Annexe D ( A ACT GOVERNMENT • U T H O R I T Y AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY PLANNING INTERIM PLANNING ACT 1990 DRAFT VARIATION TO THE TERRITORY PLAN GUNGAHLIN Suburbs H, M, N, 0, R, W DRA FT VA R IATION FOR PUBLIC COMME NT AUGUST 1991 v ( I CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION SECTION 1: DRAFT VARIATION TO THE TERRITORY PLAN 2 SECTION 2: BACKGROUND PAPERS EXPLANATORY STATEMENT 5 RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CONSERVATOR OF WILDLIFE 12 PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT The existing environment 14 Infrastructure and required facilities 16 Potential Impacts and safe-guards 17 OUTLINE IMPLEMENTATION PLANS 20 ( INTRODUCTION The ACT Planning Authority has prepared a draft plan for an area of land In Gungahlin currently known as suburbs H,M,N,0,R and W. Section 7 (3)(c) of the Interim Planning Act 1990 provides that the Territory Plan may Identify a parcel of land as 'defined land'. The Authority proposes to vary the Territory Plan by Identifying these suburbs on the Plan, as 'defined land', and by specifying the principles and policies for their development. This document shows the variations proposed to the Territory Plan for suburbs H,M,N,0,R and W. (refer Flg.1) outlines the broad elements of development proposals for the suburbs (refer Figs. 6-11) Identifies, In more detall, any relevant environmental Impacts and mitigating measures not covered In depth In the Environmental Impact Statement for Gungahlin. (refer Section 2.3.3) seeks public comment on the draft Variation and the preliminary assessment. Written submissions on the proposals are Invited. They should be forwarded to ACT Planning Authority GPO Box 1908 Canberra ACT 2601 Attention: Community Relations Section The closing date for submissions Is 4 October 1991. ... ,( Gold Creek TO\rl8t Area IConeultet.100 prev1ouelu - r••r Gungahlin Pol 10ij Plan 1989) Oat.ai led lendu..bound..-1•••Il l be daterft1ned et •111pleinent.at1on plan•et.age. The •rr•ng•Mnt or lend une 1n the oentr••eho1n on the plan 1e 1nd1cet.1ve, end w i ll be deteremed m deta il at the •1npleMnt.at1on plan• et.age . RESIDENTIAL HILLS, RIDGES,AND BUFFER AREAS COMMERCI AL ENTERTAI NMENT, ACCOMMODATION ANO LEISURE URBAN OPEN SPACE COMMUNITY FACILITIES RESTRICTED ACCESS RECREATION COMMUNITY FACILITIES ANO/OR RESIDENTIAL • \/ATER FEATURE "DEFINED LANO" llklder th•Inter in Plarvung Aot. ••• ••• I 18901 ARTERIAL ROADS MUNICIPAL SERVICES INDICATIVE DISTRIBUTOR ROAD ALIGNMENT C 1321<V Power Line> F t g. COMMERCIA L ANO/OR RESIDENTIAL DRAFT VARI ATION TO THE TERRITORY PLAN FOR GUNGAHLI N SUBURBS H,M,N,O,R,W • (This plan sets out the p l ann t ng pr t nctples and 0 600 100011 pol L CLSS for the area of ndeft ned land" Lnd tcated) CO A 3 ( SECTION 2: BACKGROUND PAPERS 2. 1 EXPLANATORY STATEMENT Introduction On 24 December 1990 the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory enacted the Interim Planning Act 1990 ("the Act") . The Act establishes the ACT Planning Authority, and provides for the Authority to prepare, administer and vary the Territory Plan. On 17 April 1991, NCDC policies still In effect became part of the Territory Plan. The ACT Planning Authority proposes to submit to the ACT Executive for Its approval, a Draft Variation to that part of the Territory Plan covering Gungahlin Suburbs H,M,N,R, and W. The Draft Variation proposes to vary the Plan In accordance with Part 3 of the Act, to Identify the land as 'defined land', and to specify the principles and policies for Its development. Interim Effect of the Draft Variation to the Territory Plan In accordance with Section 9 of the Act, this Draft Variation to the Territory Plan Is to have Interim effect for the defined period. "Defined period" means the period commencing on the date the Draft Plan Variation Is notified In the Gazette under Section 13 and terminating at the expiration of the day before- the date the Draft Variation comes Into effect; the date the Draft Variation Is rejected by the Legislative Assembly; or the date the Draft Variation Is withdrawn under paragraph 16(1)(c), 20(a) or 22(4)(b) ; as the case requires. This means that, during the defined period, the Territory, the Executive, a Minister, or a Territory Authority shall not do any act, or approve the doing of any act that would be Inconsistent with the Territory Plan If It were varied In accordance with the Draft Variation, or would be Inconsistent with the Plan. Actions subsequent to Public Consultation The Act provides for a number of actions after the period for public consultation. These are: Perusal of Submissions Section 15 requires the Authority to make copies of any comments received available for perusal, for a period of at least 21 days. The Authority Intends to publish an appropriate notice In The Canberra Times as soon as practical after the close of the period for lodgment of written submissions. Consideration of Responses Section 16 provides that the Authority may, after the expiration of the period for lodgment of written comments, revise the Draft Variation to the Plan or by notice In the Gazette, defer or withdraw the Draft Variation to the Plan. In revising, deferring or withdrawing a Draft Variation to the Plan, the Authority shall consider written comments received from any person or the National Capital Planning Authority. 5 ( •. ·. ·. CJ "DRAFT VARIATION" SUBJECT AREA (refer Fig. 1) D RESIDENTIAL NATIONAL CAPITAL OPEN SPACE :::::::: COMMERCIAL FACILITIES D OPEN SPACE o ADMINISTRATIVE & UTILITY SERVICES mm RECREATION FACILITIES D COMMUNITY FACILITIES €/7 WATER FEATURE § INDUSTRIAL AREAS = ROADS Fig. 2 EXISTING GUNGAHLIN LAND USE POLICY 7 'U' Bold CrNk <Con•ultet1on prev1ou•ly - refer Gungahl in Pol 11\l Plan 19891 Deta lled landuae bound8r1ea w1 ll be deur111ned at •111pl- nteuon plan• ataga. The •rrang111111nt ot lend uaea in the centre• ehom on the plan 1a 1nd1oet1ve. and w ll l be det-Lnad Ln dauu l at th• •1•pl8118ntat1on plan• ataga. RESIDEN I TIAL HILLS,RIDGES, AND BUFFER AREAS l -l COMMERCIAL ENTERTAINMENT, ACCOMMODATION ANO LEISURE URBAN OPEN SPACE COMMUNITY FACILITIES RESTRICTED ACCESS RECREATION \/ATER FEATURE "DEFINED LANO" COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND/OR ••••••• <Under the Intar111 •RESIDENTIAL Plann ing Aot 19901 ARTERIAL ROADS MUNICIPAL SERVICES INDICATIVE DISTRIBUTOR ROAD ALIGl)IMENT < -A--" 1321<V Power L1nel t- L g• COMMERCIAL AND/OR RESIDENTIAL EXISTING POLICY 3 ( Read t ng F L g.3 and F L g.4 -@ together g L ves a compar L s L on between the lxtt"t t1'g QC lL cy 0 600 1 IS 1 0 0 0 1 and the draf t OJW"t 1tVt1 fff) AT ION 9 . ( y p Bold CrHk Tour1at Area <Con1ult.at1on prev1ou1tu - refer Oung1hl1n Pol1C\j Plan 1999) I. Data1 l8d tanduaa boundllr1•• •Ill be d8t.ar111ned at. •1npl-nt.at.1on p tan• at.age. 2. Th• 1rran11Ment. of' land uae• in t.he centre• mom on the pl11n 1• 1nd1oat.1va, Ind wi l l be dat11N11n8d 1n dat.811 at. the •1•pl1111entat1on plan• at.age. HILLS, RIDGES, AND RESIDENTIAL BUFFER AREAS COMMERCIAL URBAN OPEN SPACE • ENTERTAINMENT, ACCOMMODATI ON AND LEISURE RESTRICTED ACCESS RECREATION COMMUNITY FACILITIES \/ATER FEATURE COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND/OR RESIDENTIAL nDEFINED LANDn ••••••• (Under t.ha Jnt.IK'lll Plann in11 Aot. 19901 ARTERI AL ROADS MUNICIPAL SERVICES INDICATIVE DISTRIBUTOR ROAD < --A--A 132KV Power Ltnel ALIGNMENT COMMERCIAL ANO/OR RESIOENTIAL • FLg. 4 @ DRAFT VAR I AT ION 0 600 10 00 11 9 ( The road between suburbs 0 and S has been reduced in status because of a reduction In estimated traffic flows. The road between suburbs M and W has been moved northwards to allow the district playing fields and four schools to be co- located on the same side of the road. This reduces the potential for a major pedestrian safety hazard. The alignment of the road between Suburbs M and R has been straightened to allow co• location of a 132 kV power line and an adjoining floodway. A community facility site in Suburb 0 has been identified as 'community facility and/or residential', as a result of further consultation with independent school organisations. Need for the Development Future land needs of the growing population will be met predominantly by the development of new areas for settlement. The estimated demand for new residential dwellings Is about 2900 per year. Of this number, about 1500-2000 dwellings have to be provided from new settlement areas, depending on the success of urban consolidation measures. There Is potential for about 9000 residential dwellings In the area covered by the Draft Variation, which could cater for the ACT's needs for a period of about four years. The first houses In Gungahlin are expected to be completed In mid to late 1992. Before that time, house blocks In Tuggeranong will continue to meet the demand. In the longer term It may be possible to cater for a substantially greater proportion of the growth of Canberra through Intensification of development in already established areas. However, It Is unlikely that this will completely replace the need for new land development. Other potential development areas cannot be serviced In time to meet expected demand. For example, a Preliminary Assessment Report for the West Belconnen development was released for public comment In November 1990, and further consultation Is required. The Jerrabomberra area (between Fyshwick and Queanbeyan) Is constrained by the Harman/Bonshaw Naval Installations. While the facilities at Bonshaw are Intended to be relocated as soon as feasible, the affected land Is unlikely to become available for a number of years. Gungahlin Is the only sufficiently large area which can be developed In time to meet the need.
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