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Jame* w)U ern ^atorerfe College, IVMlaston, be presented at 10:30 a.m. In-the Smt Jtbe nurse’s, viewpoint, and /Free Vaccine aninver questions. Bareaa.irf OirealstioB around 80. ^ y . ' •I>onor a atrawl^erry fMtivai to* Miss. Sally ASpinwall, daughter Mass., in the fall. « sMninars will be presented dining room and-are sqheduIedNu JUancheeter— A^Cky o f Village Charm follows: June 26, Dr. J. A. Segal,- The purpose of the discusaiona m orroy from 6 to 8 p.m. on ■ 'About 5,000 persons toirfc advan­ of Mr.' kad Mrs. Clarence Aspin­ The wholarshtp winner was an­ St jCcanchester Memorial Hospital tage of the opportunity to have wall, 3 Anderson St., has been nounced by Mrs'.' Helen I. Griffin, about the iM rt -patibq.t; July 10, Is to consider the role of a mihls- acbool grrounds.' In th« «vent fpr members of the Manchester ter in tbe emotional and spiritual a free dose of Sabin pral hollo awarded a- 860 scholarship by- Dil- scholarship and educational chair­ Di". David ti. Warren. Mi the gen­ VOL. L3CKXI, NO. 223 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGfeS— IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER. pOi^N., FRIDAY^ JUNE 22, 1962 rain, the festival will be In/Xhe vaccine last night in a'ldikeup worth-Cornell-Quey Post, Ameri­ man of the'auxiliary. lergy to acquaint them 'with the eral hospital patient; and July 24, life'Of a hoepltal patient. (doaim ^a'^dvertiabig on Pago 88) PRICE FIVE CENTS Khool auditorium. Mrs. Harry Bo­ clipic •' at the Municipal Building. ZL land, chairman, iuid a coipmittee - fy - A. spokesman- for the town art In charge of arrangements. health department skid that to many persons came toward the Killed by House Air Engineers Mountain Laurel C h a p t e r . end of the clinic, which was. held S ta te N ew s Sweet Adelines, Bic.,,will meet to­ from 1 to 7 p.m., that Dr. night at 8 at the It^sh American Nicholas A. Marzialo, town health On Two Lines H6me, 69 Grove St., Hartford. Re. director, told them not to bother Roundup freshments will be served. - . "filling out the information sheets. Rather than waste time with Consider Pact the sheets, and risk noV getting a Members-Of the'Town Fire De dose of vaccine, said Dr, Marzialo, partment ertU meet tonight at 7 recipierits of the vaccine are to NEW YORK (A T)— Union Preli to Direct at the Holmes Funeral Home. 400 fill out the sheets at home and leaders' of flight engineers of. Main ■ St., to pay respects to the either send them to the Town E^tgfn Air Lines and Pan Group Probing 'to te Mr*. Hannah Blevins, whose Health Department or drop them On Farm Bill American World Airways— aon. Herbert Blevins, la a member off with any Manchester'druggist. Wins Degree TO N IG H T OPEN Vote for Sberiff Of Hose Co. 4. The majority of those at the balking at the terms a James A. Mahoney of 17 High­ peace formula agreed on with clinic were young parents who land Dr., Wapping, was graduated WASHINGTON (AP) -.^♦House action a "victory for farm- Members of the Tons of Fun brought babies with them, said FRIDAY T O N IG H T ers, consumers and taxpayers,” Trims World airlines— meet HARTFORD (AP)-:i(^lvio from Holy Cross College in President Kennedy’s farm bill Preli of Windsor LocksS^as comiifirttee, Manchester WATES, the health department spokes­ Worcester. Mass., on June 13. Ma­ adding "the only losers were the here today to chart their ■ will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at man. is dead. political empire builders- In Wash­ nkmed chairman today of honey was awarded S bachelor of TILIi 9:00 P.A\e The surprise defeat of the far- course. the home of Mrs. Rocco Franco­ The 5,000 or so persons Who re arts degree in economics. SATURDAY ington.” Today's meeting of the uiiion five-member committee that' line, 16 Duval St, ceived the vaccine in lumps, of reaching bill In the House Thurs­ A graduate of Portland High day night by a 215-205 vote was The bill would have placed man­ executive councils and negpUators will hear the dispute over the French 707 sugar last night brings to 22,000 School. Mahoney was a member of all the more shocking to adminis­ datory acreage reductions^.And na­ for Eastern and Pan Am flight selection of the Republican or more the number who have the Outing Club while at Holy The Salvaticm Artny will con­ tration leaders because up to. the tional marketing quotas frir the engineers was called shortly after nominee for sheriff in New duct an open air service tonight at received free polio protection in Cross. M AIN STREET FREE first time on feed grains and Manchester in the past week. la.9t minute’ they thought they the AFL-CIO Flight Elngineers In­ T;30 at Main and Birch Sts., Haven County. From Paris Clinics held last week in seven MANCHESTER PARKING would win. wheat. These crops have contrib­ ternational Association settled on wea.ther permitting. ■ David Addy uted most to the massive surplus a formula with Trans World Republican State <3halrman A. schools were attended by about Ml 3-4123 rear of store The sudden death came at 8:47 Searle Plnney appointed the com­ will be In charge. ■ 17,000 persons. GOP Shows Gain p.m. in the tension-filled House; 4& stocks now held by the govern­ Thursday and' lifted a strike ment. ' ■ . mittee. composed of members of The health department had ob- Democrats, riot all Southern con- threat. the state cential committee.. Such controls were the only ^ n e d 8,000 doses of the Sabin In New Voters servaUves by any means, helped Tne probable course of the The five-nton group will meet to­ T ir e I vaccine for the cUnic last hope of reducing costs of federal Grangers Enjoy 167 Republicans do It in. Only one I meeting would be to study the morrow fat 10 a.m.) at (3!OP State By 'niR ASSOCIATED PRESS night. Republican—Rep. Phil Weaver of price support programs, backers Trims World agreemerit. draw up Headquarters. Last night, for the first time in of the measure claimed. A Boeing '707 Air Erane*. Mystery Journey Some of the 8,000 unused doses about three years, more persons Nebraska—voted with 204 Demo­ a new proposal and plan further The County sheriffs convention will be given to town fe t o r s to registered with the Republican crats algainst Scuttling the bill by The Senate already has passed negotiations with Eastern and last week to Waterbury nominat­ jet liner with 108 or more per- ! give free to their patients, and a bill very similar to the one ed Francis Palladino of Waterbury Members of Manchester Grange party than with the Democratic sending it back to committee. (’ an Am In an effort to get more sons aboard crashed today on some will be sw app^ or sold to party in a new voter session. DRIP-DRY COnON The White House immediately snuffed out In the House. .The -satisfactory terms than those be, for sheriff after two ballots ended a forested hillside of the took a mystery ride last night to other towns. The vaccine stays Senate measure could be brought Ing put before Trans World en­ in ties. Fred Murolo of Wolcott, good as long as It Is frozen. Sixty-eight persons became Re­ Issued a statement saying the de­ Caribbean island of Guada- Bunggee Lake, South Woodstock, publicans, ,W became Democrats PRINTS to the House floor If It Is ap­ gineers for a ratification vote. convention chairman, broke the tie Two other clinics will be held MEN'S feat "will cost the taxpayers of loupe. and 36 became independent vot­ "BEN CASEY" the United States at least an ad­ proved by the House Agriculture The dispute betvveen the eogi- at the end of the secojid ballot by and the aunruner home of Mr. and In Manchester — In October and Circling search planes reported ers. reg. 59c, 69c, 79c yd. ditional ft billion next year and Committee. But this did not ap­ ncers and the three airlines has voting for Palladino. Mrs. Edward LaChance. November — to protect townspeo­ no sign of life in the wreckage. return the country to the ruinous pear likely because the committee been the same. A strike pritice Is Paliadirio's opponent for the Members played cards and Join­ ple against the two less common The^new totals of voters in each SU/WMER nomination, John Bruce of North The debris was reported to be strains of.
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