Inside Weather MICHIGAN Variable cloudiness and Jimmy Clark sets record warmer with thunder at Indy 500, p. 4: Killings- STATE showers. High in the mid worth says Negro equality 80’s. must be realized, p. 6. EWS UNIVERSITY Tuesday, June 1, 1965 Price 10« Vol. 56 Number 166 East Lansing, Michigan MSU Students when their small foreign car ex­ Ward, 19, Pontiac freshman; and bot Road. Both men were mem­ By BRUCE SMITH ploded and burned following the E ileen J. Nelson, Fllion fresh­ bers of the fraternity. State News Police Reporter crash at Abbott Road and M-78 m an. One fraternity spokesman told D eath was the only victor in a in East Lansing. police the two couples left the race between four MSU students D ead a re: The two coeds, who lived in party at about 12:30 a.m. and a 2 a.m. dormitory curfew Lars W. Johnson, 21, Grand West Wilsor. Hal , had permis- According to police, the stu­ Saturday. Rapids senior, driver of the death sion to stay out until 2 a.m . dents car, a Volkswagen, at­ They were killed in a flaming car; Richard J. McCleary, 20, to attend a party at the Theta tempted a left turn onto Abbott Webster, N.Y., Junior; Nancy J. Chi Fraternity House at 453 Ab- R ad and ran into the path of a two-car collision at 1:52 a.m. car driven by John W. Gregg, 19, Alpena. Gregg was treated and released at Sparrow Hospital for head injuries. Coroner Dorwin E.Hoffmeyer, who notified the students’ parents after making the identifications through persona! effects, said the students died of sufbcation and shock. If it had not been for the fire, he said, they might have survived the accident. The four students were burned NANCY J. WARD LARS W. JOHNSON RICHARD McCLEARY beyond recognition. W rec k er s EILEEN NELSON w ere used open the car s caved in doors. Police theorized the car’s fuel tank, located in front of the front seat, ruptured Funerals Set Today For 4 Students in the collision. Sparks from metal scraping along the pave­ At Pontiac Central High School, Services will be at 2 p.m. to­ Theta Chi fraternity Is plan­ ment ignited the gasoline which By COLLEEN O’BRIEN she was active as a cheerleader. day in Rochester, N.Y. ning a memorial service for 7:30 had soaked the car’s interior. State News Staff Writer p.m. Wednesday, tentatively at Traffic was halted along the Her high school plans to estab­ Funeral services will be held lish a memorial scholarship fund He is survived by his parents, the Martin Luther Chapel. Final highway' while firemen and police in her name. Mr, and Mrs. Herbert McCleary arrangements have not been cleaned up the pavement and today fo r two coeds and their of Webster, and a sister. m ade. pried the car apart to extract the dates who were killed early Sat­ She is survived by her parents, four bodies. urday w hile returning to campus Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Ward of from a Theta Chi term party. Noel Miller, 22, 1617 Green- Pontiac and a sister, Judy. crest Ave., East Lansing, return­ Services for Eileen June The body Is at the Sparks ing from his night Job at a ser­ N elson, F ilio n freshman, will be Griffin Funeral Home In Pontiac. at 2 p.m . at the Chandler Pres­ Services for Lars W, Johnson, Scientists9 Role vice station, saw the accident. b yterian Church near Filion. Grand Rapids senior, will be at AFTERMATH OF TRADEDY--This twisted wreckage is all that's left of the car He said he was approximately She graduated in 1964 from 1:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran in which four MSU students were killed in an East Lansing accident Saturday 150 yards behind Gregg’s auto­ Bad Axe High School. She was a Church In Grand Rapids. morning as they returned from afraternity party. State Journal photo by Jack Bolt mobile when he came around the Changing-Hannah liberal arts major and resident Johnson, who would have grad­ cu rv e and saw the b u rst of flam es. of West Wilson Hall. The flames were shooting 15 to uated in June, planned to do grad­ President John A. Hannah told creased specialization, he said. Survivors include her parents, uate work In finance next fall and 20 feet into the air. Mr. and Mrs.Roland C. Nelson Adrian College graduates Sunday "Com m unication between Miller said he stopped and got had a graduate assistantship. that the specialists in our society widely separated age groups has of Filion, a brother David of Ann He graduated from Ottawa High out to try to help. Arbor and a sister, Mrs. Lynn are about to be moved to the back always been ‘difficult, and espe­ "1 could hear screams—fur School in Grand Rapids and was cially so of late," Hannah said. Hum phrey To Ask Support L eith of C ass C ity. of the room to make space for de­ a member of Theta Chi fratern­ about a minute. It was hard to The body is at the Me Alpine cision makers with broad liberal "This puzzles and worries ua t, i how lopg.Tlisn they s : ’Ppfc.'jfc Funeral Home in Bad Axe. Burial ity. arts backgrounds. who are older, because we feel "The police seemed to got will be In Bad Axe. He is survived by his parents, "In our drive to achieve ma­ the need of dialogue with impa­ there right away," aaid Miller. Services for Nancy J. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson, terial security," Hannah said, tient youth as much as the need For Viet V illage 'A doption1 "It seemed like an eternity be­ two sisters and a brother. "we have pampered the scientist, for conversation between the sci­ Pontiac freshman, will be at All fore the firemen arrived, but it entist and humanist, if we are to project, hopes to raise $4,000 to of Saints Episcopal Church In Pon- The body Is at the Jonkhoff and starved the humanist. We Vice President Hubert H. Hum- enlarging areas international wouldn’t have made any differ- work together for the perfection - h e re ■ ysa^tiAvaeducational and sanitary -* v ; s* ." 11 a.m. todj^. * . »funeral Home In Grand Ran id is . fcave. encouraged the specialist, a “’* they had been ¿«¿¡t * o u r 9&i1ery?*t\è sttÀL^ kick-off a fund-raising drive to facinffe? fn the viKagte-or L o n g said Judith R ice, Greenville Sne was a memBer Of Ueiea * m rhard McCleary,* 'W ebsix*r, **ana discouraged the gei.eraitif. Yen, 60 miles northwest of Sai­ late, it was over too fast." Gamma sorority and a contestant N.Y., junior, was also a member We have many people who can Hannah said the mass demon­ "adopt" a South Vietnamese Vill­ sophomore, who heads the People "It was terrible," he said, stration is the most spectacular age. gon. to People Association. In the Lambda Chi Alpha Jr. 500 of Theta Chi. He was majoring In excel In a narrow field, but we Specific plans call for eight mechanical engineering. are woefully short of those who of the new methods of communi­ Carl T. Rowaü Jr., director of (continued on page 9) queen contest. cation. the U.S. Information Agency, will additional classrooms for the can take the broader view." speak on the same program which present two-room school, im­ "We believe the scientists and "Successful in advancing the begins in the Auditorium at 3 proved market facilities, a deep the engineers when they say they cause of civil rights, the demon­ will land on the moon, but we ar­ p .m . water well and uniforms for the N o D ecision stration has been adopted by Tickets are $1 and will be self-defense militia protecting gue with the sociologists and the groups of many kinds to promote sold at the door. They are still the town against Viet Cong at­ philosophers and the ministers all sorts of causes," he said. available at the International tack s. when.they try to show us the way "Sit-ins and other types of public Center, Union, Disc Shop and The group also hopes to raise to a better life on earth," he demonstrations In the cause of Paramount News. funds for a medical clinic with Local Civil Rights D iscussed added. civil rights «an be defended In a full-time technician to re­ But now, Hannah said, a great most instances on the grounds Humphrey and Rowan will land the city manager to serve also at Capital City Airport at 2:30 place a one-room quonset hut, Burton 1. Gordin, executive di­ haven’t had open meetings on change is taking place, and many that no other avenues of commu­ staffed only with a part-time rector of the State Civil Rights discriminate on yet, but I think as a part-time Human Relations materialists are alarmed. nication and protest were open p.m. and go Immediately to the Commission director. Auditorium. They will leave im­ rural health worker. Commission, met with student, they should." "Those who have measured to those with wrongs to be re­ "We want students to be able East Lansing andUniversity rep­ Gordin was quoted as saying progress In material terms are d re s s e d ." mediately after the speech. that the state should be the body The People to People Associ­ to contribute in a direct, mean­ resentatives Friday to discuss B oard Petitions bewildered to find that now, when ation, which is sponsoring the ingful and constructive way to East Lansing racial discrimina­ responsible for discrimination in we have developed the affluent "But in many other Instances," tion.
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