1916 Transcription notes 1. The diaries were transcribed by David and Megan Shaw, members of Reverend Gibbon’s family and checked for accuracy by Dr Gareth Lloyd of John Rylands Library, University of Manchester. The transcripts are very accurate for the purpose of general research; however, if a more exact reproduction of the text is required for the purpose of academic publication, the text must be checked more closely against the original manuscript. 2. Dates in italics are the printed dates that appear on the diary pages. 3. It is clear in some cases that the allocation of entries to a specific printed date does not necessarily mean that the entry in fact relates to that date. Entries can run over several pages, which coupled with the stressful circumstances under which the diarist was writing, such as being under artillery fire, means that Gibbon was unable to maintain a strict chronological arrangement and division. However, it is unlikely that the alignment between the handwritten text and the printed date varies by more than a day or two, except in those cases where Gibbon annotates the text accordingly. 4. Spelling has been corrected where there is no doubt as to the correct reading – for example, Fovant (Wiltshire) for Fovent. 5. Punctuation is not corrected, except in those cases where comprehension would be difficult otherwise. 5. Paragraph and line breaks are inserted, where appropriate to aid comprehension. 6. Due to geo-political changes since World War I, many place names in the Balkans and Near East, have changed either their spelling or have been completely renamed. Where it was possible to identify such changes, these places are listed in the place name glossary. Annotations The text is edited with the inclusion as footnotes of information relating to individuals, units, places, military operations and casualties. Online sources used included: 1. Commonwealth War Graves Commission (https://www.bing.com/search?q=commonwealth+war+graves+commission&src=IE- SearchBox&FORM=IESR3A) 2. Forces War Records UK (https://www.forces-war-records.co.uk/search/) 3. The Long, Long Trail: Researching Soldiers of the British Army in The Great War of 1914-1919 (https://www.longlongtrail.co.uk/) 1 1916 4. Service records of Wesleyan army chaplains 1914-1918 (https://rylandscollections.wordpress.com/2017/06/26/methodist-ministers-at-war-wesleyan- chaplains-of-world-war-i/) 5. Anglican army chaplaincy database 1914-1918 (https://chaplains-museum.co.uk/) 5. Trench and campaign maps of World War 1 (Palestine) http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-234277307/view 6. Trench and campaign maps of World War 1 (Salonica) (http://digitalarchive.mcmaster.ca/islandora/object/macrepo%3A4125) Glossaries and Lists of Placenames 1. Military Adj: Adjutant ADS: Advanced dressing station ADMS: Assistant Director Medical Services AQMG: Assistant Quarter Master General APC: Assistant Principal Chaplain APM: Assistant Provost Marshall ASC: Army Service Corp BHQ: Brigade Headquarters BWI: British West Indies Regiment CCS: Casualty clearing station CF: Chaplain to the Forces CO: Commanding Officer CRA: Commanding/Commander Royal Artillery CWGC: Commonwealth War Graves Commission DAC: Divisional Ammunition Column DCL: Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry Div: Division EEF: Egyptian Expeditionary Force ELC: Egyptian Labour Corp FOO: Forward Observation Officer GHQ: General Headquarters GOC: General Officer commanding GS: General Service HA: Horse Artillery HE: High explosive 2 1916 HMHS: His Majesties Hospital Ship HQ: Headquarters L of C: Lines of communication Lieut: Lieutenant LRB: London Rifle Brigade MDS: Main dressing station MO: Medical Officer MP: Military policeman MT: Motor transport NCO: Non-commissioned officer OC: Officer commanding OP: Observation Post PM: Provost Marshall QMG: Quarter Master General RAMC: Royal Army Medical Corp RA: Royal Artillery RAF: Royal Air Force RB: Rifle Brigade RE: Royal Engineers RFA: Royal Field Artillery RFC: Royal Flying Corp Rfn: Rifleman RGA: Royal Garrison Artillery RNAS: Royal Naval Air Service RND: Royal Naval Division RWF: Royal Welsh Fusiliers Sgt: Sergeant SMO: Senior Medical Officer SNO: Senior Naval Officer SWB: South Wales Borderers TBD: Torpedo Boat Destroyer VAD: Voluntary Aid Detachment 2. Places Greece, Turkey and Balkans Lake Ardzan: Lake (now dry) in Northern Greece Condia (modern spelling – Kontias): Village on the island of Lemnos Lake Doiran: Lake on the border of Northern Macedonia and Greece Imbros: Renamed Gökçeada in 1970. Island located in the Aegean Kukush (modern spelling – Kilkis): City in Central Macedonia, Greece Lembet: Site of a British camp on the outskirts of Thessaloniki Matchoukovo or Macuacovo: Village (possibly abandoned/renamed), Vardas valley, Greece Moudros or Mudros: Town on the island of Lemnos, North Aegean, Greece 3 1916 Oreovitza, Orcovica or Orcovia: Village (possibly abandoned/renamed), Vardas valley, Greece Portiania (modern spelling – Portianou): Village on the island of Lemnos Salonica (modern spelling – Thessaloniki): City in Northern Greece Samadria (modern spelling – Tsimandria): Village on the island of Lemnos Smol: Village (possibly abandoned/renamed), Vardas valley, Greece Sphacteria: Island at the entrance to the bay of Pylos in the Peloponnese, Greece Summerhill Camp: British transit camp and base depot located near Salonika Tenedos (Bozcaada in Turkish): Turkish island in the NE Aegean Thassos or Thasos: Greek island in the North Aegean Sea River Vardas, Vardan or Vardar (modern name – Axios): River of NW Macedonia and Greece Valona (modern spelling Vlore): Port on the SW Adriatic coast of Albania Egypt and Palestine Abu/Abou Hammad: 60 miles NE of Cairo Abu Athera: Village (depopulated) approximately 3 miles SE of Gaza Abu Fellah (modern name Khirbet Abu Falah): Village 16 miles N. of Ramallah Abu Qir, Abukir or Aboukir: Town 14 miles NE of Alexandria Ain Yebrud (modern spelling Ein Yabrud): Town 5 miles NE of Ramallah Air Sinia (modern spelling Ein Siniya): Village 6 miles N. of Ramallah Akir: Village (depopulated) 5 miles SE of Ramla. Site of the modern city of Kiryat Ekron Al-Majdal, Majdal, Majdil or Mejdel): Village (depopulated) 3 miles N. of Tiberias Amwas or Imwas: Village (depopulated) 7.5 miles SE of Ramla Aqraba: Town 12 miles SE of Nablus An-Nabi Samwil or al-Nabi Samuil: Village 3 miles N. of Jerusalem Artuf: Village (depopulated) 13 miles W. of Jerusalem Atara or Attara: Village 9 miles N. of Ramallah Atlit fortress, Chastel Pelerin or Castle Pilgrim: Crusader castle 8 miles S. of Haifa Ayalon: Valley 8 miles SE of Ramla Ayun Musa or Ayoun Moussa: Sinai, Egypt Bacos or Bakos: District of Alexandria Bayt Daras or Beit Duras: Village (depopulated) 20 miles NE northeast of Gaza Bayt Nuba: Village (depopulated) 4 miles E. of Latrun Beitin or Baytin: Town 3 miles NE of Ramallah Bela or Dar el Belah (modern spelling Deir al-Balah): City 5 miles SW of Gaza Bera or Bireh (modern spelling Al-Bireh, al-Birah, or el-Bira): Village 9 miles N. of Jerusalem Beit Ur al-Tahta: Village 7 miles W. of Ramallah Betania or Beitunia: City 2 miles W. of Ramallah Bir Zeit or Birzeit: Town 8 miles N. of Ramallah Caeserea: Town 27 miles S. of Haifa Cantara or Kantara (modern spelling El Qantara): City on the Suez Canal, 100 miles NE of Cairo Cara, Ein Kerem or Ain Karim: Village approximately 2 miles SW. of Jerusalem Chastel Pelerin, Atlit fortress or Castle Pilgrim: Crusader castle 8 miles S. of Haifa 4 1916 Dar el Belah or Bela (modern spelling Deir al-Balah): City 5 miles SW of Gaza Deir Ibzi or Der Ibzi: Village 5 miles W. of Ramallah Dir Duvah (modern spelling Deir Dibwan or Dayr Dibwan): Town 4 miles E. of Ramallah Ein Kerem, Cara or Ain Karim: Village approximately 2 miles SW. of Jerusalem El-Arish or Arish: North Sinai, Egypt El-Jib or Al Jib: Village 6 miles NW of Jerusalem El Mashhad, Mashad or Mashhad: Town, 3 miles NE of Nazareth En Arik or Ein Arik: Town 4 miles miles W. of Ramallah Al-Mujaydil or El Mujeidel: Village (depopulated) 4 miles SW of Nazareth Er Ram (modern spelling Al-Ram): Village on the outskirts of Jerusalem Er Reineh or Reineh: Village 1.5 miles NE of Nazareth Ezbekia or El-Azbakeya: District of Cairo Fuleh or El Fuleh: Village (depopulated) 6 miles S. of Nazareth Gerar: Nahal Gerar is a seasonal river 7 miles SE of Gaza Huj: Village (depopulated) 6 miles E. of Gaza Jaljulieh: Village 25 miles N. of Ramla Jedeira (modern spelling Al Judeira): Village 6 miles NW of Jerusalem Jeida or Jaida: 11 miles W. of Nazareth. Site of the town of Ramat Yishai Jenin: City 23 miles S. of Nazareth Jifna: Village 5 miles north of Ramallah Kafr Malik: Town 12 miles NE of Ramallah Kafra: Village (depopulated) 8 miles SE of Ramla Kakon: Village (possibly depopulated) 2 miles NW of Tel Koram (Tulkarm) Kalandia or Qalandiya: Village 7 miles N. of Jerusalem Kaukabah or Qaukaber: Village (depopulated) approximately 7 miles E. of Ashkelon Kefr Nahum or Tell Hum: Site of Capernaum, 11 miles N. of Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee Khan Yunis: City 15 miles SE of Gaza Kurûn Hattîn: Extinct volcano with twin peaks overlooking the plains of Hattin, 5 miles W. of Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee Kusrah (modern spelling – Qusrah or Qusra): Village 18 miles SE of Nablus Latron or Labroun (modern spelling Latrun): Settlement 10 miles SE of Ramla Lubban or Al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya: Village 15 miles south of Nablus Lubieh, Lubia or Lubya: Village (depopulated) 10 miles NE of Nazareth Ludd (modern spelling Lod): City 9 miles SE of Tel Aviv Mahemdia, Mahmoudieh or Mohmediyeh: Sinai Majdal, Mejdel or El Mejdel: Village (depopulated) 2 miles E. of Ashkelon Mabras, Metras or El Metras: District of Alexandria Mamourah, Mamoura or Al-Mamourah: Alexandria Mandara or El Mandara: District of Alexandria Mezraa Elsh Sheekia (modern spelling Al-Mazra'a ash-Sharqiya): Town 12 miles NNE of Ramallah Michmash (modern spelling Mukhmas): Village 7 miles NE of Jerusalem Montaza: District of Alexandria Mount Tabor: 11 miles W.
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