1927 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2621 House Joint Memorial 1 carefully compared the .annexed copy of House Joint Uemorial No. 1 To the honot·abZe the Senate and Ho·use of Represtmtatives of the with the original thereof adopted by the Senate and House of Repre­ United States in Congress assembled: sentatives of the Thirty-fourth Legislative Assembly of the State of Your memorialists, the Senate and House of Representatives of the Oregon and filed in the office of the secretary of state of the State of State of Washington in regular session assembled do most respectfully Oregon January 24, 1927, and that the same is a full, true, and com­ represent and petition as follows: plete transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof, together with all WheJ:eas since the last apportionment of the Members of the House indorsements thereon. of Representatives in Congress, a large percentage of the people of In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed hereto the United States have moved to and taken up their residence on the the seal of the State of Oregon. Pacific coast and are now without apportional representation in your Done at the capitol at Salem, Oreg., this 25th day of January, A. D. honorable body ; 1927. Wherefore we, your memorialists, most respectfully urge your honor­ [SEAL.] SAM A. KozER, arable body to reapportion the membership in the House of Representa­ Secretary of State. tives in Congress in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution ADJOURNMENT of the United States. • Passed the house January 18, 1927. Mr. WATSON. 1\Ir. President, the Senator from Kansas [1\Ir. RALPH R. KNAPP, CURTIS] was called away on official business. At his request Speaker of tl!e House. I move that the Senate adjourn. Passed the senate January 18, 1927. The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 44 minutes W. LON JOHNSON, p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, Febru­ President of the .Senate. ary 1, 1927, at 12 o'clock meridian. The PRESIDENT pro tempore also laid before the Senate the following joint memorial of the Legislature of the State of Oregon, which was referred to the Committee on Commerce : HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES STATE OF 0REGO~, DEPARTMENT OF STATE, MoNDAY, January 31, 1927 .Salem, January 25, 1927. To the honorable The House met at 12 o'clock noon. the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE, The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered .Senate Chamber, Washington, D. 0. the following prayer : DEAR SIR: By direction of the Thirty-fourth Legislative Assembly of 0 Thou, whose all-searching eye is upon us, we are deeply the State of Oregon, I have the honor to transmit herewith for your grateful that Thy blessings are so freely bestowed. There is consideration a certified copy of House Joint Memorial No. 1, urging no price set upon the bounty of to-day or the hope of to-morrow. Congress to take legislative action in connection with the improvement, The Father's love is so boundless for us and for all mankind. extension, and development of the port and harbor facilities of the Be with us, blessed Lord, through the hours of this day and city of Portland, Oreg. in all our labors may there be u,nity, harmony, and conformity Very ref!pectfully, to Thy holy wilL In our national life may all evil elements SAM A. KOZER, Secretary of State. be subdued and the righteous agencies made to grow and House Joint Memorial 1 prosper. 0 Spirit of love, of life, and power, we thank Thee Whereas the entire State of Oregon is interested in the improvement, for the joys of life and for the hope that never dies out of extension, and development of Portland's port and harbor facilities.; the human breast. Amen. - and The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday, January 29, Wh<'reas the Columbia Slough, near Portland, is regarded and recog­ 1927, was read and approved. nized by the General Government as navigable waters for small craft for quite a distance upstream from Kenton district, where there are AGRICULTURE located many factories and industries of no small magnitude; and Mr. McLAUGHLIN of Nebraska. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ Whereas at a comparatively small cost, considering the benefits to imous consent to extend my remarks in the RECORD by printing bEl derived, said Columbia Slough can be widened and deepened and a copy of a concurrent resolution passed by the Nebraska transformed into a canal for ocean-going vessels as far as Kenton, and Legislature urging the adoption of farm legislation. from Kenton, via Blue Lakes, to a connection with the Columbia '.rhe SPEAKER. The gentleman from Nebraska asks unani­ River, for river craft and river steamers to the great benefit of Port­ mous consent to extend his remarks by printing in the RECoRD land and up-river points for shipping, harbor, and port purposes: a concurrent resolution passed by the Nebraska Legislature Therefore be it urging the adoption of farm legislation. Is there objection? Resolved by the House of Representati-ves of the State of 01·egon (the There was no objection. Senate jointly cotw·urr·ing), That the Congress of the United States be Mr. McLAUGHLIN of Nebraska. Mr. Speaker, under the memorialized, and Congress is hereby memorialized, to appropriate the leave to extend my remarks in the RECORD I includ~ the follow­ necessary money for making a survey and to cause a survey to be made ing Senate concurrent resolution of the Legislature of Nebraska: from t<'rminal No 4, along the low bottom lands and via the Columbia Slough to Kenton, and also from the Columbia River via the Columbia Senate concurrent resolution Slough to Kenton and fTom Kenton up the Columbia Slough via Blue Senator Reynolds presented the following resolution: Lakes, near the Foster Road, to a connection with the Columbia River "A concurrent resolution and memorial petitioning the Congress of the for the purpose of determining the cost of construction of a ship canal United States to enact into law at the present session of the Sixty­ for ocean-going ships from deep water near termina.l No. 4 or from the ninth Congress farm-relief legislation that will place the agriculture Columbia River via. the Columbia Slough to Kenton and also for the of the Nation on an economic equality with finance, industry, and continuation of said cana1 for river steamers and river craft from labor Kenton, via Columbia Slough and the Blue Lakes near Foster Road, to " Whereas the serious depression in agriculture wllich first affected a ~onnection with the Columbia River: and be it further the wheat and corn producing sections of QUr country now 'flrevuils Resolved, That the secretary of state of Oregon be, and is hereby, throughout the entire agricultural Middle West and South ; and directed to transmit a copy of the e resolutions to the Speaker of the " Whereas the cumulative effect of the declining purchasing power House of Repres('ntatives, the President of the Senate of the United of farm products over the period of the last six years is evidenced by States, and Members of the Senate and House of Representatives from declining land values, increasing farm indebtedness, and general busi­ the State of Oregon. ness depression ; and Adopted by the house, January 18, 1921. " Whereas there is no problem before the National Congress more JOHN H. CA.RKIN, urgent than the immediate correction of this condition: Therefore be it Speake-r of the House. a R es olve d by the Senate of the S-tate of Nebraska (the House of Rep,·e­ Adopted by the senate, January 21, 1927. sentati'L'CB conottn··ing therein), That we urge the Congress of the HEN"RY L. CORBETT, United States to enact legislation which will provide for the disposition President of the Se-nate. of temporary surpluses which occur periodically in the production of (Indorsed: House Joint Memorial No. 1. Introduced by Mr. Lewis. some of our basic farm crops as well as nori:nal annual surpluses of the Paul F. Burris, chief clerk. Filed Januacy 24, 1927. Sam A. Kozer, other basic farm crops in a manner advantageous to the producer of secretary of stu te.) l!luch basic crops and to the general business interests, and we further STATE OF 0REGO~, recommend that such legislation provide: OFFICE OF THE SECUETARY OF STATE. "First. A Federal farm board, administering an adequate revolving I, Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state of the State of Oregon, and fund by which surpluses can actually be handled by cooperative agencies custodian of the seal of said State, do hereby certify; That I have created by the producers; 2622 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 31 . " Second. For the distribution of the costs of managing such sur­ for it, I think, I can express in a very few words. The duties pluses as to each marketed unit of a particular commod1ty ·through an of the parliamentarian of this House are many and various, equalization fee. and they are among the most important duties performed by "Resolved, That the secretary of the senate be, and is hereby, directed any man in the CapitoL They are growing daily ; they are to transmit copies of this resolution to the Senate and House of becoming more important and multifarious, and the situation at Representatives of the United States and to the several Members of present is that it is almost impossible for one man to do all the said bodies representing this State therein, and to the President of the routine work necessary; and, more important still, if that man United States." resigns or anything should happen to him, there is no one quali­ VICTOR D.
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