento de la avifauna subtropical. Information on the breeding of Neotropical birds is fringed by secondary floodplain (selectively logged important both to increase our cumulative 20 years ago and thus supporting plant species knowledge and for our understanding of their more typical of disturbed habitats). Species found conservation requirements. Though many breeding in primary floodplain include Iriartea deltoidea, data have been presented in field guides and other Pseudolmedia laevis, Dipteryx micrantha and Ceiba books, and the scientific literature, there are still pentandra. Secondary floodplain is characterised many species concerning which we know relatively by such species as Ficus insipida, Jacaritia little. Furthermore, although information digitata, Cecropia sciadophylla and Guazuma concerning the breeding ecology of the majority of crinita. Located at the centre of the floodplain is a species is available, it is interesting to record any small area of Aguajale palm swamp (c.1 ha²), geographical variation from across the range of a characterised by Mauritia flexuosa palms. species, in terms of breeding season, nest construc- On higher ground is primary and secondary tion and nesting behaviour, due to the effects of, terra firme forest which accounts for an area e.g., altitude, seasonal fluctuation and food avail- roughly equal to that covered by floodplain. This ability19. Data from sites throughout the Neotropics forest is on soft clay (though small patches of assist in describing any such differences. This sandy soil forest are also prevalent). Primary terra paper presents data concerning the breeding of 17 firme contains mature specimens of Bertholletia species in south-east Peru. excelsa (an economically important tree species), as well as Pseudolmedia laevis, Cedrelinga Study site catenaeformis and Eschweilera spp. This area of In May 2001–May 2002, an intensive ornithological forest has remained untouched, with only a small research project was conducted in dpto. Madre de area having being farmed 20 years ago (charac- Dios, south-eastern Peru. The study site, Bahuaja terised by Cecropia sciadophylla and Inga spp.), Lodge, is at the northern edge of the Tambopata- and some selective logging occurred many years Candamo Reserve Zone (TCRZ). The surrounding ago in the interior. area is famous for having some of the most diverse Within these two main habitat types, the flora and fauna in the world, with over 594 bird presence of bamboo is particularly important as it species10, 1,122 species of butterflies15, and up to heavily influences habitat structure and provides 180 species of trees have been recorded in a single an important feeding and nesting area for several 1-ha plot11. specialist birds16. Bamboo-dominated areas create Bahuaja Lodge is on the north bank of the río distinct microhabitats, namely bamboo-dominated Tambopata at 12°49’S 69°26’W.The total area of the floodplain and bamboo-dominated terra firme. study site is 6 km by 2 km which includes a diverse Riverine habitat is represented by the adjacent, and representative array of habitats that broad río Tambopata and several small, seasonal correspond with the area as a whole. Around the streams and narrow rivers within the floodplain. lodge compound is a small clearing, containing The northern part of the study site provides access several groves of Heliconia, shrubs and citrus trees. to Lago Tres Chambadas, a large oxbow lake. The Common species include Trema micrantha, Inga lodge is adjoined on two sides by farmland, creating punctata, I. edulis and Cordia nodosa. Surrounding an oasis of forested land within the agricultural this, and accounting for c.50% of the total area of landscape. This combination of habitats results in the site, is a large expanse of primary floodplain, 53 Cotinga28-070626.qxp 6/26/2007 1:51 PM Page 54 Cotinga 28 Breeding bird records from the Tambopata-Candamo Reserve Zone high avian diversity, with over 420 species recorded secretive raptor, the species is thought be more at the lodge17. tolerant of low-level human disturbance than the closely related Harpy Eagle Harpia harpyja24. Two Breeding records adults were present at the nest, an untidy stick I made detailed observations on all nests platform, 15 m above ground in the fork of a discovered during the course of other field work. Dipteryx odorata (Leguminosae) (Fig. 1). A month The breeding records presented below include the later, the nest contained a single large chick, being following information (where available): how the guarded by the female, which was highly vocal species was identified, the date of discovery, habitat upon my approach. Whilst the clutch size at the (as described above), position and description of the nest is unknown, Crested Eagle typically lays two nest, its contents, and observed hatching and eggs but usually fledges only one chick24. fledging dates. Taxonomy, order and nomenclature follow those of the SACC24. Ruddy Quail-dove Geotrygon montana Frequent in both floodplain and terra firme, and an Undulated Tinamou Crypturellus undulatus adult female was found at a nest in terra firme on 8 The commonest tinamou, and mainly found in February. Previous records of nesting in Peru (in clearings and adjacent second-growth floodplain. the Urubamba Valley) were in late August2. The Due to their cryptic nature and the fact that they nest was little more than a shallow depression create only rudimentary scrapes, locating tinamou consisting of a collection of leaves and a few sticks nests is very difficult4. An adult was observed gathered in a hollow between the roots and trunk of accompanied by two chicks on 5 February, in an understorey tree (Fig. 2). This nest appeared to secondary floodplain. Both chicks were c.15 cm tall, be much less structured than the more typical dove highly mobile and dull brown with narrow brown platform described for this species in Ecuador by vermiculations on the head. A nest was discovered Greeney et al13. It was 0.8 m above ground and on 18 March in shrubs bordering a fallow agricul- contained a single, nearly round, pale brown egg. tural field of tall grasses. The adult permitted close The egg hatched on 14 February and the chick had approach (confirming the identification) before disappeared from the nest ten days later. The nest flushing. The nest was a simple, shallow depression appeared undisturbed and, as short nestling in the leaf litter, with two glossy pink eggs periods are typical of Geotrygon, it is probable that (estimated to be 3 cm by 1.5 cm), partially the nest was successful12. concealed by dead leaves. A third egg was laid on 19 March. The nest was not revisited and, as clutch Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna size in Colombia has been recorded as 4–5 eggs6,it The commonest macaw in the study area. A pair is probable the clutch was incomplete. emerged from a nest hole beside the río Tambopata on 8 September. The nest was atop a large dead Crested Eagle Morphnus guianensis tree, 10 m above ground (Fig. 3). In Peru, this This little-known raptor is considered ‘Near species has previously been recorded with eggs Threatened’3 and is rare throughout most of its between November and January but, as macaws range, with only a handful of nests described24.At often remain close to their nests year-round to the study site, individuals were only observed defend the site8, the present nest must be twice. On 16 February, a nest was discovered in considered of unknown status. A second pair was primary floodplain, just 1 km from a large farm. recorded in courtship at a nest hole on 27 Whilst such a site may be unusual for this shy and November. The nest was 4 m up atop a dead palm, Figure 1. Nest of Crested Eagle Morphnus guianensis (André Figure 2. Nest of Ruddy Quail-dove Geotrygon montana F. Raine) (André F. Raine) 54 Cotinga28-070626.qxp 6/26/2007 1:51 PM Page 55 Cotinga 28 Breeding bird records from the Tambopata-Candamo Reserve Zone Figure 3. Adult Blue-and-yellow Macaw Ara ararauna Figure 4. Adult White-eyed Parakeet Aratinga leucophthalmus emerging from nest hole (André F. Raine) departing nest hole (André F. Raine) in a flooded, grassy area. In March, three pairs of trunk21. Dusky-headed Parakeet has been recorded adults were seen entering separate nest holes in breeding in April–June in Brazil8, whilst White- the same area as that in November. The nests were eyed Parakeet has been noted nesting in within 20 m of each other in dead palm trees July–August in Peru and January–March in south- emerging from the oxbow lake. Nest holes were west Brazil8. As both species often guard nest holes approximately 10 m above ground level.
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