DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2020, KOLKATA, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00/EX-KOLKATA `6.00(`12INNORTH EAST STATES&ANDAMAN)WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM Covid puzzles: jobs MALABAR EXERCISE NEXT MONTH back,labour shrinks, SignaltoChina:Quad demand lowbut inflation still high naviestosailtogether, Uptickinrural jobsbut losses in urban Indo-USpactontable areas, supplychain disruptions India, US, Japan&Australia in joint AANCHALMAGAZINE PLAsoldier &ANILSASI exercise; BECAbeingreadied fortalks NEWDELHI,OCTOBER19 strays across WITH ECONOMIC activity pick- SHUBHAJITROY& LAC, Army ing pace afterthe easing of lock- KRISHNKAUSHIK down measures, the recovery People throng Sreebhumi Puja Pandal in Lake Town, on the outskirtsofKolkata, on Monday NEWDELHI,OCTOBER19 has thrownupsome paradoxes: afterthe High Courtbarredvisitors’ entry. ShashiGhosh sayswill revivalinemploymentamida AMID THE Sino-Indianmilitary fall in labour forceparticipation, standoffalong the Line of Actual returnhim surging inflation rate despite Datasuggests migration Control in Ladakh and rising ten- disinflationaryimpactfrom back to citiesnot happening No entrytoDurga Puja pandals, sions in the South China Sea, the weak demand, and improve- as expected Quadrilateral grouping of US, During the 2017 Malabar KRISHNKAUSHIK mentinfuture outlook surveys Japan, Indiaand Australia are Exercise in the Bayof NEWDELHI,OCTOBER19 even as the situation worsensin HC rulesciting ‘publicinterest’ sending their warships forthe Bengal. File households. morepeople find jobs, as had Malabar Exercise next month. ACHINESE soldier wasappre- In September,aslockdowns happenedduring September,a NewDelhi and Washington ED hendedMonday in the were progressively eased, an un- greater number should have Says govt’smeasures ‘piouswishes withoutany blueprint’ arealso steppingupefforts to Demchok sector of eastern usual labour market phenome- come in looking forjobs.The re- conclude the Basic Exchangeand Thetroika Ladakh amidtensions over the non wasobserved in India-- verse seems to have happened, would be allowed to enter the Cooperation Agreement (BECA) PLAIN E border standoff. The Indian ● ofpacts while severalworkers got jobs, the CMIE estimates suggest. SANTANUCHOWDHURY FULL COVERAGE marquee or the pandals. ahead of the Indo-US 2+2 minis- EX Armysaid the soldier had manywho did notwent on to The unusual trend is ex- KOLKATA,OCTOBER19 The Benchsaid,“When stu- terialmeetingonOctober 26-27 strayed across the Line of Actual leave thelabour force, data col- plainedbyarural-urban disag- NODISCUSSIONYET dents...have beenpreventedfrom –defence and foreign ministers GEOSPATIAL SPECIFICS Control and would soon be lated by the Centrefor gregation of the data:rural India EXPRESSING APPREHENSION ONCHALLENGINGHC attending educational institu- of the twocountries will be in a shared under the BECA handedovertothe PLA. Monitoring Indian Economy is seeing an increase in jobs that overcrowding of people ORDER,SAYSGOVT tions formorethan sixmonths huddle at the 2+2. will help enhance the ac- In astatement, the Armysaid, (CMIE) showed. Typically, when CONTINUEDONPAGE2 during the festiveseason could PAGE 4 andseveralstudents standto lose Akey military pact, BECA curacy of Indian missiles, "A PLAsoldier,identifiedas lead to an “uncontrollable” rise ayear,itisrather incongruous will allowIndia to use US and will be key to plans Corporal Wang Ya Long, wasap- in the number of Covid-19cases, that Puja festivities would con- geospatial intelligence and en- forarmeddrones. It will prehendedinthe Demchok sec- the CalcuttaHigh Courton gation (PIL),aDivision Benchof tinue as in the previous years.” hance accuracy of automated complete the troika of torofEastern Ladakh on 19 Tejashwiattacks Nitish Monday ordered that Durga Puja the High Court, comprising “Lifehas notbeen normalfor systems and weapons likemis- foundational pacts– October 2020 afterhehad pandals in West Bengal will be Justice Sanjib Banerjee and the human species since or siles and armeddrones. In COMCASAand LEMOA strayed across the LAC." out of bounds forthe visitors “in Justice Arijit Banerjee, said that about March,2020 and it may February,USPresident Donald being the other two-- The Armysaid, "a requesthas over Chirag; RJD says on public interest”. no one, barring selectmembers have been better if restrictions Trumpand Prime Minister with the US forgreater alsobeenreceived from the Hearing apublic interest liti- of puja organising committee, CONTINUEDONPAGE2 NarendraModihad called for militarycooperation. PLA” on “the whereaboutsofthe CM, both ‘on samepage’ early conclusion of BECA. missing soldier”, and "as per es- On Monday, India an- tablished protocols,hewillbe nouncedthat Australia will be countries that makethe returnedbacktoChineseoffi- Kumar treated Chirag, it is injus- New digital health ID will be used partofthe Malabar Exercise in Quadrilateral grouping, better cials at the Chushul-Moldo SANTOSHSINGH tice to him.” November,makingitthe first known as Quad. meeting point aftercompletion PATNA,OCTOBER19 Tejashwiwas theonlysenior militaryexercise between all CONTINUEDONPAGE2 of formalities". BiharOpposition leader to have in Covid immunisation,says PM The Chinese soldier,the FISHINGinNDA waters mud- metChiragtooffer his condo- Armysaid, "hasbeen provided diedbythe LJP's grow- lences afterPaswan's health ID, will be usedtoensure medical assistance including ing ambition, the RJD mortalremains arrived KAUNAINSHERIFFM immunisation of our citizens.” Pompeo to visit Sri Lanka, oxygen,food andwarmclothes Mondayappeared to at Patna airport. NEWDELHI,OCTOBER19 Modi had In his Independence Dayad- to protecthim from the vagaries reachout to Chirag Earlier,inaninter- announced dress, the PM hadsaidthatthe MaldivesafterDelhitalks of extreme altitude and harsh Paswan, with Tejashwi viewtoThe Indian TWOMONTHS afterhean- health ID in Unique HealthIDprovidedto climatic conditions". Yadavaccusing JD(U) Express, Chirag had nouncedthat aunique health ID I-Dayspeech everycitizen would have details Astatement from the chief Nitish Kumar of DECISION dodged aquestion will be providedtoevery citizen of diseases, diagnosis, report, NIRUPAMA His Lanka visit National Defence Ministryof treating him badly. 2020 about Tejashwi's abili- undertheNationalDigitalHealth medication, etc. in acommon SUBRAMANIAN comes amid China quoted PLAspokesperson Talking to reporters BIHAR ties as aleader,saying, Mission,Prime MinisterNarendra the forefront of vaccine develop- database. MUMBAI,OCTOBER19 concerns over Colonel Zhang Shuili saying the while campaigning, RJD “He is the Leader of the Modi on Tuesdayindicatedthat ment forCovid-19. Some of As reportedbyThe Indian China soldier losthiswaywhilelooking chief ministerial candi- Opposition and has the “digital health ID will beused them areinadvancedstages. We Express, ahigh-levelexpertgroup IN THE final week before the US forayak that had gone missing. dateTejashwisaid,“It is Chirag CONTINUEDONPAGE2 to ensureimmunisation”. arenot stopping here; Indiaisal- on vaccineadministration is presidential elections on It said herders had asked the Paswan who would be needing Addressing the inaugural ready working on putting awell- looking at mechanisms to track November 3, SecretaryofState Maldives, afterattending the 2+2 soldier to tracethe yak. Chinese his father mostnow.Weare all function of the Grand Challenges establishedvaccinedelivery sys- recipientsasand when the vac- Michael RPompeoplans to visit talksinDelhi, TheIndianExpress border guards, Zhang said, in- sad that RamVilas Paswan is not DECISION 2020 Annual Meeting 2020, the Prime teminplace. This digitised cine is ready to beadministered; India's twoIndian Ocean neigh- has learnt. formedthe Indian side about the amongus. But the wayNitish PAGE 7 Ministersaid, “...India is nowat network, along withthe digital CONTINUEDONPAGE2 bours, Sri Lanka and the CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 THE EDITORIAL PAGE ED quizzesFarooq, NC Two weeks to go for polls, INDIA-CHINA:ALONG WAYFROM1962 and PDP sayvendetta Trump narrows gap, but BY SANJAYA BARU PAGE 8 Biden still has the edge DEEPTIMANTIWARY BUSINESSASUSUAL THE WORLD &BASHAARATMASOOD DonaldTrumphas narrowed, NEWDELHI,SRINAGAR, BY UNNY leaving both campaigns on edge. OCTOBER19 Biden campaign manager Jen RACE FOR O'MalleyDillon said in amemo THE ENFORCEMENT Directorate THE WHITE to donors, reported by Reuters, (ED)onMonday questioned “Wecannotbecome complacent National Conference president HOUSE becausethe very searingtruth is Farooq Abdullahinconnection that Donald Trumpcan still win withacaseof allegedmoneylaun- EXPRESSIN this race, and everyindication dering. The case is related to al- THEUS we have shows that thisthing is legedirregularitiesingrantsgiven going to comedowntothe wire.” by BCCI to Jammuand Kashmir “New polling shows this CONFIRMED COVID-19 Cricket Association (JKCA). election is goingtocome down CASES CROSS40MN The ED action, whichcame KARISHMAMEHROTRA to afew swing stateslikeNorth THAI GOVT SEEKS TO days afterpolitical parties of SANFRANCISCO,OCTOBER19 Carolina, Minnesota,Arizona, Jammu and Kashmir came to- Florida, Pennsylvania, and CRACK DOWN ON gether to announce aunited WITH Afortnight left forthe Wisconsin... Simplyput,wecan MEDIA COVERAGE OF struggle forthe restorationof Gupkar Declaration con- November 3Election Dayinthe win this but we'vegot to ramp PROTESTS Article 370, evoked angryreac- demnedthe Centre's “vindictive
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