AVEBAOB DAILV CffBVIJLATIOIil TUB WBAtHBB tor the Moath of Oeteher, INS Peiwaat al I). 8. Waathm Banso BartfMrd ’4 6.201 Moatly Naady tonight oas WM- Member of the Aodlt nefday. poaoiMy ooow inrflea Wad- Boreas el CIrealatlaaa aeitoay,' warmer tonight. Mneh colder Wednesday ~ MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE ( HARM e yOL. LVIIL, NO. 50 (Ctaaolflad Advartiatag on Pago 10) MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1938 (TWELVE PAGES) PKlCB THREE UKNTR New Rifle for U S. Army DECLARESGOP 2 W ATERBURY CASE DALADIER USES ARMY MUST GET RID DEFENDANTS PLEAD OF OLD HEADS IN EFFORT TO BREAK GUILT AT OPENING Dewey Aide Says Party Can OCrOOBNARlAM GBTS BUCK Win In 1940 If Reac- Mackenzie And Levy Enter DBSPTTB HBAVY SNOWS FRENCH STRIKE PLAN tionary Influences Con- Pleas On Charges Of Con- S t Albans, V t, Nov. 29.— (A P )—Heavy enow storms dis- couraged many a young deer troDniR Past Dropped. Bride of Fascist Marches Troops To TM spiracy; Horgan Make hunter, but not 88-year-old Dr. MIT OF FUEL, S. W. Paige. He stuck to the hunt and returned home today Centers Anti Places Al Washington, Nov. 29.— (A P ) — Nolo Contendre Plea. with a 180 pound buck, shot in PIANEIANDS Jamaica. Kenneth F. Simpson, liberal Repub- Public Serrices Untiff ^ lican leader In New York, declared Waterbury, Nov. 29.— fA P )—Two today that tala party muat rid Itaelt ONRMKHSEA Military Rile; Thsosantis ^efendanta pleaded guilty today as of "reactionary Influencea of the 1 men, including Lieut. Gov. Frank past.” If" Simpooo made this otatement aa Hayes, who slao la mayor of Water* MAKES THREAT Transport Carrying 4 Pas- Of MobOe Goartis, G i^ « bury, went on trial In Superior Court the Republican National Commit- on conspiracy charges, accused of tee convened to canvaoa OOP elec- Frank Wakefield, asalstant technician at the Apringfleld Mass.. tiarmes In Labor Distrie^< having defrauded thla city of mors OF ADJOURNING tion vlctorlea and formulate plana armory, displays the new semi-automatic rifle (top) being p_____produce.1__ sengers And Three Crew than 81,000,000. Another changed a tor party work during the next two for the U. S. Army. The new gup holds a clip of eight cartridges, yeare. and can be fired about three times as fa<it ss the familiar Springfield When the committee convened It with the bolt (below), which held a clip of flve. Members AFghts On hici- Faria, Nev. 28.— ( SESSION TODAY elected Daniel O. Haatingx, former mier Delaflter .pIMafl Delaware senator, and Haiwey Jaw- and maMIe gnarfls agakMl «tt. Jr, of South Dakota to fill two fic At Foot Of Steep Cliif. gaalxed labor teday hi an vacancies on the national executive *etn|d to break 1^ toree Qnimiaii Donahey Of TVA committee. Members said Hasting was chosen echednled general strike tow SAYS KEMP BuixmriN! raw agelast Ms as a compromise candidate to set- CiHiiiiiittee Raps Gavel tle a controversy In the New York Ssa Fraactaeo, Nov. 38,— laws. Sqnada at delegation. Both Simpson and Mrs. (A P )— A luxury airliner was goarfls began smashed to pleeea on a rocky atraete and hontovarfle lato Ruth Baker Pratt. New York na- DEALS OKA Several Times To End tional committeewoman, had been ocean beach near here today afteraoan. Sene after It had tought an 3t-mlle- considered contenders for the execu- esenmefl special paeto - Row Over ExpemEtiires. tive committee aasIrnmenL < an-hnur wind en rotrte from arms etoree to k e v aay The young, red-moustached Former Highway Commis- fleattle to' Oakland, and Anal- be torrerli to froni aetala Simpson, who managed Thomas B JAPAN CLOSES ly waa fnreed down on the Dewey’s New York gubernatorial rough sen when Ka foei tanks Washington, Nov. 39— (A P ) — rioner Questioned Land campaign, waa assured of a seat on ran dry. The fate of the seven Parle, Nov. 28—(A P ) — CSiairman Donahey (D., Ohio), persona aboard the United Air the national committee when the Daladler, warning that "the fate ‘ threatened today to adjourn the New York state Republican Ckim- Agent After Grand Jury YANGTZE RIVER Lines 14-pasaenger ‘flkylonage^ Adolf Hitler was "beat man" for hearing of the TVA Inveattgatlng mlttee refused yesterday to block was nnluMwn aeveral benra Sir Oswald Mosley, when the Brit- the regime and the nation may. later. Huge waves had carried lab Fascist leader secretly marHed Committee because of a heated con- bis election. at stake,- marched troopn to Sacoeesor to HIDea. Started Parkway Inqm*ry. TO FOREIGNERS the craft rapidly to the rocky Diana Freeman-MItford in the ceatars today aad plaeea an troversy over legality of TVA tr.- He was accepted by the national shore. Fuehrer's Munich offiea last Deoem- sarvlcos under mtataty coot penditures. committee this morning as the ouc- ber. Hitler called her his "Ideal aa effort to break tlw Mbadifled I Nordic woman." Stewart V. Tulloss, an assletant cessor to Charles D. Hllles. who re Bridgeport, Nov. 29—(A P )—John Ban Francisco, Nov, 28.— (A P ) — aral strike. Mayor Frank Hayea signed. Also accepted tor mem- Joint Army And Navy Com- to the comptroller general, caused A United Airlines transport plane, Pootera eiinnimflnfl d the sharp argument among commit- bership on the committee were Wll A. Macdohald, former state highway traaaforred pobUc sen previous plea of Innocent to nolo carrying four passengers and three tee members by tesUfylng that TVA Ham F. Knowland of Oakland commissloiier, testified today that mnniqne Sen! To Ameri- from dvfl to militaiy cowtrsl contendere. bought real eaUte worth 8800,000 Calif., and Mrs. E. L. Moulton, of hr )>ad been assured by O. LeRoy crew members, which alighted on KIN OF ASSASSIN put up tkle monsag aO Thoaa Pleading guilty were Harry eapitaJ. "without examining the title." Albuquerque. N. M. Kemp, charged with dividing com- the Paciflo early today near Point Mackenzie of Bethel. B4-year-old •Thafa not true," Francis Biddle, Simpson, regarded as one of the can, British, French, Ital- ArsB3f dwtschEisBts former Fairfield county Republican opmmlttee counsel. Interrupted the leaders in the liberal wing of the mtasions with real estate brokers Reyes after its fuel gave out, was Parts by tnidi aad raU to swan leader, aad Eklward G. Levy a New witness. party, told reporters that the recent represenUng persons selling lend to located later at the foot of a steep JAILED 4 MONTHS ranks at 2S.OOO so’.dlevs alresfly | Haven lawyer. Timothy Horgan, election returns "showed the people the state for the 829,000,000 Merritt rlaoned in the oapitol. ff trlgt. i City haU auoar<atendent, entered the This brought a quick protest from ian Naval Commanders. cliff, and reacua partita oet out tor have left the PresldonL" parkway, that tb^re was nothing thottsaads at moMto gnards nolo oontandere plea. ^ n ^ U U v a WolvartOT (R.. N. wrotig with the tranaactlons., tbs acane. J.). that Btddla ^d disputed tes- "But they will turn to the Repub- gendanaas war* SMSSad to lAfvy prevtonaly had pleaded Inno- lican party for leadership only if ’—Macdonald, head of Connec^cut'a N. F. McNdbb, of the Point Reyea oMrter* ready for duty. cent aa did all the otbw ^fendaats Umoay of a witness. Highway Department for ISyears. Slianghal, Nov. 38.—(A P ) — Aunt Anti Unde C oirkteti "He’s JettlBf his enthusiasm get they are sure it is not under the Ugbthouee, 34 miles north of here, V' VS... when they were arraigned taat July. domination at Mr. Hoover, the Lib- resumed the stand In Superior court Japan’a armed forcea tonight oerv- said tha Coast Guard had located The 24'hour strike, esatod hgr Mackenzie, iU at that time and not away with him,'," Wolverton said of today tm'mediate'y after Judge the cpnunlttee lawyer. erty League or some of the reac- ed notice on the world that the the plane but could not determine Of Harboring Nephew powerful Oeneral Oenfoderaaen arraigned, was the only one who had tionary Influences of the past," the Frank P.- McEvoy had denied a mo- not entered a plea before today. great Yangtze river, Chlna’a mam whether the passengers and crew Labor, was scheduled to start New Yorker said. tlon by Kemp's counsel to dismiss 4 a. a a totaanam . Aake Coort Trial the In^ctmenL trade artery, would remain closed to were stUI aboard. Biddle------- repUrepUed that "the__ record " If we turn that way (toward re- McNabb said the plane, which After Being ExpeBeti. In a report to : Charles B. WiUlamaon of Oaiiaa, sbowa the title waa examined" aad action) we might as well fold up. It, Under exaroinstloD by John all but Japanese shipping until China an associate of Mackenxia. InformL^irnoM came down while en routs from Daladler said: added aa apology for disputing with licrwever, we look forward and not Keogb, Kemp's atomey, Macdonald, ia conquered and reconstructed un "Harmful prapognada, « r the court he did not wish a Jury trial th witness. who resigned his state post under Seattle to Oakland, was at the foot and aaked that hla guflt or innooenoa backward and choose standard bear- der Japanese control. of a cliff along the ocean front, and Paris, Nov. 28—(A P ) — The aunt the government fcaowa both ers from the wealth of flne, new tor- criticism by a special grand Jury be decided by Judge Ernest A IngUs. Biddle, Wolverton and several A Joint Army and Navy com- the only way to reach it was by and imcle of young Herschel Oryn- bidden goal and the tnsplratlew, other committee members started ward-looking leaders that recent investigating the super-parkway munique indicated that protests at attomptiag fc - ---- All the other defendants liave aaked land deals, said that he questioned perilous descent of the clUj!.
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