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Present your cases with confidence A.labama Law of Evidence contains the information you need to evaluate, prepare, and present the best case for your client. Concise yet detailed for authoritative reference, this handbook covers evidcntiary issues most often encountered in the court· room, such as- • Presentation of wjtnesses • Expert and lay opinion testimony • Relevancy •a Exhibits nd scientific evidence • Authenticatio n • Hearsay and hearsay exceptions • Privileges • Burdens of proof • The Rules of Crin,inal Procedure $85* 813 pages, hardbound, with current supplement. e 1990, Tlr~ Midlic °'"'?l"Y· Author itative, up-to-date cov erag e r-----rn-----------, Written for the trial and appellate bench and bar, Alabama 1 Law of Evidence presents a fresh treatment of the subject. , MICHIE COMPANY Colquitt examines evidence law from a variety of sources and .. 11fl organizes it in a practical format, giving you the n,ost up,,to,. P.O. aox 1587 • CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22906 ,1581 date and usef,~ reference on Alabama evidence. The book 0 YES!Plea~ ~nd _ _ copies of AlabamaLaw of Evide1\ceatSSS•. contains citations to leading cases-including many of the moot (60990) recent- plus key statutes, rules, pattern Jury instructio ns, and 30.0ay Trial Offer: I may retu.m my purchasewilhin 30 days \Vithout appropriate treatises and articles. It includes a Table of Cases obligation iJ not con,pletely satisfied. Futur~ updates:v. •ill be sent to me with the sa.me return privileges. and an extensive Index. The author designed Alabama Law of 0 Paymentenclosed Evidence for annual supplementation so it \'lill remain a 0 Charge my O VISA O Mastei<:ard practical reference should new ru.les of evidence be adopted. Accow,tNu.mber Exp.Date,___ _ 0 Bill 1ne O BUJmy company (Plus sh ippi •\g and handling. TERMS: Not30 days) 0 Send me the current Michie Company cataJog Name __ _______ _ Phone,_______ _ AccountName, ________ _______ __ _ Address'-------- ------ ----- O ty tate_ Zip,__ _ _,___ •Plu,~ l.l)Cwh(~._ ppll<U!lit. EDZ•1/93 .J L ------------------ THE ALABAMALAWYE R JULY 1993/ 215 The Alabama INBRIEF a-w-yer July 1993 Volume 54, Number 4 PublishedMven 1lmesa year (lho seventhi$$OO 1sa bar direc tory edibon} by the AlabamtlState Sar. P .0 . Box 4 156. Montgomery, Alabama. 36101 . ON THE COVER: Phono(205) 269•1515. Historic live oaks shade Washington Square in Mobile, site of the 1993 Alabama Aot>onA, HtJtlake, ··········································-·Edl:o, State Bar Annual Meeting, July 15-17. Susan Shlrock OePaofa ....................Associate Editor Margaret Murphy ............................... Managing Editor Boa,d o1 EdilOf'• INSIDE THIS ISSUE: WAlam J. Uncletwooo, Tuscumbia , Jelttey L wther , Maeiltt • Ntx I...Mohaford. Jr ,, MOl'4gOmery• Alan T. Roge,rs,Binnlng­ The Alabama Limited Liability Company Act: A New Entity Choice l\lm • J E, Sh-yor , Jr.• Entoiptl#o • LeahO , TJylor, Blrmlng• nam • Oeborel'I Alloy Smllh, efrm.lnoham • onre Blan. By Bradley J. Sklar ........•..............................••........................................................................232 Birmln,gham• John W , Harg,OYe,BlrmlnQham • flay 0. Noojln, J, • Blrmfn0h3tn• Dtbotlllh J. Long, Brn,ir,gham • Sht rl)' Col• lum-&f.lef, Mofllgomeiy, LMlra Pede., Birmingham• Sat• A Copyright Law Surprises for Non-<:opyright Lawyers McGtvaren. 8 frmlngham • Mon. Joseph A. Colquiu. Tusca\Gosa. • SusanE . RU$$.MontgOme,ry • John Mark Katt, By Benjamin 8. Spratling Ill and Beall D. Cary, Jr. ............................•......•.......•.................240 Bltmlrv.,ham• RaymondL JOhnson,Jr . • Blrmlngl\llm• Pl'lmp A. uird , J.111* • Cec::ilM , TIPIOO.Jf .. ()pelha • F«r•l Lana, Mobile• Hon. Jiuc,t Mbddol'...Morr1gomory • J ,W. Goodlot, Jr.. Uo;verait,Y of Alabama School of Law Career Sen,lces Mobil• • MlJ1c O. Hes&. arm1ngl'lam• Steve P BruMon . Offers Help for Employen Gadsdan • 8enlamln8 . Spradlng, rn, Bfrmlngham 6oard occom missioners 8y Segaii Friedman................... .. ...................................................................................253 Liaison ........... , .,_,•• Sam!Jtl A. Aumore,Jr •• B;mlngharn Office.-. The Uninvited Guest? Clareooe M. Sntall.Jf ., Bl"'*lgham ·----- PteSldonl JAmt'l R. St41t. Momgomory ................... Pr~n1 .. 1ec1 By James C. Stevens .................. ..•........................................................ .............................. .,254 Jolin &le Chason,Bay MIMt'llt~-·--·-·-···· Vdo~ ftog!nald T. Mamne,r, MontoomMY, ........__,_w Secrewy Boa.tdot COmmi1slonctl'$ Products Liability and Contributory Negligence f&tCFcu !L EdwMI P lutnl!t. Jt., ChalOffl• 2nd 0.CUILJcmn By D.Ala n Thomas and Nancy S. Akel.•. ..............•................................................................26 1 A. Nldlola. Luveme • 3rd Clrcutl, LYM AOl>ertsotlJGCkson , aay,on • 4.th crtculL JoM w. Ktlly. Ill, S.lma • SIiiCin:luit. John Perey Omt. II,.o.c.~ue • 61h Circull, PlflCe Nd. t , Wa1· '°"P. c ,ownO\IGf, T~loo6a . &;inCltcull, Place No. 2. John A.Owens, Tuscaloosa • 7lfl OiQIII. Artwr F, Filt. UI, Annl$10!\ • 811,Cln:1.111. A.J. Coleman, Deca:ur • 91h Clrcu.'1,WIIIIMn D . ScrvggJ. Jr•• For1Payne · 10lh Circuit.Ptace Ho. I . Samuet H. Fnirii:lln,Bfflllngnatn • 1Olh ClrM, ~· No. 2. James W. President's Page.... ......•..............................218 List of NewA dmittees ...............................2 48 GeWln.. 81rmifl0ham, 10th Citcult. Place No. 3. James s . ASBal a Glance .........................................219 Statistics of Interest. .................................249 Lloyd, Bitmlnl)h.rn • 10lh ca,cu!t, PJacaNo " · Samuel A. Executive Director's Report.... ..................220 Rumore, Jt ., Blrmlngtl,m • 10th Circu,t.Plee.o No . 5, TlmQC'ly CroupP hoto ....•......................................•..250 L OilaRI. Birmingham , 10th Ctfcu11,.Ptace No. 6, Mac B Bar Brieis ...................................................221 CL£ Opportunities ....................................25! GrtJt.VOS,Blrmlngtiam • IOChCircuit . PlaQaNo 1. J, Mason About Members, AmongP irms.... .............223 Opinions of the General Counsel.. ............2 .52 OaYil-, Blrmlngl)atn • 10tl\ ClrOJI!, PIGU No 8, Oray10ll N Jam•11 Sifm!ngham • 10th Clrw lL Plaoe No. 9. Calhy S, YoungLawye rs' Section ............................2 25 Disciplinary Report ...............•...................2 59 Wtlghl, e.tmi1"1Qh11m• to,;,i Circuil, Bo$$0mt r C'-lt·Olt. Gtorge BuildingA labama'sCourlhouses .. ............228 Hlg9inbo1ham. Se&a.emer• l 1171Circun . RobeH M. till. J, .• Recent Decisions .......................................268 FIQren¢t • 1aot Cirwit. W, K.-1h \'/~~ . Ttoy • 13#l Circuit. Memorials.. ................................................234 LegislativeWrap-Up •.. ...............................273 Pla,oe No, 1. Vlcto( tL l«t, Jr., Mobile • 1:lm c'irculL PIiie. No. Lawyersin the Family. .............................•246 ClassifiedN olices... .................................•..2 76 2, 8roox G. Molll'lff. Mobllt • 13thClm.ilt. Place No. 3. Cillne O'Retll. rn. Mobile • 13$ Circud. Plate Ho. "· St!'fflTIO!\ T Aowe,M ot>lla• 1•1h<>cult. It Je'II Donaldson , Jupe, • ,sm Citcull, PIX• No, 1, Ri;h;llrdH Gill, Mompc,n,ery• 151hCir • AL.\BAMASTA TE BAR HEADQUARTERS STAFF ouiL PtaoaNo . 2, Vl4flda 0. O.Wteauk , MOtllQetnery • 15ll\ 415 De;ter A"nu,, Montgomery. Al. 36104 (205)269 ·1515 • FAX(205) 261-6310 Ci'ctlil. Pio«. Ho. 3. Jiamese Wllliamt,,Monipom•iy • 1su, Ciroo!t.Place No. 4., Aitl'IIM<IB. Gll:rflll, Montgomery • 1811'1 ExecutiveD irtcl(kl'_,. ,. ...............Rtglna ld T. Hamner,CAP. Craphk Arts SupeNlsor...... .........................M@c Stuller CirQ.liLGeotpt P, Ford, Gadsden • I 71h Clrcuil, R,eh.atd S Dirtetor of Programs, •.. •.• .,-....................Ke.Ith 8 . Normin AlabamaLaw F ound.alion, M.:1111,ey. OtmOQolit • 18th Cif cult, Cor,rael M, Fowter, Jr., Eltcuti\'i:Ass istant ·---···---· ··--- .......M~rpteL Boone Inc. Dlrtctor ····-- ·-- ·····--···· ·---- ·---,.Tr~cyObni,1 Columbiana• 191h CifcuQI.J. Roben FaU,.:,Pra 1tvllle • 20tl'I Publialions Oirtetor-··-···· ···--·····-·····Mirtirtt Murph}> Voluntttr Lawyers Cinl11rl. \'lade H. S..XJIV, Dothan· 21st Circw, Ectw.a,of Hltle:$, Bttw lOI\ • 22nd:Clrtul l, Abo'le(A. Powt.11..Ill An¢a!UM AdmissionsStcrtU:I')' ···· ····---·····- --· ···Ooro,hyJohnson ,,,ogr.imO irtttor ........... ,-- ········-··-Mrlinda M, \\'attr, • 23td C«cuh. Pl~ No, I , Geotgew . Royer,Jr .. tt,msYIII~• Mtmbcrsh.ipServices . ...............................Alice Jo Mend,ix AdmwionsAuistanl ... ...........................E linbtt h
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