rtPlf",-° r".71'4 mouruo 1)ECT REb4, TA,Krt,..14 e; 44 -44er FRIDAY; urnee7rriLTTLIbnARY MOUNT PROSPECT JULY 7,2017 0039A**C071 MT PROSPECT PUBLIC LIBRARY 10 S EMERSON ST STE I MT PROSPECT, IL 60056-3295 0000060 JOU A. Lii.J1..11... 11.1******CARRTLOT Village On Defense Status Hearing Next Week In Lawsuit Filed By Widower By RICHARD MAYER 2016. Assistant Managing Editor In the amended lawsuit, Jakubowski says the village Mount Prospect Village At- and Ciorba had a responsi- torney Lance Malina said "thebility to ensure the safety of village intends to vigorouslypedestrians and bicyclists at defend" the lawsuit recentlythe crossing before and after filed against it by resident Ericthey installed the rectangular Jakubowski. rapid flashing beacon signs on Jakubowski filed an amend-both sides of Central. ed lawsuit at the end of May The suit states the design that includes the village andof the two original beacons its engineering companywas conflicting, and a third Ciorba Group, Inc. as defen-flashing beacon should have dants. It puts them both atbeen installed from the be- A Marker At Melas fault, in addition to the driverginning. of a vehicle, for the death of Malina said the suit does not Aaron Brey, 11, of Mount Prospect, next to a "ghost bike" fire hydrant which he helped paint Jakubowski's wife Joni Be-show culpability by the vil- with his father Kenneth and Lorelei McDermott near the entrance to Melas Park off Central audry. She was fatally strucklage or engineering company Road. The hydrant was painted in honor of Joni Beaudry who was killed in June 2016 when by that passing motorist whilefor Beaudry's death. she was trying to cross Central Road at Weller Lane on her bicycle and was fatally struck by a Malina believes the village motorist. According to McDermott, the painting of the hydrant not only memorializes Beaudry, trying to cross Central Road but reminds people that the crosswalk, in her opinion, is still not safe. with her bicycle at Wellerand Ciorba should not be (Photo by Lorelei McDermott) Lane near Melas Park in June (Continued on page 9A) INSIDE Blast Rattles Locals React P'Zazz, Over Elk Grove To State 55, Home Budget Plan Improvement... See Business Park Travel Section >> News, page 3A » News, page 5A » Special sections Play with your Fire Keeper'sClubscard and each day earn points to play the $1,000,000 Battle Fleet kiosk game. Sink ships to win FRC Reward Play and entries for the Monday night game show! 1,1)T: ,WA f cMil 1 419VETP /0111111.1_30rM 4I r. ASH 4 1.tr.o. WI ON Ahr, oc; PAYSI3iC,.;Zoij TLC- Page 2A I Friday, July 7, 2017 I The Journal www.journal-topics.com Lets Rock! DRY CLEANING FACTORY QUALITY DRY CLEANING REASONABLE PRICES Members of the band Gone Country (from I. to r.) Steve Calzaretta, lead vocalist; Rob Giesse, rhythm guitarist; and Barry Kleiber, bassist perform on stage during Saturday's annual "Rock 'n' Run the Runway" July 4th celebration at Chicago Executive Airport. The ALL WEDDING DRESSES annual celebration, which included food and fireworks, in sponsored by the village of Wheeling and city of Prospect Heights, co -owners of the airport. 9, cq D $ 9 9 IN RIEBOX Glenview Morton Grove Waukegan & Chestnut At Dempster East of Harlem 1815 Waukegan Road 7148 Dempster Street 847-486-8666 847-457-1792 M TH 7AM 7 PM FRI 7 AM 6 PM M TH 7AM -7 PM SAT 8 AM -5 PM SUN 10 AM -3 PM SAT 8 AM -5 PM SUN 10 AM -3 PM loanoeppl. Trust your home financing needs ABOVE: The lines were long for hun- gry event -goers looking for a bite from with a local professional the many food trucks participating in "Rock 'n' Run the Runway." RIGHT: Bryce Chernoff, 3, of Wheeling gets a feel for a Prospect Heights police Humvee on display during "Rock 'n' Run the Runway" at Chicago Execu- tive Airport. JOSHUA JONES NMLS#588201 Branch Manager / Senior Loan Officer Direct (708) 372-3980 807 W. Devon Avenue, Park Ridge, IL 60068 [email protected] www.loanDepot.com/jmjones IL LIC # 031 0035934 1.1.C. All rleith: rest l> j 744 ..4111. FiN11'.i.e>7607'..)? People were able to get a close-up look at a Cessna Citation jet aircraft that's used for V.W.P; lrxIndepot charter flights out of CEA. (Shawn Clisham/Journal photos) www.journal-topics.com The Journal I Friday, July 7,2017 I Page 3A Explosion Damages Elk Grove Food Plant By TOM ROBB ed the blast. Deputy Elk Grove block away at the north and Journal & Topics Reporter Village Police Chief Michael west ends of the facility where Gaspari said 911 dispatchersa large amount of refrigerant An explosion ruptured sec-received several reports of thewas used, police said. One tions of two exterior walls ofexplosion and a large "fireball"employee was transported to an Elk Grove Village food pro-coming from the plant. TheAlexian Brothers Medical Cen- cessing plant at approximatelyexplosion also caused damageter in Elk Grove Village with 7 a.m. Friday (July 7). to a village watermain. non life -threatening injuries, An ammonia leak at Grecian Several gaping holes wereGaspari told the Journal. The Delight, 1201 Tonne Rd., ignit-visible in the building from aemployee was injured from the explosion, not exposure to the ammonia. Elk Grove Fire Chief Richard Mikel said fumes from a large Portion of blown -out wall of Grecian Delight building in Elk Grove after volume of ammonia can be ammonia leak and explosion Friday morning, July 7. (Journal photos) fatal. Gaspari said the ammo- nia leak was not stopped untilofficers arrived, several dozendozens of fire engines, ladder 9:15 a.m. Mikel said it wouldemployees were waiting intrucks and ambulances staging take some time to ventilate thethe grassy median of Tonneseveral blocks long. Gaspari fumes. Road. said the Illinois Emergency Both Gaspari and a company Gaspari said parts of Tonne,Management Agency, ComEd, worker who did not want hisTouhy Avenue and ChaseNicor and the company which name used said about 100 em-Avenue in the Elk Grove Busi-maintains ammonia tanks for ployees are typically on dutyness Park were all closed afterGrecian Delight were also on in the plant at that time of thethe explosion. Extra officersscene. morning. were brought in from Rolling A Grecian Delight official Gaspari said employeesMeadows and Cook Countysaid the company makes gy- smelled the ammonia leak andSheriff's Police to assist withros meat, pita bread and other began evacuating the buildingcrowd control. Greek food at the Tonne Road First responders continue to arrive at scene Friday morning. before the explosion. When Tonne Road was filled withfacility. Good Deals Great Causes City Names 'Curb be online. Reuse Recycle Repurpose First place winners will be awarded Appeal' Finalists $500 in cash and the two second place winners will take home $250 in cash. After hours of working to improve The four finalists in the Most Im- Public Auction their homes by replacing windows andproved Category are: Thursday June 29'" & July 13'", 27Th 0 painting as well as planting flowers and 209 Amherst Ave., other types of landscaping, the finalists 591 Columbia Ave., Starting at 5pm c:11,1c t ton s of Des Plaines Mayor Matt Bogusz Curb 317 Columbia Ave., 340 Jon Court. Appeal Challenge have been named. Hundreds of housewares, sporting goods, figurines, collectibles, jewelry, There are four finalists in the Most The four finalists in the Best Curb art, coins, antiques, pottery, display fixtures, lamps, stereo equipment.... Improved and in the Best Curb AppealAppeal Categoryare: categories. Des Plaines residents have 143 Stratford Rd., A portion of the proceeds will benefit one or more local charities. Attend a Dynamic live Auction until mid -August to visit the city's 1110 Wexford Ct., (t ea er(13al:b website, desplaines.org/curbappeal, to 1265 E. Prairie Ave., Preview the auction items June 28'', 29' and July 12",13',26',27th 3:30 cast their votes for those properties they 615 Clayton Ln. Noon 5pm or by appointment. uy/Sell/Apprais think warrant first and second place Winners will be announced in the Live auction to benefit area charities. Coins 8 Currency prizes. Photographs of the houses willJournal & Topics next month. Free to attend and register for your bidder number Raise thousands of ollars for your charity, Sell school or house of Empty your basement, attic, garage... worship at no cost. Accepting retail close outs and clearance lots Calf or email me for details now. RIVE Get Paid Quickly! Drop off your consignments 6/22, 6/24, 6/26 and 7/6, 7/8, 7/20, 7/22 MCYAF RESTAURANT Noon - 6pm or by appointment Your Hosts Gus, Nick and Sandy 15% Buyer's Premium, cash or credit card. Many items offered with NO RESERVE. 41..(,)Y9t Atction Famously known for mouth watering steaks, 1': fit the'MCYAF freshest fish, and award winning BBQ ribs plus our stapled dishes of grecian chicken and pork chops! Lot 14 Auctions, P.C. Oak Mill Mall I Southwest corner of Oakton and Milwaukee Ave 1275 Lee St, 7900 North Milwaukee Avenue, Unit 2 I Niles,II. 60714 10% OFF Entire Bill Des Plaines, IL 60018 with this coupon 841-625-0555 I 847.625-0505 fax [email protected] I www.Lot14.org Must present coupon. 847-298-2656 Not valid with any other offers. Expires 09-31-17. Illinois Auctioneer License 440 002110 Illinois Auction Firm License 444 000487 Does sot apply to parties over 20 people.
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